Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Shadow Realm: Fifteen ❯ Painful Choice ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The calendar on the wall of Apartment 214 of the Low-Level Zombie Housing Complex 3 showed a Battle Warrior wrestling a Battle Ax; the month was unimportant. It had made its way from Apartment 465 in the Level Four Spellcaster Living Complex, and showed some twelve crossed-out days. In total, eight of those days were crossed off within this apartment.

On the couch in the otherwise-empty main room of the apartment, Fifteen stared at the wall. He had begun to name the cracks in it, an amusement for those days wherein other entertainments couldn't be found. Between his feet sat a book, Travels of the Blade Knights, author unknown; it was entertaining but the plot was thin.

Here, he'd at last found a bit of peace. Tessia and Naomi, having the blessing of not being wanted for questioning, still went to their jobs each day, leaving him to guard the apartment. Tessia had stoped by Apartment 465 and retrieved some of the more interesting books, all of which he'd read by this point.

In truth, he was beginning to miss running for his life.

As always when he let his mind wander, his thoughts turned to Tessia. How a Level One could be so cheery had long eluded him. She had taken him in and harbored him without once asking if he was really guilty of the Shadow Killer murders. Whereas Naomi was something of a shy girl, Tessia burst with life. He wondered if...

But no. Best to keep from asking himself that one until after they finally closed the case, if ever.

A knock arrived at the door, and before Fifteen could reach into his pockets for his Sword of Deep-Seated cube, a familiar hissing voice said, "Mail call!"

The fiend relaxed. It was the Lizard Soldier who did all the mail deliveries. For one of Ha Des's servants, he was relatively nice, if a little abrasive. But now Fifteen pondered who would send him anything in the first place...

A single envelope slid under the door. Taking it, Fifteen pulled out a letter. It was unsigned, and contained three sentances.

"It takes seven days to reach the Dragon Lairs by foot. It takes three days to fly back on a dragon. Think carefully on what you may have heard."

After rereading it, Fifteen had a slight memory flash. He'd heard a story once, of Gaia's activities during the Sec-

He dropped the letter.


The Council Lower Quarter rarely received a visitor below Level Six; part of it was simple finances, and part of it was wariness. Dimension Warriors, after all, were Level Four, and if one of them broke into a Council meeting it would create chaos. Thus, guards regularly circulated the area, Ookazi guns in plain view.

But even a place as well-lit as the Council Lower Quarter still had dark alleyways, and in it a certain creature of Level One hid, waiting for the opportunity it needed. Said opportunity arose when a Fiend Megacyber passed the alley's mouth.

A pair of hands shot out and pulled the surprised warrior into the alleyway. There was a silenced shot, a quick shattering, and a different Fiend Megacyber stepped out of the alleyway, Ookazi gun in hand. It headed onto patrol as if nothing had happened.

Under the facade of the Fiend Megacyber, the Copycat pondered its master's orders. They had, after all, come after eight day's dormancy. All he had said was, [Gaia is returning. Go to Part C.] Part C was creating martial law, which confused the mimic immensely. The Central Shadow Realm was in enough chaos over the "Shadow Killer" as it was. But the master's orders were law, and unless it wanted to have its face cracked, the Copycat had no choice.

Soon, it reached the first destination - a small house on the edge of the Council Lower Quarter. It stopped to wrench something out of the fence before approaching the door.


On a foam mat in the center of his living room, the Shadow Council Trap Creator's Guild Representative, Ansatsu, went through his practice in fluid motion. Finally, he stopped, and his last movement caused the ends of his cloth, which he used to tie shut his clothing, to flutter in a self-created breeze. It was cheesy, yes, but he loved the effect.

Cooling down, he smiled behind his mask. Tomorrow, he reminded himself, he and the Dark Witch would make their affair public, confirming what the newspapers had claimed for about two weeks now. They had fallen for each other the year before, but Council members weren't supposed to fraternize. His career was in danger, and he couldn't care less.

A fluttering behind him caused the ninja to blur as he turned around. Smiling, he addressed the intruder, "Well, love, don't you normally kn-"

And then the Dark Witch thrust her spear out, impaling him As he grunted in shock, she swiped the twin knives out of his sheathes. Cackling, she flew back over the couch, watching him struggle with the spear in his chest.

