Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Stupid School of Yu-gi-oh! ❯ Social Studies... ( Chapter 2 )
Social Studies
Disclaimer: To think that I actually own Yu-gi-oh, how many times did ya get hit on the head when you were a baby!!! Now back to the fan-fiction……^_^
One day in social studies class ……
Yugi: What up dudes
Transforms into Yami Yugi……
Yami Yugi: Wazzup!
Transforms back into the amazingly short Yugi……
Yugi: So Tea, which did ya like better
Tea: The other Yugi…starts to blush
Yugi: Oh my gosh Tea, are you all right?
Yugi: We need help!! Call 911!!
Author: Ok! I was caught off guard for a while! That was supposed to be the Romeo and Juliet play that was going to be published in a while. Now back to the main story!'
One day in social studies class……
Yugi: What up dudes
Author: Wait a second!!! I told ya that was the wrong play!!!!
Yugi: But that is what it says on the script!
Author: I don't care about the stupid script ya little runt!
Tea: Hey! Don't call him a runt even if it is true!
Author: You're all fired!
Yugi: Quick!!! Get some water!!
Author: I'm gonna need some new actors…… Hey Joey!! Get over here and put on your dog suit!
Joey: Never! What is in it for me!
Author: food…
Joey: Alright!!! I'm in!
Author: Too bad, the play is over, maybe next time.
Joey: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I want my donuts!!!
Tristan: Ahhhh…..The donut monster's gonna eat me!!!!
Joey: Ahhh…. The sky is falling!!!
The End