Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Little Light ❯ Duel Number Two ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-gi-oh!


"So Yugi, you ready for our duel?" Amy asked Yugi the next morning at breakfast.

"Of course," Yugi answered. "Don't expect me to go easy on you just because you're my friend though."

"I don't, but I'm not going easy on you either."


"Will all the remaining finalists please come to the dueling arena now." The loudspeaker said. Yugi, Amy, Steven and Yami went on their way.


Yugi and Amy were in the dueling arena ready to start. "Begin!" The loudspeaker said.

Yugi attacked first with Electric Energy. Amy defended with a Cloud Shield then made a Tornado and set in on Yugi. Yugi used Wall of Light and then sent a Lightning Bolt at Amy. Amy countered by using a Hurricane to send the Lightning Bolt in a different direction. The hurricane continued toward Yugi, who blocked with another Wall of Light. Then he took out his Light Sword to begin a sword duel with Amy. He knew Amy wasn't so good at sword dueling, but if one person took out their sword the other would have to in order to block the swipes of their opponent. She got out her Cloud Sword.

They met in the middle of the arena and began head to head combat. It lasted well over ten minutes, but Amy finally made a wrong move. Yugi got through her defenses and she ended up on the floor. Before she could do anything Yugi covered her with a Blanket of Light preventing her from getting up. Yugi won the duel.


Yami and Steven were in the dueling arena ready to start. "Begin!" The loudspeaker said.

Steven started with Hail. Yami countered with Black Fire and attacked with Dark Swirl. Steven matched the attack with Water Swirl. Before the attacks hit, Yami strengthened his Dark Swirl so it would destroy the Water Swirl and hit Steven. When it hit Steven he fell to the ground, but covered himself with a Water Shield so Yami couldn't take advantage of the fall.

Steven got on his feet just as Yami sent a Black Wolf his way. He called forth the Killer Shark, but realized too late that it was on a lower level than the Black Wolf. The wolf destroyed the shark and then went at Steven. He tried to defend with a Water Wall, but it was too late by the time it was up. He was pinned to the ground. Yami was victorious.


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