Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Taffy ❯ first scene ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"I'm telling you it tastes blue."

Seto rolled his eyes and flipped another page in the thick notebook sitting in his desk scanning the contents and resuming his typing. "Mokuba, there is no way in the world that your food can taste blue."

"There is too" the younger Kaiba insisted twirling the piece of fish to get a closer look at it. "And I'm telling you this crap tastes blue."

"Don't talk like that" came the distracted reply.

"Why not Marik and Jou and Bakura and..."

"Stop now. You're giving me a headache and besides that unless you have Synaesthesia, which I'm sure you don't, your food does not taste blue. End of story."

Mokuba flicked the piece of gray-white food at his brothers head. "I might have Syna...Syna...whatever it is. How would you know if I did or didn't?"

Seto picked the piece of fish up and dropped into the wastebasket beside his desk. "Because I can read your mind. It's really rare besides. Don't you have homework or something you should be doing?"

Mokuba sighed and stretched ignoring his brother's icy sapphire stare. The elder had gotten tougher on him since Mokuba had entered high school two years previous. "I did it all already. I'm bored now."

"Go play a video game then." Seto glanced at the page he had been working on and ran his finger down the line trying to find the pick up.

Mokuba sighed and tugged on a strand of his waist length hair in irritation. It was always the same. Seto would start working and Mokuba was told to go play.
He wasn't 9 years old anymore and being ignored wasn't something he was fond of. It would be different if he could leave the house but Seto had strict rules about that one. If any guard caught him leaving the house this late at night he'd hear about it from his brother for weeks.

"Go find Ryou. I'm sure he'd like some company."

Mokuba grinned and jumped over the back of the couch. That wasn't such a bad idea. Maybe he could talk his brother's boyfriend into taking the child block off of the playboy channel. Or he could ask him what that Syn...whatever word meant. Whichever came up first.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~

The dark haired teen glanced at another post it stuck to another door and kept walking. The only person he knew that would have enough guts to go sticking post it's on the doors of the Kaiba mansion was Ryou. Speaking of, he saw the white haired boy ahead and ran up to him. "What in the hell are you doing?"

Ryou grinned easily and held up his handful of paper. "Trying to find my way around this maze. Any room that's Seto's gets a blue one, yours gets red, bathrooms are green and the rest are just yellow with whatever they are written on it."

Mokuba blinked. "Not a bad idea actually. If you don't know what's where I mean."

Ryou knocked on the door he was standing in front of, waited a moment then opened it. He pulled a blue post it off the pad and stuck it on the door.

"I could have told you that was another office."

"Then quit tagging along like a lost puppy and help me" Ryou laughed.

Mokuba shook his head. "Busy. Very busy. Hey do you know where Bakura is?"

Ryou frowned and put a note reading library on the room he had just poked his head into. "In his room last time I saw him. Why? You two aren't planning on setting the pool on fire or anything are you?"

"Nope." The younger smirked. "That was just once and we learned our lesson."

Troubled brown eyes stared at him.

He sighed. "It was a joke Ry. I was just going to ask him if he wanted to watch a movie."

"Nothing your brother wouldn't want you to see" Ryou reminded him as he returned to his task. "And nothing that's going to have Kura planning evil things to do to Yami."

Mokuba rolled his eyes and took off down the nearest staircase. "A Disney movie can make Bakura do that."

"What was that you little shit?"

The teen was all grins. "Hi Bakura."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N Yeah okay let's see first the legal stuff (I own nothing) then the thing saying all the stuff about the characters (like okay so I know it may be a little OOC or a lot) and then I beg for reviews (please please please oh and no flames because well, I only act nice at work) and then I leave. Yeah it may have been a few months but I think I remember how this goes.