The final words of the dying Ansatsu were, "You... you couldn't..." And then he slumped to his knees, and breathed his last. Being a member of the Council, he would not shatter.

Once it was sure the monster had died, the Dark Witch's body boiled, and it returned to being the Fiend Megacyber. The question of what to kill Ansatsu with had vexed it, but good fortune had made the fenceposts outside look exactly like the Dark Witch's spear. And now it had Ansatsu's knives.

Dropping a letter on the table, the Copycat in a Fiend Megacyber's body hit the streets again, heading for the other side of the Council Lower Quarter.


The night was underway at the Missing Number, although it was building up to be a slow evening. The only customers were two Boar Soldiers and a group of Ryu-Kishin Clowns, apparently holding a "Outta the Joint" party for one of their number. Tessia grimaced, but poured another beer and set it at their table anyway. The gargoyle clowns laughed and passed it around.

Returning to the main bar, Tessia hissed and turned to Cordner. "It's nights like this that I miss the cloaked guy," she said. "I never did figure out what he was, but he tipped well."

Cordner nodded, busily mixing a Alligator's Other Sword (equal parts Firegrass juice, vodka, and lemonade). "I've always figured he was someone important," he said, before whipping it off the bar. The drink landed softly on the Boar Soldier table, causing its recipient to grunt in approval before sipping it. The Magical Scientist continued, "You know, the type of person who can't allow himself to be seen."

Tessia shook her head, replying, "I doubt it. Anyone that level would set off the alarms." One of the Ryu-Kishin clowns grunted another order, and her expression turned sour. "This job would be great if it weren't for all the freaking customers."

Off in the corner, Tempus grunted in amusement, and then pointed at the clock. Looking at it, Tessia smiled.

"You're lucky," Cordner said, with a sigh. "Your shift's over in about ten minutes. I own this place."

Retrieving her timecard, Tessia asked, "Whose shift is up next?"

There was a pause, and then Cordner sobbed slightly. "Xarsus," he said. "Just what I needed tonight. A Man With Wdjat preaching at me in a language I can't understand. If he didn't make good martinis I'd have fired him months ago."

The Magician of Faith patted him on the shoulder.


The letter now sat on a counter in the apartment's kitchenette. Fifteen leaned over it, eyes shut, thinking.

If the letter's correct, his thoughts began, then Gaia is almost here. Which means I have perhaps an hour to get out of here and find somewhere else to hide.

He reached into his pocket and set three magic cubes on the counter. His palm stayed over them, checking their auras. A Scroll of Bewitchment, a Sword of Deep-Seated, and a Cold Wave comprised the small group.

All right, he thought, I'll use the Scroll to disguise myself as D-15C again, and make a break for it. If I get stopped, I'll freeze them with the Cold Wave, and if all else fails I'll use the Sword to break free. And I'll go to... to...

The question struck him like a falling safe. Where was there to go? He'd already run twice, and the second time he had barely escaped. He had no favors to call in, nowhere to find shelter.

And now a certain voice he had tried to stifle amid his thoughts pushed the other ideas aside and began to speak, clearly and loudly.

The first time you ran, it told him, Nine died. He was your friend, and he died because you ran.

"That's not true," he said aloud. "His death was unconnected."

You're wrong and we know it, the voice said. He was killed by that shapeshifter, the one who impersonated Don Zaloog. The prime suspect for all those killings they're blaming you for. Don't make me drag you down Memory Lane, Fifteen, because those cobblestones are very, very hard.

"All right," Fifteen said to himself, "point taken."

Look what happened when you were in hiding, the voice resumed. D-15B was killed by the shapeshifter. A bunch of other murders in the papers were probably its fault, too. That Ancient Elf died because you were hiding from Gaia. And when you ran the second time, you got that Dark Elf killed.

"That wasn't my fault," Fifteen muttered.

I'm on a roll here, the voice interrupted. Either way, if you run away again, Gaia will kill everything between you and himself. You've caused more damage running away than you have just standing still. Time for you to stop running.

Fifteen was about to make another remark when it sank in. The voice (which he recognized as his conscience) was right. Every time he had run, someone or something died because of him. And if he ran this time, abandoning Tessia and Naomi...

