Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Summer School from Hell ❯ Searching, searching, and more searching, no wait and did I mention paint? ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: 123456789
fantasymichelle14: WOW! I have a feeling that this is going to be like ROTC!
Yami_Inu: Why do you say that?
fantasymichelle14: Because I had this many reviews on chapter two when I was doing ROTC.
Yami_Yami: Hmmmmm no one knows!
fantasymichelle14: Yeah ok whatever. HERE'S CHAPPY 3! ^_^
Summer School from Hell
Searching, searching, and more searching, no wait and did I mention paint?
~Tea had ben ranting onhow fun it was going to be spending time with each other since they were stuck~
Tea: Oh you guys, don't know how much this like means to me.
Duke: *whispers to the guys* Can we PLEASE vote her off the island?
Marik: If this was Survivor trust me I would.
Yugi: Too bad it isn't V_V
Bakura: Doesn't mean that we can't do something. *grins*
Kaiba: Just what exactly can we do?
Joey: Well I remember that there was paint in the Artroom.
Guys: *grin at each other*
Yugi: Oh Tea! Let's check out the Artroom first!
Tea: ^_^ OK!
Everyone: *head for the Artroom*
Tea: *all smiles*
Others: *all grins*
Tea: *walks into Artroom*
Duke: Okay so how are we going to do this?
Bakura: Does it really matter? LETS JUST MAKE HER AN ABSTRACT ART!
Marik: Sounds fun! ^_^
Guys: *walk into the room to see her going through the closet*
Joey: *opens a cabinent and pulls out a big tube of red paint* Here. *hands it to Bakura*
Bakura: *takes the paint and opens it* ^_^
Joey: *hands a big tube of green paint to Marik and a big tube of blue paint to Yugi*
Kaiba: *pulls out a big tube of yellow paint*
Duke: *gets a tube of black paint for him and a tube of purple for Joey*
Yugi: Who is gonna do it?
Tea: I think I found something guys! ^_^
Bakura: *walks behind of Tea* Well let me see it then.
Tea: Ok! ^_^ *turns around and-*
~Meanwhile with Mai's group~
Serenity: Let's check the gym, I'm sure something is there!
Mai: Ok. *nods*
Malik: *whispers to Yami* Hey, we're going to kill the statue of the principal, wanna help us?
Yami: Uhhhh no thanks. 'They're probably using EVILLLL machines to do it'
Malik: Your loss. *shrugs*
Ryou: So Tristan.....
Tristan: Hmmm?
Ryou: Did you understand that History?
Tristan: Yeah, pretty much.
Ryou: Well if you ever need help you can ask me ok? ^_^
Tristan: Sure thing. ^_^
Everyone: *enters the gym*
Malik: What about that closet over there? *points to a closet by the basket ball goal*
Ryou: Who knows lets check.
~The group walks across the gym floor and opens the closet~
Tristan: Looks like just a bunch of junk is in here to me.
Mai: Hmmm I wouldn't be so sure about that. *walks behind a shelf and pulls out a karaoke machine*
Yami: Ma.....ma........MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs out of the gym screaming*
Others: O_O;;
Ryou: Anyways...
Serenity: Shouldn't someone go check on him?
Tristan: Nah don't worry. Yami just has this fear of machines.
Mai: Right.......
Malik: AHEM, so why don't we put it in the Auditorium? *grins*
Ryou: Oh yeah so then we can use it later when everyone gets there! ^_^
Tristan: Hopefully after we get some rest. *yawns* Cause I'm beat.
Mai: Yeah. Well let's put this in there and head to the Library.
~Everyone begins to go to the Auditorium upstairs~
Yami: *running down the halls screaming* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MACHINES ARE HERE TO KILL US ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~ -_-;; Back to the other group~
Bakura: *snickers (oh another one! ^_^)
Tea: *wipes paint from her face*
Tea: That was a bad idea guys.
Bakura: Oh how so?
