Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Left Behind ❯ Explinations ( Chapter 4 )
n 1: a statement that makes something comprehensible by
describing the relevant structure or operation or
circumstances etc.; "the explanation was very simple";
...Chapter five, Explinations…
"I don't understand." Toki said, taken aback at the ghost's statement.
His smile weakened to a more serious expression and he crossed his arms in thought.
"This is...difficult to explain." He said, half to himself half to the girl in front of him, "Before, everything seemed to...explain itself over time. Even I didn't know most of it. But this..."
His eyes turned back to her, "This time's different."
Toki blinked, "What do you mean?"
He sighed, looking to the ceiling, as he pondered still on what to say. Toki didn't know if he was trying to find a way to sugar coat things for her, or if he truly didn't know where to start. But either way, she decided to help him with the search.
"Why are you here?" She asked.
He looked surprised at first, "Starting off with a hard one, ne?"
She shook her head, "I don't mean to, I just figured I'd ask you questions instead of you trying to explain everything at once."
He smiled again, "You're right, it would help."
"So why are you here? I mean, why did you suddenly start coming?" She said nervously, not entirely sure if she herself was choosing the right words.
He thought, then said quietly, "I'm not entirely sure about that myself. I would have assumed that when my hikari passed on, so would I. And that the puzzle would fade along with us."
Noticing her look of confusion, he added, "I'm connected with the puzzle, you see. Its almost like...my home if you will. My spirit is bound to it, and to the hikari who holds it. I am their darkness, they are my light. We complete each other."
Toki started to fidget with the puzzle again, and she said softly, "So the puzzle...because I have the puzzle, you are my darkness?"
"Yes, and no. I don't belong to just anyone." His tone became suddenly harsher, "I won't belong to just anyone. You, Toki Nakagawa, were destined to have the puzzle, and destined to complete me. Like I said before, you're part of my bloodline, and that gives me a way to become reincarnated with you."
"Rein...reincarnated?" Toki stuttered, suddenly not liking this plan as much as before.
"Your bloodline probably isn't strong enough." He said, looking off into the distance, "My last host had strong enough blood in him for me to physically possess him. But that most likely won't be the case with you. He had no children, so you are who I must bond with."
Toki nodded, though not truly understanding any of this. She half expected for Tutomu or some senior to jump out and yell "HA! WE GOT YOU BAD!" or something along those lines. But there was nothing, could it be that...this whole thing was...real? Everything he said was true?
"It's very complicated." The ghost said, "But you'll learn to understand most of it."
"I hope so." Toki murmured, "Not to mention this is all...very overwhelming to me."
He chuckled, "You're taking it quite well actually."
Toki laughed nervously, "Thanks, konpaku-sama."
He looked back at her square in the eye, and his lips curled upward in amusement, "Konpaku. That's something I've never been called before."
"Is it alright?" Toki asked quickly, "I wasn't sure if you had a real name or anything..."
"It's Yami." Yami said firmly, "But Konpaku is fine. It'll help me adjust to my new life."
Toki couldn't help but smile, "So I guess we're friends now?"
Yami nodded, "Of course."
"And do I need to go into my parents room when it's dark to talk to you?"
"I'll know when you need me." Yami said, glancing stealthily at her, "You needn't worry about that."
"Oh good." She waited for a little before saying quietly, "So will I ever see you again?"
"Most probably."
"Alright. Well, I'll...Talk to you later then, konpaku-sama." She said, waving childishly at him as she left the room.
Yami couldn't help laugh at his own name, and Toki turned to leave. But then, as an afterthought, she spun back around saying loudly, "Wait I--"
She was too late, Konpaku had completely disappeared. The room was left looking untouched, and the air was still and empty again as it had been moments before. She sighed in desperation, "I wanted to ask..." But finding no use in asking when he wasn't there, she started to leave once more.
"Ask me what?"
Toki leapt four feet in the air, face to face with her new ghost friend who had appeared out of nowhere in front of her.
