Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Special Puppy Birthday ❯ Jou Makes A Mistake ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Yugioh and its characters don't belong to me. I'm just borrowing them.

Come tomorrow, they would both blame it on the sake.

Stumbling, Seto cursed as he tripped over the coffee table. Rather than smashing his head on the carpeted floor beneath him, he continued to stumble back onto the couch. The relief was short lived however, finding himself with a completely new problem. A problem by the name of Jou. A very drunk and horny Jou.

Just as drunk as Jou, if not more, Seto was still cursed with a functioning mind. A mind that was screaming at him to run away, to get up and get as far away as he could. Yet the drunken cloud that was settled over his mind told him to lay back and relax, to enjoy the attention he was getting. Attention in the form of a blond tugging his already loose pants further down his legs.

" Damn pants" Jou mumbled, giving a little triumphant yell when he finally managed to wrestle the pants off, tossing them off to some uncared for corner.

So this was how the plan was supposed to be? He and Jou would have sex, and then what ever happened next could be worried about in the morning. To Jou and Seto's alcohol-laden minds, it seemed like a good plan. Except for a few minor details.

" Jou... Jou, wait a minute!" Seto mumbled as Jou's hands pushed at his shirt, which caused him to be silent for a few minutes as it was also thrown into the growing pile of clothes. "This is wrong..."

Hovering over Seto's boxers, with every intention to pull them off, Jou blinked in confusion. Wrong? What was wrong about this? They were seeing each other. It was his birthday and he was currently in the process of unwrapping his 'gift'. So just what was wrong?

" I should be on top" Seto said simply.

Jou continued to stare stupidly, it taking his brain a few minutes to process what had just been said. When it finally did, he burst out into laughter. This of course did not please Seto, who narrowed his eyes so hard in a glare that it almost looked like his eyes were closed.

"Say's who?" Jou asked, settling back some. This seemed an interesting enough conversation to wait a while for.

Seto looked almost nervous, and if Jou stretched it a little, he almost seemed embarrassed. "Well... Well everyone!"

"Just who is everyone? Nobody knows about us."

Well Jou had a point there. Their relationship was a secret, but still that was not the point. If he said that he should be on top, then by his last name he should be on top! Seeming intent on proving this point, the two wrestled for a bit, managing to fall off the couch and end up under the table. Jou was still on top in the end, and was enjoying this little 'game' quite a bit.

" Do you even know how guys have sex Seto?" Jou asked.

Their faces were so close, lips inches apart from each other. With the way Jou's body was pressing against his, Seto was almost ready to forgive and forget. He would have probably given in too, had he not seen the smug smirk on Jou's face after asking that question.

" Of course I do!" Seto practically snarled. When asked to explain, he found himself stuck between a rock and a hard place. "Well... They... It's really simple..."

" Heh. Tell the truth, you don't know. Do you Kaiba?" Jou asked, that smirk still on his face.

'Goddamn bastard, that's my smirk he's copying!' Seto thought as he continued to glare up at Jou. " No, I don't know! You happy now! What kind of pervert would search for that kind of information anyway!"

"Well, you tell me how they have sex then?" Seto practically demanded.

The smirk disappeared from Jou's face, and it was his turn to look confused. His face reddened, and he simply avoided eye contact with Seto. It was easier this way.

" I don't know either" he grumbled under his breath.

"What was that? I didn't hear you, bark louder puppy"

" I said I don't know either!" Jou finally yelled, eyes narrowing at the smirk on Seto's face.

That smirk lasted only a few minutes though, as Seto's body began to react to the skin-to-skin contact, growing hard in places that just moments ago had been soft. Jou was having pretty much the same reaction also. Which only further served to confuse and irritate, since neither knew what to do.

"What kind of idiot tries to have sex when he knows nothing about it?" Seto complained.

He finally managed to push Jou off of him, pulling himself back onto the couch. His erection was beginning to grow uncomfortable, and from the look on Jou's face, the other was beginning to feel discomfort as well. With a 'hell with it' attitude, he began to touch himself. Hell, if Jou didn't know what to do, then he would just have to do it solo.

