Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The New Authoress ❯ MADYAMISAM IS COMIN' TO TOWN!!!! ( Chapter 7 )
8am in the morning
LS: ^()^ *still chasing Mally with her mistletoe but stopped by Sam* O_O….
Mally: Phew… *goes into Malik's Millennium Rod to hide.
LS: T_T…
Sam: For Ra's sakes. You still haven't caught him?
LS: T_T… *tearing up*
Sam: Tsk… well we need to get to work now. Best start off with the disclaimers. *takes the mistletoe from her*
LS: B-b-bu *starts gibbering nonsense* T_T…
Sam: Come on… I don't want this either *nudging her*
LS: T_T *pouts like a little child who couldn't get the toy they wanted*
Sam: Look I promise you, you'll get your chance at the party but we need to get the work out of the way first. I know it's a drag but it's something that has to be done. Now do the disclaimers so those lawyers can stay away before they crash the party and ruin it for all of us, then start writing cards and decorating the tree.
LS: T_T *still teary* Madyamisam doesn't own Yu-gi-oh.
Sam: Ok. Go on… *LS goes to do the Christmas cards whilst still eyeing Mally in the Millennium Rod longingly* -_-` Man… I hate being cruel. *Sam stands amongst the rubble that has been caused in the previous chapters. (Hmm… who could of done that then?) She sighs before she tightened her apron, started the vacuum… and pressed the forward button on the remote to relieve readers of the boredom*
Sam: *collapses on the sofa* ^_____________^ Ahhh… the wonderful world of fanfiction, all aspects of work that usually takes hours to prepare in the boring realms of reality is done in… *checks time* 2 minutes. *she turns to see the entire party room is in peak shape with lovely tinsel and crackers etc* o_0? Hang on… there's something missing here… *sees the empty space under Christmas tree*
*Psycho Music starts up* #EEK, EEK, EEK, EEK…#
YGO gang: *wakes up from all the hullabaloo*
Yugi: *eyes half closed waddling in like a penguin in his chastity belt* What's… going on?
Sam: *shakes him by the shirt* I FORGOT… TO BUY… THE CHRISTMAS… PRESENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone else: O_O'
Bakura: @.@ *Sam sobs then lets him go. He falls conked out on the floor*
Yami: o_0… *looks at Yugi who winks up at him* -_- Just give me a couple of minutes to get changed and we'll be on our way ok?
Sam: *looks up confused* o_0? Come again?
Yugi: *giggles* ^()^ He says his gonna help ya with the Christmas shopping silly…
Sam: *shocked* O.O… You are? *Yami nods calmly*
Yugi: Me too.
Yami: ^_______^
Ryou: ^_____________^ Me three… and my Yami… four.
Yami: O_O… Ahh…
Bakura: *shouts* I NEV…
Ryou: *points at him* ZIP IT!!!! *Bakura starts* ZZZP!!!!
Everyone else: O_O'
Ryou: o_0? What?
Sam: *shifts her glances on the four of them, then squeals and glomps them all* OH THANK YOU!!!! *huggles them all tightly*
Yugi and Ryou: ^_________________^
Yami: ^_^
Bakura: Can't… breathe…
Sam: o_0? Err… You're dead. You don't need to breath…
Bakura: o_0?… ^()^Oh yeah…
Tea: ^()^ I'm coming too!!!!
Sam: That's ok. We've got enough people to spread the load.
Tea: ^()^ Oh come on the more the merrier. Right Yami?
Yami: ¬_¬… Um… well… I was kind of thinking that it was just…
Tea: ^()^ *hanging on his arm* Come on… Friends have got to stick together and…
Sam: OK YOU CAN COME!!! Just DON'T… start with the speeches.
Yami: ¬_¬… *thinking* I was kind of thinking that it was just me… Sam and Aibou.
(A/N: Are you confused why Yami wants to go shopping with only me and Yugi? Ok… well here goes, remember the last chapter, Yami and Yugi weren't in it. Here's what happened while I was fixing up Seto)
Sam: Oh and speaking of Seto… *going Chibi with a cute smile* Do you mwind if I bowwow your cwedit cawd Seto-kun?
Seto: O_O'
Yami: *carrying the unconscious Yugi then shakes him gently* Aibou…? *Yugi's still unconscious, he shakes
him harder* AIBOU!!!!
Yugi: *woke up* Huh!? What!? What!?
Yami: I need to talk to you.
Yugi: Sure
Yami: Privately.
Yugi: We'll go to the CURSE room no one will hear us there. *they go to CURSE room* Ok… what is it?
Yami: *looks to check the coast is clear* Do you know if there's a reason why she tortures me so?