"Don't do that!" She hissed, "You'll give me a heart attack!"
Konpaku cocked a brow, "You're a very strange girl."
"So I've been told..." She said under her breath.
"What did you need to ask me, hikari?"
"Oh, I just wanted to ask if I could...you know, tell some people about you."
He didn't seem to care too much for the idea, "Why?"
Toki lost all confidence in her question and shook her head, "Never mind."
She turned to the left, and again, Yami appeared right in front of her. It was never like he appeared in a puff of smoke or anything equally exciting. He just seemed to be...there. Like there was two of him at a time.
"You loose self confidence too easily," He said, "Maybe that is why I was destined to be your Yami."
"It wasn't anything special, I was just wondering because I wanted to...tell my best friend. We tell each other everything, and I wanted to share this with him too."
Still not thoroughly convinced, Yami still stood firm, "Not everyone takes my being as easily as you would. You're endangering yourself by letting other people know."
"I know, and that's why I said it was a stupid idea." Toki tried to turn again.
He was there.
And again.
He was there.
And again.
"Will you please!" She exclaimed, "You're making me dizzy."
"Give me a reason why I should trust this Tutomu fellow and I'll give you permission. That's all it takes."
Toki was beginning to catch on. He was trying to make her fight for it.
"I've trusted him since I was too young to ride a bicycle and he hasn't failed me yet. He keeps all my best secrets, he's defended me in all the hard spots, I've done almost everything with him, and I...I..."
Toki hesitated, unsure of what she was trying to say. But the look on Konpaku's face didn't press her on for a finished statement. He seemed to understand, even before she understood herself. He's going to be creepy like that, Toki decided, waiting for his answer.
Konpaku didn't answer right away, but finally he broke the wall of silence and replied, "Alright, you may tell him. But take utmost care, Toki. All people can hear, those with good intentions and the latter. You don't want to end up caught in something Yugi found himself in."
"Yugi..." Toki repeated, "Was he your last...host?"
Konpaku looked to the ground with a mournful sort of happiness. Bittersweet in its own way. He didn't need to say anything more, Toki got the point loud and clear. He wasn't up to talking about it. At least not yet.
Maybe in the future, but not yet.
"I'll go now." She said with a little bow, "Thank you."
He only nodded to her in response, but disappeared all the same when she looked back over her shoulder to test if the same thing always happened.
He was gone, so she assumed it did.
She only waited around ten minutes before breaking down, and running over to the Hisako residence to tell Tutomu.
"Hello, Mrs. Hisako." She said as the usual face opened the door, "I need to talk with Tutomu, is he home yet?"
"No, I'm sorry Toki-chan. He walked home from the testing and hasn't come back yet." The woman stole a look outside, scanning the surroundings almost as if he would be hiding outside in a bush.
Toki's mood fell, "Oh...Did he do well?"
Mrs. Hisako sighed, "Not particularly, no."
Toki winced. She already felt bad for him, Tutomu had been working extra hard for the past months to be able to move up. At least now she'll be ready for him if he needed her, or more...before she acts to happy around him. Maybe she'd have to wait a few days before she told him, that would be safest.
"Did you want to tell him something?" Mrs, Hisako asked her gently, "It seems like a strange time for you to be coming over, was there something you needed him for?"
Toki hesitated, then smiled and shook her head, "No. Thanks but it's not that important, I'll just tell him later."
"Oh, alright." The woman said, starting to shut the door, "Goodbye then Toki."
She smiled until the door was safely closed, and then she let her head hang.
Figures, he's here every single day except for the day something REALLY important happens.
She kept her eyes on the sky the entire way back, until she got to the doorway. It was going to be difficult to not say anything until later. But hopefully, she could do it. Somehow, the thought of being insane wasn't that bad, if her imaginary friend was a nice as Yami Ghost was.
She could wait.
