Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Demented Adventures of Angel Bakura ❯ I. Dumbledore's Demise and What?! ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]



Like the Wind In the Wilderness: Yu Yu Hakusho

The wind races, a silent hurricane calling me.

It's probably a sign, a signal of the decisive battle.

With my heart like this, I'm just Fighting to dream.

I won't let anyone get in my way.

We can decide things like fate for ourselves.

Like the wind, we're just Shooting to dream.

Cutting off the pain of the past,

we now decide the future with our own hands.

Getta chance!

Like the wilderness, we're now Fighting to dream.

Burying despair and such,

we run fiercely, swiftly down the path of the beast.

Becoming the wind, we're now Shooting to dream.

Our desire is freedom.

We can't deceive our own hearts.

It's truth!

With my heart like this, I'm just Fighting to dream.

I won't let anyone get in my way.

We can decide things like fate for ourselves.

Like the wind, we're just Shooting to dream.

Cutting off the pain of the past,

we now decide the future with our own hands.

Getta chance!

--- --- --- ---

Months of negotiations had Sailor Dimension as no more and Paradox alive and well. Angel had settled into that with some comfort as the gray light ball, Boondock. She had never realized how fun it was to have a voice that really did speak in her head and knew why her parents seemed to know what each other was thinking.

Also in those months something else happened. Harry Potter had mysteriously disappeared, gave Angel a serious case of déjà vu, and caused his boyfriend to go on a rampage against any you tried to comfort him minus Angel.

“What could have happened to him?” Draco demanded to the room as he paced, Angel sitting before him with a look of intense thought. She had been debating the contract and the latest movements from the Death Eaters. She had no date set on Dumbledore’s demise, except before she left, and that was some ways off.

Lord Volvo got a little to antsy. Boondock noted as she giggled, gaining a weird look. Draco was about to round on her when something passed through the room like a tidal wave. Angel’s back stiffened as she felt the use of magic that was completely unknown to her yet too powerful to be here without a source.

“What the bloody hell was that?” he demanded, eyes wide in awe and fear.

“That was probably are cue to get our asses moving, whatever it is, is probably connected to Harry’s whereabouts.” She stated as he blinked and followed the already out the door girl.

“Have you been watching that show Harry talks about?” he demanded, barely keeping up with her.

“It’s an observation, moron!” she growled as they neared the source, as far as she could tell. It had been in the Great Hall and the clock, in a distance, chimed one in the morning.

--- --- --- ---

The Great Hall was devoid of the usual long tables as the center had a circle drawn with a prone Harry Potter in the center. Candles lit the area as the shadow of the three DOOM members stood where the Professors would usually sit. They found it easy to corrupt the old man into thinking that this ritual could destroy Voldemort, but they knew he fucked it up as soon as the power went out from around him.

Hermione and Ron stood with McGonagall around the outside of the circle, guarding it as the three waited. The one they wanted would soon be where they wanted her.

--- --- --- ---

Angel and Draco had met a disheveled Severus Snape at the Great Hall doors, all three apparently curious and sensitive to magic. “What are you two doing form bed?” he demanded as Angel bit her lip, shifting nervously as Draco edged away from her.

“Something disturbed us, disturbed you, and curiosity is on a high level.” She stated as her eyes shifted from them to the doors. “You two stay here and I’ll go first and survey the area.” With that she stealthily did so as the two blinked, not getting a single word in edge wise. Then again, it wasn’t good to argue with a curious and excited Bakura. Many have found that out the wrong way.

Angel’s eyes widened as she stood in the shadows, well covered, and watched the happenings. The circle, the scared teenage boy bound by odd chains in the center, the power that was emanating from the area, and a sense of danger at the edge of her senses. This was not good.

She nudged the door open a crack and put up three fingers and then slinked deeper into the shadows.

… … … …

Yugi Motou, her questioning done and all, felt the prickle of danger for one of those close to her heart. The Shadow Realm was making it known to her too, being the rational one of the lot. Yumi and Rashid had restrained Kourage as the Millennium Scale was back with Shadi as the Millennium Tauk was pressing on her mind to see what was going to happen soon.

She ignored the Tendo Family and the amazons in favor of letting the item show her.

