Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Star of Hope ❯ Familiar Presence ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


~Star of Hope~

[Chapter 3]

"Familiar Presence"

By: Kat Lee

Disclaimer: don't own anything…. Sadly….

((Had to change the title, someone told me that I copied his or her story…. But honestly I never have read the author's fic before… But the name was a bit close to his/her title. I apologies! Really! I never meant to copy any one's work. And my concept for this story is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay different from yours.

Anyways… thanks for all your reviews… hope you enjoy! I might make an acceptation that Yami will end up with... ;-P))


It was a nice day, bright and sunny. Puts everyone into cheery moods. Well, most of the people. Tea's newly found yami learnt how to come out of her own soul room. Yet no one knows of her existence, Tea is having a hard time keeping Kori from her friends. Especially when Yugi is around. She gets shivering feelings when she thinks of Yami eyeing her suspiciously. Yami Tea, or Kori, stared out the window, glaring into the brightness. It has been days and Tea was adjusted to the feeling of Kori being there. Yugi took some time to realize that there was a spirit with in him, or rather his Puzzle.

Tea came out of the bathroom, dressed in her uniform. She dried her hair and started to brush it down. "How come I can't tell them about you yet? Is there something that you're hiding?" She suddenly spoke. She never really did ask her that, but it just came up.

The girl felt her yami shrug. "Because… I'd want to skip their questionings. I really don't remember my past, so what's the use of asking me on how I ended up in that stone you carry." The two discovered that Kori's soul room was in the pedant the whole time. Could it be that Yugi gave it to Tea, but didn't know that it could be a millennium item? If so, Yami could have felt the presence of Kori.

Tea put down the brush and looked up to her darker half. "Are you coming with me to school?"

"And what, be your source of entertainment during your lessons? You should be learning, not get bored." Kori mused. She raised a brow at her. Tea's eyes were pleading, and Kori couldn't stand that stare. She gave up and sighed out. "Fine. But I get to wake up baka Wheeler."

The lighter half giggled and exits her room. Kori returned to her soul room. Every morning, Kori would sometimes wake up Joey. The spirit found out she had a few magic up her sleeves. So she would wake him up with a bolt of electricity or a tiny ball of fire. This time, she sprayed him with cold water, with only the tip of her finger. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"

Joey was far from Tea today. He kept slipping glances at her. Afraid she might do something to him. He suspects that something is going on with her, but doesn't know what. Tea looked at him, and he looked away. She giggled. |You really scared the heck out of him! |

Kori smirked. || Thank you. ||

Yugi saw this and neared Tea. "What's wrong with Joey?" he whispered to her.

"I don't know, but when I was downstairs I heard him scream. He woke up the whole entire neighborhood!" She said sarcastically. She lied, but laughed at it to herself.

The boy shrugged. "Ok?"

The bell rang, and it was homeroom. Everyone sat on their respective desks, and stayed quiet when the teacher entered. Yugi took one last glace at Tea. She caught his eyes and smiled at him. He returned her gesture. "Class, there is a new student in our class. She's new here, and I'd like you to all be nice to her." She glared at everyone. "Understand!"

The class all nodded their heads slowly. The teacher went back into happy mode and smiled. "Great! Come on in sweetie. Go ahead introduce yourself."

A girl, wearing the uniform that girls do, entered through the doors. She was really stunning. Made most boys stare at her and couldn't keep their mouths close. She had raven hair with red highlights. She had long batted eyelashes and sparkling ruby eyes. Her lips were a dark shade of red, and she wore perfectly well done makeup. Her smile was taunting to everyone, making you believe she is a nice girl. Yet it was haunting to Tea. "Morning everyone." Her voice irritated Tea in just one click. 'Gees, she is very perky now is she?' She voice was like a sweet sing song tone, with a high pitch. She was very happy in a weird way. "My name is Crème Dawnson. I hope I make a lot of friends and get really settled here!" She giggled.