" Wait, don't touch it!"

From the sudden and loud way Jou said it, Seto jumped like someone had just walked in. His heart was still racing, and the sofa pillow he was using to hide his erection was not helping. He glanced down at Jou, moving over as the other climbed unto the couch beside him.

"Why should I wait? You don't know what to do, and I am not going to catch blue balls because"

Seto's mini rant was cut short by Jou's lips pressing against his. The kiss was sloppy, Jou was not the best kisser in the world, though neither was Seto.

" I know what to do now" Jou said.

The sofa pillow was thrown to the floor, Seto pushed back onto his back against the arm of the sofa. For one moment his mind cleared, and it screamed at him to assume his position on the top. It would be humiliating, for the master to be shagged by the dog. Or in Jou's case, the puppy. Yet, it felt good, and Jou's fingers felt good as they caressed his skin, stroking lightly at his erection. Jou seemed to know what he was doing, so why not let the puppy take control for a little while?

The feeling of naked skin pressed against naked skin sent shivers down the boy's spines. Their kisses were sloppy, yet as they continued, practice did prove to make perfect. Jou was practically devouring Seto's mouth, the alcohol in his body giving him the confidence to top the seemingly unstoppable. The little moans that Seto was making was also helping in boosting Jou's ego and self-esteem.

" Jou... This isn't enough... I could do this to myself" Seto muttered, voice sounding suspiciously like a whine. The great Seto Kaiba did not whine though, it was unthinkable. Yet, when Jou wrapped a hand around his erection, beginning to pump it slowly, he did whine, pressing himself up into that hand. "Faster, puppy!"

It felt weird to have Seto calling him puppy in this kind of situation, though Jou figured it was Seto's kink. A weird kink, but a kink nonetheless. He tightened his grip, hearing a very un-Seto like squeak coming from the body beneath him as he quickened his strokes.

For a brief moment, Jou felt weirded out by the fact that he was doing this to another boy. He was no virgin, having taken Mai up on her over more than a few times, though he was a virgin when it came to the boyxboy aspect. There was no way he was going to act like a virgin though, not in Seto's presence. Besides, this seemed no different than being with a girl. Just substitute vagina for penis. This was going to be the easiest thing he had ever done in his life.

" I think... You should turn over" Jou whispered into Seto's ear.

The very idea of being on his stomach, like some dog, sent Seto into a fury. Jou was the dog, not him! Nevertheless, after some very heated words, Seto finally turned over onto his stomach. His erection pressed against the cushion of the sofa, the friction bringing him one step closer to the edge. It would be the perfect revenge if he was to mess up Jou's couch.

Hovering over Seto once again on his knees, Jou looked down at him. Well, there was only one hole that he could put it in, though the very thought of doing so caused him pure terror. What if Seto was dirty in that area? What if something went wrong? What if it got stuck? Would it even be able to fit all the way? Just how the hell would he be able to survive the hospital trip?

Gripping Seto's hips, Jou counted to three before deciding to just take the plunge, pushing himself into Seto's tight awaiting hole.

Big mistake.

Jou was on his back staring up at the ceiling before he even realized it. Screams were never a good thing was it? Not to mention his penis was no longer hard, more like wilted lettuce. It also hurt, like it had been rubbed the wrong way. And for one brief moment, he imagined someone stroking a cat in the wrong way..

" You son of a bitch! Stupid idiot! Worthless mutt!"

The string of insults continued, even after Jou heard the slam of the bathroom door. Slowly he sat up, staring at the couch as if he could get some answer from it. This little incident had only managed to sober him up a little, his head still muffled from the sake. Just what had gone wrong?

" It's never this hard with a girl... Guess it isn't like screwing a girl" he muttered, before falling back onto the floor, staring up at the ceiling once again.

' Some birthday present that was' he thought to himself, before passing out.

Author's Note: I really did try to make this a serious lemon...
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