Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Shadow Magic Gone Wrong ❯ Yami Accepts The Challenge ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Yami Yugi= Yami/Pharaoh

Yugi Moto= aibou

Ryou Bakura ( Hikari)= Ryou/Tenshi

Yami Bakura= Bakura

Malik(Marik) Ishtar= Malik/ Koi

Seto Kaiba= Kaiba/Dragon

Mokuba Kaiba= Mokuba

Jounichi=Jou /Pup

//Yami to Hikari//

/Hikari to Yami/

**characters thoughts**

(Authors Notes)

"Hi this is Kaiba and I can't believe that were taking them to the candy store.** sugar high little Yami's Oh Ra** (faints) "Kaiba?," Oh well this is Yugi so enjoy the fic.

"Yugi your're not serious are you," Kaiba asked in desperation? " Yes Kaiba we're taking them to the Candy store when they get up from their nap," Yugi said giggling causing Kaiba to wince. "Well let's enjoy the quiet time we have while they're still asleep Yugi said as he laid his head in Kaiba's lap. " Ya know Yugi your hair is really soft almost as soft as my pups," Kaiba said as he couldn't help but run his fingers through it. " Thanks Kaiba you know when is Jou coming back anyway," Yugi asked Kaiba who was deep in thought? " Um in two more days I hope," Kaiba said as he closed his eyes. "Yeah hopefully everything will be back to normal, though they really are adorable don't you think?" "Yes Yugi very," Kaiba replied as Yugi and him fell asleep on the living room couch…

(Two hours later)

"Udi wape up pwease," Bakura said as he began poking Yugi. "Huh.. Not now Yami I'm still sore," Yugi moaned unaware that it was Bakura that was poking him. ." Ahhh," Yugi screamed as he saw the little tombrobber standing in front of him with a huge grin on his face.

" How did you get out of the crib Bakura," Yugi asked as he motioned for Kaiba to get up. " Tiba you wook funny when you sweep," Bakura said as he let out a laugh. "Hmm," Kaiba said as he went to see if the other two were awake as well.

Within minutes Kaiba had brought over Yami and Marik and sat them down next to Bakura who was playing with some blocks. "Okay Kaiba and me are going to take you to the Candy store okay, so you have to be good okay?" Yugi told the little Yami's who at the mention of the word candy started to jump up and down.

"Tandy Tandy Tandy," they yelled in unison. "We donna dough to da Tandy Tore, Tandy Tore," Marik, Bakura and Yami said as they danced around in their little PJ's. //Abu I donna det wots of tandy// /Yes you can have candy/ //Yay!!!!// **To cute** Yugi thought.

"Udi I need to usb da potty," Marik said as he danced around holding himself. " Oh okay Marik," Kaiba will take you and help you get dressed too. "Come on Marik lets go use the potty, " Kaiba said as he carried a pair of black pants and white T-shirt with a picture of Newdoria on the front.

Meanwhile Yugi had managed to dress Bakura in a pair of Red pants with a Change of heart T-shirt and Yami in a pair of blue overalls with a Kuribo shirt. "Um Udi I hapta potty," Bakura said as Marik and Kaiba walked out of the restroom. " Udi tan you undip da dipper por me pwease,"Bakura said as Yugi ran him to the restroom. "Tank Ya Udi, tan you pwease weave I need pibabcy," Bakura said as began using the potty…

"Otay Udi all done," Bakura said as he waited for Yugi to help him wash his hands. "Okay all done Bakura," Yugi said as he lead Bakura into the living room noticing that Yami was holding himself.

"Yami do you need to use the potty," Yugi asked his dark. //Tan I do potty in my dyper?// /Yami what about what Kaiba said?/ //But I till tared of da potty Udi// "Yami come on there's nothing to be scared of," Yugi said as he dragged a kicking screaming yami . " Noooo Abu I don't wanna usda potty want dyper intead," Yami cried as Yugi unbuttoned his overalls pulling them down. At the sound of Yami's cries Kaiba rushed in. "Yami I challenge you to use the potty," Kaiba said a huge grin forming across his face. At the mention of the challenge Yami's eyes began to well up with tears. "Now Kaiba why are you challenging him obviously he's still scared," Yugi said as his Yami stood on the step crying. "Because Yugi, he's Yami and he has never backed down from a challenge," Kaiba said. "Trust me Yugi I know what I'm doing." "Okay Kaiba," Yugi said shaking his head.

"Now Yami do you accept my challenge," Kaiba asked the little Pharaoh who had tears in his eyes. "If I usda potty pomise dat I wont goto da tadow Realm Tiba?" "Yami you won't go to the shadow realm," Kaiba said. "Realby der no monters in da potty edere," Yami asked as Kaiba wiped his little eyes. "Yes Yami there's no monsters in the potty," Kaiba replied trying not to laugh. "You're not dus tayin dat Tiba,?" "No Yami I'm not just saying that?" //Abu der no monters inda potty?// /No Yami there are no monsters in the potty/ (after much convincing) //Abu I donna usda potty now // / Yeah!! Yami// "Otay Tiba I atept your chawenge and I donna usda potty," Yami said. "Good Yami now do you want me to stay with you or wait outside," Kaiba asked . ( Yugi had left so that Kaiba could handle the situation) "Tiba tan you tay wit me pwease." "Okay Yami I'll be right here." "Tank you Tiba," " Tiba I all done," okay Yami lets wash your hands. " Yami I'm very proud of you,"Kaiba told the little Yami as Yami ran out the door all happy and proud.

"Abu I did da potty all by mytelf," Yami squealed in delight as he jumped up and down. " YAY!!!!!! " Yugi yelled as he picked up Yami and tossed him in the air. Once Yugi put Yami down he ran to Bakura and Marik to tell them that he used the potty.

"Des what tombbeeber , " I usda potty I usda potty," Yami said as he began to dance around shaking his little rear. "Tow I tan usda potty too Paro," Bakura said as he continued to play with his blocks. "Well I usda potty better den you tombobber," Yami yelled. "No I usda potty better den you Paro," This went on for 20 minutes until Yugi said the magic words Candy Store.

"Yay we donna doe to da tandy tore now," Yami screamed as Yugi picked him up and walked out the door followed by Kaiba who had Marik and Bakura in his arms. "Once they were out the door, Kaiba buckled them in carseats. " Kaiba you think of everything don't you?" Yugi chuckled as he buckled up. " Well Yugi someone has to be prepared Kaiba said as he drove to their destination. ( Okay Kaiba's car had been dropped off earlier).

"Hi dis is Baktura and I tant wait till we det to da tandy tore." "I'm gonna det wots of tandy and I'm gonna get tome for Teni too." "Anyway pwease Reboo."