Tea felt sick to her stomach. 'Oh my god. She makes me feel like throwing up. Now!'

||Hey, calm down. || Kori spoke. Then there was a pain on her chest. Tea clutched hers, trying to subdue the pain. Kori just placed a hand over her chest. |What's happening? | Tea gasped.

||Don't know…||

Crème smiled happily and saw a boy with blonde bangs and with maroon and black hair put up in a different style. Her smile turned to an evil like grin. 'There he is…' The teacher gave her a sitting assignment, and placed her behind Tea. The brunette froze in place. She felt like a dark presence past by her, while Crème walked by. ||This isn't good…||

Tea ran out of the door, and received weird stares. She leaned against the wall, and breathed out. She wheezed every time she breathed in. It was like she was suffocating in the room, or like her lungs couldn't expand. |Kori. What was that? |

||Calm down Aibou. ||

Yugi saw Tea and looked at her with worry. He came up to her and softly spoke. "Tea, Are you ok?" He touched her cheek and brushed some hair behind her ear. Suddenly he realized what he was doing, and put his arm to his side. He blushed deeply. He could hear the girl breathing hoarsely. Yugi frowned and took her hand. "Tell me, is something wrong?" He asked gently, yet firm.

Tea stared into his violet pools. She was drawn in them, and couldn't look away. "Yugi…"

"Ahem." The two blushed and separated from each other. It was Ryou with a sly grin. "I promise I won't tell anyone." He looked innocent and trusting.

Yugi and Tea glared at him and simultaneously said, "Nothing Happen!" They shouted at the boy.

Ryou sweat dropped and put up his hands in defense. "Ok." He shook out from his shock and stared at Yugi. "During class, did you feel a dark presence?" He spoke in a low tone.

The other boy shook his head. "No, why? Is something up?" Yugi spoke at the same level.

Tea could obviously hear. She felt it; maybe Ryou can help her or fill her in on some info. "My yami told me something bad is going to happen, and he doesn't like it."

The air was thick between them, and Tea was feeling uncomfortable. "Um, heh. I'm hungry, aren't you?" Tea scratched her head.

The two boys blushed and nodded. They started walking towards were their other friends are. A hand grabbed Tea's wrist, and pulled her back. She saw Yugi walking off, not noticing she wasn't there beside him. She turned her head and face… Bakura? "You felt it too. And I know something is up with you." He spoke in a low gruff voice. Tea was a bit frightened by him. She slowly pulled her wrist from his grip and just stared at Bakura. His eyes were suspiciously eyeing at her. She uneasily turned around and went after Yugi.

||What was that about? || Tea turned her head behind to see if he was following, but no sign. |I don't know… but I think he'll be on my case until I tell him about you, Kori. | Tea turned her head back forwards her then she fell on the floor. She looked up and saw that girl. Suddenly a sting in her chest came back. Tea clenched her teeth. "Sorry…" she said to her. Tea let up her hand for some assistance in helping her up. But none came. 'Some nice girl she is.'

Tea got up and looked at the girl. "Crème right?"

The girl was staring at her with cold eyes. "Guess you don't want to know me…" Tea whispered. Crème glared at her, and Tea's pain grew more. |It hurts! | The pendant lightly glowed, and silver blue eyes opened to glare back at the ruby eyes girl. "What is your problem?" Yami Tea spoke in her low tone.

Crème gave her an amusing look. "Stay away from him. He's mine, so back off." She gave 'Tea' a snotty look and walked away. |What does she mean? | Tea asked from the soul room.

||I don't know, but I definitely don't like her. ||

"Hey Tea, what are you doing here?" A British accent came up from behind. Kori turned around and saw his smile fade. He felt uneasy under her stare. "Nothing!" Chirped Tea. She returned to her original body with a smile on her face. "C'mon, they must be worried I'm gone, and I don't want that."

Weeks past, and Crème has been on Tea's case. That girl was rude and obnoxious to the brunette. Whenever she was alone, the girl would spit dreadful words to Tea. "And she is all over Yugi! And he doesn't even know that. The girl is flirting with him!" Growled Tea. She was fuming.

