Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Suicide ❯ Suicide 3: The White Mage ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Her brown eyes pleaded with him as her voice said in a desperation that he ignored. "You must help the Mages, Pharaoh! You must!" The pendant she wore glinted in the faint light that the torches emitted as she took a step forward, closer to the throne that he sat upon, her pure white robe swishing gently as her sandaled feet scraped the stone floor. Yami looked at the small girl who stood up to him, the greatest Pharaoh the world had ever seen, with a fearlessness that such a tiny creature couldn't possibly possess. Her light golden brown eyes glared at him from under bangs of the purest of pure white color. This was the White Mage, the mistress of Angel monsters and she needed his help.

"All we need is for your men to protect the guests of the festival from the desert tribes as they travel from the nearest towns in all directions to here." She pursed her pretty lips and the two Mages-in-training that had accompanied her on this hopeless mission shifted uneasily as she belted the stone floor once with the staff she carried.

"You know full well-" She was interrupted by the sound of several men bursting into the room, murderous expressions marring their desert features. The White Mage and her two underlings turned to face them at this intrusion, their staffs rising at the sight of the weapons the men carried.

"We've got the intruders," the apprentice Mages shouted to the White Mage, "You protect the Pharaoh, get him out of here!" The two young girls rushed the attackers that out numbered them at least 5 to 1.

"Sarava, Orono! Don't!" their master cried out as the two girls were cut down. Yami stood, an exclamation on his lips at the ruthlessness that these men showed when faced with the two young girls. Then he looked down at the white haired girl that stood at his feet knowing that this was his fault. If he had just agreed to her terms, fair they were, she and her students would have been out of here and the young lives that had just been extinguished would have been saved.

The white haired beauty's hands tightened around her staff and a menacing grey cloud formed over the tip of her staff. Her golden eyes became deadly and the cloud spread to engulf the intruders. The mass retracted, taking the men with it as it went back into the globe on the tip of the staff. Then her rage retreated and she ran to her students, who were too far gone to heal. They lay on the floor, gasping for breath as their lifeblood seeped onto the floor. Two pairs of eyes looked at their teacher in a sudden fear. The one called Sarava opened her mouth, trying to speak, but her master shook her head and brought out two beautiful desert roses. "Roses to remember," the White Mage whispered softy and cupped the two blossoms in her tiny hands. Then she bowed her head and began to whisper in the language of the Dark Ones.

The life essence of the two girls was visibly transferred from their bodies and into the golden roses and the two bodies began to shimmer with light, as if a mirage. Then they just dissipated. The White Mage stood and turned to him, bowing slightly and saying softly, "My Pharaoh." Then she turned and exited the room, her brown eyes staring into nothingness, dead with shock and disbelief. The two golden orbs were all he was aware of, even as he closed his eyes, for they were branded into his mind, to forever lurk in his memory. As they lingered in his vision, they began to change, in size and color. They became large deep bottomless purple pools and then Yugi's voice floated out of the darkness that was the back of his eyelids.

"Yami, you've failed me," Yugi's voice was like his own, sweet and almost laughing, "Of all the people you've disappointed, I was the one you could've saved, the one with the link to you. We had a bond and you could've used it to save me." The last two words began to echo as soon as they were out of his mouth, getting louder as they repeated.

Yami sat up with a gasp, panting as the tears ran down his face. It had only been three days after Yugi's death and it was killing Yami. The dreams that now haunted his had been released by his hikari's death and he had a suspicion that they were memories from his past life. It was a never-ending cycle of dreams ever time he closed his eyes, most of the dreaded dreams revolved around the White Mage and some Yugi.

Then he heard Anatsu voice once again, "All I can tell you is `Beware the White Mage'." The White Mage had represented all that he had done wrong when he was human and now she haunted his dreams as well…He sighed and looked at the window, where small streams of fading sunlight were peeking their way through. He had made it a habit to sleep all day and go out at night because the sunlight made him think of his hikari. He got up and dressed; he was going out early.


Teki walked with her head down, brown eyes intent on the pavement she was walking on. She had only come to the town of Domino because she had felt pulled here, as if she had something to do in this town that was important. She permitted herself a short barking laugh; her name meant enemy and that's what she was, an enemy to all who came into contact with her because it was her nature. She had lost her parents to a Pharaoh's tomb in Egypt when she was six and it had all gone down hill from there. That was when she was known as Yume. But then she was shipped back to Japan and lived in a foster home until she, at the age of nine, beat up her `foster mother', a bumbling baka drunk. Then she was out on the streets, using her talent for slight of hand to earn enough money to barely survive. That was when she got the nickname `The Mage'.

At the age of 11, a gang that called themselves Itai Jigoku, or `Painful Hell', took her in. One week later, she was out on the streets once more after punching the leader in the stomach for trying to come onto her. The mage made good money after she discovered the game Duel Monsters at the age of 13. Just as she began playing the game, a man named Shadi took her back to Egypt and taught her the history of the game of Duel Monsters and the name Mage. On her own time, she discovered that the White Mage was the most powerful Mage in history and that it was prophesized that she was rise once more to reek revenge on the Pharaoh that led to the death of her two apprentices. It didn't take her long to figure out that she was the one to help her do that.

Then she found out what Pharaoh it was and knew that she would gladly do it.

It was the Pharaoh whose tomb had been cursed.

It was the Pharaoh whose tomb had taken her parents.

Revenge would soon be hers. For this was the fourth day.

Now she was 15 and on her own once again. She sighed, looking up at the fading sun. Unbidden, the words came to her lips. "And with the coming of the fourth night, shall revenge be exacted and the White Mage rise to walk the earth once more," Teki whispered, a brief evil glint in her eyes as she turned and walked back the way she had come to be in that spot, her eyes down and brown eyes intent on the pavement as she resumed her train of thought. She frowned; the White Mage was getting stronger to be able to take partial control of her like that already and her need to hand out her revenge was getting stronger. Teki's white hair stirred in the gentle wind and it also carried with it a scent that Teki was not familiar with. Curious, she silently slid over to where the wind had brought to her the smell.

As she did, she felt the Mage's spirit began to grow restless. In time, Teki would have learned to control the presence in side of her, but now, uncontrolled, it surfaced in short angry bursts that caught her off guard. Shadi had tried to help her but he had had little experience with the thing that she now faced.

The scent she followed was one that she recognized suddenly, for she had grown up with it. It was a smell of despair and tears, of hopelessness. As she followed the pathway she walked on, she came upon a boy. He looked like a boy, anyway, but Teki could tell he was more than that. He was sitting on the broken wall with his head hanging down. By some instinct, he sensed her and turned his head, his tri colored hair waving in the gentle breeze as he barely acknowledged her presence. His eyes were the color of day old blood, Teki noticed as she approached. Then they two crimson orbs widened in a complete surprise as he spotted the white robes she wore.

"You're the White Mage," his voice held a resignation that was that of somebody who expected to be killed.