Tea: Because of THIS! *pulls out a paint ball gun and starts shooting at everyone*
Yugi: AHHHH SHE'S ARMED!!!!!!!!!!!! *ducks under a table after being hit in the arm*
Joey: So?! WE CAN STILL WIN!!!! *stands up and jumps over a table while holding the paint in the air*
Tea: *shooting all over the place* I AM THE BEST!!!!!!!! ^_^
Joey: NO I AM!!!!!! *splashes paint on her body* HA! ^_^
Tea: *wipes paint from her face again before shooting Joey and sending him flying over a table which made Joey lose his hold on the paint and it flew directly at.......Kaiba*
Kaiba: *hit with purple paint*
Others: *gasp*
Kaiba: *glares at Joey*
Joey: Eh heh um hi Kaiba?
Kaiba: You are so dead WHEELER!!!!!!!!! *pushes him against a wall and throws the whole bucket of yellow paint on Joey's head*
Joey: Thank you Kaiba. *wipes away the paint before tackling Kaiba on the floor and grabbing a tube of confetti* Here's a nice present! *throws it all over his body*
Kaiba: *blows away confetti from his mouth* Mutt you just crossed the line again! *throws Joey beneath him and grabes a HUGE bucket of glue*
Others: O_o
Joey: Kaiba, don't you dare!
Kaiba: *smirks before dumbing the glue all over Joey's body*
Joey: I CAN'T MOVE!!!!!!!!
Tea: *still shooting paint balls* HHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!!!!
Bakura: *grabs another tube of red paint and throws it on Tea, but some of it splashes on Marik......* Oppsie.
Marik: *splashes blue paint on Bakura* Sowwy! NOT!
Bakura: *throws some red paint on Marik*
Yugi: *blinks* This is crazy.
Duke: I know. *gets hit with gold paint* Lovely.
Yugi: *laughs lightly*
Duke: Yugi it's not nice to laugh at others! *throws black paint on Yugi*
Yugi: Not fair! *splashes green paint on Duke*
Duke: *tackles Yugi and sprays his chest with silver spray paint* HAHAHAHA!
Yugi: Hey! *pushes Duke off before sliding under the table to where Joey and Kaiba are still throwing things on each other*
Joey: *can still move his hands so he throws hot pink paint on Kaiba hair* Oh you look so cute. ^_^
Kaiba: DIE!!!! *trips him and throws orange paint on Joey's hair* Carrot top!
Yugi: HEY! *throws sand on Kaiba's body*
Kaiba: Come here you little runt! *runs errrr slides over to Yugi*
Yugi: *slides away*
Bakura: TAKE THIS!!!!! *finds a spray gun and is spraying eveyrone with raibow paint*
Duke: *tackles Bakura and they both slide into the wall*
Bakura: Hmph!
Duke: *grabs the gun and sprays Bakura's hair* HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!!
~*~O_O Back to Mai's group~*~
Mai: Ok well now what shall we do?
Ryou: Well I guess we could go see if the others found anything.
*Crashes and yelling are heard down the hall*
Others: O_o
Malik: OK now that's probably where they are.
Tristan: That is most likely 100% correct.
Yami: *still running down the hallways* MAAAACHIIIINNNESSS HIDEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Others: *fall over*
Serenity: *opens the door to the Artroom*
Others: O_O
~Well then, Duke was still on Bakura spraying him with rainbow paint, Malik was trying to steal the paint ball gun from Tea, Yugi and Kaiba AND Joey were currently throwing paint all over each other, but just then Bakura pushes Duke off of him and starts spraying HIM with the spray gun. Oh and then Malik got a hold of the gun and starts shooting Tea who is trying to hide behind a table, and Joey fell to the floor taking Kaiba with him who fell on top of him oh and ummm ok I'll stop now~
Yami: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs past them*
Everyone in the Artroom: *freezes*
Serenity: Joey is that glue on you? ?_?
Joey: Oh ummm yeah. -_-;;
Tea: ^_^ Hey Mai, we were just having a paint-
Marik: *slaps his hand over her mouth* Doing a little redecorating. That's all. ^_^
Mai: @_@ Well you sure did a number on this room.
Yugi: Eh heh opps?
Tristan: More like disaster area.
Ryou: Bakura do you have rainbow hair?!
Bakura: V_V Yes I do.
Yami: *runs past them again* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mai: Kaiba is that you with hot pink hair?!!!!
Kaiba: Blame it on the mutt down there. *glares at Joey*
Joey: *glares back*
Malik: You all should go take showers in the gym.
Duke: Just what I was thinking. *walks out of the room while treading paint*
Others w/paint: *follow*
Mai: I'm sooooo fired after this.
