Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Tea For Two ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: [shounen-ai, AU, slight angst]. One day Bakura is bored so he looks through his roommate, Ryou's room. There he finds a tape of an eight year old Ryou singing. Bakura signs Ryou up for choir without Ryou knowing. Ryou goes to the choir classes there he meets a boy from Egypt, one he will fall in love with. Pairings- Malik/Ryou, Bakura/Marik, Seto/Yugi, Yami/Joey

Tea for Two
Chapter Two
By: Ryou Lover15
Proofread by: Dragontalon666 ( http://dragontalon666.deviantart.com/ )

Ryou arrived at his shared apartment at home at four ten; he had stopped by the coffee house to get a cup of tea for on the way home. Ryou dropped his book bag into his room, and went into the living room to watch 'Trading Spaces'. Bakura was nowhere to be seen, and Ryou liked it that way. Bakura was so different from him; Bakura was loud and mouthy, while Ryou was reserved.


The next day was Monday; the last day of the first semester. Ryou had an exam, his geography one. It was one of his favorite classes, and Ryou hated to not be in the class the next semester. Ryou picked up his pencil, and carefully read through the entire exam booklet before starting.


Tuesday, the first day of the second semester. Ryou had handed in his course selection sheet the day before. He was all set for all his new classes; little did he know that Bakura had signed him up for choir. Ryou usually took a second glance at the papers that he handed in, but when he handed in the course selection sheet, he was on the verge of being late for his last geography lesson. He had just left it on the secretary's desk, and left the office.

Ryou sat in his homeroom; where everyone got their schedules for the new semester. The teacher was a tall, handsome man that wore glasses; he was the recent addition to the Primrose staff. Primrose being an exclusive school was just as finicky with their staff as with their students. The man walked expertly through the whole class, handing out each sheet to the appropriate student. He put down Ryou's sheet of paper on the desktop in front of Ryou. Ryou picked it up gingerly and scanned it. It reads:

Advanced Math
Advanced Chemistry

The buzzer rang; the students were to go to their new first classes. Ryou's just happened to be choir.


Ryou opened the door, with the lettering of 'music room' on it. The room was about the size of the cafeteria, posters of famous classical artists were on the white walls, black stands were in one corner, and a set of risers were in the center of the room with a black music stand in front. There were already a small amount of people here. There was a small boy with spiky, tri-coloured hair and amethyst eyes that Ryou knew was Yugi. Beside Yugi was a tall brunette, his name was Seto, the owner of Kaiba Corp, and Yugi's boyfriend. An older look alike of Yugi stood next to a blonde, Ryou knew the two were distantly related, the look alike's name was Yami, the blonde's name being Joey. Joey and Yami were going out. The teacher came into the room; it was a male wearing a sweater vest combo, and a pair of lack pants.

"Okay class, we are going to have an interesting half of the year, with five of us, we will have to work extra hard. Now could you all take a seat on the risers? My name is Mr. Cooke for everyone that doesn't know me." Everyone went over to the risers and sat down. Ryou noticed that Seto sat right behind Yugi, while Yami and Joey sat close together, a little bit too close. Ryou took a seat in the middle of the risers, not wanting to encroach on any of the other member's spots.

"Now when I call your name, say here, or present or whatever." Mr. Cooke announced, pulling out an attendance sheet.

"Bakura, Ryou?"


"Ishtar, Malik?"

No answer, Mr. Cooke continued.

"Kaiba, Seto."


"Motou, Yugi?"


"Motou, Yami?"


"Wheeler, Joey?"


"All right, now we are going to start on warm-ups, and then I'll decide where I shall put you new guys," he picked up a baton, "first a breathing exercise."

When they were half way through the exercise, someone came rushing into the room, a certain someone who had no regard for the school rules, for he was wearing light khaki pants, instead of the school's black pants. As soon as Ryou saw him, he knew the reason for staying in choir, was to have a change with the sex god before him.

He walked causally up to Mr. Cooke, as if he walked late in everything. "And you are?" Mr. Cooke asked imperiously.

"Malik Ishtar," the man consulted his list, and marked a L on the attendance sheet. "Take a seat on the risers please." To Ryou's delight, Malik sat right next to him; someone must really like him up there. Ryou could hardly contain his blush as Malik accidentally brushed against Ryou.

"Now, for the individual tests for Ryou, Yugi, and Malik. You will each be taken into my office, and you will sing anything of your choice. I will then place you in the baritone section, the bass section, or the tenor section. Ryou would you like to go first?" Ryou got up and followed Mr. Cooke into the office. He took a seat on a red chair. Mr. Cooke sat on the black leather swivel that was behind his desk. "What song will you be singing for me?" Mr. Cooke questioned.

"Umm Silent Night I guess," immediately Ryou broke out into the melody of the song that he had loved ever since he was little. Before he knew it, he had ended the song. After eight years of singing he still had the angelic sounding voice.

"Wow! You can really sing." Mr. Cooke exclaimed, astonished that Ryou could sing as well as he could. "I'm putting you in tenor is that okay?" Ryou nodded, that was what he had been when he was in the church choir. Ryou turned to leave the room, and go back to the safety of the risers. "One more thing, don't try to hide your voice Ryou, you were meant to stand out. " Ryou left the room beaming.


It had been a busy day; Ryou was sitting on the couch, when Bakura came into the room with someone who looked similar to Malik. Only this person didn't have the same color eyes, flat hair, and was taller.

"Bakura!" Bakura turned to look at Ryou. "I want to thank you for signing me up for choir, so do you want to play Karaoke Revolution with me one time?" Ryou chuckled at Bakura's shocked expression. Ryou had went to the office during his lunch hour, to check what his course selection sheet actually had on it, he thought it was a computer mix up, but when he got there it was actually Bakura's writing. He was glad Bakura did that for him, he would have never done that himself.