Serenity sighed. "You're just jealous, Tea. Yugi won't fall for any other girl because you're his girlfriend."

"I'm NOT his girlfriends and we aren't even dating!" yelled out Tea while her face was beet red.

The younger girl scratched her nose. "Well, I think I've seen the Crème girl. And believe me, I know a bitch when I see one. And she IS one." Serenity shuddered at the mental picture of the raven-haired girl.

"Thanks for cheering me up, but it's not working." Tea sighed and calmed herself down. She plopped down on the couch and put her arm over her head. She blocked out the light from her view. Serenity stood up from her seat and sat back down next to the older girl. "The weird thing is…" She started, in a light whisper. "I get a chilling pain here inside my chest. It hurts really badly, but I don't know why. It's happens everything she passes by me or she's near me."

Serenity looked worriedly over her. "Tea… there is something you're hiding from us. I know. It's like… You space out time to time. It's like… You too have a yami like Yugi and Ryou."

'Oh, Serenity, you don't know how right you are. But… I wish I could tell, but I can't.' Tea removed her arm from her eyes. The light above blinded her. She focused her eyes and adjusted to the light. She sat up and looked at Serenity. She was worried for her. Tea placed a hand on Serenity. "No need to worry, Serenity." She pleaded.

The younger girl sighed. "I'll lay off your case for now Tea, but I'll not stop worrying over you. Friends care for others, and we want to help. That is what you told me." Serenity stood up and went to head for the kitchen. "You have to get over your stubbornness, and for once care for yourself than others. Others, too, get worried over you."

"Wait." A voice came from behind. Serenity turned around to see Tea standing up. She clutched on to the gift Yugi gave to her tightly and dearly. Tea's hair fell to cover her expression as her head was bowed down. |Sorry Kori… | There was a pause of silence, and the brunette couldn't get the words off the tip of her tongue. "Serenity… I…"

The younger girl blinked. A flash of light emitted from Tea. She glowed softly with an aura hugging her. Then, another girl stood behind her. Her arms were crossed, and she was facing towards the windows, so she only saw her side view. Serenity's mouth gapped open. The other's girls features were just like her friend's. She had chocolate brown hair, but longer, passing her shoulders. She was slightly taller than Tea, and well curved. Her eyes were narrower and the color was different. The younger girl couldn't believe it. Her mouth was still slightly open in shock. "Tea…"

The smaller brunette looked back up and stared at Serenity. "I… I wanted to tell you, but Kori didn't want anyone know she was here."

"Kori… She's your yami?" Serenity calmed down and stepped forward a bit. The darker Tea was still staring off to the windows, never turning her head. She wore gangster look attire. Her red shirt barely covered her abdomen, showing her navel. She had a black vest, only centimeters longer than her turtleneck-sleeveless shirt. She wore tight hugging hipster black jean pants, being held by a belt.

Tea smiled a bit at Serenity's awe. She nodded and held out her pendant to her. "Turns out this were where she was kept."

"But… wouldn't Yugi or even Yami be able to tell it was a Millennium Item. Plus, I thought there was only seven items." Serenity came close to Tea, and then looked at her yami. She saw a tint of her silver-blue eyes.

Kori closed her eyes and titled her head down. "I wanted my Aibou to keep this from her friends, because I don't want them to know I'm here." Her voice was monotonous. "Yet."

Serenity quivered. "Why?" Tea looked at Serenity. 'She sure wants to know everything… Can't blame her. She's just curious and it took her some time to believe that Yugi and Ryou had yamis and about the Millennium Items.'

Tea's yami looked back up and stared forward. "A lot will happen, and I don't want that."

There was a long pause of silence. Serenity took in the information, but yet she had more questions to ask. Not wanting to get the darker half angry, the girl nodded. "I promise I won't tell." She smiled at Tea. The brunette's face lifted and she smiled back.

The door opened and a voice ringed through the house. "I'm HOME!!!!"

There was a whacking sound and a moan was its reply. "Ow!"

