Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Chosen One ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Luc does not own YUGIOH or HARRY POTTER!



Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry

Knock, knock.

Albus Dumbledore stopped at what he was doing and look up, Severus Snape had just entered. "Severus…you look tired." He said softly.

"Indeed," Snape said, his face did seem a bit paler then usual. "I am afraid I had bring bad news Headmaster."

"Please do tell." Dumbledore gestured the potion teacher to sit-down.

"The Dark Lord had found his next target." Said Snape, once he sited himself at the chair across from Dumbledore.

"And what might that be?"

"I believed they were call the Millennium Items, each one of them contains tremendous dark powers. It was said that whoever master the powers of all seven items would rule the world."

"I see…Any information on where the items are, Severus?" Dumbledore asked.

"Domino City, Japan, that's all I can get from the Death Eaters, my apology." Said Snape, looking exhausted.

"No need…" said Dumbledore, as he took a piece of parchment and began to write.

Snape waited patiently, he knew Dumbledore must be up to something, a plan sort of.

When Dumbledore done writing, he put the parchment in an envelop and sealed it before turning back to Snape. "Please give this to Remus or Alastor when you drop by the head quarter, they'd know what to do."

"Yes, headmaster."


The Kame Game Shop

It has been two months since the Battle City Tournament and summer break just started. Yugi and his group of friends, Kaiba, Joey, Ryou, Malik and the ancient spirits were currently having an intense conversation in the Kame game shop, while they prepared for their picnic in the park.

"Joey stopped eating already!" Ryou pulled the told blond away from the food, "You can eat when we get to the park."

"I can't help it, I am hungry!" Joey protested, after he swallowed a mouth full of peanut-butter sandwich.

"Kaiba! Did you forgot to feed your dog again?" Bakura sneered at the young CEO.

"Shut up tomb robber!" Kaiba snapped at the white hair spirit.

"Err…so how are we going to find the eighth item?" Joey asked, turning the subject.

"Malik…said…he…" said Yugi, as he tried his best to reach for the plastic plates in the back of the cupboard, which is quite a difficult task for a short guy like him.(^^)

"Here you go aibou." Yami grabbed the plates with ease.

"Thank you." Yugi flash an adorable smile at the taller boy, who blush a slight pink.

Clearing his throat, Yami turn his head quickly to the blond Egyptian, "Tomb keeper, you did say you found some clue, correct?"

"Yes, I did, Pharaoh. As a matter of fact, I had it with me." Ishtar said with a smirk, he brought out a piece of paper and put it on the dining table. He continued when everyone had gathered around the table, "This is a copy of the inscription in the Temple of Light, it said: 'Seven items were created by darkness, to master the powers of the shadows; when the items found their rightful owner, shall their powers collide, the eighth would born in the soul of the Child of Light.'"

When he finished reading, there was a long silence. Obviously everyone was trying to figure out the meaning of the inscription.

"'Shall their powers collide,' does it mean we have to combine our powers to find the eighth?" Ryou was the first to break the silence. He asked as he put more fruit into the picnic basket.

"Well it also said, 'The eighth would born in the soul of the Child of Light.' So who is the Child of Light?" Malik asked, glancing around at his friends.

"Where is the Child of Light?" Kaiba added, putting away the magazine he was reading.

Yugi sigh, "This is getting more complicated. We know where the items are, I mean we had them, huh…you know what, I think we should start by searching for this Child of Light!" He exclaimed.

"I agreed aibou," Yami smile at his light, "but where can we find him or her? Ishtar?" He asked with his gazed still on the busy little boy.

The blond hair Egyptian shrugged, "No idea. A part of the inscription was missing, and no doubt that's our answer."

"So we had no clue what so ever of whom or where this person might be?! I say we forget about the eighth Sennen Item and move on with our lives!" Bakura said as he lay on the sofa.

"But 'Kura, that--"

"I think Bakura had a point there," Malik interrupted, "We have to combine our powers to create the eighth item, ne? What are the odds of that?!" He finished with a smirk.

"Err…none? Maybe you are right…guess we just have to deal with it when it comes. But if we do find this person, we have to had all the items with us to bring out the eighth…Joey, how's your training so far?" Ryou asked suddenly.

Joey choked with a mouth full of cereal.

"Are you alright Joey?" Yugi tilted his head slightly in confusion, "We want to know how is your training with Seto."

Joey blinked a few times, and stirred uncomfortably on his spot. Remembering his 'dreadful' training…..