He opened his eyes and looked around the apartment. His aura traces were all over it. The apartment would be a beacon for Gaia.

"If I run this time," he said to himself, "they'll be the ones to die for it."

There's no way you can stand for that, his conscience said.

Fifteen paused, and scooped up the magic cubes, stuffing them into one pocket.

"I see what I have to do," he declared. He then paused, shook a bit, and continued, "Even though I'm absolutely going to hate myself for it."


Seated in front of a mirror, the Dark Witch (she had yet to pick a name for herself) idly hummed as she applied her lipstick. Tonight, regardless of the expense, she was going to enjoy herself. It had taken weeks for her to get on the list at the Forbidden Palace, even with her status on the Council, and she was going to take full advantage of it. And if she was lucky, Ansatsu would be there...

A sigh broke through the newly-glossed lips as she pondered their decision once more. As much as she loved him, she had to question Ansatsu's wisdom in choosing to confirm the rumors. Still, she would stand by him, no matter what the fallout.

Before she could even register the blurs on her peripheral vision, twin knives crossed the Dark Witch's throat, dug in, and pulled back. Both of her hands flew up as blood poured out over them. The chair fell, and she raised to her feet, gasping futilely.

And in front of her as she turned around was Ansatsu, cleaning his knives carefully. Unable to speak, all she could do was shed a tear, before the world went black.

Seconds after that, the ninja melted into itself and resumed being the Fiend Megacyber. Smashing open her closet, it took the Dark Witch's spear and hid it on its person. Before turning to go, it set a letter next to the mirror.


The Central Shadow Realm had three places where they could put the various monsters who happened to break the law. The first was concealed amid the pneumatic regulararity of the Machine Habitation Quarters, for the minor offenders. The second, for major offenders, was at the very edge of the Work Quarters.

Those who had little to no respect for the law, and broke the big laws (or just wouldn't stop breaking the smaller laws), found themselves sent to the Maximum Offender Lockup, located deep, very deep, under the hub station for the trains. Gaia's chambers were about a mile west of the main prison; the bulk of the Maximum Offender Lockup consisted of holding cell after holding cell, fifty in all, in a circle around the central guard station. Food was delivered from the surface once daily.

In Cell 29, one particular offender flipped a thin piece of metal repeatedly. He wore red armor, although they had taken away his cape at the same time they had confiscated his sword and shield. His fingertips crackled with restrained magical energy - the floor of his cell was a solid plate of metalsilver, a material that naturally bled away magic, and his powers were thus tampered down. How much it cost was a favorite question of his.

His file identified the prisoner in Cell 29 as Breaker the Magical Warrior, arrested, convicted, and sentenced to four hundred year's imprisonment for killing some twenty monsters, all Level Five and over. His official reason for doing so was, according to a statement he'd made during the arraignment, "Envy". When asked why he'd stabbed the last victim, a Giltia the Dark Knight, so many times (the coroner had reached 100 before giving up), his official answer was, "I don't like Mondays."

And his attention was quickly drawn to one of the guards approaching his cell. Grabbing the metal piece out of the air, he turned to the Swordstalker and asked, "Is there something you want?"

The guard in question looked like something was crushing his brain from within. Jerkily, it took a key off its belt, unlocked the cell, and then collapsed and shattered. All that was left was his key ring.

Swinging off his bunk, Breaker retrieved the keys, and then stepped out of his cell. The magic in his body sprang to life once he was off the metalsilver, and he could feel it crackling on his fingers. At that point, he saw someone in the shadows.

A set of guards rushed at Breaker, but each one of them fell before they could reach him, clutching at their throats. The Magical Warrior's progress to the figure in the shadows was thus unimpeded, and once he was there, his eyes grew wide. "Damn," he said. "I thought you were just a rumor."

[As you can see, I'm clearly not,] the figure replied. It handed over a sword, a shield, and a cape, all of which Breaker recognized as his. [I've let you out so you can do a job for me... as you may well have guessed.]

Putting the cape on, Breaker tested his sword's weight in his hand. "Nothing comes for free. What is it you want me to do?"