The next morning was gloomy. Dark clouds rolled in freely, though the weather had a strange habit of raining for a few minutes at a time, and staying gloomy for the rest of the hour before it decided to rain again. It was moderately common weather for the month, so everyone was used to it, but Toki still didn't like it.
It was one of those days where you just don't want to get out of bed. The covers were all too comfortable and the weather was less then inviting. The alarm clock kept going off over and over as Toki told herself, `Just five more minutes, I can take a shower faster today...just five more minutes, I have plenty of time.' And finally, she rolled herself out of bed.
Quite literally in fact.
Groaning, Toki started her morning routine and somehow, was completely ready for school two minutes later then normal. She gathered her books and walked outside into the cold, wet air. She had her eyes closed, enjoying the strange silence and random patting of rain against tree leaves when--
Toki jumped back, falling into the damp grass as the brightly colored blur sped past her flailing its arms. She blinked and squinted, trying to make out whomever the speed demon was, and watched as it went almost completely down the block before grabbing hold of a street sign and stopping. It then turned around, and started to speed right back over to where the dumbfounded girl was still sitting.
"I'M SOOOOO SORRY!" It was saying loudly, (for it hadn't quite reached her yet) "I didn't know this street was so steep I'm sorry!"
Toki laughed, and started to push herself up, "It's not a problem really."
The blur had finally stopped in front of her, and extended a hand to help her. Toki could now see it was a girl, backpack slung over her shoulder and brown eyes opened wide in worry as she hoisted the girl up off the grass and helped her get the loose blades off. Her brown hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail, and Toki noticed she was wearing the same school uniform she was. But the other girl noticed first.
"You go to Domino?" She asked curiously, "I haven't seen you there before."
Toki smiled and smoothed the backside of her skirt, "I just started the other day, I'm a freshman."
She cocked her head to one side and then exclaimed, "Oh yeah! I forgot, sorry. Scatterbrained."
She hit her head in a playful fashion and Toki laughed a little, "I'm Toki Nakagawa."
"Sakura Nashashi, nice to meet you." She chirped, "Yeah, I know, Sakura. It's so bland. But hey, whatdya gonna do...So how do you like the school so far?"
Toki shrugged, "Its...school."
Sakura nodded, "Good answer. Listen, if you need any help with anything, just ask me. Heck, if you need a place to sit at lunch today just look for me and I'll introduce ya to a friend of mine."
Toki nodded, "Thank you."
"Least I can do for knocking you down, gotta learn how to stop this thing sometime." She laughed nervously and gestured to the roller blades strapped loosely to her feet. Toki nodded and laughed, but noticed something strange. Sakura was staring straight at the puzzle hanging around her neck, as if it...just appeared. Feeling a strange pang of nervousness, Toki put her jacket back on and zipped it enough to hide the golden pyramid from view. Sakura blinked, shook her head, and tried to hide her inquisitive expression with a bright one.
"So...I guess I'll catch you later!" She said, starting to turn away with an weird look in her eye.
Toki felt her eyebrow's furrow, "Bye..."
And in a matter of minutes the girl was completely out of seeing distance. Toki sighed, and turned her head back to the gray sky where it was beginning to sprinkle lightly again and thunder. She didn't know enough about Sakura to draw a conclusion from her actions, but still...
There was a small beep from her wrist, and it took Toki a full three seconds to realize it was her watch, and a full four seconds to be hit with the sickening realization.
"Ten minutes until first bell!? I'm going to be late!" She exclaimed, taking off in a sprint, "Please oh please oh please don't be late..."
"I'm serious, Amarante! It looked exactly the same!"
The girl didn't answer, she just stared at her friend. Sakura didn't get frustrated at this though, it was typical Amarante behavior. Think first, ask questions later. She unlaced the last of her blades and pulled it off forcefully before looking over again.
"Do you think that they're linked in some way or something?" She asked, almost eagerly.
Amarante shook her head and replied softly, "I don't know."
