Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Smoke ❯ Losing ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Dedicated to the `Up for a Little Contest???: Challenge' of a Yugi suicide fiction.

If I win: On the character, I don't care, I'm just trying the challenge, name it Kailee though, please, that my only request.

I don't know if it will turn out okay! I might right like seven versions. I hope not though!


I hate math, I've always hated math. I stare, confused, at the problems. I pull out my math book and look up the section. Reading the text carefully. Didn't work! Oh well, it's not like the teacher checks it; she just wants us to do the work. I work the problems as best as I can and set the work aside, glancing at the clock. 7:46 p.m.

I pack my bag for school. Tomorrow is English, Math, and Civics. And P.E. I wish I didn't have to take that class.

I lug the bag upstairs by my bedroom door so I can get it easily tomorrow. I close my door and sit on my bed, pulling out the journal I got when Yami and me won that contest.

It was for `My Angel, My Demon' the place that made the double-sided journals. The journal was a one of a kind, featuring Yugi and Yami as the angel and demon.

Yugi opened his side of the journal with his key; the other side of the journal - though it was barely used - was for Yami.

He didn't really feel like writing today, instead he read the past entries. This journal, Yugi's lifeline, held things even Yami didn't know.

In between the covers of the book lay note after note of facts. Ranging from him and his friends hardly ever seeing another to the fact that even Yami was acting distant. Some of the pages where even stained with tears long past dried out.

And then there was the day Yugi wrote about the sickness he had recently found out about. Only months before his friends started to leave, he found out he had an extremely bad case of asthma. The doctor had called it by some Latin name, but it was just bad asthma.

He wasn't allowed to work in the shop anymore, and he had to keep his room cleaner than ever. If he didn't he would go into horrible coughing fits, sometimes coughing of blood.

Yugi closed the journal and shoved it under his bed. He headed down the stairs and fell on to the sofa. He flipped the TV on and ran through the channels, settling on `The Book of Stars'.

Watching till he couldn't take it anymore, he headed out to the shop. The room was dark, seeing as how his grandfather had left a day ago on some type of business trip.

He pulled on a jacket from a nearby closet and opened the door, stepping in to the chili night air. Locking it safely behind him.

Yugi walked along the dark streets, avoiding the men and women that ramdomly tried to pull him in a dark alleyway. He enters a club silently, heading strait to the stairs.

Walking up them slowly, glancing back to the crowd below in an almost begging way, before turning back and pushing open a door that leads to the roof of the club.

Striding to the edge, no railing is there, looking over to the ground down nearly two stories down. Standing for nearly half an hour. Looking over the edge.

Backing away from the edge, he slowly retreats back into the club. The smells of the alcohol and the dust causes his nose to itch. He gets out of the club, letting the coughs start.

His chest heaves as he continues to hack and cough. Blood running down his chin, getting thicker with every cough, till he finally can breathe again.

I wipe the blood from my mouth and chin as I head back to my house.


What do you think? Is it okay? I'm gonna write more soon! R&R