Even as a mental picture filled Breaker's mind, he could hear the voice of his rescuer in his head. [Find that girl and bring her to me. She will be of much use to me once I have her. Fail and you won't survive to know it.] The elevator to the surface descended as it finished its statement.

"I don't know," Breaker began, "abduction of a Level Four isn't quite my style..." And then his brain felt like it was on fire. Clutching his head, Breaker screamed.

[I picked you because you've proven to be ruthless, not because of what you did. Anyone can kill a Level Five or higher if they know what to do. You barely escaped the death sentence once - be assured I'm not nearly as forgiving.] The speech ended, and the Magical Warrior sank to one knee. [Now do as I said.]

"You've got yourself a deal," Breaker grunted, trying not to vomit.


Groups of Opticlops were hard at work in the Low-Level Zombie Housing Complex, moving gigantic piles of trash - wood planks from abandoned buildings, discarded weapons, pieces from stripped-down Overdrives - and lashing them together with Darkworld Thorn vines. Their supervisors, Lesser Fiends, strode up and down the lines, occasionally slamming one of their underlings face-first into the road if they felt the work wasn't up to par. The wall being assembled was of utmost importance; they had little pity for slackers.

At fifty minutes after eight, the sound of flapping wings could be heard. Two Fiend Skull Dragons flew up to the barrier, a large gondola strapped between them. Their eyes had the trademark blank look of a Brain Control victim. Once they landed, the door of the gondola opened, and a Beast of Talwar stepped out, weapons drawn. Right behind him came the Dark Ruler Ha Des, looking none the worse for wear for having spent over a week in hiding.

The leader of the Lesser Fiends approached the Dark Ruler, bowing with his left arms across his chest. "The work is almost finished, master," he announced.

"Very good, Belphegor," Ha Des replied. "Arm the workers; if what I saw on the way here is any indication, we'll be making use of that barricade shortly."

He had barely finished the sentence when there was an explosion on the outside of the barricade. As the smoke cleared, the Dark Ruler rose to his feet and asked, "What was that one?"

Belphegor glanced over the barricade, his arms busy loading four separate Final Flame guns. "A lot of area damage and smoke, but little shrapnel. Most likely a Smashing Ground," he reported. "That was just to let us know they're here."

As he said it, three figures blurred into view in front of the wall, weapons drawn. All three wore full body coverings, complete with masks and bandanas. The one on the left wore blue, the one on the right wore red, and the one in the middle wore black. They blurred again, and then they were gone.

Ha Des cursed, causing the air around him to flicker with surpressed power. "I knew it," he said. "The Dark Scorpions and the Yamiryu Ninja Clan have had an alliance for years." He then shouted to the groups of Opticlops, all of whom had taken out Ookazi guns. "Fire at any blur you see!" he shouted. "Ten thousand dollars to the one who kills the Strike Ninja!"

A flicker crossed the eye of one Opticlops, and he fired into the night. Thus did he fire the first shot in the latest battle between the Ha Des Business Syndicate and the Dark Scorpions.


"You really are suicidal, aren't you?"

Tessia's words were about what Fifteen had expected to hear. She had returned from work just in time to hear Fifteen announce his plan, after all. Naomi, who was also home, just stayed in the back, third eye shut and trying not to look at the pair.

"I have no other choice," the fiend said as he looked into Tessia's eyes. "Every time I run, it never helps. I must go and face the consequences. I must go and face down Gaia."

Naomi spoke up now, looking uneasily at Fifteen. "But how do you know it will be Gaia?" she asked.

Deciding not to mention the letter, Fifteen instead explained, "According to legend, when Gaia was in the Second Dragon War, he befriended a Curse of Dragon. That has to be why he was heading to the Dragon Lairs. He took seven days to get there, but if he's on dragonback, he'll be back any minute. And regardless of whether it's true or not..." He lowered his head. "Even if he doesn't come back, I can still end all the turmoil just by turning myself in. I may not have done it, but I can end it just by being arrested."

One of Tessia's hands grabbed hold of Fifteen's jacket, and she yelled, "But you know you'll be executed! They won't even bother with jail! Are you willing to die?"

"The Graveyard has to be better than running and having other people die!" he yelled back, prying the Magician of Faith's fingers off his jacket. "If I hide here any longer, they're sure to find me, and if I run I put you at risk. I have no choice but to go out and settle this!"

