Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Slavery and Love ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Slavery and Love
By: Inu-Ice-Dragon
~*~Change Point Of View~*~

Disclaimer: We do not own a damn thing if we did wouldn’t we be making this part of the show?

Chapter 2

Last time:

"Ryou would you like to see your friends again?" he asked.

"O- of course, why wouldn’t I?" I replied.

Now on with the story…

~*~Bakura’s POV~*~

<They would be great tomb robbers. Maybe they will help me rob tombs of course I’d have to test them first.> "I just wanted to know if you would like to see them." I said.

"Oh. Well yeah I want to see my friends, but my happiness isn’t what is important, is it? I am just a slave and I live to serve." he said smiling at me slightly.

"Ryou," I growled. He looked up at me with scared eyes but he kept a calm face.

"Yes, Mas-Bakura?" he asked

"I don’t ever want to hear that you think that your happiness isn’t important! Your happiness is important also. I want to be your friend like Yugi was. I’ve decided what you are going to be doing here." I said pausing.

"What?" he asked nervously.

"You’re going to be my personal servant and the cook like you were in Yugi’s house."

"Really?" he asked.

"Yes." I replied. <I hope he is a good cook because Tea’s food is horrible>

~*~Ryou’s POV~*~

<I can’t believe it he wants to be a friend like Yugi was and he wants me to be his personal servant and be a cook! This is weird he isn’t anything like the others said he would be like. Oh well.>

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes," he replied "now since you are going to be my personal servant you will be sleeping in here. Later I will have Tea and Yami bring a bed, some blankets and pillows." he said

"Okay" I said. "Um… Bakura, do I have to cook today?" I asked.

"No. It is getting a little to late for you to start cooking." he replied. "Did you bring anything with you?" he asked.

"Yes I did." I replied.

"Where is the stuff you brought?"

"I believe it is still with Yami."

"Do you have anything on you or in your cloak?"


"May I see the item or items?"

"Sure." I said taking off the bracelet on my wrist. The bracelet had 3 red strings, 1 black strings, 4 white strings and 4 cream colored strings all interwoven. Then I moved my sleeve up higher and removed the wrap on my arm. The wrap had 5 red strings, 4 black strings, 2 white strings and 2 cream colored strings all interwoven like the bracelet.

"What are they?" Bakura asked.

"These were both made by my friends." I began. "The wrap they made for me to pull back my hair while cleaning because they noticed my hair always got dirty. You could say it is a reminder of the beginning of our friendship. Then the bracelet was made right after they found out I was going to be sold. You could say it is a symbol of our everlasting friendship." I said as my eyes began to tear up.

Bakura sat thoughtful for a few seconds before he asked if I would turn around.

"Okay." I said turning around feeling a little confused. As soon as my back was turned I felt a weight lift off the bed. <I wonder what he is doing> I thought.

A little bit later the weight came back. "Just relax and tell me if I hurt you. Okay?" Bakura said.

I was a little bit confused at what he was about to do. But I nodded. Then I felt a brush touch my scalp and start to run down gently. I hardly ever have tangles in my hair. I always make sure to take care of my hair. It was very calming and relaxing.

~*~Bakura’s POV~*~

I felt myself go soft when Ryou started to tear up. I thought about that wrap that he had and I had an idea. I asked Ryou to turn around. He said "Okay" and turned around. As soon as he was completely turned around I got off my bed and went to my dresser and took a spare brush and went and sat down on the bed again.

I didn’t know if his hair was tangled or not and he looked a little tense so I said "Just relax and tell me if I hurt you. Okay?"

I waited until he nodded. Once he did I put the brush on the top of his head and gently brought it down through his hair to make sure I didn’t hurt him. I was quite surprised to find that there were little to no tangles and the tangles that were in his hair were very small at that. I then felt him just relax completely and I could have sworn I heard him purr and I felt him lean into the brush a little bit.

"Ryou, why aren’t there many tangles in your hair? Everyone else in this house has at least one good sized tangle but you only have small tangles." I asked still brushing his hair though there was no point.

I heard him giggle a little and say "the reason for that could probably be that I take very good care of my hair. I brush it every day making sure to get out all the tangles and I use oils in my hair when I take a bath. It works very well." he repiled.

"What type of oils do you use on your hair?" I asked curiously.

"Mostly rose, but I also use any other flower scented oils. They have the best smell and they work a lot better then any other oils. I’ve tried them." He said.

It was then that I noticed that I was just brushing his hair for no reason, but I had to finish what I was going to do.

"Ryou will you hand me your wrap please?" I asked.

"Okay." he said as he handed it to me.

I pulled up his hair and tied it with the wrap at the base of his neck.

"Turn around so I can see you." I said.

He turned around and he looked kind of happy not to mention beautiful.

"Thank you Bakura." he said.

"Beautiful" I said under my breath and I was sure that my eyes were slightly larger than usual.

"Why don’t you go look in the mirror." I said pointing to the mirror above the dresser.

He got up and looked. When he first looked he gasped. "I never got a good look at myself with my hair pulled up. No wonder everyone was staring at me when I went to the market with my hair like this. They thought I was a girl."


IIN: I thought this was a horrible chapter.

YIIN: Talk about their hair enough?

IIN: I didn’t mean too! I’m sorry it was so short, but I promise to get the next chapter out soon and it should be longer too. I actually know what I want to happen, well most of it anyway, I just need to get all the ideas to fit. Any thing else I forgot?

YIIN: Yes. If you have any ideas or comments we would love to hear them. And we need a Beta reader. E-mail us at inuicedragon@yahoo.com.


YIIN: Review responses:

Kitsune: Thank you very much. And we will let you know.

Sondra Chrono: I don’t either so there will be Tea bashing

Yami's-Girl: Thank you for the suggestions. And I’ll try to make it less confusing from now on.

Kiawna: Sorry I ended it there.

celestial light: I’m glad you like it

reaper-from-heaven: I’m glad you like it also.

VampssAmby10210: Sorry I took so long to update. But that’s me for you I sometimes take a while to update.

Aurora of the Moon: Must… Resist… puppy… dog eyes. Oh screw it I can’t. I updated but sorry it’s so short.

IIN & YIIN: Ja Ne!