Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Silent Pain ❯ Chapter 1
Me: Hello. This story is about my abiou and me. This is just a one shot that I came up with one day and wanted to share it. So please just go along with the story.
Silent pain
It's very hard to grasp the fact that your one and only friend is dying. And I mean my best friend and hikari Norlina. Her and me were literally inseparable.
Just months ago she was diagnosed with cancer. They tried everything. But the doctors could not get rid of the cancer in her brain. They even tried surgery. But that didn't work either.
When she was home, she tried everything to keep her spirits up. Yugi and the gang did their best to keep her happy. But I knew that they knew it wouldn't be long. I watched in pure sadness as her will and life energy diminished with every passing day.
Yami tried to help along with Bakura and Marik. But they had absolutely no idea what I was going through. As Norlina slowly died; I did too. The other yami's knew it. And they did their best to help me.
When we went to the doctor the next day he said the worst possible answer anyone could ever give to a kid. The doctor said that she would die on her next birthday. Now that might seem no biggy. But Norlina's was coming up in the next few days.
Norlina broke into tears and her mother rushed to comfort her. In my own silent agony, I ran to the only person who could help me, Bakura.
I felt so bad abandoning Norlina like that. But I was too broken hearted. I received stares from other souls that were dead. I ran and ran until I came to Ryou's apartment.
I knocked on the door with streams of tears cascading down my cheeks. When Ryou opened the door and saw me. He quickly ushered me in. He sat me on his couch and ran to get his yami. I just broke down.
Bakura came into the room and encircled me in arms. Holding me tight.
//when is it?//
// on her birthday//
His arms tightened around my breaking down soul. I was on the verge of collapse. For the next few of her last days I stayed by her side constantly. Her demeanor was diminishing rapidly now. She had pale skin almost as white as ice. She eyes were slowly becoming dull.
I tried to cheer her up but I was slowly diminishing as well. She didn't go to school anymore. Her friends, Yugi, Yami, Tea', Joey, Tristine, Seto, Isis, Malik, Marik, Ryou, and even Bakura never left anymore. We set up a bed for each of them.
Her birthday was tomorrow and everybody was trying to make her last full day at life the happiest. I followed her everywhere. Keeping an eye on her if she died early. Silent tears fell down my cheeks.
" Don't be sad," she whispered to me.
I looked at her with sad, pain filled eyes.
" When I go, I want you and everybody else to be happy," she stated.
I pulled her to me in a tight hug. Never wanting to let go.
" I will try abiou. I will try," I said smiling softly for the first time in months.
The day of her birthday was now here and all of us were trying our best to be happy for Norlina's sake. We were in her room because she was now too weak to get out of bed.
" You know what I wish," Norlina asked me as I tucked her into bed.
" What is it," I replied softly sitting on the edge of her bed.
" I want all of you to think of all the good time we have had together. Not these past few months. Remember me as I once was. Not what I have become," she stated almost too softly for us to hear.
I bent down and hugged her again. And when I felt her go limp and her life force suddenly deplete completely. I let her go and cried again. I was alone again.
Never again would I hear Norlina's laughter. Nor she her smile. I would never again hear her voice.
Bakura once again held me to him. I cried into his chest. Sobs wracked my body as I broke down completely. My soul was now split in two. Norlina was my other half. She was the one who helped me find my true self again. She was the one to make me live again.
I stopped crying suddenly. Pulling out of Bakura's grasp, I got up.
Wiping my eyes and looking at Norlina's still form, I said softly, " she wants us to be happy and remember the good time's. And by golly I will remember her the way she used to be an be happy."
Please tell me what you think!!