They seen her close her eyes and settle into a brief relaxation before her facial features twisted into something that was akin to rage. She was on her feet as the Millennium Eye glowed on her brow. “You two, drag him with us.” She stated in a regal tone that she never used but to get her point across. It was like facing a pissed off the Amazon Healer Nepha Yugi all over again, or so Kourage thought. “As for you two we will have no ill feelings will be held towards Rini seeing Angel’s actions and all but you, dear Jade, all matters will be settled on a fair fight upon her return.”

With that Yugi motioned for the three to go on ahead.

“I apologize for the interruption, it was a needed precaution and if you try to exploit this you will be made to look like jackasses as soon as I get a chance to do so.” With that she was gone as everything was back in order, including the wall.

“What the hell just happened?” Ranma asked as the rest shrugged.

… … … …

Rashid stared in awe at the old palace throne room with the statues and all. “Visitors?” a voice asked excitedly as the Dark Magician Girl appeared before them. “With the Robber?” she added, a bit confused by this.

“Mana, I do hope you remember my darling daughter Yumi. Her friend is Rashid, who is a loyal servant and companion to the Ishtar family.” Yugi stated as she entered, walking quickly towards the statues as one glowed. The one of stone was glowing as the blade seemed to become more pronounced and showed, in that light, that two blades were really stuck in the dragon. The handles of the blades were black and had several golden runes etched into the handles.

“Yugi, do you know about these knights?” Mana asked as Yugi bit her lip.

“A bit, enough to maybe tell her what she needs to know. Everything else is resting with Yami and Marik, but I haven’t heard from Yami yet.” She stated with a frown as the feeling got stronger. “Take Rashid and Yumi back to the Ishtar mansion in Egypt, Kourage you will be listening.”

--- --- --- ---

“You made it, bitch.” Hermione Granger snarled as she drew her wand against an unsurprised Angel. “Oracles Curse!” she shouted as a blue glow surrounded the room and its occupants.

Angel looked confused, as did Draco and Snape, as a blue mark appeared on the foreheads of the three before them. She didn’t recognize that card but apparently she was about to get a small lesson in it. “The Seal of the Oracles Curse, I suspect you never heard of it.” Raphael drawled as she laughed.

“Nice assumption, Captain Obvious.” She replied sarcastically as something suddenly drew her mind someplace else.

--- --- --- ---

Angel blinked as she looked around the place and seen Yugi and Kourage standing before a glowing statue. “Angel.” Her father stated as Yugi restrained him. “You brought her mind here?”

“Trust me.” Yugi stated as he nodded. “Angel, I have something’s to tell you before you blindly go into the trouble I have foreseen.”

“What?” Angel asked as she grabbed her godmother’s hand, knowing her father was also questioning her.

“I spoke with the Gods and it affects all of us and you are family, I will not let you die like we did the first time.” Yugi stated and then bit her lip and motioned to the dragon statues. “These are the old Knights, they are older then Yami’s reign and were the first guardians of the Shadow Realms.”

“Older?” Angel stuttered as Yugi nodded.

“Mana has told me about the knights. They were around to fight a previous evil that uses the darker side of the Oracles power in order to get what they want. These nameless knights protected the realm till they were released at the end of the reign.” Yugi explained as Angel touched the stone dragon and frowned. “Only a true duelist can awaken them and this one started to glow when you met the Oracles Curse.”

“Do you know about the Oracles Curse?” Angel asked as Yugi paused, Kourage looking about the same.

“Oracles Curse is a magical ring that appears around the playing field- no one can enter or leave until the end of the game. In can only be destroyed by the same kind of power that it the Oracles Curse. No magic card, trap card, nor millennium item can’t neutralize the effects. At the end of the game the loser must sacrifice his soul.” A voice stated as Yami appeared, looking a bit mad as he stared at his wife. “The person using this gains darker powers, if they are dueling their monsters become dark monsters and have a power up.”

“Yami.” Kourage and Yugi growled as Angel’s hand fell to the whip that was wrapped around the dragon’s neck.

“If you can free the dragon it will help you.” Yami stated as she gripped the handle of the whip and yanked. “And then you came name is whatever name comes into mind.”

Angel fell back on her ass as she held the whip. She eeped as a red dragon was standing over her. “Hellmos.” She whispered as it roared and then she felt herself being drawn back to her body.

--- --- --- ---

Angel blinked as she realized she was still holding the whip, just time confused. “Immoblius!” Hermione shouted as she barely dodged. She seen Draco and Snape bound by Harry and blinked.

