Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Slipped Away ❯ Slipped Away ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Slipped Away
One shot
Summary: Yami's point of view in the episode where Yugi returns to him for a brief duel and such as he is under orichalcos during the duel and such as they both learn that they are always together in spirit, even when one is taken away to the realm of the souls.
Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh!
This is in Yami's point of view
I walk down the dusty rock covered pathways on this journey, hoping to find some answer to my shattered heart.
It feels as though millennia's have passed since I last saw you my Aibou, my partner.
This strange feeling surpasses through my, no your body as I walk through the valley of lost souls, watching as man of our former enemies approach, acting vindictive as I pass through them, yearning to see your innocent cherubic face again.
Yet from the faces of Keith, Weevil, the Paradox brothers, Pandora and to Yami no Malik, I walk further; spying upon a strange circle formation within the epicenter of the valley.
Voices of angry souls, the shredding of my dignity and slowly withering away darkened soul I sense your presence within this area; hopefully we can meet after our tragic breakup, no my terrible mistake.
Closer and closer, I approach, halting as I stand in front of a small circular pedestal, blinking as numerous fallen souls surpass my mortal shell of a body as I call your name.
Seconds passed by quickly as I stare in disbelief, a million balls of white light bonded together; almost taking the shape of the anatomy of a small figured human; I only hoped my eyes weren't seeing any mirages as I blink upon the view of the forming human.
Multitudes of prismatic color erupted to flow upon the small balls of light, from the arrays of crimson, ebony, and goldenrod to the amazing exact hue of amethyst; I knew these colors far too well.
The colors of my own appearance and that of my Aibou, Yugi; I watched as the small features of his body began to form, from the tufts of spiky star crested hair, to the long gravity defying bolts of lightening that he calls bangs fell into his face to his all well known feature, his large child like amethyst jewels for eyes.
My crimson eyes widen in surprise; watching with endearing eyes, his small form hovered momentarily as he landed upon the pedestal, opening his eyes once more, blinking as he focused upon me, looking almost lost.
“Yugi, your really here?”
I question him in disbelief as he simply stares at me, his face portrayed no sign of human emotion as all sense of reality left my body, sending me into a chaotic breakdown as I sprint forward, running like it was no tomorrow, holding my arms out as I then attempted to hug my beloved other, only to feel reality crash down upon my depressed state.
The gods must hate me as I run forward, trying to embrace him as my lithe arms surpass his small form, he isn't really Yugi in a sense, he is just a wandering spirit that is trying to find what he has lost or wants freedom from this realm of the orichalcos.
I stare in disbelief as he turns, locking eyes with me as his mouth opens agape as he whispers.
“Mou Hitori no boku, other me?”
I stare upon his fearful form as I cast my head low, trying to lose his direct contact as he begins to question my authority of presence.
“You came all this way just to see me?”
His question was so vague and simple that I simply felt lost in response.
“Yugi, of course, you are the world to me, you are the light that keeps me pure and without it I am slowly becoming insane and falling into the darkness that I have sealed away since you released me from the Sennen puzzle.”
My other stands quietly, maybe in deep thought from this averted gaze, yet he then quickly turns towards me and narrows his eyes upon me; sending me a death glare that could burn through the mightiest of souls, even Seto Kaiba's himself.
He continues to glare upon me, locking upon my worried face as he brushes past me, sporting a duel disk that came from god knows where.
“Pharaoh, to prove that you are not the evil pharaoh that Raphael proclaimed you to be, I challenge you to a duel, only then if you defeat me will we both know the truth of this situation.”
He, he wants me to duel him? My own partner wants me to duel him in a situation of this magnitude, let alone against one another.
I slowly back away, cowering in fear as one might say, though I call it determination of standing my ground, refusing to duel my best friend.
But my actions are halted as he smirks at me; a strange expression for his innocence.
“Pharaoh it's about time that you prove yourself worthy of being a man, and pharaoh.”
My eyes widen in astonishment as I stare at my other half, sensing the seriousness of his tone as I nod weakly, stepping closer as our duel disks light up.
The duel began unwillingly upon my part as we both end up holding the same cards within our hand, playing them in unison as I sense something with Yugi.
His strategy was off, I sense that he is trying to toy with me or worse, throw in the duel so that I would win.
Our turns continue to pass as our life points fall down slowly, chipping away at our strange uneasiness as he smirks drawing his new card as I quickly catch on to its actual meaning.
“You have the seal of orichalcos in your hand don't you?!”
“You are fairly observant other me as I know activate the seal of orichalcos.”
The all familiar emerald light forms around his small lithe body, enveloping it as he then opens his eyes revealing crimson eyes as the seal appears upon his forehead.
“Now I play monster reborn to bring back Dark Magician Girl.”
Aibou had begun to defeat me, using the tactics of my betrayal in my duel with Raphael; even coming down to the combo of using Catapult turtle and the female mage.
I watch helplessly as I set a single card face down, awaiting my demise as he continues to yell constant peer pressure terms upon me, sending what little confidence I stored to fall into the ever so endearing darkness.
My life point's stand at a mere 1200, making me more than dead as the next attack was aimed to kill me.
“Now Dark Magician Girl launch yourself off of the catapult, ending the duel.”
I watch in horror as the magician nods launching herself at me with all her might, almost smirking as I activate my trap card, saving me and ending the duel.
A ball of golden light erupts from my trap card, sending the attack back upon my counterpart as he screams in pain, collapsing onto the hardened ground as I blink, losing all sense of reality once again as I run over to his still body, cradling him within my arms.
His amethyst eyes open vividly, locking onto my narrowed ones, smiling slightly as he holds onto my arm.
“You did it, bud.”
I blink in confusion.
“Yugi, what are you talking about?”
He smiles as he simply explains what happened.
“This was the only way to rid the darkness of your heart, and it wasn't easy but we did it.”
Realization struck my inner mind as my mouth opened in shock.
Yugi had planned this all out, he planned on dueling me.
Yet my attention was drawn back towards him as he began to fade away, whispering lightly to me as he held my hand.
“I will always be with you Mou hitori no boku, I promise.”
With that he completely dismantled into the thousand of glowing lights from earlier as I sat on the hard ground, blinking back the falling tears as I muttered one simple phrase.
“Slipped Away.”