Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Show Time ❯ Yamis to the Rescue ( Chapter 3 )
Show Time Chapter 3
HL: -devil horns- mwha violence -smirk-
Disclaimer: -- same as always
Bakura, Marik, and Nao: -look at the warehouse the wind blowing and ruffling their hair-
Bakura: -first to break the silence- Well…we didn't come all this way to stare at it…-starts to go in-
Marik: Hold on -grabs his friend's arm- what if it's a trap and Mia's actually planning to get us all in there and get us killed?
Nao: Marik does have a point
Marik: thanks puppy
Nao: -.- shut up
Marik: -smirks-
Bakura: well…
Mara: -opens the heavy door-
Bakura, Marik, and Nao: -jump-
Mia: -steps out from behind Mara and smirks crossing her arms- Well, well, look who it is…
Bakura: -growls- Where are they?
Mia: -puts her hands up- Their fine, just give me the money and I'll let them go…
Jason: -dragging them into the back-
Ryou: -struggling to get away-
Jason: -hisses- Stay still!
Ryou: -bites Jason's hand-
Jason: OW!! -.- -grabs a bat and beats Ryou over the head with it-
Ryou: -gets his mouth out of the gag- BAKURA!!
Mia: O_O
Bakura: -looks up- what was that?
Mia: >____> -shuts the door- uh…-nervous laugh- nothing. That was nothing
Mira: O_O -blares `Low Rider' so Nao, Bakura, and Marik can't hear their lights screaming their names-
Ryou: LET GO!!
Jason: -holds tighter-
Malik: -squirms- MARIK
Mira: they can't hear you so….-loads Mia's gun-
Noa, Malik, and Ryou: O_O
Mira: Be quiet or you'll get it….
Former Three: ….
Mia: Where's the money?
Marik: -growls and clenches the Rod- Where's our lights?
Mia: unharmed and safe, that I'll assure you…-whispers to Mara- go inside and get them into the back…now!
Mara: -nods and runs in-
Mia: -turns back to the boys- so…the money?
Marik: -.- -takes it out of his coat-
Mia: -smirks- /perfect/ -takes it- Later -runs back in locking the door-
Bakura: O_O -.- MIA!!! -body slams the door-
Mia, Brandon, and Jack: -leaning against the door to keep them out-
Bakura: DAMN IT! -brings his fist down onto the door-
Marik: -growls-
Nao: -shakes his head-
Bakura: -puts his head on the door- Ryou…-slides down the door and hugs his knees-
Marik & Nao: -go over to Bakura and sit next to him-
Marik: We'll get them back…somehow…-rubs Bakura's back-
Mia: -smirks- come on boys….we have some business to take care of…
Brandon & Jack: -smirk looking at each other then follow Mia into the back-
-In Back-
Jason: -chaining the three boys up-
Mia: -walks in-
Malik: -glares at his sister-
Mia: well, well…-takes out the three hundred dollars- your boys paid…but they paid for your death -cackles-
Ryou, Malik, and Noa: -snarl-
Mia: -watches as the crane lifts them up over a tank of water with sharks in it-
Ryou: -whispers- Noa…try to get Nao through your mind link…
Noa: Ok…I'll try…-eyes turn gray-
Bakura: that witch…-still against the door hugging his knees-
Nao: -eyes turn gray-
Noa: /Nao!/
Nao: -inside and out- NOA!
Bakura & Marik: O_O -crawl over-
Nao: /Noa! Are you alright!?!/
Noa: /yeah…but we won't be if you guys don't get here…/
Nao: /we are here…where are you?/
Noa: /Mia has us in the back. We're hanging above a shark tank./
Nao: A Shark tank!!
Bakura & Marik: O_O!!!
Noa: /There's a window….a…./
Nao: /Noa!/ NOA!
Bakura: What happened!?!
Nao: My connection broke…
Bakura: Try again!
Nao: -eyes turn gray again- ….. -eyes turn back to normal color- no luck…
Bakura: DAMN!!
Marik: What did he say before your connection broke?
Nao: he said that there was a window…in back…
Ryou, Malik, and Noa: -holding their necks above the water-
Ryou: -spits water out- I can't reach Bakura! -goes under then comes up-
Malik: I don't think we can! We're too nervous so -- -goes under and comes up spitting water out- we can't -gasps- reach them.
Mia: -watches drinking a glass of water smirking-
Noa: Guys! I'm slippi---- -goes under-
Malik & Ryou: -spit water out- NOA!
Noa: -not coming up-
Malik: Noa! -reaches under and grabs him by the back of the collar-
Noa: -coughs up water-
Ryou: It's not going to be too long before we're all shark food!
Mia: Your right Ryou…-laughs evilly- that is if your boys can find you…they don't…it's bye-bye.
Ryou, Malik, and Noa: -lean their heads against the chain holding their necks up again-
Ryou: /Bakura…can you hear me…/ please answer…
Bakura: hm…-inward and outward- RYOU!
Marik & Nao: O_O -high five each other- yes!
Ryou: -spits water out- /Bakura….you need…to save us…/
Bakura: -inward and out- Ryou, I'm loosing you…
Marik: -eyes shift- shit.