"Well, I'll talk to her again. I know where she lives, so maybe I'll introduce you to her after school if we don't see her at lunch. I know where she lives, shouldn't be too hard. So after school, alright? You got anything you're doing afterwards?"
"No, nothing."
"Good, we'll do it then."
Amarante fingered the golden staff wordlessly. Could it be that there was really someone like her in the school? How could it be possible? It had to be some sort of ruse...
"I didn't think there were more then one but I guess I was wrong." Sakura said with a smile, more to herself then anyone else. "I wonder if it's...you know, special like yours is."
She shrugged half heatedly, and delicately stowed the golden staff like object into her purse. "Well I guess we'll just have to find out, won't we?"
Toki didn't have time to catch her breath as she raced into the school, ten minutes late. She cursed and grumbled and kept nervously messing with her hair and backpack as she sprinted down the empty halls. Her tennis shoes let out an audible squeak as she caught site of her classroom hallway and skidded to a slower pace so she didn't topple as she turned.
"Why oh why oh why!?" She muttered, getting her speed back up as she approached the door and gripped the handle.
Only the door was locked. And since Toki was expecting the door to swing open at the right time, the rest of her didn't get the hint until she slammed straight into the classroom door.
She was genuinely surprised none of the teachers from the other classes came out to see what the slam noise was, and Toki whimpered and gripped her head hard to stop the throbbing. It was then, that she came upon the realization: Why is the door locked in the first place?
"Oh god no..." Toki started to say, beginning to panic, "The one stupid day I sleep in and this is what happens! No...no no no nononono...."
It would be twenty minutes later when a senior (taking a restroom break) would catch site of her knelt into a ball next to the door, banging her head up against it with every pathetic, "No..." that escaped her lips. Taking pity upon the girl, he approached her cautiously, half thinking that if he got too close he would catch her pitiful freshman virus. She didn't even look up as he stepped over, though she had stopped banging her head against the door long enough to lie still against it with her hair covering her face and hiding her current expression. He blinked, cocked and eyebrow, and gently pulled something off of the door.
He eyed it for a moment, snickered, and dropped the paper down at the girl's feet. Then he left, discovering that he was wasting precious time on the girl, and she was left alone again. It wasn't till she was absolutely sure he was gone that she raked the hair away from her eyes and picked up the yellowed paper that read quite clearly:
Toki didn't move for a while, shock and embarrassment rapidly seeping into her veins. Then she chuckled an `I'm such an idiot, now I'm so dead' sort of chuckle, and could only think one thing.
Thank god her hair had hidden her face.
That saved her some humiliation at least.
Not much, but some.
She sighed a deep and grieving sigh and pushed herself up.
It's gonna be one of those days...
"So I heard you were late?" Keiji asked, spraying unwanted chunks of tapioca pudding all over the cafeteria table, "Half hour or something if I remember correctly. Any reason for this?"
Toki wiped one piece off of her face, and resisted the urge to vomit long enough to say, "I'd rather not say."
"How come?" Keiji said, leaning in. (which wasn't helping her temporarily pudding-free face out in the least)
"My business, not yours."
Keiji grinned and poked her with the wrong end of his spoon, "Common, everyone has at least one freshie story. Believe me, I've had some pretty bad day's before, nothing you can say can top `em."
Toki took in a deep breath and said quietly, "I slept in a little, got to school late, then spent the rest of the time banging my head up against the locked door and then trying to find the room that class had been rescheduled to. And I wouldn't ever had figured this out if some senior guy hadn't pointed out that there was a sign on the door the whole time. Then when I got to the classroom I realized that I had forgotten my homework and books at home, and had to do not only promise to do another paper two times longer, but also had to share a book with a guy who had really bad breath and couldn't resist whispering to me about everything and anything. The End. "
There was a pause as Keiji stirred his pudding thoughtfully, "Wow, well that beats the crap out of my story."
Toki took another breath and mumbled, "Remind me again why I'm sitting with you?"
"Food's up!" Tutomu called, "Make room!"