“Gods be damned!” she snarled and remembered the words.

No magic card, trap card, nor millennium item can’t neutralize the effects.

“So no Shadow Power, but…” she trailed off as Boondock snickered. She pulled the Dimensional Powers together and stood before them in her new Scout Uniform.

That wasn’t a good sign.

Black was the main color- Doc Martins, jeans, belt, tank top crisscross with belts with silver studs, leather trench coat, gloves. Covering the top half of her face was a full black mask with a white scar under her left eye with three lines crossing it with the Millennium Eye on the forehead. Unlimited blades, a whip, and a card holster on the belts that cross across her chest. So generally, she was looking like her Father probably would if he returned to his King state.

By taking her guardian form, she realized that their magic ring didn’t affect her as much.

“We’re working at it, before long I won’t have to change clothing.” She told them as many blinked in awe. It was then spells were flying all over the place, especially towards her and the three that now looked pissed. Two dodged as the other one was off balance. She charged and managed to tackle him to the stone, knocking her mask off.

Varion was shocked as angel rose on her knees straddling his waist. She gave him a devious grin and leaned in. “Sorry it couldn’t be as good, but I guess we’ll have to meet again.” She whispered and gave him a chaste kiss before taking up her whip again.

She expertly cracked it, and then disarmed the wizards with ease without getting close enough to get hit by their spells. That didn’t mean she wasn’t dodging them, that was still happening as her audience stared.

Dumbledore was in slight awe as she snapped the wands, lived through the volley of wild magic casting, and then had enough time to thro them to the side and looked menacing with her smirk. "Power hungry bastard, you couldn’t resist the temptation of true power for long could you?" Angel growled as her eyes darkened as she felt the pull of the Darkness from the Millennium Item as it revolted against its power being bottled up. “You lost.” She stated as Dumbledore’s eyes widened and the circle was gone.

Just as the circle disappeared she collected four cards and arched an eyebrow. The mark covered their faces as the features were twisted in pain. “That’s one way.” She muttered and tucked them into her pocket.

Spinning around she cracked the whip and seen the three dodge to the side.

“What the hell are you three up to?” she growled as her transformation faded back into her usual tight long sleeve shirt and jeans. As something entered Hogwarts she watched two of them disappear, but the third hung back and stared at her for a moment before leaving himself.

"So you did accomplish it." a darker voice stated as Lord Voldemort entered the picture, Seth following behind him with a relieved expression on his face. Harry, Draco, and Snape stared at the Dark Lord and then at Angel.

“I told you I would.” She stated with a triumphant grin.

“Angel?” Harry questioned as she crossed her arms.

"Here are the cards.” She replied and pulled the cards from her pocket and presented him with them. He smiled and bowed a bit as Seth flinched. “It was better then the stories I heard about your alternate reality, the one where I come from. Apparently my family really hated Dumbledore, but at least he’s gone here.”

“Damn.” Seth groaned and bowed his head as she turned to Harry and rested her hands on his shoulders.

“My time is short here, friend.” She stated as he glared, but she produced another card and smiled. "I turn over to you two the Blood Contract I had with Lord Volvo here. Seeing I fulfilled everything, I now leave you my open term in the contract. Take care and enjoy life without the same problems your other selves did have." she stated turning to blow a kiss to Voldemort as the three others stared at her in awe.

“Angel…” Harry stated again as she patted him on the head like a good five year old boy.

"Have fun, Lord Volvo! Don’t harm these two and I won’t come back to kick your ass!" Angel stated sweetly and was sucked back down into a portal to another world and yet another leg of her adventure.

"What an odd girl." Voldemort muttered as both glanced between where she was and Voldemort. No one was in their right mind to fear Lord Voldemort now, but none were thinking about it.

“Lord Volvo?" Harry asked as he faced the twitching Dark Lord.

… … … …

Varion flopped down on his bed as the others were sulking in their room or plotting. He was trying to forget the dark eyes, white hair, and devious smile of the only girl that seemed to catch his eye and kissed him. “Sorry it couldn’t be as good, but I guess we’ll have to meet again.” He recalled and shivered a bit.

“If only those bastards attacked someone else.” He growled out and rolled on to his stomach. He felt like he was getting a bit obsessed with her, but dismissed it.

… … … … …

… … … … …