Yami: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~*~.Meanwhile in the showers ^_~ ~*~
Joey: *in the first shower washing off the glue and orange paint*
Kaiba: *in the one beside of him trying to wash out his hot pink hair*
Joey: Here Kaiba try this shampoo. *hands him a bottle of Paint Be Gone shampoo over the shower wall*
Kaiba: Where the hell did you get this stuff?! *looks at Joey*
Joey: I dunno, it was on one of the cabinents in the Artroom. *runs his hands through his hair as he rinses*
Kaiba: Ok.... *puts some shampoo in his hair and can't help but notice Joey's body through the tinted glass* @_@
Joey: What are you staring at money bags?
Kaiba: Nothing. I was thinking mutt.
Joey: Tch. After being nice to you.
Yugi: Would you two just stop arguing for once?! *washes his hair and miraculously the spikes stay up!* (weird ne?)
Duke: That won't ever happen Yugi. *has his hair down and it's wet against his back*
Yugi: Yeah I know. V_V
Duke: You know they only fight cause it's their way of flirting?
Yugi: Really? ?_?
Bakura: Of course. Why else were they the only one's who kept tackeling each other back there?
Yugi: Hmmm good point.
Marik: We should try to hook them up. ^_^
Duke: Good idea. *smirks at Bakura*
Bakura: *smirks back before going over to Duke's shower*
Yugi and Marik: O_O
Duke: *looks at Bakura deceptively*
Bakura: *grabs Duke and starts making out with him*
Others: O_O *turn off their showers and get their towels before leaving into the locker rooms*
Joey: Ok that was scary.
Yugi: Who would have thought that Bakura and Duke.....
Marik: Maybe it was just in the heat of the moment?
Kaiba: Who knows with Bakura.
Yugi: Hey I just thought of something.
Others: What?
Yugi: What are we supposed to wear?
Marik: O_o
Joey: Isn't there left over gym clothes in the closet at the end of the lockers in here?
Yugi: I think you're right Joey! ^_^ *walks down to the closet and opens it to find gym clothes*
Kaiba: Yeah real smart but what are we supposed to wear 'underneath'?
Marik: I guess nothing.
Others: o_O
Marik: What you have a better idea?! *grabs a shirt and shorts before beginning to change*
Yugi: Guess not. *grabs some clothes and begins to change*
Joey: *shrugs and grabs some clothes*
Kaiba: This is so fucked up. *gets his clothes and changes*
~*~Later on when everyone is in the Library*
Mai: Now, since there are only seven couches and thirteen people, we'll have to have two people on each couch. So I'll split you up.
Others: 'Oh no she's gonna torture us'
Mai: *smiles* Kaiba and....Joey you two can take the first one.
Joey: NO AGAIN!!!!
Kaiba: *crosses his arms* Must I always be stuck with you?
Mai: Ryou and Duke, you two can have the second couch.
Duke: *smirks at Ryou*
Ryou: Ok.....
Mai: Bakura and Marik you can have the third.
Bakura: *smiles devily at Marik*
Marik: *returns the smile*
Mai: Malik and Tristan can take the fourth.
Tristan: Fine with me.
Malik: Same here.
Mai: Tea and Yugi can have the fifth one.
Tea: ^_^
Yugi: V_V 'So not my day'
Mai: Yami and Serenity can have the sixth one.
Serenity: Sure. ^_^
Yami: ^_^ Alrighty.
Mai: And well I get the last one for myself! ^_^
Tristan: I'm so tired. *lays down*
Malik: Good cause I'm going straight to bed. *lays down beside of him*
Joey: You BETTER not try anything funny. *lays down*
Kaiba: Like I would with you. *lays down beside of Joey*
Mai: Alright you all shut up and lay down cause I'm turning off the lights!
Bakura: *cuddles with Marik*
Marik: *cuddles back*
Mai: 3, 2, 1. *turns the lights off*
************************************************************************ ******************
fantasymichelle14: OK! First I knowz that the pairings are going haywire because everyone is all mixed up and flirting. But that's how this story is going to be for now. Everyone flirts with everyone. So kapesh! ^_^
Yami_Inu: But seriously that thing with Duke and Bakura was....creepy.
