Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Shadow Magic Gone Wrong ❯ The Village ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Yami Yugi= Yami/Pharaoh

Yugi Moto= aibou

Ryou Bakura ( Hikari)= Ryou/Tenshi

Yami Bakura= Bakura

Malik(Marik) Ishtar= Malik/ Koi

Seto Kaiba= Kaiba/Dragon

Mokuba Kaiba= Mokuba

Jounichi=Jou /Pup

//Yami to Hikari//

/Hikari to Yami/

**characters thoughts**

(Authors Notes)

"Hi this is Yugi and well last chapter Kaiba challenged Yami to use the potty next time.. //No Abu No potty// /I didn't say you had to only when your ready ok?/ /Otay/ Anyway as I was saying Yami was challenged will he accept the challenge I don't know, right now the three little Yami's are about to have some fun… Udi you porgot to tay da discammer, oh you want to say it Marik. Yep Udi. Otay Darp Santuray doent own Udioh.

**He is too cute it's kind of hard to be mad at him for beating me every single duel** Kaiba thought as he watched Yami play with Marik and Bakura.

"Hehehe I'm dunna teal all your trebures ," Bakura said as he played with a figurine that looked like a tombrober.

"Not to past Tombobber, I da Paro will protet my peeples," Yami said as he played with the lil figurine which resembled a Pharaoh.

"Hehe you two tupid pools I alreaby tole da trebures from da peeples," Marik said as his tombkeeper figurine had all the treasures next to him.

"Hey No Pair Mayit, you took da Paro's swords", Yami says as he snatched the lil swords away from Marik. "Im telin Udi Paro." "Udi Da Paro not taring his swores, tell him to tare pwease," Marik yelled as a devious smile formed across his little face. /Yami you need to share let Marik have a sword/ //But Abu der da Paro's dey not por da tombbeeber// /How many do you have?/ //Um tree /Okay den you each can have one/ //But Abu der mine towards// /Do you want to still play?/ //Yes// /Ok then share/ //Otay//

"Here tupid tommbeeber," Yami yelled as he threw the sword at Marik. "Tank you Paro,"Marik said as he continued to play.

Meanwhile Kaiba had some how ended up sitting on the couch with Yugi's leaned up against him. **Okay Yugi is adorable no wonder Yami is so protective over him** Kaiba thought as he watched the TV.

"Kaiba thank you for helping me,"Yugi said as he kicked off his shoes. "Well Yugi it's nothing." Kaiba said a slight smile forming across his lips.

"Help Help Tave me," Bakura screamed as he tied a girl to the village's tree.

"I'll tave you,"Marik said as he untied the girl and placed her onto a camel( lol this is an egyptian village I don't know did they have horses back in Yami's time?)

The three little Yami's continued to play knocking over the little houses as they pretended that the village was struck by an earthquake. Yami then got the idea that the Nile river should flood the village( he is a little Yami ya know ) and decided to pour his grapejuice in the village.

"Nooo Yami," Yugi cried as he saw what Yami had done.

"I tory Udi," Yami said curling his lips as he was about to cry.

"It's okay Yami I think its time for you three to take sleep for a while," Yugi said as he picked up Yami and took him into the bedroom. He then motioned for Kaiba to bring Marik and Bakura.

Once they were all sitting on Yugi's bed, Yugi whispered for Kaiba to draw them a bath.

"Yugi I hope you know what you're doing," Kaiba said as he walked out the door to do as Yugi had asked. "Kaiba they need sleep, we don't know how long they are going to be like this hopefully not much longer. "Well you're the King Of Games," Kaiba smirked as he shut the door. "Udi were Tiba," um he went to do something for me Bakura Yugi said as he carefully removed there socks and shoes.

Within minutes Yami, Bakura and Marik were ready for their bath.

"Yugi okay you can bring them over now," Kaiba said. "Okay come on guys let go guys??"

**Ugh I turn my head for one second and the little Yami's disappear**

"Hehe Udi tant find us," Marik laughed as he ran across the living room with Bakura right behind him.

**Oh great there's three little naked Yami's running around the house** Kaiba thought as he managed to scoop up Yami the smaller of the three.

"Yami is Marik and Bakura," Kaiba asked as he held Yami tightly in his arms.

"Um I dunno Tiba," Yami said obviously lying.

"Okay Yami I'll just have Yugi ask you" Kaiba said as he knew that Yami couldn't lie to Yugi.

"Otay Tiba der behind da towch," Yami said as Kaiba motioned for Yugi to get the other Yami's

"Okay finally there ready for a you know what Kaiba," Yugi said as he put all three in the bathtub.

"Yes but is the you know what ready for them," Kaiba said with a laugh as the little Yami's began splashing the water.

"Hi this is Ryou and well Dark Sanctuary hopes you like this, sorry for any errors, and please review"