Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Survivor ❯ Day Seventeen ( Chapter 17 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Day Seventeen
“I want off this Island!” ordered Atemu to no one in particular.
“Don't worry yami,” Yugi smiled, “The game's almost over.”
“Almost doesn't cut butter.” Seto griped.
“Or cheese.” added Atemu.
“It's `nor cheese'.” Yugi corrected.
“Or cheese sounds better.” Seto muttered.
“But it's not proper English.” Yugi protested.
“We ain't gotta speak no proper inglesh back in `ere” Atemu said as if he had suddenly turn gangster or something. Yugi and Seto just merely stared at him until Isis came up to them with tree mail.
“Hunting you will have to do,
How much you get is up to you,
Friends are up now for the fight,
Who will go to Council tonight?”
Ryou lied awake late that night, not really use to the new Totama tribe. He could not sleep. Neither could Duke or Tristan. The three were lying under the stars enjoying the peacefulness on the island. It actually was not so bad once you got use to it.
“Look, that star's not there anymore.” Ryou said, sleepily pointing up into the sky. Duke and Tristan looked at the star in question.
“Of course it is.” Tristan said.
“Its right there!” said Duke, pointing to it himself.
“Nope, it exploded five years ago.” Ryou answered, dreamily closing his eyes. Tristan and Duke looked at each other and scooted away from the white haired teen.