Yami_Yami: I know. o_O
fantasymichelle14: Yeah I agree. But anyways, please REVIEW!!! LOL! ^_^
fantasymichelle14: WOW! I have a feeling that this is going to be like ROTC!
Yami_Inu: Why do you say that?
fantasymichelle14: Because I had this many reviews on chapter two when I was doing ROTC.
Yami_Yami: Hmmmmm no one knows!
fantasymichelle14: Yeah ok whatever. HERE'S CHAPPY 3! ^_^
Summer School from Hell
Searching, searching, and more searching, no wait and did I mention paint?
~Tea had ben ranting onhow fun it was going to be spending time with each other since they were stuck~
Tea: Oh you guys, don't know how much this like means to me.
Duke: *whispers to the guys* Can we PLEASE vote her off the island?
Marik: If this was Survivor trust me I would.
Yugi: Too bad it isn't V_V
Bakura: Doesn't mean that we can't do something. *grins*
Kaiba: Just what exactly can we do?
Joey: Well I remember that there was paint in the Artroom.
Guys: *grin at each other*
Yugi: Oh Tea! Let's check out the Artroom first!
Tea: ^_^ OK!
Everyone: *head for the Artroom*
Tea: *all smiles*
Others: *all grins*
Tea: *walks into Artroom*
Duke: Okay so how are we going to do this?
Bakura: Does it really matter? LETS JUST MAKE HER AN ABSTRACT ART!
Marik: Sounds fun! ^_^
Guys: *walk into the room to see her going through the closet*
Joey: *opens a cabinent and pulls out a big tube of red paint* Here. *hands it to Bakura*
Bakura: *takes the paint and opens it* ^_^
Joey: *hands a big tube of green paint to Marik and a big tube of blue paint to Yugi*
Kaiba: *pulls out a big tube of yellow paint*
Duke: *gets a tube of black paint for him and a tube of purple for Joey*
Yugi: Who is gonna do it?
Tea: I think I found something guys! ^_^
Bakura: *walks behind of Tea* Well let me see it then.
Tea: Ok! ^_^ *turns around and-*
~Meanwhile with Mai's group~
Serenity: Let's check the gym, I'm sure something is there!
Mai: Ok. *nods*
Malik: *whispers to Yami* Hey, we're going to kill the statue of the principal, wanna help us?
Yami: Uhhhh no thanks. 'They're probably using EVILLLL machines to do it'
Malik: Your loss. *shrugs*
Ryou: So Tristan.....
Tristan: Hmmm?
Ryou: Did you understand that History?
Tristan: Yeah, pretty much.
Ryou: Well if you ever need help you can ask me ok? ^_^
Tristan: Sure thing. ^_^
Everyone: *enters the gym*
Malik: What about that closet over there? *points to a closet by the basket ball goal*
Ryou: Who knows lets check.
~The group walks across the gym floor and opens the closet~
Tristan: Looks like just a bunch of junk is in here to me.
Mai: Hmmm I wouldn't be so sure about that. *walks behind a shelf and pulls out a karaoke machine*
Yami: Ma.....ma........MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs out of the gym screaming*
Others: O_O;;
Ryou: Anyways...
Serenity: Shouldn't someone go check on him?
Tristan: Nah don't worry. Yami just has this fear of machines.
Mai: Right.......
Malik: AHEM, so why don't we put it in the Auditorium? *grins*
Ryou: Oh yeah so then we can use it later when everyone gets there! ^_^
Tristan: Hopefully after we get some rest. *yawns* Cause I'm beat.
Mai: Yeah. Well let's put this in there and head to the Library.
~Everyone begins to go to the Auditorium upstairs~
Yami: *running down the halls screaming* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MACHINES ARE HERE TO KILL US ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~ -_-;; Back to the other group~
Bakura: *snickers (oh another one! ^_^)
Tea: *wipes paint from her face*
Tea: That was a bad idea guys.
Bakura: Oh how so?
Tea: Because of THIS! *pulls out a paint ball gun and starts shooting at everyone*
Yugi: AHHHH SHE'S ARMED!!!!!!!!!!!! *ducks under a table after being hit in the arm*
Joey: So?! WE CAN STILL WIN!!!! *stands up and jumps over a table while holding the paint in the air*
Tea: *shooting all over the place* I AM THE BEST!!!!!!!! ^_^
Joey: NO I AM!!!!!! *splashes paint on her body* HA! ^_^
Tea: *wipes paint from her face again before shooting Joey and sending him flying over a table which made Joey lose his hold on the paint and it flew directly at.......Kaiba*
Kaiba: *hit with purple paint*
Others: *gasp*
Kaiba: *glares at Joey*
Joey: Eh heh um hi Kaiba?