Joey entered the living room with Mai Valentine hanging on his arm. "Hey you two!" Joey's girlfriend greeted.

Serenity looked back at Tea, and Kori was gone. She turned back to her brother and smiled. She jumped up and went towards the two. "So… How was your date?"

The boy blushed hard and laughed nervously. "Uh… You don't want to know."

A giggled came up from behind, and they stared at Tea. "Why don't we want to know?"

"Fine I'll tell." Mai pointed out. "You may want to sit down for this." She warned.

"Nah. It's ok." Serenity reassured.

Joey turned around and slumped in shame or embarrassment. "Well, anyways. We went out to this restaurant, right? Across was a dancing bar. I suggested we go after, and Joey was hesitant on going in there. So I dragged him in there, with him whining like a baby." Mai glared at the blonde boy. Joey stood straight feeling the glare burning at his back. He turned around and waved mindlessly at the girls. Tea and Serenity snickered. Mai took off her glare from the boy and went back into telling the story. "So, we were in that dancing bar. I went out in the crowd dancing having a good time, while Joey was at the bar."

"Well, that's because he was two left feet." Tea laughed. Joey glared at the girl but it took no effect.

Mai chuckled. "Yeah that's right. Then, there was this creep who went up to me and did gross stuff. He was like a pervert of something. I think Joey saw this and he yelled out in rage, making the whole room quiet. I was shocked at this as well. So, he like, made his way through the crowd, and out of no where, he punched the guy square on the nose."

Serenity clasped her hands. "Wow Joey!" Her brother scratched his nose and blushed.

"But it's not the end. So like I decided I wanted to get out. So we walked out. Then, the big dope Joey is, he tripped. Just as he tripped the same guy, I guess, was about to hit him back. But the guys tripped over Joey and fell across the floor. The guy was out cold after the impact, and Joey stared at him for a while. He turned around to look at the crowd and was like 'That's what I planned all along.' People started laughing and all."

"Oh my gosh! Joey evade the hit by pure dumb luck." Tea laughed hard. Joey sighed and let the humility surround him. "I guess he was just lucky that he didn't get hit back." Serenity giggled.

"And Mai wouldn't get off my case when we walked the whole way home." Joey grumbled.

Mai's smile grew bigger. "That's because when we got out of the dancing bar, out of no where, he-he…" Mai couldn't hold in the laugh anymore. "He cut the cheese, and it was so loud, that made the man at the entrance pass out!" The girls then blew up in laughter. They fell on the floor laughing really hard. Mai clutched her stomach. "And we had to… get out of the place before… the police convicted him for murder! Ha! Ha! Ha!" Joey blushed deeply. "Ok, that's it. I'm going to bed!" The boy ran up stairs in embarrassment and there was a slam of a door. The girls' laughter still rang through out the house. Hopefully they won't tell the guys about it at school…

"I'm bored."

A hand picked up two duel cards and brought it up close to her face. She brushed a few strands of her dark hair. Her red lips brushed against the card and it glowed. The girl threw the card through the dark abyss. With a flash of little light, the card floated above a city. It glided down and ended up on the park grounds of the night. It soon merged into the ground and disappeared.

"I know you will come little girl. I know your little secret too. But you can't hide it. I WILL corrupt your little insect life." The voice echoed in the eerie dark room.

It was a Saturday and Yugi escaped his house for some air. The shop was closed for a while, because his Grandpa was going to travel somewhere. Yugi didn't feel like tending the shop today. Though he knows that it will mess up with the finances. Many thoughts entered his mind. 'I wonder what's wrong with Tea. She seems… distant from me. Like she doesn't want to be near me. Why?'

Yugi looked up and found himself in the park. 'How did I end up here?' The boy shrugged and kept on walking. The warm air swirled around him, and the tress rustled with the summer eve winds. The boy stopped at the center of the park and looked around. He narrowed his eyes and felt his heart racing. /Yami…/

Soon the puzzle glowed and Yami replaced the sweet and innocent boy. The winds became a bit harsher and encircled the ex-pharaoh. He stood his ground and prepared for the in coming danger. "Come out." He ordered in a calm low tone. A spot on the ground, close to him, glowed brightly in a circle. Then out came a form that made the yami gasp out.

