Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Team YGO vs. Team Animasters ❯ Jake has a WHAT?!?!?! ( Chapter 7 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: List of what I own: the plot, my OC's, their cards, and the anime my OC's came from. Do you see YGO there?!?! No, so I don't own it!!!!
*Last Chapter Recap*
“There was a ritual…” The voice explained, his outline was almost clearly visible in the dimly lit room.
It was a man, in his late 20's judging by his voice. Whoever he was, he was a very muscular man, with a powerful build. He had his arms crossed. “…back at home, they'd use a 3d model of a monster and give it life.” He said gruffly.
“You mean like Frankenstein?” Jake asked.
“What's Frankenstein?” He asked, his voice faltering.
“You Egyptians need to keep in touch with this world.” Jake said jokingly.
`Egypt?!?' Mokuba had a light bulb flash. `He's got a yami??'
“Jake, there's someone here…” DP warned.
“Who??” Jake asked.
“Uh…oh…Time to split!” Mokuba ran like heck away from the two.
“Get him!” Jake exclaimed. Mokuba ducked down a hall, ran up another hall and sat down with his back against the wall. `I think I lost him…'
“Where did you come from, little boy?” A voice asked from above him.
Now that that's recapped……
On with the fic!!!!!!!
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Mokuba was fighting the urge to look up, but losing badly. He slowly lifted his head to see who spoke.
What he saw was definitely something he won't forget.
A tall, muscular man was looming over him. His entire body was covered in bandages, except for his eyes, which were bicolored. His left eye was a sparkling sapphire blue while his right eye was a dark amethyst purple. The strange thing was both his eyes had a strange marking on them. It was like a curved scar that was similar to a lightning bolt, but more like a letter `C' with a bit at the top. The other eye had a similar scar but facing the other way. Resting on his head was an elaborate headdress with a dragon head on the center, in its mouth a ruby gem. He had a cape draped over his shoulders over what was supposed to be a bare chest (but because of the bandages, it isn't.) He had a kilt around his waist and four large cuffs, two on his hands and two on his ankles.
“Who are you, kid?” The man asked.
Mokuba was too stunned to speak. All he could do was tremble at the sight of the strange bandaged man.
“Don't worry your little bushy-haired head. I'm not going to hurt you.” He said soothingly. Mokuba still couldn't help but shake.
“Hey DP, did you find the spy?” Jake called out, running up to the man.
“It was this boy.” DP said, pointing to Mokuba.
Jake's eyes grew wide. “Hey Mokuba, don't worry about him. He's not the sadistic type. He's even a grandfather, you know.” He said, his hand on Mokuba's shoulder.
Mokuba finally found his voice. “Y-y-you s-s-sure?” He stammered.
“Yes, I'm not heck-bent on ruling the world, despite the fact that I created the Shadow Realm.” DP confessed, saying the last part under his breath. He hid his head in his bandaged hand.
Mokuba found some of his courage and asked. “How long have you known each other?”
“Seven years.” Jake and DP answered in unison.
“THAT long?? But it took Yugi eight years to complete the puzzle.” (According to my sources, I'm not sure about this.)
“This crystal…” Jake started, holding the crystal in his hand. “…Is an heirloom in my family, handed down throughout the generations to the son on their 10th birthday. I got this on mine, and little did I know it had a hitchhiker in it.”
DP gave a disapproving cough at this. Jake just sniggered.
Then Jake stood up. “I'll tell my story later.” He then started to walk down the hall with DP right behind him. Mokuba ran up to him. “Why?” He asked eagerly.
“I'll tell when I'm ready. Can you keep a secret until then?” Jake replied, sending a wink at Mokuba.
“I guess, but…”
“I understand if you tell someone. All I'm asking is that you wait before you tell.”
“Alright then.”
“I have to go, Jake.” DP informed.
“Sure.” Jake replied and DP vanished into thin air.
The two walked back to the central lounge, where everyone was. Except, Team YGO stayed to the left side of the room and Team Animasters stayed to the right. Mokuba ran to his brother's side while Jake trudged on to his.
“Hi, nii-chan, what happened to the report?” Evan asked upon seeing his brother approaching.
“Not good. The victims this time are the Aviary's Harpie's Brother and the Rec. center's Paladin.” Jake related.
“Oh no, not those two! Those were made special!” Sonja cried out when she overheard the news.
“I know. I even slammed my fist on the keyboard.” Jake confessed.
“Not again!” Midori said exasperatedly, slapping her forehead with her hand.
Jake scratched the back of his head sheepishly. “Ehehehe…” *Insert Sweatdrop on Jake's head here*
“Tonikaku (Anyway), we need to wrap up this case pronto. Who knows what'll be stolen next?!?!” Erik said determinedly, pounding his fist into his palm.
“Hold your horses, Sherlock.” Jett said calmly. Jett leaned closer and whispered into Jake's ear. “What did DP find out?” He asked.
“A ritual similar to Frankenstein was all he could get.” Jake replied.
Just then, Yugi, Ryou and Kaiba walked up to Jake bravely and lined up in front of him.
“Mokuba told me something about you, Jake…” Kaiba sneered.
“Would you mind to elaborate?” Yugi asked politely.
“What're you…?” Sonja started, but Jake held up a hand to stop her.
“Daijoubu (Don't worry), I'll handle this.” He said curtly.
Jake boldly stepped forward, took of his crystal and used its tip to trace the scar on DP's eyes over his own. As if on cue, there was a flash of light, and DP stood beside him.
“Why did you summon me?” DP asked, unaware of the three spectators who were gawking (& in Kaiba's case, death-glaring) at him.
“What happened???” Ryou asked suddenly.
“Who's he?” Kaiba asked angrily.
“Jake, you have a yami??” Yugi asked eagerly.
“What happened was I summoned him, his name is DP and yea, he's my yami in a way…” Jake said calmly, answering all three questions.
Everyone was now concentrating on Jake, who didn't seem to notice.
“I guess I'll tell my story, then.” Jake said as everyone who didn't have a seat sat down on the floor.
“It all started on my 10th birthday…” Jake began, but Ryou (*coughBakuracough*) stopped him.
“DP is barely a name, is it really what he was named??” He asked, a sinister grin on his face.
“No, I just call him that because his name is kind of hard to pronounce.” Jake admitted, going red in the face.
“What's his real name?” Yugi (*coughYamicough*) inquired suddenly.
“Draconryuu Peraa (Pronounced: Dra-con-ree-yu per-ra-ha).” DP said curtly.
Sudden realization struck the two's faces as they silently said his name again.
“What does that mean, Yami??” Tea asked, sitting him back on the couch.
“It means `Dragon Pharaoh'.” Yami breathed. (I don't know about the `Draconryuu' part. I just made it up)
“Yes, it does. Now I'll continue the story from here Jake.” DP said, sitting Jake down.
“Thanks.” Jake said, collapsing on an empty couch.
“Anyway, any more questions?” DP asked, turning to the crowd.
“Who were you, exactly?” Ryou (really Ryou, this time)
“I was…I'm going to regret saying this…the creator of the Shadow Realm.” DP admitted.
Almost everyone's mouth dropped.
“The Shadow Realm!?!?!?” They half-shouted at the spirit.
“Yes, the Shadow Realm is my creation. But it was a creation that turned on its master.” DP said. “This is where my story begins…”
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I'm sorry but I have to leave it at that. It's 1 am on my side of the globe and it's a school night so my mom's gonna kill me if she sees me up this late. Well, C'ya next chappie and don't forget to review!!!!!!!!!!!!