Kaiba: You are so dead WHEELER!!!!!!!!! *pushes him against a wall and throws the whole bucket of yellow paint on Joey's head*
Joey: Thank you Kaiba. *wipes away the paint before tackling Kaiba on the floor and grabbing a tube of confetti* Here's a nice present! *throws it all over his body*
Kaiba: *blows away confetti from his mouth* Mutt you just crossed the line again! *throws Joey beneath him and grabes a HUGE bucket of glue*
Others: O_o
Joey: Kaiba, don't you dare!
Kaiba: *smirks before dumbing the glue all over Joey's body*
Joey: I CAN'T MOVE!!!!!!!!
Tea: *still shooting paint balls* HHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!!!!
Bakura: *grabs another tube of red paint and throws it on Tea, but some of it splashes on Marik......* Oppsie.
Marik: *splashes blue paint on Bakura* Sowwy! NOT!
Bakura: *throws some red paint on Marik*
Yugi: *blinks* This is crazy.
Duke: I know. *gets hit with gold paint* Lovely.
Yugi: *laughs lightly*
Duke: Yugi it's not nice to laugh at others! *throws black paint on Yugi*
Yugi: Not fair! *splashes green paint on Duke*
Duke: *tackles Yugi and sprays his chest with silver spray paint* HAHAHAHA!
Yugi: Hey! *pushes Duke off before sliding under the table to where Joey and Kaiba are still throwing things on each other*
Joey: *can still move his hands so he throws hot pink paint on Kaiba hair* Oh you look so cute. ^_^
Kaiba: DIE!!!! *trips him and throws orange paint on Joey's hair* Carrot top!
Yugi: HEY! *throws sand on Kaiba's body*
Kaiba: Come here you little runt! *runs errrr slides over to Yugi*
Yugi: *slides away*
Bakura: TAKE THIS!!!!! *finds a spray gun and is spraying eveyrone with raibow paint*
Duke: *tackles Bakura and they both slide into the wall*
Bakura: Hmph!
Duke: *grabs the gun and sprays Bakura's hair* HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!!
~*~O_O Back to Mai's group~*~
Mai: Ok well now what shall we do?
Ryou: Well I guess we could go see if the others found anything.
*Crashes and yelling are heard down the hall*
Others: O_o
Malik: OK now that's probably where they are.
Tristan: That is most likely 100% correct.
Yami: *still running down the hallways* MAAAACHIIIINNNESSS HIDEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Others: *fall over*
Serenity: *opens the door to the Artroom*
Others: O_O
~Well then, Duke was still on Bakura spraying him with rainbow paint, Malik was trying to steal the paint ball gun from Tea, Yugi and Kaiba AND Joey were currently throwing paint all over each other, but just then Bakura pushes Duke off of him and starts spraying HIM with the spray gun. Oh and then Malik got a hold of the gun and starts shooting Tea who is trying to hide behind a table, and Joey fell to the floor taking Kaiba with him who fell on top of him oh and ummm ok I'll stop now~
Yami: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs past them*
Everyone in the Artroom: *freezes*
Serenity: Joey is that glue on you? ?_?
Joey: Oh ummm yeah. -_-;;
Tea: ^_^ Hey Mai, we were just having a paint-
Marik: *slaps his hand over her mouth* Doing a little redecorating. That's all. ^_^
Mai: @_@ Well you sure did a number on this room.
Yugi: Eh heh opps?
Tristan: More like disaster area.
Ryou: Bakura do you have rainbow hair?!
Bakura: V_V Yes I do.
Yami: *runs past them again* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mai: Kaiba is that you with hot pink hair?!!!!
Kaiba: Blame it on the mutt down there. *glares at Joey*
Joey: *glares back*
Malik: You all should go take showers in the gym.
Duke: Just what I was thinking. *walks out of the room while treading paint*
Others w/paint: *follow*
Mai: I'm sooooo fired after this.
