Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ the battle for mai ❯ powerful duelist! bikuttaa hannoki ( Prologue )

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DISCLAIMER: I don't ****ing Yugi-oh! T_T but how I wished I owned mai…*busts out crying*

The battle for mai

It was the usually sunny morning (???? What the heck is wrong with the duelist island??) For theYugi-oh crew. "Why did I decide to join you guys?" mai asked. "Because your generally a good person?" Joey answered shrugging. Suddenly there was a rustling in the bushes. The group stopped and looked around. Then, a Hugh blurry figured attached itself to mai's head with a weird GLOMP sound. "GAAAAAAH" the figure yelled. Mai tore the figure from her head. "WHAT THE F- oh, it's just some kid" she said. The kid was dressed in blue jeans; light blue t-shirt with a red "Z" on it, and a long black coat. "Not just some kid, Bikutaa Hannoki! Y'know! The guy that won the first duel monster tournament ever???" Bikutaa said. Yugi blinked. "Oooh! Wow! It's…you!" he said shaking his hand. Bikutaa nodded, then stared at mai. His grew big and the started sparkling. "MAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!" mai backed up a little bit, be fore getting glomped again. "MGFFFFHHJ WWTGH FRRRRRK????" mai said, muffled by bikutaa's face. She pulled him off again and starting punching him. "WHAT THE HECK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING????" she screamed. Bikutaa tried to block the punches but failed. "I OW am OW you OW greatest OW fan OW mai OW OW OW OW OW!!!!!" she rolled her eyes. "You wouldn't believe how much I hear that." Bikutaa got up and brushed himself off. "Seriously, and I want to make you my girlfriend!" Joey's eyes bulged out. He grabbed Bikutaa by his coat collar. "WHAT DO YA THINK YER DOING HERE COMIN' AROUND AN-"

He was cut off when Bikutaa pimp-slapped him. "I have no time for people like you, all I want is mai, then I'll leave." He said coolly. Mai glared at him. "If you want me, you'll have duel me!" Bikutaa smiled, and pulled his deck out his coat pocket. "I was hoping you'd say that." All of a sudden a duel base popped up out of nowhere. Mai, my mai." Bikutaa said smirking. Mai just glared at him and walked up the narrow staircase to the dueling podium. "You go first, mai." Bikutaa said with hearts in his eyes. Mai just rolled her eyes and drew five cards. "I put Harpie's lady in attack mode. And I'll place this trap card face down."

Bikutaa smiled. "Ogre of the black shadow in attack mode. I'll place this magic card face down also. GO OGRE OF THE BLACK SHADOW!!" the ogre charged foreword towards the Harpie lady, but was easily destroyed. "For a top player, you played a 1200 attack monster against a 1300 attack monster. Do the math, kid." Mai snickered. "HA! I'm the one who should be snickering. I played block attack, which sends your Harpie lady into defense mode!" Bikutaa said smiling. Mai glared. "stupid kid. Play summon the black witch!" Bikutaa smiled again. "I play horn of the unicorn and boost my ogre's attack by 700." Bikutaa said placing the card from his hand to the field. Mai flipped her trap card over. "Too bad, kid. Your monsters going to fall into my trap hole!" immediately, the ogre fell into a HUGE hole on the field. Bikutaa's life points went to 100. "Darn! You really are good! I play sword-stalker! Attack the black witch!" the sword-stalker obeyed Bikutaa and cut the black witch in half, destroying it. It turned into snowflake like things and disappeared. Mai's life points fell down to 200. "Wow, I'm still ahead of you, kid." Mai said sarcastically. Bikutaa sneered. "For my last turn now I play malevolent nuzzler to raise my sword-stalker's attack to 2070! And I attack Harpie lady! Your finished!" sword-stalker attacked again and destroyed mai's Harpie lady, finishing her life points. Mai gasped. "W-W-W-W-W-WHAT?????????????????????? HOW DID I LOSE????" mai screamed. "Well, to bad, babe. You're my girlfriend now!" Bikutaa said smirking. "Not so fast!" somebody said. "Now what?" Bikutaa growled. "Me, you have to duel me too!" Joey said stepping up to where Bikutaa was. "Well, bring it." Bikutaa sneered.