In a huge mansion, inside a huge well decorated bedroom, which belongs to Seto Kaiba, Joey was trying his best to tap into the power of the Sennen Scale, Concentrate, must concentrate…However, his trainer wasn't doing him any good.

"What's wrong puppy? You have to concentrate." Kaiba had his arms around the slightly shorter teen's waist, he said as he planted another kiss on the boy's neck.

"I will be, if it wasn't for you bastard! OW!" Joey place a hand on his neck where the CEO had bitten, and turn around to glare daggers at him.

"What did you called me?" Kaiba smirked.

"Bastard!!" Joey growled.

"Wrong answer." Another bite.

"OW! Could you not do that!? It really hurts." Joey frowned, massaging his neck.

"Oh, did I hurt the puppy? I am sorry." Kaiba took the boy's hands in his own, way from his neck. He then licked the bites he made, causing the blond hair teen to shivered.

"I guess today's lesion is over, don't you think?"

***end flashback***

"Joey…Joey! Are you alright? Your face is red as a tomato!"

Snapped back to reality, Joey stared at his concerned friend, "I am fine Yuge…I am perfectly fine. Hey aren't we going to the park!? Picnic right?! Let's go!" With that, he run out of the game shop, headed to the park.

"Huh…?" Ryou and Yugi glanced at each other in confusion.

"So I guess his training went quite well." Malik smirked at the CEO knowingly.

Bakura and Ishtar snickered.

"Shut up you three," Kaiba scowled, "I'll have you know, his training went extremely well, he could used the scaled with out a sweat!" He glared at the trio as he also exited the small building.

"Oh, the master is defending his puppy…how touching!" Bakura sniggered, following the CEO, with Ryou in his arms.

"Kura, that's not nice." Ryou scoffed his yami.

"Yes, Kura that wasn't very nice." Kaiba mocked.

"Shut up! And don't called me 'Kura, only my light is allow to call me that!" He glared at Kaiba, as his arms tighten around Ryou possessively.

"Whatever 'Kura."


Yugi giggled at his friends antic, he was the last to exit the game shop, well because he needed to lock the doors. Yami stood by him the whole time, carrying the picnic basket.

He turn around and smile warmly at his dark, as he recalled the day when Joey phone him, sounded lost and confused. He agreed to meet him in the park....


When Yugi arrived at the park, his friend Joey was already there, waiting for him, or rather, deep in his thoughts. Yugi silently creep up behind the tall blond, and poked him, "Don't move!"

Joey chuckle slightly, but followed the act, "Hey easy there body, if it's money you want, I ain't got any, I had a hot dog though..."

"Fine, I'll take the hot dog." Yugi took the hot dog and sat down next to Joey, "So err...what do you want to talk to me about?"

"I...can I ask you something?" Joey bite on his button lip.

"Sure!" Yugi said quickly, titled his head to a side.

"Is it...is it possible to fell in love with your enemy?" The blond said anxiously.

"Huh...it could be possible." said Yugi, looking at Joey with a small frown, he had a suspicion.

"Really? I...I think..."

"You are in love with Seto." He made it a statement rather then a question.

"That obvious?" Joey said, blushing.

"Well, yeah...I mean your enemy."

"Guess so, but please don't tell him, I don't know if he feels the same way or not...please Yuge, promise?" Joey stared at the shorter boy worriedly.

"Joey, we had been friends for years. You had always been so confident, be able to act and say what you want, never seems to hesitate...But that's what I like about you! You are so courageous, and you act from your hearts contempt! Also you are a great friend." Yugi said, smiling gently at the taller teen.

"Thanks Yuge, that's really flattering." Joey scratched his ear sheepishly.

"Why now though? Why hesitate now?"

"I don't know...guess I was afraid. Whenever we met, we argued, it's so impossible! I don't even know why I feel this way toward him! I mean, he's my enemy, I supposed to hate him!!" Joey buried his face in his hands.

Still smiling, Yugi put a hand on Joey's shoulder, "Joey, love is a very amazing thing! When you are in love, you are in love. There is no why, no reasons, no explanations when it comes to love, otherwise, it wouldn't be love.

If you truly love him, tell him. At least you'll know if he feels the same way, and you could move on...Seto and I had been friends since we were little, he's like a big brother to me. Always caring and loving...he maybe tough from the outside, but inside, he's a real mushy bear! And Joey, he doesn't hate you. When he hates someone, he wouldn't lay an eye on them...not to mention argued with them...huh, you know what?! I think he's trying to get your attention!!" Yugi exclaimed merrily.