The pair both moved over to Tutomu could sit between them. He placed both trays down and claimed his own plate as Toki handed over the money she owed him for buying her lunch. Keiji glanced down at the meals, then to his own bagged one, and stifled a laugh.
"Yum..." Keiji said sarcastically, "And what's tomorrow's meal? Sewer rat on a stick?"
"Can it Keiji, no time to make anything." Tutomu said, glaring at his friend, "Got home late."
"Oh! Right!" Toki said, looking up from her `food' to smile, "Your mother said you were still out when I went over yesterday, how late did you get in?"
Tutomu noticed right away what she was trying to do and shook his head, "It's alright, Toki, you don't have to avoid it. I know you know I stunk up the place."
Toki blushed, "Well I--"
"I'm completely over it!" Tutomu said quickly, grinning, "I'm back to life, no use dwelling on sibling rivalries when they're sour, I'm on to bigger and better things! Like math for instance."
Keiji scoffed, "Dude, you lost me at math."
Toki still wasn't convinced, and couldn't hide her suspicious well enough to satisfy him. Again, he noticed her attempts, and sighed. He tried a calmer, small smile and laid a hand on her shoulder.
"I appreciate you worrying about me." He said, "But I'm tough, nothing so simple is going to get to me that easily. I'm fine, really. You don't have to be all...Toki-like."
She smiled at the remark, and masked her uneasy feelings better this time.
`He says he's alright, but it's going to take him a little longer then this. I'll let the wounds heal first, I'm sure he isn't feeling completely confident today.'
Tutomu turned back to his lunch, but he was quieter this time. Keiji didn't care anymore, and was mixing the two last lunch puddings he packed (five in all) together to create a new flavor. Tutomu caught sigh of this and rolled his eyes.
"Keiji, you do realize buying a box of pudding before school doesn't qualify as a lunch." He muttered, "You're going to get sick. Grow up and take a little responsibility for yourself."
"Geez, you never cared before." Keiji shot back, flinging a half a spoonful of `choco-pioca' onto the table without noticing, "Irritable much?"
Tutomu glared, took a deep breath, and turned back to his lunch, saying nothing in reply. Toki assumed he'd probably be like this for a while. He was just trying to act fine so they wouldn't act stranger around him. Toki sighed, there were a lot of ways they were alike.
`What can I do to help cheer him up...?"
Suddenly being hit with an idea, Toki straightened her posture a little and said quietly, "Tutomu, there's something I need to tell you....in private."
Tutomu blinked and shrugged, "Um, ok...You mean now?"
She opened her mouth to agree when her eye caught something in the distance. A girl, frantically waving to her, jumping up and down even, trying to get her attention. She heard Tutomu try to speak again but mumbled a "Hold on a minute," and got up. She made her way over, not having any clue why...and then-
Wait a second.
Toki's eyes shot open. That's the girl from the other day! The weird but nice one...what was her name? Oh yes, Leiko. What did she want with her?
"Nakagawa!" She said coyly as Toki approached, "Who's the best friend I've known for three days?"
Toki hesitated, "Uhm....fine?"
Leiko beamed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "GOOD! Good...now, see, Toki. I can call you Toki, right?"
She shrugged and muttered, "Everyone else does..."
"GOOD! Now see, there's this...one thing I need you to help me out with."
Ah ha, she wanted something. A point obvious way before hand, but Toki took great pride in knowing.
"I figured you weren't being nice just for the heck of it."
Leiko tried to look insulted, "Well! If you don't feel like being my friend, then I guess I'll just leave!"
Toki shrugged and began to walk away, "Ok."
In a flash, Leiko had gabbed hold of the teen once more, "Whoa whoa whoa! Hold it there!"
Toki put on a skeptical expression as Leiko laughed nervously. Normally, she would be quick to help the girl in need. But in this case, she really wanted to help cheer Tutomu up before they had to leave, and she truly didn't have time for it.
"I can't help you." Toki repeated, "I have to finish lunch."
