Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Slumber Party ❯ Ending ( Chapter 7 )
Oy…it's been a really long time since I've done anything to this story. But since I'm currently working on another affection, I'm going to make this the last chapter so I hope you enjoy! Most likely this will be short because I just want to end it. I might put more thought into extending it later.
7.) Ending
Mokuba gasped as he took in the sight in front of him. There was Seto and Joey, in the same bed, sleeping and holding each other. Needless to say, the little fur ball was confused.
"Um…Seto? It's time to get up," he said as he walked over to shake Seto's shoulder.
His eyes opened. "Oh…morning Mokuba," the brunette replied groggily as he got out of bed, waking Joey in the process.
Joey looked at Mokuba. "Mornin."
The three headed down stairs to join the others. Seto groaned as he remembered the dis-shelved look of his living room last night when he came home. To his surprise, it was clean and everything was back in place.
Yugi looked up and saw them. "Morning guys!" he chirped happily.
"Mornin Yug!"
He got a nod from Seto which was good enough for Yugi.
"Hey everybody! It looks like Joey is still in one piece! I guess Seto didn't find him last night!"
Several sighs of relief were heard in the room.
Everybody gather there things and started to head out the door. As Joey was leaving, he stopped to glance back at Seto and smiled. He mouthed the words `shirt pocket' before walking out the door.
Seto waited till everyone was gone and reached into his shirt pocket. There was a small piece of paper that said `Here's my #, 832-233-5567 love, Joey'. Seto leaned back against the shut door and smiled.
Well…that's it for that one. Sorry for the shortness.