Yami: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~*~.Meanwhile in the showers ^_~ ~*~
Joey: *in the first shower washing off the glue and orange paint*
Kaiba: *in the one beside of him trying to wash out his hot pink hair*
Joey: Here Kaiba try this shampoo. *hands him a bottle of Paint Be Gone shampoo over the shower wall*
Kaiba: Where the hell did you get this stuff?! *looks at Joey*
Joey: I dunno, it was on one of the cabinents in the Artroom. *runs his hands through his hair as he rinses*
Kaiba: Ok.... *puts some shampoo in his hair and can't help but notice Joey's body through the tinted glass* @_@
Joey: What are you staring at money bags?
Kaiba: Nothing. I was thinking mutt.
Joey: Tch. After being nice to you.
Yugi: Would you two just stop arguing for once?! *washes his hair and miraculously the spikes stay up!* (weird ne?)
Duke: That won't ever happen Yugi. *has his hair down and it's wet against his back*
Yugi: Yeah I know. V_V
Duke: You know they only fight cause it's their way of flirting?
Yugi: Really? ?_?
Bakura: Of course. Why else were they the only one's who kept tackeling each other back there?
Yugi: Hmmm good point.
Marik: We should try to hook them up. ^_^
Duke: Good idea. *smirks at Bakura*
Bakura: *smirks back before going over to Duke's shower*
Yugi and Marik: O_O
Duke: *looks at Bakura deceptively*
Bakura: *grabs Duke and starts making out with him*
Others: O_O *turn off their showers and get their towels before leaving into the locker rooms*
Joey: Ok that was scary.
Yugi: Who would have thought that Bakura and Duke.....
Marik: Maybe it was just in the heat of the moment?
Kaiba: Who knows with Bakura.
Yugi: Hey I just thought of something.
Others: What?
Yugi: What are we supposed to wear?
Marik: O_o
Joey: Isn't there left over gym clothes in the closet at the end of the lockers in here?
Yugi: I think you're right Joey! ^_^ *walks down to the closet and opens it to find gym clothes*
Kaiba: Yeah real smart but what are we supposed to wear 'underneath'?
Marik: I guess nothing.
Others: o_O
Marik: What you have a better idea?! *grabs a shirt and shorts before beginning to change*
Yugi: Guess not. *grabs some clothes and begins to change*
Joey: *shrugs and grabs some clothes*
Kaiba: This is so fucked up. *gets his clothes and changes*
~*~Later on when everyone is in the Library*
Mai: Now, since there are only seven couches and thirteen people, we'll have to have two people on each couch. So I'll split you up.
Others: 'Oh no she's gonna torture us'
Mai: *smiles* Kaiba and....Joey you two can take the first one.
Joey: NO AGAIN!!!!
Kaiba: *crosses his arms* Must I always be stuck with you?
Mai: Ryou and Duke, you two can have the second couch.
Duke: *smirks at Ryou*
Ryou: Ok.....
Mai: Bakura and Marik you can have the third.
Bakura: *smiles devily at Marik*
Marik: *returns the smile*
Mai: Malik and Tristan can take the fourth.
Tristan: Fine with me.
Malik: Same here.
Mai: Tea and Yugi can have the fifth one.
Tea: ^_^
Yugi: V_V 'So not my day'
Mai: Yami and Serenity can have the sixth one.
Serenity: Sure. ^_^
Yami: ^_^ Alrighty.
Mai: And well I get the last one for myself! ^_^
Tristan: I'm so tired. *lays down*
Malik: Good cause I'm going straight to bed. *lays down beside of him*
Joey: You BETTER not try anything funny. *lays down*
Kaiba: Like I would with you. *lays down beside of Joey*
Mai: Alright you all shut up and lay down cause I'm turning off the lights!
Bakura: *cuddles with Marik*
Marik: *cuddles back*
Mai: 3, 2, 1. *turns the lights off*
************************************************************************ ******************
fantasymichelle14: OK! First I knowz that the pairings are going haywire because everyone is all mixed up and flirting. But that's how this story is going to be for now. Everyone flirts with everyone. So kapesh! ^_^
Yami_Inu: But seriously that thing with Duke and Bakura was....creepy.
Yami_Yami: I know. o_O
fantasymichelle14: Yeah I agree. But anyways, please REVIEW!!! LOL! ^_^