Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The New Kid ❯ Chapter 1
Trickydevl666: Hey there, everybody
Everybody: Hey
Trickydevl666: This story is going to be different from the other stories I have written. Can anyone tell me why?
Anyone: Because the other two sucked and this one hopefully will not
Trickydevl666: In my last two stories no one reviewed so I am kind of sad because I don't know if they liked it or not. Also, can you tell me why this one will also be different?
Also: Because you are going to put yourself into it.
Trickydevl666: Bingo. By the way, in this story my name is goin' to be Melor Mantua. For those of u who are wonderin' y it sounds familiar, it is the name of the city Romeo is banished to in Romeo and Juliet. Wow, everyone I have asked answered my questions correctly. Yami, can you tell me why this is?
Yami: Because you put it in your summary. Stupid.
Trickydevl666: Oh. Yami, can you tell me who is going to do the disclaimer and then is going to have to be Yugi's slave for the day for being a smart-ass spirit of a millennium item?
Yami: Bakura
Trickydevl666: Wrong.
Yami: Marik
Trickydevl666: Wrong
Yami: Me
Trickydevl666: Bingo
Yami: Okay, trickydevl666 does not own yu-gi-oh cuz if he did he would be rich and he would have animators draw explicit yaoi scenes between the yamis and their hikaris and seto an jou, also if he did he would have anzu get hurt so many times its not even funny, well actually it is
/…/ Hikari to Yami
//…// Yami to Hikari
Italics person's thoughts
Da Story~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Normal POV
A boy is looking for something as he is walking quickly through the school grounds. He has long black hair with a slight blue tint and dark brown eyes (A.N. I wish I had long hair). His hair was tied back in a bushy ponytail but had two thick strands coming down the side of his face. (A.N. You know like Kurama's hair does in the front)
Someone's POV
Woot. I got to school early. That hardly ever happens. Now let me see, where is that one group of kids and that bitch, I mean friendship lovin' girl that always hangs out with them? Oh there they are. Damn. The school bell rang. Oh well. Where is the first class? Oh yeah. I remember. There it is. I walk in and am introduced to the class cuz it is my first day here.
"Class, we have a new student, Melor Mantua from America." The teacher said
My seat is right beside Yugi's. Perfect. I have my mind made up. I will go sit by him and his gang at lunch. I will then see if I would be able to go to his house. If I am able to, I will go there and challenge Yami. If I do very well then I will be the new king of games. But I probably will lose. But they would probably let me into their gang anyway, just like the let Bakura, Seto, and Marik into it.
Normal POV
"Yes. It's finally lunch," thought Melor.
Melor walked up to the table where Yugi and his friends sat and asked, "Do you mind if I join you?"
"No, go ahead," replied Yugi.
"No problem"
"So, what kind of things do you like? I like duel monsters. How about you?"
"Really? Well, who isn't nowadays?"
"Beats me. Oh. How rude of me. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Melor Mantua."
"Hi. I am Yugi Mutou and these are my other friends Jonouchi, Seto, Honda, Ryou, and Anzu."
"Ok. So, do any of you want to duel some time?"
"I would like to, but lunch is almost over. How about later at my house?"
"Sure. I am sure my parents won't mind" That's because there gone now
~That afternoon~
The group walked up to the door of the game shop and entered. After buying a few packs, Melor followed the rest of them to the back. And then, Yugi and Melor prepare to duel.
~Half an hour later~
In the last part of the game, Melor had 700 life points left, and Yugi had 7500 life points. Melor then laughed and said, "I got you now"
"What do you mean? I am winning"
"Not for long." He then played Big Eye and rearranged the top cards of his deck. Then he played Reversal Quiz guessed right and swapped life points with Yugi. And finally he played Ookazi bringing Yugi's life points to zero.
"Ah man. You beat me"
"That was fun. Maybe I can duel your Yami next time" Damn. I can't believe I let that slip.
"Who told you about Yami?"
Td666: I can't believe I did something that stupid. Actually I can. So everyone tell me if you like it?
Everyone: Okay
Td666: Please review because I need to know if people like my stories. Bye