Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Team YGO vs. Team Animasters ❯ Jake's story ( Chapter 17 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to YGO, but I am thinking of chatting with Kazuki Takahashi about a x-over with my anime.
Hello again! Here's the next installment of the biggest team match in the anime fanfic kingdom!
Last time…
Seto nodded slowly. “I guess so…Sonja tells me you also have 3 Blue Eyes…Care to explain why?”
Jake faltered. “So she told you…well, I had this coming to me. Come on, I'm not gonna leak it out here.”
He led Seto out of the Dueling room and out to the hall, where he led him to a room with a room with a purple and gold star emblazoned on it. He opened the door and led Seto inside.
“You see… it all started when a plane I was taking got hijacked and I landed on an island own by a weird white-haired guy by the name of Pegasus…”
[This entire chapter is Jake's flashback. It'll be done in his POV; also, the timeline is when Pegasus was styling the cards from the stone tablets he found in Egypt. So, that means Duel Monsters wasn't that popular yet.]
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I was safe in a tree as I looked over the wreckage. `I knew it was a bad idea to take that flight!' I thought of myself bitterly. I clambered down the tree and examined the scrap heap that was the plane I was on closer. It was so messed up that it looked like a pile of metal. Good thing the other passengers got off at the last stop and there was only me and the pilots there. And, the pilots were able to get parachutes.
What about me? Well, I got a parachute too, but my chute followed the plane here.
I looked around and saw nothing but trees. Where was here, anyway?? I started off into the forest, blindly following the first direction that came into my head. After what I think was 2 hours, I made it out of the dense forest and onto a large field. In the distance, I spotted a castle. `Huh, pretty medieval…' I thought. I made my way across the field, up the stairs and ended up in front of the massive door of the castle. `Man, whoever lives here really needs a road!' I mused; exhausted after walking I think a mile.
I got enough strength to knock on the door. A tall guy wearing shades answered. “Who're you and how did you get on this island?” He asked gruffly. I cleared my throat and said, “I was riding a plane nearby here but it got hijacked and it crashed in that forest and I'm stranded here.”
The man thought it over and invited me in. He took me to this gigantic dining hall and told me to wait here. I looked around as I waited. There were two extremely large portraits hanging on the walls: One of a beautiful blonde girl and another of a weird guy in a turban. Suddenly, I heard the door open behind me. I turned around and saw a guy, or at least I think it was a guy, coz it was kinda hard to tell with that long white hair of his covering the left side of his face. He was wearing a red English-design tux and a creepy smile on his face.
“Greetings, I'm the one living in this castle and on this island.” He introduced, airily walking closer to me. I stood my ground, something told me that this guy was either a.) Crazy, b.) Gay, c.) Evil or d.) All of the above. He stopped and stared straight at me, his right eye drilling a hole into mine.
“Don't be so frightened.” He said in his eerily calm tone. “I'm not going to bite.”
I relaxed a little, but I still watched him cautiously. Then I finally spoke up.
“Do you have a plane or a boat I could use to get back to Tokyo?”
He nodded once. “I do have a liner that could take you there. But first I need you to do something for me, Jake.”
`How the h*** did he know my name?!?' I asked myself. I shook it off and asked, “What might that be, sir?”
He laughed eerily as a chill ran up my spine. “No need for formalities, Jake. You may address me as Pegasus.”
`Okay…creepy guy, silly name.' I thought jokingly. “Anyway, back to the topic. What do you need me to do?”
He strode out of the dining room and gestured me to follow. He led me through the longest corridors I could ever think of when finally, I found myself in an art room, full of paintings, both finished and unfinished. Strangely enough, they were mostly of dragons. I was strangely drawn to them. Even when I was a kid, I absolutely loved anything with wings, the most powerful of the winged creatures, of course were my favorite, Dragons.
“I could tell just by looking at you, you have a passion for dragons.” Pegasus remarked, snapping me out of my daze.
“You painted all of these?!” I exclaimed.
He nodded, a playful grin on his lips. “I'm glad you appreciate them. You wouldn't believe what I used as models.” He replied.
