Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Shadowed Intentions ❯ Hunting ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

She walked down the sidewalk, heels of her boots clicking with each step. As a cool zephyr caressed her skin, she paused for a moment to pull the jacket about her waist over her bare arms.

That split-second was all it needed.

Without a sound, the shadow leapt behind the girl, wrapping an arm about her waist and pinning her arms to her sides and slipping a hand over her mouth. Without a moment's pause, the girl struggled, attempting to get away from her captor, but she was no match for the shadow's super-human strength. For a moment, she thrashed violently with all intentions of getting away before a soft command entered her mind.


Immediately, the girl's body relaxed, calming enough to allow the figure to tilt back her head, exposing her throat. Gently, the shadow lowered its head, lips caressing her neck.

After a few minutes, the shadow leaned back and looked at her. The woman was pale, her eyes closed and her breathing shallow and irregular. The shadow then lowered its head again, running its tongue over two small holes in her neck healing them immediately. Making sure there was no evidence of its encounter, the shadow lowered the unconscious woman to the ground and grabbed the purse she was carrying. Fishing around inside, it pulled out a cell phone and quickly dialed up the hospital.

"Hello, I found a young woman in the park. She needs an ambulance right away… We're right in the middle of it - near the big fountain. Please hurry, I don't think she'll last much longer."

After a pause to hear the operator confirm that an ambulance was indeed on its way, the shadow turned off the phone and placed it back in the purse. It stayed with the unmoving woman until the flashing lights and loud siren of the ambulance came within its vision and hearing range.

By the time the medics got there, the woman was all alone.

That same night, just minutes before the girl in the park was attacked, a second shadow was prowling the streets. Walking under a dim streetlamp, a young woman accidentally bumped into its chest. Quickly, the lady lowered her head and mumbled an apology. With a cool smirk, the shadow tilted her chin up and her gaze was captured by its shimmering emerald orbs.

Gently, it caressed her cheek with one cold hand, mentally chuckling as he felt her cheeks heat, her breathing quicken and her heart race. Leaning forward, it touched its nose to hers, smirk widening as it heard her breath halt in surprise and her heart pound in her chest.

With a quick touch of its lips to hers, its free hand suddenly grabbing both her wrists and holding them tightly behind her back. Giving a startled gasp, she felt the hand that rested on her cheek move up, grasping a handful of her short hair and tugging her head to one side, exposing her neck.

Lowering its lips to her ear, she heard it whisper, "This most definitely will hurt, lovely swan, but you will not make a sound!"

With a confused blink and scared whimper, the woman's eyes shot open as a searing pain shot through her body, starting from her neck. As what felt like liquid fire swam through her veins, she closed her eyes tightly and longed to scream her agony, but something was clamping her lips tightly together so not a peep could escape.

After several long minutes, the shadow pulled back, grinning down on the woman's limp form. As a drop of scarlet dripped off its chin and onto her ivory white cheek, it threw the corpse to the ground and sauntered off, sated for the night.

Ah, da first part is done. *does happy dance* Finally! ^^

Kura : And, like all your works, it sucks.

Angel: *chucks puppy-plushie (named Jounouchi (( Kura : How original -_- *gets kicked by Angel*))) at Bakura* Quiet you!

Angel: *turns to readers* If any of you can guess who both vampires are, you will get a cookie!

Yami: *whispers* We have no more cookies…

Angel: Than you know what that means! *puts a frilly pink apron on Bakura and kicks him into the kitchen* MAKE COOKIES!!

Kura : *grumblegrumble; does so*

Angel: *grin* And, before I forget, I don't own YuugiOu, sad but true. Ja ne! ^^