The logic sank in, and Fifteen could see Tessia's resistance melt behind her eyes. It was quickly replaced with tears, as she settled in his waiting arms - it struck him how light and small she really was. "I'm..." She sobbed. "I'm just scared for you..."

He answered truthfully, "And I'm terrified for me, but I'm out of choices now." His hand stroked her hair.

Naomi's voice broke through the sadness: "That may well be, but you shouldn't be. After all, we're going with you." She smiled as she said it, third eye opening.

Something in Fifteen's worried resolve cracked, and he lifted a finger, saying, "Now, wait, it was fine before, but-"

"It's not like we can just leave," she continued. "After all, we've harbored a fugitive now for over a week. We're accomplices."

His finger dropped.

Picking up on this, Tessia smiled, her tears drying up, and finished their sentiment with, "So if we go with you, not only will you be less afraid, but we can settle all this at once. Isn't that right?"

A million lines of argument rose and fell in Fifteen's mind, and he finally dropped his head, surrendering. "You win," he said in resignation. "We leave as soon as I find my spine."


This meeting being very important, all but two of the Shadow Council representives had shown up. The two absentees, Ansatsu and the Dark Witch, were conspicuous, but Exodia had promised to explain the reason for that when it became clear.

Currently, the Low-Level Monster Advocate, Ophelia, had the floor, and as usual, she was in the middle of a very long, very dry speech concerning the latest abuses to Level Three and less monsters. Sellick, the Harpies Brother who served as Beast and Winged Beast Representative, had fallen asleep in his chair. Mr. Volcano, at the Pyro and Thunder Representative chair, was still recovering from a cold, and held onto his head - conveniently, he was doing so with his hands over his ears. The Machine, Rock, and Plant Representative, the Machine King, had apparently shut himself down. Even Escalus, the Police Force Representative, who had lived through countless official banquets in his career, currently had to stomp on his toes to stay awake.

"...as I have mentioned in Point 325, Subpoint 6, the rise in violent assaults against Level Two or lower Reptiles has increased at a rate three percent higher than the rate of increase in any other crime against them. Point 545 concerns reasons as to why this is so..." The Queen's Double shuffled her papers and cleared her throat, apparently about to launch down another winding path of reasoning.

D'Ampton, the Lord of Dragons and the Blue Eyes White Dragon's official stand-in, leaned over and whispered to Raelvion, "If she starts referring to previous speeches, please destroy me."

Before Ophelia could resume, Exodia's voice echoed off the Shadow Council chamber walls: "That will be all, Ophelia. The Shadow Council respectfully requests that you leave the chamber at this time." Stunned, the Queen's Double gathered up her notes and slid away from the podium, head down and making sniffing noises.

The sound of Exodia's voice awoke the Machine King and Sellick. The latter turned to Pumpking, the Zombie Representative, and whispered, "This must be serious. He only throws Ophelia out when something big's about to go down."

The Forbidden One stood up, arms at his sides and his eyes narrowed. A Meda Bat fluttered away behind him. "Ladies and gentlemen of the Shadow Realm Council, I have just received word on the status of the Trap Creator's Guild Representative, Ansatsu, and the Magic Creator's Guild Representative, the Dark Witch." He paused. "I am greatly sorrowed to report that both were found murdered in their apartments."

A second's pause passed, and then Sellick yelled, "WHAT?!?" Immediately afterwards, chaos and shouting filled the chamber. Even as the volume rose and accusations flew across the floor, Raelvion merely sighed and pressed his hand to his forehead. Tilde looked at him, but he just gave her a look of resignation.

One of Exodia's fists slammed into his lectern hard enough to dent it. "Order!" he shouted, and the room quieted down. "Thank you," he said before resuming. "The identity of the murderer is unquestionable. Letters were found at both crime scenes; in both cases, they were brief, taunting, and signed by 'the Shadow Killer'. Until now, the murders, while remaining reprehensible, have all concerned monsters of lower level. This time, however, he is directly challenging us." He paused again, taking a deep breath. "Witty Phantom D-15A must be captured. This is undeniable. Therefore, I make this proposal: that we declare marital law until such time as he is caught."