Nao: x_x that's not good…
Ryou: /H-help…/
Bakura: /Ryou? Ryou, answer me…/
Marik: O_O Dude…your fading…
Bakura: what? -looks down and sees his hands turning wispy- O_O /Ryou! Please answer me!/
Ryou: /Bakura……../-connection breaks-
Bakura: RYOU!!! NO!!!
Malik: RYOU! RYOU!!!! -watches in terror as Ryou gets dragged to the bottom of the tank-
Noa: Malik, that's going to be us next…
Malik: /Marik, go around back, you'll see a window. We think we've lost Ryou…./ oh please let him hear that…
Marik: no….Ryou….
Bakura: what?
Marik: Malik thinks they've lost him…
Bakura: O__________________O w-what?
Nao: -pats Bakura's shoulder- it's ok…maybe he's alive…
Marik: Come on. We have to get around back! There's a window that we can break through.
Nao, Bakura, and Marik: -run around back-
Malik: -only one above the water-
Mia: you can't stay like that forever…soon you'll join your buddies too…-chuckles-
Malik: I don't go down that easily Mia -.-
Mia: oh?
Malik: and once our Yamis get here…their gonna kick you a--- -gets dragged under-
Mia: I don't think so…once they get here…they'll be dead as well…-chuckles again-
Marik: -jumps through the window the glass falling around him-
Mia: -jumps to her feet-
Jack: what the hell was that!?!
Bakura and Nao: -climb through and help Marik up-
Mia: -smirks- so nice to see you three again.
Bakura: -grabs Mia's shirt collar and hisses- Where's Ryou?
Mia: look in the tank, Bakura.
Bakura: -looks to the side and sees Ryou at the bottom- Ryou!
Malik: -swims to the surface and gasps- Marik! Bakura! Nao!
Bakura, Nao, and Marik: MALIK!!
Marik: -goes up the platform and reaches for Malik's hand-
Mara: -"accidentally" pushes Marik in- Whoops.
Marik: AH! -falls in-
Jason: -drops in the concrete anchor tied on Marik's ankle-
Marik: A--- -gets dragged-
Malik: MARIK!!
Bakura: -throws Mia and runs up the platform and shoves Mara in-
Mara: -grabs Bakura's shirt and pulls him in with her-
Bakura: -comes up- NAO! Get control of the crane!
Nao: right -goes up to the crane and pushes Jack off-
Malik: -dives down with his pocket knife in hand-
Bakura: -wrestles Mara above the water-
Sharks: -circle Marik, Noa, and Ryou-
Marik: -looks up at the sharks- o_o
Malik: -swims down-
Marik: /hurry Malik…I'm loosing air/
Malik: /ok/ -starts cutting away at the rope-
Marik: -breathes then holds his breath again-
Malik: /hold on Marik/ -still cuts at it-
Sharks: -swim downward-
Marik: O_O!! MPHM!! -breathes in water again- X_X -pulls Malik's head up by his hair-
Malik: -.- -looks- O_O /OH GEES!/ -cuts quicker-
Sharks: -swim towards Ryou-
Marik: x_o -relaxes a bit-
Malik: O_O!! -cuts Marik loose-
Marik & Malik: -swim towards Ryou and Noa-
Nao: -currently fighting Jason and Jack-
Bakura: -still fighting Mara-
Malik: -grabs Ryou-
Marik: -grabs Noa-
Both: -kick off from the bottom and surface-
Bakura: o_O -holds Mara under- O_O Ryou!
Ryou: -not breathing-
Bakura: o_o -blink-
Malik: Let's get out of here!
-Back at the Bus-
Malik: -lays Ryou on the couch-
Marik: -lays Noa on Nao and his bed-
Bakura: -goes over to Ryou on the couch- Ryou…..-strokes his cheek-
Marik: -sighs and puts his arm around Malik-
Malik: -snuggles against his Yami-
Nao: -starts driving the bus away from the school-
Bakura: -kisses Ryou' forehead- (HL: awww)
Ryou: -stirs slightly and coughs up water-
Bakura: O_O
Malik & Marik: -jump- o_O
Ryou: -eye lids flutter then open- o_o;; -blinks looking around-
Bakura: o_O -blinks then hugs Ryou tightly-
Ryou: X_X Bakura!!! Can't…BREATHE!!!
Malik: x_o
Marik: -chuckles-
Bakura: x_x -lets go- sorry…
Ryou: it's ok….-coughs up water again- x_o -blinks and rubs his eyes- Malik…Malik! -sits up-
Bakura: -lays him back down- Relax…Malik's here
Malik: -waves-
Ryou: Noa?
Nao: he's sleeping.
Ryou: x_x;
Bakura: and you -flicks Ryou's head- go to sleep
Ryou: no :P
Bakura: -.-
Malik & Marik: XD
Ryou: Whee! -tackles his Yami-
Bakura: XX GAH!
Marik: XD
Malik: -shakes his head-
To Be Continued….
Bakura: o_O
HL: o_O ok….angst…
Bakura: -.o