Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Lives of Marik and Bakura ❯ The Lives of Marik and Bakura ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Lives of Marik and Bakura: Chapter One
Yami Marik and Yami Bakura both sit on a park bench. They are waiting for something, as they wait they talk to pass the time.
Bakura: We're evil.
Marik: I know.
Bakura: But… we're evil.
Marik: I know.
Bakura: I'm hungry, I want steak.
Marik: I don't like steak.
Bakura: I don't care.
Marik: Okay.
Bakura: What are we doing here anyway?
Marik: We're waiting to trip skaters as they pass by don't you remember?
Bakura: Right, I forgot. I'm just so damn hungry.
Marik: Of course you are you always are.
Bakura: Shut up! Do you see that?
Marik: What? Is it a skater?
Bakura: No it's a little bunny rabbit.
Marik: So why would I care about a… oh crap not this again.
Bakura slowly slides off of the bench and crawls across the ground. He steps right behind the rabbit.
Marik: You know it's really gross when you do this.
Bakura lunges at the bunny and before it has any chance to escape he snatches it in his hands. Bakura caresses the bunny over his face over and over again as he recites a couplet that he does every time he captures fresh meat.
Bakura: Oh how I do love steak to eat, but it's so much better to have fresh meat!
He plunges his sharp teeth into the rabbit and it let's out a small cry but then it fades away as Bakura drains it dry and starts to rip pieces off the rabbit away and chews them viciously.
Marik: How revolting…… that never ceases to disgust me. Oo a skater!
Marik suddenly looks as though he's totally cool and calm but then as the unsuspecting skater passes by he puts his foot out and the skater flies across the path leaving nothing but the sound of the person hitting the gravel.
Marki: YES!!! I am so good at this. Bakura look I got one and you missed it! You should have seen them they went flying! AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Bakura: Yea, yea whatever I'm eating.
Marik: You ruin all my fun. Can we go now?
Bakura throws the rabbit aside and licks his fingers and lips.
Bakura: Yes we can go. I'm bored with this place anyway.
Bakura and Marik walk back to their apartment and burst through the door holding Chinese food.
Bakura: I already ate so why did we get food?
Marik: You ate, I didn't.
Bakura: Right, forgot about that. It was so small it didn't really fill me up. I guess this will do.
Marik: Yes, but let's get back to work.
Every night Bakura and Marik make plans to kill Yugi but they never work. They think that this time their plan is full proof.
Marik: So I think that if we can get him over here than we can kill him and I can become the Pharaoh! AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Bakura: Every time you do or say something cool you don't have to laugh.
Marik: It just goes with who I am. People know me for my laugh. I laugh even if it's far away and they all know it's me. They fear me.
Bakura: So that's why the lady across the hall always hits you with her cane when you say something mean to her?
Marik: That woman has evil powers beyond mine. Even I cannot match them. They are her removable teeth. Though she has not used them yet and one day I fear she will.
Bakura: Well we'll just face that day when it comes. Now I think that we can…
Eventually after talking about the plan for hours, both Bakura and Marik are asleep on the couch. Both their heads are right next to each other as Bakura pets Marik's spikey hair. They cuddle closer to each other. Bakura and Marik slowly open their eyes.
Bakura: WHAT THE?!
Marik falls off the couch and lands on his back, next to him is a carton off noodles from last nights Chinese food. Bakura falls backwards off the couch and lands on his face. Bakura sits up and Marik just stays on the floor.
Marik: Oo leftover noodles.
Bakura: What the hell was that?!
Marik: What are you talking about? I wasn't the one petting your hair!
Bakura: I thought you were some fuzzy animal.
Marik: Wonderful. Since we're up we should get this plan started.
Baklura: Yes, today will be the day we finally defeat Yugi!