"NO! WAIT!" Leiko exclaimed, lunching for Toki's waist and grabbing her ankles instead. She began to beg, sprawled out on the floor clinging to Toki's feet for dear life. All in all, it was a very big scene for all the bystanders to watch.
"Reduced to begging now, huh Leiko?" A long haired guy said smirking as he walked past.
Toki looked pale, and blushed as more eyes were drawn to them. Leiko began to wail louder, telling her over and over how she was begging her to help, (though what she needed help with, Toki had not yet learned). She saw Tutomu lean in for a look from his seat and her blush deepened. If she wanted to get out of this situation anything less then the color of a strawberry, she assumed she'd better just give in and help her out.
"OK!" Toki hissed, "I'll help you just, please stop you're embarrassing me!"
If she didn't know any better, Toki could has sworn she saw a sly sneer play upon the lips of the begging teen right before she wiped her eyes of loose tears (that, by the way, didn't exist) and got up. She took Toki's hand and began shaking it furiously.
"Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" She said, "I'll pay you back someday I promise!"
Toki couldn't help feeling very wary about the entire situation, and by this time, had given up on telling Tutomu anything. After all, once you're being dragged down a hallway in the opposite direction there isn't really much you can do. She groaned, but mentally told herself that she'd explain the whole thing tomorrow.
"Ok," Leiko began, thrusting open her locker to reveal a hoard of pictures all taped to the inside.
Leiko drew no attention to them, but Toki couldn't keep her eyes away. An assortment of pale faced, dark haired people greeted her, all with the same glaring eyes, curled red lips, and long blood stained teeth. There was only one word suitable to describe them, and that word was well known as:
Leiko noticed Toki's fascination/horror of her pictures and grinned, "Aren't they great? I downloaded most of these off the internet, but the better ones are all in my room. I'll have to show you, I just can't get enough! Vampires rule!"
Toki nodded weakly, eyes then wandering to even more grotesque images of Vampires sucking the life out innocent people, and bloody bodies lying around a coffin where the pale hand reached out from inside. Leiko didn't understand Toki's weakness when it came to blood and gore, and continued to point out what pictures she liked best, which were actually "wrong really, when it comes to their life styles" but she thought they were cool anyway, and which sites she got them from. Toki didn't even notice when Leiko pulled out a scrap piece of paper and scribbled down an address.
"This is where I live." She said quickly, "Follow that address and come over to my place at 4:00 this afternoon. Tell your parents that you won't be back till at least four hours later, or whatever you need to do."
Toki took it and felt her eyebrows furrow, "But I don't..."
"Trust me," Leiko said, "You don't want, or need to know. Just know that it should be slightly amusing, and that you promised you'd do what I asked."
She smiled, as if being ordered around was something to be taken lightly.
But she was lucky, because in Toki's case, it actually was.
She could only nod, and leave quietly, pondering what might be going on. Sadly, by the time she got back to the lunchroom, Tutomu and Keiji had already left. But what was even more distressing,
was the fact that her food had mysteriously vanished as well.
Toki crossed her arms and shook her head. Keiji must have wanted some `sewer rat on a stick' to go with his pudding.
Retaw- END OF CHAPTER. ^-^ Took me longer then expected to finish this one, but I think I'm happy with the way it came out.
Or...content at least.
Fact is, lots of things are starting to go on at once. And trust me, but the time we hit like, chapter seven or so? I'll probably have my multiple plot's thing going on. And it's going to be difficult.
But hey! On a brighter note, that means you shouldn't get bored. ^^;>
KONPAKU-SAMA: Konpaku is japanese for ghost, soul, spirit, you get the idea. And of course, ending it with sama is a sign of respect, though it might be weird reading Konpaku instead of Yami, hopefully you'll get used to it, cause that's what I'm calling him. ^^; I'm trying not to be cliché, I mean, his name isn't REALLY Yami, Yugi just calls him that. Yeah, I have weird reasoning, just smile and nod.