Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ That's Life ❯ Seto Yukio ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Dove: Well… this is a feedback flic… I hope you review!

Raven: The more reviews the better…

Dove: The birthdays are real for Mokuba and Seto Okies?

Raven: PLEASE REVIEW!!! It's a feedback flic, the more feedback the more chappies… the more chappies the more stuff about the YGO cast…

Dove: VOTE for the next character for the next chappie. I picked Seto cause I think he's the oldest… (I made up the year of his b-day… all I know is, is that Mokuba is five years younger.) I could keep going on Seto's childhood… He still has MANY years to go through…

Raven: REVIEW!!!!


Mr. Tomeo Yukio sat down on his recliner and picked up the remote to the television. Before turning it on he heard his wife turn on the water in the kitchen so he got up to see what she was up to.

Mrs. Yukio tended to do work even in her state. She hated feeling like she was useless and didn't like to just sit around even if she was ten months pregnant.

She picked up the dirty plate and ran it under the warm water. She smiled softly after she grunted as she felt a pretty strong kick inside her. Absentmindedly she rubbed her stomach softly and hushed her baby.

"Shh, shh, shhhhh. It's okay little baby. You'll be coming out soon I hope. It's okay, shhhhh. Calm down my baby." She whispered to her unborn child.

"Suki." A stern voice rang through the kitchen. Mrs. Suki Yukio's smile brightened when she heard this. She was caught out of bed. "Oh fizzle-sticks." She muttered loudly as she turned around while she was drying the dish that she was washing to see her husband behind her.

She smiled as she saw Tomeo the caring and loving husband she was married to with his hands on his hips and scowling at her.

"What dear?" she said sweetly.

"Why are you out of bed AGAIN?" He said just as sternly as before as he raked his hand through his fairly long black hair to the side again. He only kept his hair to the side.

His wife sighed softly and tried to hold back laughter as his hair went in front of his face again but failed horribly.

"My love. You're going to give me a heart attack if something was to happen to you or the baby." He said as he wrapped his arms around her waist softly and ran his hair through her long soft blond hair. He tucked the hair behind her ear to see her beautiful gray eyes.

Suki sighed through her nose as she smirked and rested her head on his chest. She looked up to her husband's light blue eyes and arched up to kiss him softly on his lips.

"I'm fine, love. You just worry too much. You know me, I hate sitting around doing nothing." She whined. She leaned back, crossing her arms and pouting. She picked up the plate and finished drying it.

"You're not doing `nothing'. You're taking care of yourself and your daughter."

"Daughter?" she asked looking up from washing another plate.

"I'm just guessing, dear. What? You don't want a daughter? I thought all women want daughters." He said softly as he stole the dish and dried it himself.

His wife pouted as she scowled softly at her husband for stealing her dish. She picked up another to clean.

"No, I don't mind what the baby is. Just that we are good parents. I'll love it just the same way if it's a boy or a girl." She said smiling down at her child again.

Tomeo placed the dried dish in the cupboard and smiled fondly at his wife and reached over and rubbed her stomach gently.


His wife giggled softly and picked up another plate. "So if it is a girl, what wo-" She gasped and cried out in pain. Placing her hands on her stomach, dropping the plate and having it shatter on the tile floor, scrunching her face in pain.

"Are you alright, dear? What's wrong? Is the baby coming?" Tomeo started throwing questions nonstop as he helped her back into an upright position.

Mr. Tomeo Yukio started to panic to the point of hyperventilation when he heard what his wife said next.

"M-my w-w-wa-t-ter b-broke…" She gasped out softly, taking deep breaths. She looked up to her love and smiled as sweat started to collect at her brow. "T-take d-deep breaths… w-with m-me h-hon-ney."

Tomeo laughed softly with his wife. He fallowed her instructions.

"Okay, we must hurry then, come on dear... Easy, easy. Yes, we only need to get you into the car." He steered his wife to the right and helped her down the small steps, into the garage and into the passenger side, buckling her up.

Tomeo slapped his forehead when he realized he left the keys on the table next to the front door. Suki struggled not to laugh at her husband's antics.

She watched as he jumped over the three steps and flew through the kitchen.

Tomeo made a sharp turn to the left and ran passed the couch sliding on the wood floor finally realizing that he did have his shoes on either.

Right now he was thanking any and all gods that he kept his coat, shoes and keys in the same place.