I turned to a rather large unfinished painting of two dragons engaged in a battle with each other. One was in the air, while another was down on the ground, snapping its long jaws at the dragon over it. The dragons were both uncolored, but the background was designed in a yin & yang theme: The canvas was divided horizontally with a wavy line. The upper part was white while the lower part a dull dark gray.
“One of my most puzzling works.” Pegasus mused, looking up at the flying dragon. Its large, wide wings covering most of the upper canvas.
“Why is it puzzling?” I asked dreamily, completely enthralled by the beautiful painting.
“Because I found this picture on a large Egyptian stone tablet.” He replied.
I snapped back at him. “A stone tablet?! May I see?” I half-pleaded him.
He smiled his eerie smile and gestured me to a closet. He opened it and there I saw, walls upon walls of stone tablets displayed throughout the room.
He pointed to a large tablet hung high over the others. Sure enough, it is the one that was painted, but the strange thing was, even though the dragons were snapping at each other, their tails were intertwined.
“I don't understand this at all.” Pegasus mused, gazing thoughtfully at the tablet. “And I even found these…”
He gestured again to another tablet. This one had three dragons in it, but they were converging at the beckon of one man in the center, raising what looked like a staff up at the three.
“These three are the same ones as the flying dragon in the painting.” He pointed out; his hand resting on the tablet over one of the dragon carving's raised head.
“Is this why you led me here? To try to solve the mystery?” I asked him. He nodded solemnly.
“I need someone with a dragon passion to decipher this puzzle.” He explained simply.
I thought deeply. Sure, I absolutely adored dragons, but this was tricky. Suddenly, a thought came to me.
“Maybe these two were once friends, but they became enemies when their masters died and they blamed the other for it. Then the one at the top called out for his brethren, seeing the three dragons in that other tablet, and they all combined forces to battle the one at the bottom, with that one trying in vain to reason with them.”
As soon as those words left my mouth, I knew that was the stupidest thing I've ever said.
But for some reason, he believed it. “So, you mean that these two are rivals?” he asked.
I shrugged. “I guess…”
“Thank you. I needed an answer for this. And I guess this is the best one I've got. As a little token of appreciation, how about telling me what I should color these two?” He asked, waving his hand at the unfinished painting.
I was shocked. “Me, really?” I asked, making sure I got the message.
He nodded, that playful smile on his face once again.
I studied the picture hard. “Since this is a Yin-yang theme, what about the upper one pale blue while the lower one jet black?”
“Pale blue?” he asked me. I shrugged once again. “Because I think white against white isn't that appealing…” I replied.
He nodded and pointed to the lower dragon's eyes. “What should these be?” He asked.
“I guess since these two are opposites, it should be an opposite color for both of them, so I suggest red for the lower one, and blue for the upper one.”
“Thank you Jake. I'll take you to the liner.” He strode out the door but briskly stopped and gave me an envelope. “Open this when you get to the ship.” He instructed.
Bewildered, I nodded and took the envelope.
*On the liner*
I was looking over the railing at the large speck that was the island that I came from. Remembering what he said, I went back to my cabin and shuffled around my jacket pockets for the envelope. I opened it and there inside were four cards. All four the flying dragon that was on the painting. Folded around them was a letter written in a bad calligraphy addressed to me. I barely made out the words that said:
When you came onto my island, you'd be useful to me. And now I know, I was right. You were destined for these, and they're yours. These cards are for a game I made, it's not that popular now, but I'm hoping it will be. Keep these cards safe, because I'm only making 8. Think of it as a gift from creator to player. Hope to see you play… - P.
I glanced at one of the cards in the letter. It was the exact same way I described it: A pale blue armored body, two large wings, a long plated neck and deep sapphire blue eyes.
“Now that's what I call a coincidence.” I mused, fanning out the four dragons and smiling to myself.
“And that Seto, is how I got them.” Jake finished, glancing over to a awestruck Seto.
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That's all, hope you enjoyed, REVIEW!!!!!!!!