Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Servant Yamis ❯ Chapter 17
EVERYBODY PAY HOMAGE TO Anigirl15!!! Hail anigirl15 in all her glory!!! Anigirl has done something really nice for me. She made a quiz for nanny Bakura ! It's one of those "Which characters are you most like" things.. It's really cute, check it out, guys!!! Below is the link.
http://quizilla.com/users/AniGirl15/quizzes/Which%20Nanny%20Bakura %20Character%20are%20You%20Like%3F
Anigirl15: I have power??!!! I wonder if that is a bad thing or a good thing. I hope you like the ice cream jokes. He He He. I always plan more!
Dark Raven: There's something odd about Richard simmons. Maybe he's…..related to Anzu!!!!!!!!! I like the margarita song too.
Cheesepuff: More bats!!! Anubis is mine. I wanna beat him up so bad for hurting my Bakura!
Sakura-Chan: *author blush * You love me! You really love me! I'll have to think of a Seto and Joey fic up for you. Hmmm…
Digi: Sorry if I missed you in the last review response. You're not unloved, Digi. Love the fuzzy pink bunny slippers? I love that part. It's so not him. Mesa get more chappies! I know I haven't done this, but Oh well… *hugs seto kaiba in reallllllllllyyyy tight hug * Seto: x_x
Nano Mecka: She cast a spell on Bakura to control him. In the chappie "Meanwhile in the shadow realm" she was looking for a spell to control the spirits since they have the power to stop her and Anubis from gathering the items and taking over the world (fluffy bunnies!! Noooo!!) Now she can control him and manipulate him into being her love monkey..I mean servant..I mean slave..I mean….being her brainwashed servant yami. Yeah!
Invader Mya: Ryou and Yugi…poor them. Keep chasing Anzu..she needs it.
Queen of Demon Dragons: Never wash that bat again. I gladly accept my new metallic black and blue metal bat, the mighty metal bat of the authors. I vow to use this against mine enemy Anzu and to make Bakura my own! *author switches Buster Sword and Marasume (final fantasy 7) with brand spankin' new metal bat * Loet's go get Anzu with our weapons, Queen! Here's a new bat since your other bat has been blessed by kaiba. *hands her a new metallic red and gold bat * That's the bat of supreme reviewers!
Tenshi Bakeru: I think Malik is the evil one, but I'm going for Malik is the Yami ('Mal' means bad in French, so I'm going with that) Marik is the non-yami. I hope you feel better. I don't like it when I'm sick. I get really sick. Hopefully my story will make you feel better.
Firedraygon97: It's scary when I put those two and Bakura in the same room with ice cream.
Beholder of Shadows: That's cool to find out you guys know each other. You know me..something always happens to Bakura.
Pokegirl: I'm glad you liked the poem. Wait until I do everybody else!
Bakura, give our reviewers a hug and give Digi a big hug because I must have forgot to respond to the earlier review.
* Bakura hugs fans *
Info: Malik is the yami and Marik is the Non-yami. Since I'm not 100% certain who the real yami is in the show, I'm running with this.
\\…\\- Anubis inside Bakura's head Malik and the Millenium Rod
Anzu smiled at the control she now had over the tomb robber. Now they needed to contend with the Ishtars. Malik would also make a powerful ally. He was just like Bakura used to be in so many ways that with both of them under her spell, she would have two strong soldiers at her disposal. That would be plenty to capture and restrain that pharaoh.
"That Millenium Necklace can warn them of Bakura's approach. We must reduce or eliminate the power of his sister's Millenium Item," Anubis warned.
Anzu opened the book and searched for the perfect spell to reduce the power of the necklace. If Isis interfered, she could change their plans drastically. The Rod would be impossible to get to and Bakura could also be returned to normal. Anzu pointed to the page and began to chant:
Honored Necklace
Lined In gold
Secrets of the Future Hold
I bind that gift
Make it swift
Shield the Future From Thine Eye
Replace It Now With Dark Divine
Silence its Prediction
With This Benediction
Unknown is your Fate
This is your Doom
Over your head the Dark Does Loom
Anzu grinned and slammed the book shut. "Now she can't warn her brother. He will be ours. Go, Bakura. Don't come back without the Rod."
Bakura stood outside the Ishtar residence trying to fight the mind control Anubis had over him. Old emotions that had been suppressed were now returning. He found his fists clenched in anger and his upper lip curled in disgust. Malik and Marik were his targets. They were not his true friends. All that mattered was retrieving the Items within the home. That was his job. His duty. Bakura lifted his Millenium Ring that was returned to him. The pointers detected the items inside.
\\ I will be watching your every move, Bakura. Do not disappoint me. \\ Anubis echoed in Bakura's mind.
Bakura walked up to the door and knocked. He heard screaming coming from the kitchen. Bakura turned the knob and it opened by itself. He looked around and lifted the Ring. The pointers detected an item in the kitchen where disturbing noises emanated. From the kitchen he heard a scrape of a wooden table against the kitchen tiles.
"Malik!…..Deeper!……Move it around!..That's it!"
"Ah! It's stuck!" Malik grunted.
Bakura stopped and rolled his eyes. Not again.
"Pull back…Right there!" Marik ordered. "Do it again!"