He grabbed his coat, not caring which one it was and slammed his feet into shoes that he wasn't sure that were his and grabbed the keys as he ran down the same path through the kitchen and into the garage.

He ran to his wife and placed her shoes on the mat in front of her so that she could slip her feet into. He double-checked her buckle to make sure she was down and slammed the door and ran to the other side.

Tomeo sat at the driver's seat panting. He took deep calming breaths as he started the car and slowly backed out of the car.

As he drove as fast as he could but not going above the speed limit too much he would sneak glances over to Suki as she grasped her stomach in pain.

As she hit her head softly behind her to the back of the seat, taking the slowest breaths possible she could, trying to control her breathing.

Tomeo smiled as he reached over and grasped her hand tightly.

Suki would occasionally squeeze so tightly that Tomeo would hiss in pain.

He quickly turned into the emergency lane and practically carried his wife into the hospital. "Where's the maternity?!?" He asked the nearest nurse.

"Is this her first child?" She asked as if nothing was happening.

"Yes!" He said breathlessly.

One of the other nurses wheeled a wheelchair and wheeled her off. The nurse that asked the question wrapped her arm around his shoulder and asked his to claim down. "Don't worry, the first child is always slow. So just claim down and breathe. You're going to be a great father."

"I need to be there. I'll wait but I need to be with her."

Soon time flew and Tomeo was next to his panting wife, she JUST changed out of her clothes and was waiting for the doctor.

Suki bit her lower lip to avoid screaming. She breathed out and said breathlessly to her husband as calmly as she could. "Could… Ah! Could you p-please g-get the d-doctor, honey? I think the baby is coming now."

Tomeo kissed his wife's hand softly, patting it. He ran to the door and called. "Doctor! Any doctor! Please, the baby's not being patient! Quick!"

Tomeo quickly went back to his wife that bit her lip so hard so not to scream that she was bleeding, when a doctor walked in.

"You're first right?" He said smiling. He got a nod as he kissed his wife's face to claim both of them.

"Oh then claim down, the first takes forever." He made a quick peek to see how far along she was. His eyes went bug eyed when he saw the baby's head was already half out.

"Quickly! Come! Nurse this baby is practically here right now!" Three nurses ran in and started their work.

"You're going to be a great mother. You look so beautiful right now. You can do it! Oh, I love you so much, you can do this."

Suddenly there was a scream.

There was slight cheering when the doctor held up the baby. "What is it? Is it a boy or a girl?" Tomeo asked as he hugged his wife.

"Congratulations! It's a boy." The doctor said happily.

The couple cheered for joy. Now they had a son… but what to name him? They were thinking it was going to be a girl.

"Time of birth: 6:39pm on October 25th."

As the nurses cleaned off the baby and gave him a check up they wrapped him in a baby blue blanket and handed him gently to his father.

The father carefully held his first-born son to his chest and walked slowly to his lovely wife.

"Oh! He's SO handsome! He is going to be beautiful young man! Oh, oh. Come here, you're so adorable. What should we name him, love?"

"How about Seth?"

"Seth? Honey, I don't know… How could we name him that?"

"It means `set or appointed.' I know how you are with faith and fate and everything."

"But Seth? Seth Yukio?"

"Alright, sweet heart. Seto? It's a boy's name. It also means the same thing."

Suki looked down at her son. He looked like he knew exactly what was happening and what they were talking about. She looked into his adorable sky blue eyes.

"Hmm, Seto Yukio." She smiled up at him. "Alright."

"You better keep those kawaii eye, mister. They're a lovely color." She said softly, putting her index finger on his nose and rubbing it softly. Soon Seto fell asleep.

"Seto! Sweet heart! Mommy's making cookies, does my little man want to watch?" She asked as she put her hand on her hips while he walked into the kitchen.

"Ok Mommy!" Seto chirped happily.

He crawled up onto a stool so that he could watch. "And I'm not little!" "Oh yah? How old is my big strong little man?" His mother teased.

"I'm five!"

"Could you show me on your fingers?" He held up four fingers on his right hand and one on his left.

"Why don't you use your thumb?"

"Cause yous said to use my fingers." He said happily.

Suki simply rolled her eyes. "You're so technical… Just like your father." She smiled fondly as she rubbed her stomach; she was seven and a half months along now. "How is summer going for my little man? This is you're very first summer vacation from school!" She squeaked. "Oh!"