Serenity and Joey decided to do the grocery shopping, and let Tea rest for a while. The brunette stayed home. She was sitting on the floor of the living room, next to the coffee table. In front of her was her yami, named Kori. "Do you like dueling monsters?" Tea titled her head.

"Duel Monsters?" Kori questioned. "Oh, that popular card game, that really isn't a card game. I think I saw it in your memories." The darker girl looked out the window. "Some how, little by little, I'm regaining some memories of my past. Yet, I still don't know who I really am."

Tea stared at her. She badly wants to know about her past, cause in interests her. She wants to know, how her soul got stuck in that pendant. "Back then, the card game wasn't called Duel Monsters. I think they were called… the Shadow Games."

Kori's hikari smiled. "That's right. Yugi said that the pendant was found in an old Egyptian ruin or tomb. So you must be Egyptian like Yami and Bakura."

It was quiet for a while. "Can I see… your cards?" Kori asked. Tea nodded and stood up. "It's in my backpack upstairs. I'll be back." She ran upstairs with the sounds of hitting the floor was heard. Kori smirked at her hikari. Somehow, she was glad that she ended up with her. Like they were destined to be as one. She looked out the window and her eyes became empty.

The little girl was eager to play with the boys. She watched at the sideline as they played a famous game among the children, as well as everyone on in the city. She wanted to show the boys the monsters she found. "Sorry…But you can't play with us. You'll be sorry if you lose." One boy said.

"Plus you're too young to be hanging with us." The other boy scolded.

The girl's eyes blurred with tears, but she pushed them back. "I may be younger than you guys, but I'm stronger then you!" She pointed to one of the boys in the group.

The boy she pointed to just laughed, and the others followed. But one boy didn't feel the humor. He stared at the little girl with sincere. The girl saw this and lightly blushed. Then she shook her head and turned away cause of her stubbornness. And the girl ran away with her little legs carrying her to anywhere from them.

"Hey! Kori!" A voice flowed in.

Yami Tea blinked and her silver blue eyes filled with life again. She turned her head at Tea. The girl smiled at her yami and handed her deck of cards. Kori took it and browsed through it. "I know they suck, but I won a few times with it. Just by pure luck though, or the guys go easy on me." Tea hung her head in shame.

'The cards… they look like my monsters I use to have. But some are missing.' Kori was regaining more memories. "You have perfect cards. They looked just like mine, but some card you don't have." Kori spoke in her low tone.

The yami closed her eyes and focused her energy. Tea's pendant around her neck stared to glow. It floated up and the girl stared in utter shock. The deck of cards on the middle of the table glowed faintly with the aura around Kori. Soon the cards one by one lifted from the deck and floated around the air. It encircled the girls in a row. Then the cards moved to encircle Kori. She lifted one hand at the same length of the floating cards. Soon the cards went back into the same spot on a stack. Kori opened her eyes and everything went back to normal. Though, Tea wasn't looking normal, but surprised. The yami smirked. She picked up the cards and shuffled it. She picked up the first few cards and flip them face up. Tea stared at the 10 new cards. Her mouth hung open and awe.

"You have very pretty cards Tea." Then Kori's eye glistened. "But not pretty and perfect enough."

The hikari laughed and bit. "You were a fairy tale kind of person, judging by the cards we you use to have." She took one card from her hand and stared at it. She touched in softly and admires the appearance. She looked down at the attack and defense points. "Wow!" she whispered "1950/2000 points."

Kori smiled at her. Then a strange feeling made her sit up straight. Her eyes opened wide. Then she narrowed her eyes and slowly turned her head towards the window. Tea shivered and looked up at her yami. Her face grew worried. "What is it?" Tea asked.

"Something in the park. Like a… Duel Monster." Kori responded.

Tea stood up in even more shock. "What!?"