Yugi: You talking about Sam? *Yami nods* It's a comedy fic based on humiliating the YGO cast, she's the authoress and it's basically her job to make fools out of all of us… She does it to everyone. Your not alone.
Yami: What about you and Mokuba and Ryou? *Yugi points at his chastity belt* Well what about Tea? She hasn't done anything to her yet.
Yugi: She told me she's got something planned for HER at the Mistletoe Kissarama.
Yami: I just get the feeling that she bashes me more than anybody else here. I think she hates me.
Yugi: No she doesn't. What she does to us is totally official.
Yami: I don't think so.
Yugi: Look… maybe you should hang out with Sam and see what she's really like.
Yami: Hmm…
*************************END FLASHBACK***********************
(A/N: So… now you know)
Now… where were we…?
Sam: *looking at list* Hmm… I still got to get Tsuki, LS, Pingpong and Drunken Panda a present. *turns
to the group* Are those bags too heavy for you guys?
Yugi and Ryou: *holding a bag in each hand* ^___________________^ Nah…
Yami and Bakura: *each holding a slightly larger load of bags but not too bad* Not really
Tea: *a huge mountain of shopping bags on her bag* >O< YES!!!!
Sam: *ignores her* Oooh… a frying pan. Oh look Yugi. It's got a wittle picture of Mally on it.
Yugi: ^_____________________________^ LS would love that!!!
Sam: Yeah and since she's my sidekick she needs a weapon. I mean I have a mallet and all. I'll take it. *pays and throws it on the already huge pile on Tea it collapses on her*
Tea: @.@…
Sam: Oh and these two Yugi plushies will go to Tsuki and Drunken Panda. And Pingpong gets a plushie of Bakura. ^________________^. Right let's take a coffee break. *pays then packs presents in her bag*
Yugi and Ryou: *after drinking their frothy Starbucks chocolate* ^--------^
Yami and Bakura: *after drinking their frothy Starbucks cappuccino* ^______________________^
Tea: @.@
Sam: ^________^ You guys can stay here whilst I check out a couple more shops before we go.
Yami: *wipes away froth and follows. He looks at Yugi who gave him the thumbs up*
Tea: *comes round* Huh? Hey Yami wait for me!!! *Bakura grabs the frying pan and conks her* @()@
Yugi: *tries to copy* Muwahahahaha…. *coughs and retches* I could never do that…
Ryou: Nor me…
Sam: *Yami catches up with her* o_0? What you doing here?
Yami: Uh… Getting something for Aibou…
Sam: ¬_¬…. Hmm… ^_________^ Ok…
Yami: Phew… *looks around and notices something on the shelf* What's that?
Sam: o_0? Hmm? *sees what his pointing at* Oh it's one of those singing and dancing hamsters. Their quite popular. Here you squeeze his wittle and he'll start dancing and singing.
Yami: o_0? *looks at the hamster who is dressed up in a black karate suit red bandanna with Nunchukas (A/N: I think that's what their called. It's Bruce Lee's main weapon in his films. You know… the one with two batons linked together with a chain?)
Sam: Go ahead squeeze it.
Yami: *looks at her then squeezes the hamster's hand. It bursts out into song giving him a shock*
Hamster: *in a squeaky voice* Har heya!!! #Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting… Har!!!! Those kicks were fast as lightening…. Huwah!!!
Yami: O_O'…. ^()^ *laughed at the little rodent's antics*
Hamster: ….And it was a little bit frightening…. Har!!!!! But it comes with extra timing… Ha!!!! OH HOHO HOOOO!!!!! (DADADADA DADA DADA DA) OH HOHO HOOOO!!!! OH HOHO HOOOO!!!! (DADADADA DADA DADA DA) OH HOHO HOOOO!!!!!! *hamster stops*
Sam: ^_________________^ *they come back out and go home* o_0? I think I must have left something behind… *checks her pocket* Oh no I have my mobile. Phew.
Tea: *wakes up* Huh? Where is everyone? Yami!!!! Anybody!!!! *all lights turn off*
Yami: ^______________^ Aibou… your right. The torture and stuff is really just official.
Yugi: ^_________________^
Sam: Ahh… I think this chappie was rather boring but we need to get over the boring bits to make way for the fun we'll be have at the `under the mistletoe scenario' which I have dubbed as the Mistletoe Kissarama… So if you want to join the Mistletoe Kissarama best say so soon cos the closing date is the 23rd and I'll be putting the chapter up on Christmas Eve. Remember you get to kiss any of your favourite Yu-gi-oh character(s). Just put who you want to kiss either in your review or an e-mail.