An observer outside the chambers, hearing the reaction to the proposal, could be forgiven for thinking Pandemonium had broken into the Shadow Council chambers.

To no one's surprise, it was Forseti, the Buster Blader who served as Warrior and Beast-Warrior Representative, who pressed his Request Turn button first. Taking a megaphone from under his lectern (which he kept ready for situations like this), he called out, "I second Exodia's proposal! It is for the good of all the Central Shadow Realm that we do this! Sure, minor abuses of power are to be expected, but you must weight the advantage against the cost! If we catch D-15A, we will take out a major threat to public safety! Objectors?"

Bringing his staff down on the Request Turn button, Raelvion stood up, amplified his voice with magic to be heard over the chaos, and shouted, "I object to the proposal! Public safety will only be compromised by going into martial law! What good is going into a full crackdown and patrol of all quarters in the name of one monster? And with Gaia returning, it's even less likely we can conclude the martial law without casualties! I demand a vote!" He sat down, the spell shutting off.

The argument grew so loud that Exodia finally brought both fists down on the lectern, reducing it to splinters. "ORDER!" he screamed, startling Ophelia in the hall. "Both arguments make sense, and thus we will go to a vote." Suleiman set another lectern in front of his master, and the Forbidden One massaged his temples a moment before announcing, "You may vote now."

All monsters concerned pressed either the "Aye" or "Nay" buttons on their lecterns. A moment passed, and the room lit up with either green lights for "Aye" or red for "Nay".

With Ophelia in the hall and the Toon Gemini Elf (Toon World Representation) abstaining, there were twelve votes, not counting Exodia.

Ten lights blazed green. Only the Machine King and Raelvion had red lights before their lecterns.

"The proposal is passed," Exodia declared. "Martial law shall be implemented tomorrow morning."

A long, drawn-out sigh escaped Raelvion's lungs before something tugged at his perception. Standing up, he asked quietly, "Permission to be excused."


The time was now ten minutes after nine. Fifteen stepped out of the front door of the Low-Level Zombie Housing Complex 3, and then paused as a Final Flame shot clipped the wall beside him. A bead of sweat rolled down his face, and he swallowed hard. One hand dove into his pocket to check on his magic cubes.

Behind him, Tessia and Naomi both placed a hand on his shoulder. Courage returned to him, the Witty Phantom moved forward, inadvertantly trodding on shards from the slain on both sides. Off to his left, another Smashing Ground took out part of the street.

A Lesser Fiend, the one named Belphegor, pointed four Final Flame guns at Fifteen, shouting, "Friend or foe?!?"

"Shadow Killer," he replied. "Now stand aside before you become one of the victims."

There was a pause, and then Belphegor raised his guns and stepped aside. Even he knew better than to fight unwinnable fights.

Followed by his companions, Fifteen tried not to watch as the battle raged on. A building caught fire, its windows shattering in the intense heat. The sounds of gunfire filled the air, and the Witty Phantom found himself stepping over more and more corpses in his way - here an Opticlops, there an Armed Ninja. But his goal was set.

The three reached a Labyrinth Tank post, and Naomi pressed the button. When the tank arrived, it threw Chick the Yellow three blocks away.

"Where to?" the driver asked as Fifteen and his allies buckled in.

"The Level Four Fiend Living Quarters," came the reply.


Ten minutes later, the tank arrived, and Fifteen and allies disembarked. Saying, "Watch your ass, man," the tank smashed through the road anew.

Running ahead of the spellcasters, Fifteen stood in the center of the Level Four Living Quarters, screaming, "Gaia! Gaia! I'm waiting right here! Come on down!"

Tessia and Naomi both thought their friend had lost his mind, as he continued to scream at the sky. And then came a low, ominous hiss.

"How very considerate of you."

And from the sky he came, mounted on the back of the Curse of Dragon, holding tight to the reins with one hand and onto a lance with the other. He swooped down, eyes burning with hate behind his helmet, pulling up only when he was about to run into the street.

The Curse of Dragon's tail touched the road, and it stayed there, right in front of Fifteen. Warrior and fiend locked eyes.

"That was quick," Fifteen finally said.

"Didn't want to waste time," Gaia said in return.

A cold wind blew across the Central Shadow Realm.