"Come on. Let's go check it out." Kori stood up and headed fro the door. But then a slender and small hand gripped on her wrist. "No you can't. Th-they might be there. They'll see you."

The yami smirked. "Trust me." Tea's pendant glowed, and only Kori stood. She stared at the deck of cards and took it with her. Then she left the house, towards the park.

The two airborne monsters flew higher into the sky. Yami growled unable to look up because of the afternoon sun. One monster was a Valkyrie. Her wings spread widely and she cast down her attack. The boy dodged the best he could and rolled away, before the other monster could slice him with its sharp claws. The other monster was a Queen Bird. "Who could summon a duel monster to life?" he stood up and looks at the two beady monsters. 'Is there someone out there with a millennium item as well? But I thought we had all seven items?' Yami thought. /No time to ponder, destroy them. They'll cause attention. / Yugi's voice came about. Yami Yugi dodged another attack.

Yami smirked and took out a card. "No problem." With his millennium puzzle, the card came to life. There appeared Yugi's favored card, The Dark Magician. He stood proudly by his summoner's side. /That Valkyrie has 1800/1700 pts. So it'll be easy to take down. Though I have no information on that card that much. / Yami smirked. "She looks feisty though. How bout the giant bird?"

/That's a Queen Bird. She looks pretty big, but she only has 1200/2000 pts. I think it'll be hard to fight her cause of her defense. / Yugi informed.

"No problem. Dark Magician can't be easily beat." Yami looked at his monster and it went off towards the winged monsters. With his staff in his hand he forced a surge of energy straight towards the Queen Bird. It drew back and defended it's self with her wings. Then there was a barrier surrounding it. "The hell!?" Yami cursed. /Looks like a magic card was with it. / Yugi added.

"Well, let's use one of our own." He took out a card and it stared to glow. "I use the De-spell Card to de-spell the magic that was used on the Queen Bird." Yami pointed to his Dark Magician. "Attack the giant bird!"

The shielding bird was demolished by the dark magic attack. There was only its card. Then what was left was the Valkyrie still flying around. The feisty thing she is, stroked at the Magician. The magician flinched and drew back. Yami heard his hikari gasp. /I think the Valkyrie had a magic card and used the Poison Claw on the Dark Magician. / Yami growled. "That means he'll be losing 50 points after every attack he uses on It." /Plus it raised the monster's points to 2300 attack points. /

The monster laughed piercingly. But then after seconds of it's bloody shrills, it was destroyed. Behind it was another monster. "What the…" Yami was speechless. Yugi was shocked himself. They looked at the monster closely and recognize it. /That's a Thunder Lady. /

"But… it's rare." Yami whispered.

A cloaked figure appeared and the two cards floated down. The cards were held in the person's hand. Yugi noted that it was a female's hand. The Thunder Lady turned back into a card. The woman took the cards and placed them in a pocket in the cloak. She started to walk away. "Hey wait!" Yami turned back into Yugi, the sweet and innocent boy. The lady froze in her place. She didn't say a word and walked away. Yugi was confused by her actions. And he wondered, was it her who summoned those cards, just to test him? Does he even know her?

"Oh poo! They destroyed my cards!" The girl pouted and tears formed in her eyes. "And that little girl took them!"

She put her hands down on the black stone table. And her face steadied and became serious. "Don't worry Anzu… I'll let them know you are alive. And you can't hide it…" her voce was deep and cold.

To Be Continued…


((How you like? It's long for me to tell. Um… I know it was a stupid name for that raven head girl. Crème? Oh come on! Well… heh, heh Since Tea's name is like tea, why not make the other girl cream? Ha. Ha. Ha. Anyways, she's an important character in this story. No it's not like a girl who wants to steel Yugi and Tea blah, blah… Oh maybe it is a little. But it'll turn out different. Oh and some of the cards Tea/Kori has are going to be made up. Well the Thunder Lady wasn't made up though. Anyways… Soon, Kori's past will be revealed! Yay! Ok. I'll go now and start on the next one. Hope I get a lot of good reviews! Luv ya'll! ^. ~ ))