Bakura was afraid to, but he entered the kitchen. Malik was dishing out ice cream into two bowls for himself and his hikari. Malik struggled with the ice cream scooper which got stuck in the frozen ice cream. Marik held a bottle of whipped cream and poured it over the ice cream. Malik and Marik looked up when they saw Bakura enter with smiles on their faces. Marik was licking off some whipped cream from his dessert. Malik added one last heap of ice cream to his bowl.
"Want some ice cream, Bakura?" Marik offered him his bowl.
Bakura's eye floated to the Millenium Rod on the countertop. "What were you two doing in here?"
"Isn't it obvious? Having ice cream," Malik said putting the ice cream away. "What do you think we were doing?" Marik laughed and whispered in his yami's ear.
."Something unmentionable, no doubt," Bakura said flatly.
Malik blushed as he listened to Marik. "I see. You thought we were-. Bakura! We eat in here!"
Marik took the chocolate syrup and placed a dab on Bakura's nose. Bakura was always surprised by Marik's playfulness-just like Ryou.
\\ Get the mortal upstairs. We will handle the spirit of the Millenium Rod. \\
Bakura grabbed Marik's Millenium Rod (….eww. No matter how I word this sentence, it is going to come out funny, people.) and his arm and pulled him away from his yami. "I have to see you upstairs for a moment."
"Why? My ice cream will melt!"
"It will only be for a second."
Marik turned to his yami who sat at the table and spooned his dessert. "Don't eat my ice cream, Malik, like you did the last time!"
"Quit whining."
Marik grumbled leaving the room. "Sometimes, Bakura, he's just like you. Now I know why you get along."
\\ Don't worry, my little mortal. Soon you won't have to worry about him anymore. \\
Bakura pulled Marik into the bedroom and he wiped the chocolate off his nose with the back of his hand, his eyes glaring and his lip trembling.
Marik suddenly tensed when Bakura shut the door. Bakura was quiet. "Where is your sister, Isis, the owner of the Millenium Necklace?"
Marik was shocked by the sudden question. Bakura always called her only Isis. Why the change? Marik could sense Bakura's muscles tensing. Bakura's demeanor had changed completely around. "Are you O.K., Bakura?" Marik put his hand on Bakura's forehead. Bakura grabbed his wrist as Marik jumped in shock. "What are you doing, Bakura? Let go, that hurts!"
Bakura spun Marik around and pulled his arm behind him. "Where is your sister?"
"What do you want with Isis?"
\\ Good work. With him restrained, the yami will be mine. Anzu should be with him now. \\
Bakura pulled off the Rod's top to reveal the dagger below. "You will tell me where she is. Do you get my point?" Bakura waved the dagger in front of him.
It was a thrill of Bakura's to feel his friend's heart pulsing so close to him. He could sense Marik's fear radiating from him. Marik's breathing increased and sweat pooled on his face. He hadn't felt this thrill since he taught his last "lesson" to Ryou. "Isis left…She didn't tell me where she was going!"
"Marik!" Malik's cry could be heard from downstairs.
Bakura threw Marik against the wall. "Tell me! Where is she!"
"I..I don't know! What do you want with her?"
"She has the necklace…It has strong, valuable powers. Where is it?"
A crash was heard below and Malik's heavy footsteps were heard coming up the stairs unsteadily. Bakura turned Marik around as Malik burst in the room. "Bakura! Leave him alone!" Malik said struggling to catch his breath.
Marik whimpered as Bakura pulled the arm back further. "He wants Isis!"
\\ Malik hurt Anzu, Bakura…\\
"You hurt Anzu?"
"She wanted to harm Marik. Besides, she deserved it after that crab incident."
Bakura pulled back even more as Marik began to crumble to the ground. Malik advanced on him and he pulled back the Millenium Rod. "One more step, Malik, and I will not hesitate to do this."
"We are your friends, Bakura!"
"Malik, he's breaking my arm!" Marik said trying to untwist his arm.
The door shut behind Malik suddenly and he turned around. A looming figure towered over him. Malik backed away slowly. "You are the spirit of the Millenium Rod?" He pointed a finger to Malik and he froze.
"Yes. What is the meaning of this?"
"Where is the other Item, Bakura?"
Bakura pulled Marik closer to him. "This one won't tell me where she is."
Anubis raised his arm slowly and opened his hand. Marik watched Anubis and struggled with his captor. When Anubis clenched his fist, Malik hunched forward onto the ground shaking.
"Malik! Malik! Let go, Bakura! You traitor! Malik!"
"Tell me where the necklace is, boy!"
Malik held his side and groaned. "I …..will…never…..tell ..you. He ….loves..his ……..sister."
Bakura spun Marik around again and punched him making him fall before Malik. Anubis opened his hand and Malik gasped for air. Malik took Marik in his arms.
"We must come back for her. Until then, we must take care of Anzu. His yami hit her."
Bakura looked down at the yami cradling his hikari on the floor. Anubis grabbed the Rod from Bakura's hand and grinned cruelly. "Another precious Item…and it's all mine."
Readers: Yeah! Malik hit Anzu!
Bakurasgirl: yeah, but he was captured by Anubis.
Readers:…..Yeah, but he hit Anzu!
Bakurasgirl: True.
Next Chappie: Bittersweet Reunion