"What do you mean?!" Joey asked nervously.

"Think about it. Every time when you guys met, he would like tease you and such, trying to make you mad and all...I mean Seto is not very talkative, but when he's around you, he can always make up those puppy jokes to provoke you, then you'd fight back...in fact, when you two fight, it's like you were in your own little world, away from everyone and everything, just you and him! I think, he is trying to get your attention, in his own way anyway." Yugi beamed at him.

"You think so?"

"I know so! Come on Joey, tell him, talk to him, do something!"


"Joey, I dare you to tell him!"

"I...fine! What do I got to lose!"

"That's the spirit! Call me okay? I want to know everything."

***end flashback***

That night, he got a called from Kaiba, they had quite a conversation.....


"Moshi moshi, Yugi speaking!"

"Hi Yugi, this is Kaiba. I err...need to speak with you privately, can you make sure Yami is not ear-dropping."

"Don't worry, Yami is in the shower. So what do you need to talk to me about? Is everything alright?"

"Yes, everything is fine. It's just that, I...I got a little problem...I...."

Yugi rolled his eye to the ceiling, he knew perfectly well what Kaiba's
little problem is. "Let me guess, you are in love, aren't you?"

"...How did you know?"

"I had my ways. I also know that special someone of yours is none other then Joey, the one you called, mutt." By now, Yugi was grinning ear to ear. He so wanted to see Kaiba's face right now.

"..... ....."

"And I also known that Joey had a crush on someone."

"Who is it?!"

Yugi covered his mouth to hide the laughter, he found that teasing his best friend was quite amusing.

"Yugi, tell me, I know you know who is it!"

"His so call enemy, the one with blue eyes..." Yugi hinted.

"Just tell me who the hell is that f****** bastard!!"

Yugi massaging his temple with a rolled of his violet eyes,
people are so blind when they are in love. And stupid too. He thought.

"You know what, why don't you meet me in the park tomorrow morning, seven am, I'll tell you everything, okay?!" He had a plan to get his two friends together.


Yugi made a called to Joey after Kaiba hang up, he asked the blond to meet him in the park at seven, which Joey complied without further questions.

When the day come, Yugi wake up extra earlier, he wanted everything to be perfect. At six thirty, he arrived at the park, waiting for his friends.

Joey was the first to show up, "Hey Yuge, what's up?"

"You'll see." Yugi said, grinning. He caught Kaiba walking toward them, and he waved, "Here he comes."

Joey turn around, a little shock to his crush come toward them. "You told him...?" He said quietly, without looking at Yugi.

"No, I did not..."

"What is that mutt doing here?" Kaiba smirked at the blond when he joined the two.

"Shut up money-bag!"

"Okay, that's it!" Yugi suddenly grabbed both Joey and Kaiba's hand, dragging them toward a bench, "Sit!" He ordered. They sat.

"Now talk, and I mean talk not fight! You two are my friends, I hated when you guys fight. Now, I know you both got something to say to each other, why don't you start talking. I'll leave you two alone." Then, the little boy left.

Joey and Kaiba sat on the bench, an awkward silence between them. Finally Kaiba snapped.

"Look, I don't have time for this, if you don't have anything to say, I am leaving."

"Fine, leave, I didn't asked you to come!" Joey shout back at him.


Joey watched the CEO walked away with a painful expression, he lowered his head to look at the ground, unable to stop the tears.

Seto you baka! Turn around! Turn back and you'll see how much Joey loves you, go back you idiot...oh, he stopped! Yes, he's turning around...he's walking back to Joey! Thank God!

Hiding behind a bush was little Yugi, he watched with excitement when he saw the CEO turning back. He saw Kaiba walked up to Joey, bent down, said something, then wrapped his arms around his blond friend. Joey seems shock, he saw him look up to Kaiba, said something, and then they started kissing.

/I think you have saw enough, aibou./ The sudden voice in his head, made him jumped a little, but quickly recovered.

//Yami!// Standing behind him is the spirit of the puzzle. //I think I would make a great match-maker, don't you think?// He hug the yami with a mischievous grin.

Yami was taken aback slightly, but quickly return the embrace with pleasure. /Maybe./

//What you mean,
maybe?// Yugi pouted, glaring daggers at his dark, or at least he tried to.

Yami chuckled, pulling his hikari out of the park.

end flashback***


The Order of The Phoenix Headquarter

"Where are they?!"

"Ron!Ron…come here, I saw them, Charlie and Bill, they are back!"


