Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Show Me... Don't Speak ❯ One-Shot

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Heya people!! You want to know something weird? I noticed today that I can only write unless I'm bored in one of my classes.

Malik: This should tell you something.


Marik: If you don't know, you're not that smart like I thought you were.

Awww... shaddup! Bakura do the disclaimer.

Bakura: No way! I'm not in this story.

Fine. Ryou, will you pleaze do the disclaimer?

Ryou: Sure! TechnicalDragon or TD for short doesn't own Yu-Gi-Oh!!

Thanks, you're SO much nicer than your yami. R&R People!!

Bakura: *turns his back to me* Humph!

Date Written: January 21, 2004

// Yami to Hikari //

/ Hikari to Yami /

-/ Yugi's thoughts hidden from Yami /-

- Me interrupting -

(Other person on telephone.)


Yugi's POV

/ Yami, are you there? / I asked as my friends and I were walking home from school.

// What kind of question is that, aibou? I'll always be here. //

/ I know, it just feels like you won't. /

// There's no way I can leave you. We're together forever. //

-/ Is it just me or does Yami really wanna leave me? /- / Please come out and join us. /

// If you want. // With a flash of gold light, Yami appeared next to me.

"Hello Yami," Ryou said.

"Yo, Yami. How's it been?" Joey asked.

"Hey Yami," Tea smiled sweetly. "How are you?"

Yami blushed. "I'm doing fine. Where's Bakura, Ryou? If I remember correctly you two are going out, right?"

"Yes, but he's in Egypt with the Ishtars," Ryou answered.

"You trust him?" Tristan asked.

"Isis is there to make sure he doesn't get in any trouble."

"Why didn't you go?" I asked. It wasn't normal for Bakura to leave Ryou alone; especially after they admitted their feelings to each other.

"Bakura asked me to stay here. It's no big deal. We can still talk through the link."

"Tell him he's crazy for leaving you here."

Ryou sighed. "I can't; he blocked his side of the link. I gotta get home. Ja!" Ryou left running down the street to his house.

"If I was him I would be pissed off," Joey announced.

"But, you're not," Tea said moving closer to Yami who is sporting a faint blush on his cheeks.

-/ I can't believe he likes her! Her of all people!! /- "Hey guys, I'm going to go home. See you later." I start to walk away as we reach a four-way, when a hand is placed on my shoulder. By the spark the touch sends through my back, I know its Yami.

// Why are you going? Do you want me to come? //

/ I don't feel good and no, you can stay. /

// Are you sure, aibou? //

/ Positive. Stay. /

// Alright. // The hand is removed, and I take off running. I close my side of the link so Yami won't know how I'm feeling. -/ I just want to be with him, but he wants Tea. FINE!! He can have her! /-

When I reach the game shop, I pick up the phone. I have to talk to someone. (Hello.) Ryou answers.

"Hey! I need to talk, come over."

(Okay! Be right there.) I hang up and wait for my fellow hikari arrival.

Joey's POV

"How stupid is Yami, man?" Tristan growled pulling me behind the said person and Tea.

"A lot if he can't tell how Yug feels," I answer. "They're connected by one soul, shouldn't they know how the other one is feeling."

"No. They can block each other if they want, mutt," someone sneered behind us. Just my luck! Kaiba!!

"Whatcha want, moneybags?"

"Why mutt, is that some way to treat to your master?"

"Go to hell, Kaiba." I grab Tristan's arm. "Come on!"

Yugi's POV

"So, you like Yami... no, you love him?" Ryou asked from his position on the couch.

"Yes," I answered sitting down next to him. "What am I gonna do? How did you and Bakura get together?"

"I'm not sure exactly. One minute he's beating me into a bloody pulp, and the next we're kissing."

"That's not helping," I whined.

"When he comes in, kiss him. Actions speak better, than words."

"I don't know."

"If he kisses you back, then he feels the same way. That's what happened with me and 'Kura."

"Thanks Ry." Only a few people get away with calling him that. Ryou doesn't mind, but his yami does.

Yami's POV

"Tea," I whine. "The others are way back there. Shouldn't we wait for them or go back to see if they're okay?"

She grabbed my hand, and pulled. "They'll be okay." We continued walking; well she continued walking, until we reached an alley. She pulled us in and asked, "I love you Yami. I'm hoping that you return my feelings, because if you don't I'll be so depressed."

I turned my face so I wouldn't look her in the eyes, "I'm sorry Tea, but another has stolen my heart."

"It's Yugi, huh?"

"Yes. How…."

"Everyone can tell, Yami. We've been waiting for you two confess ever since you received your own body."

"Do you think that he feels the same way?"

"No, I don't have to think. I know. I was hoping that you would have some feelings for me, but since you don't, you better get with him." - I made her nice, not all mean whenever Yami dumps her, even before they go out! -

Yugi's POV

I heard the front door slam shut. -/ Oh, great! I bet he's gonna come in here and tell me all about him and his new girlfriend, Tea. /-

// Aibou, where are you? //

/ In the kitchen, Yami. / I looked up when I heard shuffling. There he was: the object of my dreams, my affections, my everything.

"You okay?" he asks taking the seat next to me.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I ask back.

"You're all red. Do you want to tell me something?" He emphasized the word `tell'. -/ Could Yami know how I feel about him? Ra, I hope not. /-

"Actually, I do. I have a crush on somebody. No, it's not a crush… I'm in love."

"That's great!" The look on his face, tells me different. -/ Maybe there is a chance. /- "Who's the lucky girl, Yugi?"

"I didn't say it was a girl."

"You're in love with a guy?"


"Well, you must tell him."

"That's exactly what Ryou said when I asked him what to do."

"He's very smart; though I can't see how with Bakura always around."

I poke his arm with my index finger. "Silly Yami."

He smiled. "Thanks." I rise up from my seat and press my lips to his. His link opens, and I feel all his emotions. Shock, hope, and love. -/ So he does feel something for me. /-

We pull away panting. He looks at me smiling.

"What?" I asked smirking. "Actions speak better than words, you know."


Yippie!! Another one-shot by me! Pleaze review!

Bakura: Yes, and when you do, please tell her to write more stories or one-shots with me in it.

Ryou: Oh, Bakura. It didn't kill you.

Bakura: How do you know?

Ryou: One, you're still here talking to us. Two, YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD!!!

Go RYOU!!! Pleaze everyone when you review, give Ryou something special. You know, Bakura you're on the side story to this.

Bakura: *pouting*

Ryou: *comforting his yami*

Awww!! How sweet!! R&R! Sorry I deleted this story, but I had to fix a problem.