"Mommy! Mommy! Is Mokuba hurting you again?!" Seto ran over to his mother and wrapped his little arms around her leg. "Are you ok?"

"Mokuba? Who is Mokuba?" She said lifting her skirt to look at her son.

"I had a dream that you came home with a little boy and you said his Mokuba and you said it was my little brother and that I have to look after him when you're not around!"

Suki laughed sweetly and picked up her son and set him next to the mixer to watch.

"So, You had a dream that you got a little brother named Mokuba?"

He nodded his head frantically. "Yup!"

"Ah… Fate works in mysterious of ways…"

"Mommy! Mommy! Can I put in the chocolate chips?" He said with a little smile.

"Can you?"

"Oh, Sorry… May I?"

Suki smiled softly and then handed the now open bag of chocolate chips.

Seto slowly and cautiously poured the sweets into the concoction and watched it swirl.

"Mommy? Where's Daddy?"

"Daddy went to work. Daddy's a chemist. He's very smart and hopes that you will be too."

Seto smiled and hugged his mother lovingly. "I love you Mommy." He said into his chest. "Don't forget me." He whispered.

"What was that honey?" She said as she pulled back and tapped his little nose.

"Nothing Mommy." He said softly. She squeaked again, giggling.

"Seto, little man, feel." She said still giggling as she placed her son's hands on her stomach to feel his little sibling kick.

Seto pouted, unseen by his mother as she continued to make cookies.

Seto quietly ate his cookies up on his perch on the counter. Suddenly he heard his mother collapses and scream in pain.

Seto gasped as he jumped off the counter and searched the house for his mother. He didn't have to look far when he turned the corner to the living room.

There on the floor was his mother gasping for breath, squeezing a pillow, bleeding.

"Seto! Seto baby! Call 911! The baby's coming! Coming quick!"

Seto ran back to the kitchen and grabbed the phone calling 911 hurriedly.

"911 emergency service, how may we help you?"

"My mommy! She's having a baby! My Daddy's not home! We need help! She's bleeding!"

"Calm down young man… Where do you live?"

"7711 Samoa Drive! Riverside!" He said quickly.

"Alright an ambulance is coming over young man, how old are you?"

"I'm five."

"Just calm down and go see your mother. How is she breathing? How much has she bled?"

"I'll go see."

Seto hurried to his mother's side. Suki grabbed her son's arm to get his attention and unintentionally squeezed too hard, possibly enough to bruise.

"Seto… Ah! Seto… You're going to have to… to deliver the baby. I know it! Ah!"

"H-how Mommy! I-I d-don't know w-what to do!"

"You're a smart boy… I know you can do it! I almost gave birth to you in the Toyoda."

"H-hold on Mommy!"

Seto ran to pick up the phone and get instructions. This time he brought the phone with him.

"M-my mommy's giving birth right now… She's losing a lot of blood… W-What should I do?"

"Alright young man. You need to take a deep breath. Calm down and we'll get through this." The woman on the line gave him a list of things he would need.

Seto gathered all the things he was supposed to have and came back to his tired mother.

"Ok mommy! You can do this! You've always said that I came quickly! Mokuba is going to too! You can do this Mommy! I love you!"

Right after saying this, the baby seemed to come right out. Seto wrapped the baby in a blanket that he had gotten and looked up at his mother. "It's a boy." He whispered.

Slowly he kneeled down next to her, the baby was slowly placed in her arms and she smiled down at him. "Mokuba Yukio. What a fitting name." She looked up at the face of her son.

"And he was delivered by my hero, my little man." She rubbed his cheek gently, accidentally getting blood on him. "Seto, you seem to know what's going to happen to me. Remember you're a smart boy and it wasn't you're fault all right? Watch over Mokuba, Daddy and yourself for me all right?"

"I-I promise Mommy." He grabbed little Mokuba and held him in sight for his mother.

Suki held onto Mokuba's hand, rubbing the tiny thing with her thumb gently.

"I love you both. Tell… Tell your father that it wasn't his fault either and that I love him too, alright my little hero?"

"I will Mommy. I love you too." Seto whipped his eyes from the tears he refused to have at this time.

"Don't cry for me, Seto. Cry joy for the birth of your little brother." She smiled and closed her eyes.


Dove: Whatcha think?


Thank you for reading this crapy story…

Ja ne!