"Charlie, Bill…what took you so long? Where is he? Where is Harry?"

"He's not here, not with us."

"What do you mean?"

"His aunt and uncle said he…he run away."


"Oh, here, it's a letter from Harry, for you and Hermione."

Dear Ron & Hermione:

I am sorry, but I have to do this. Remembered the dreams I told you, about Sirius? I knew he's not dead, he's just lost, in the Realm of Lost Souls. I dreamed about it, again. And this time it is perfectly clear. I am going to find him, and I will bring him back, no matter what. No need to worry about me, I'll be fine.



P.S. Tell Prof. Dumbledore, I am sorry.

P.P.S. Tell Snape I hate him!

"Is…is he mad?"

"Charlie, Bill could you please give this letter to Prof. Dumbledore? He might know something."

"No problem Hermione!"

"Thank you. Come on Ron, we have some research to do!"


"Yes, if we know more about the Realm of Lost Souls, maybe we could track him down."

"Right then, what are we waiting for!?"


Domino Park

"What the hell is wrong with you freaks?!" Malik snapped at the intruder.

"Shut up boy, give me your Sennen Item and you might live." The intruder pointed a steak thingy toward the said hikari.

"I. Don't. think. So." Ishtar quickly take over and narrowed his lavender eyes at the mask-robe intruder.



"Oh now I am mad." Taking over, Bakura growled at the mask freak in front of him.

"Give me your Sennen item kid." The robe figure demanded.

"Oh, I am going to give you something alright…this, " He stuck out his middle finger, "and a free trip to the Shadow Realm!"



"Who are you and what do you want?!" Joey yelled at the man with the creepy mask.

"I want the Sennen Item you hold, and as in who am I…you don't need to know." The mask man said coolly.

"And why would I want to give you what is mine?"



"Hand over your Sennen Item."

"Seto Kaiba take orders from no one."

"If you cherish your live, hand over your item."




"Y-you are…Death Eaters?!" His eyes widen at the robe-mask man before him.

"Huh…it seems like you had heard about us, then you must know we had little patients. Now, give me your Sennen Item." The stranger take a step close to Yugi, his wand out, pointed at the small boy.

In a flash, Yami appeared in front of his light, blocked him from all harm, "No body threaten my aibou and live for another day…" he said, the eye of Horus glowing dangerously on his forehead, "Mind Crush!" The stranger fell on the ground with a blank look.

Yami turn around, the harshness in his voice and eyes gone without a trace when he gazed into Yugi's large beautiful amethyst eyes.

"Are you alright little one? Did he hurt you?"

"No, I am fine Yami…just a bit shock." Said the little hikari.

"Hey are you guys alright?!" Joey shouted, running toward Yugi and Yami, "Yuge, are you okay?"

"Yes, you?"

"Not a scratch! You should seen me, I kicked his ass!"

"Those fools don't know what's good for them." Kaiba snorted after he join the trio, standing next to Joey.

"Ryou, Bakura are you alright?!" Yugi called to his white hair companions.

"We are fine, but that poor guy…Bakura send him to the Shadow Realm." Ryou said with a little shook of his head.

"Poor guy?! He tried to hurt you? I was only defending ourselves you know!" Bakura protested.

"Yeah, and they made a good meal." Ishtar smirked.

"He fed that freak to his Koumori Dragon." Malik added.

"That's a bit too harsh…" Yugi said with a frown.

"They deserved it. Besides, the Pharaoh just Mind Crush the poor guy, shouldn't you be scowling him instead? He is your Yami." Ishtar grinned devilishly.

"He deserved it." Yami snorted as he wrapped his arms around his lighter halve.

"There you go!"

"Who are those ghouls anyway? I mean they just appeared out of nowhere, for a minute there, I thought they were your Ware Hunters, Malik." Ryou asked, looking at Malik curiously.

"No way! My Ware Hunters do not wear masks, those fools don't even have a slight sense of fashion."

"Yeah, I guess…"

"They are Death Eaters," They turn their heads Yugi, who sigh heavily, "Come on, I'll explain when we head back to the game shop."


Luc: So err…what do you think? Do you like it? I hope you do!^^

Please ignored my poor grammar and spelling, me no good speak English^_~

Please Read and Review. I need to create a plot for the next chapter, so help me a bit wouldn't you?^-~ I need all the help I can get.^^;; I was thinking maybe in the next chapter, Harry should had a little taste of death? Wmahahahaha…cough, cough….hahahaha…choke…haha…cough, choke, collapse……X_X