Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Passion, The Pain, The Lust Part I ❯ Watching Me ( Chapter 33 )
Inside the Palace...
In Kimora's room...
Kimora lied up in bed staring at the gold ceiling. Most of the servants in the Palace had nice large rooms that were made of mostly gold. Kimora was fortunate enough to have one of those rooms. She was beginning to miss her friends a lot as she reminisced about the good times they have shared. She heard the door creek and all she did was lift her head up halfway not able to see over her large breasts which fell off to the sides. She lied her head back down, leaving her legs spread apart. Priest Seto peeked in the doorway, drooling at the site. He felt his manhood turn hard in a matter of minutes. He licked his lips and slowly reached his hand down into his garment feeling the hardness and the warmth of his erection ready to burst.
Kimora got up and began searching for her book, and Priest Seto quickly backed away from the door. But, Kimora saw him and said nothing. She knew he was watching her so she decided to tease him. She dropped her book and bent all the way over to pick it up. She then walked back to the bed switching from side to side as hard as she could. Then she lied back on the bed and held her legs open even wider. She opened up the book and pretended like she was reading. She began rubbing her breasts lightly so as not to mess up the paint. Then she gripped her breasts tightly and let out a loud squeal. Priest Seto couldn't restrain it for much longer and then a whole mess of erection bursts onto the inside of his garment.
He fled the doorway and went back into his room. Kimora began laughing hysterically as she set the book down on the table and took a sip of wine. She was living and eating real well but it still wasn't the same without her friends. All these glorious things and also being able to spend quality time with the Pharaoh has made her happy but, for her to be truly happy and appreciative she has to see her friends. She slipped on her little gold sandals and grabbed her white robe, and then left.
Inside the Throne room...
Kimora crept on the side of the Pharaoh and leaned her head on his shoulder. "What do you want Kimora?" Kimora held his hand and rubbed her thumb across his knuckles. "Could I go see my friends? Please?" Kimora begged. "You just got here and now you want to leave?" The Pharaoh still kept looking straight staring off into the distance. "Well, if I'm going to be here for 10 years at least let me get my stuff from my house." Kimora still pleaded. "I guess so but just don't make me have to come out looking for you." Kimora released his hand and headed out the palace door. As she was walking the Pharaoh stood up and slapped her buttocks, really hard. She turned around and grimed him. Then she kept walking forward.
Inside the village...
Everything seemed normal and everyone was doing fine. Kimora walked through the village as some people stared at her along the way. The men seemed to shout out nasty sexual gestures to her and the women just stared. One woman stared at Kimora's chest and then looked down at hers, turning red all over. Kimora kept a straight face and a steady pace, and continued walking forward. Kimora decided to go inside the bar and listen to the daily gossip that usually went on everyday.
Inside the Bar...
She sat down on the stool and ordered a large drink. A group of 6 men were sitting at the table talking when another man walked in and sat at a table by himself. This man was the same one that got kicked out of the palace last night. He was highly upset that he lost 10 of his friends. Now he was scared and shivering all over. "That guy must feel awful." The tall man said. "Yeah, well he shouldn't have been messing with that thief. You don't know what she is capable of doing." All the men nodded. "You guys are a bunch of pussies. There is nothing more better than a strong woman who can cook, clean, take care of the kids, and give head." All the men laughed cheerfully. "Well that thief is just one lady I wouldn't mess with. Maybe that's why she has the Pharaoh wrapped around her finger." the short man said jokingly. "Did you guys see those big breasts that are sitting up on her chest waiting for a guy like me to come lick them wet?" The man stared off into the distance fantasizing. "I know man, I saw em' too and it made my dick hard." *sweatdrop* "Okay, that was more than I needed to hear." said the skinny man. Just then Teania walked in searching for Kimora. She walked around the bar and asked everyone but they said no. Then she went up to the counter, and tapped the girl on the shoulder.
"Hey have you seen.......Kimora!!! Is that really you in there?" Kimora turned around and took her hood off. "Yeah it's me. What do you want?" Kimora turned back around and kept drinking. "I need to talk to you." Teania sat down next to her and ordered a drink. The group of men were in awe when they realized that Kimora was sitting there the whole time. They didn't run. All they did was sit quietly and whisper amongst themselves. "Why weren't you at the party last night Teania?" Kimora turned her back towards her. "I was coming but, Asenia was faking it all along and she stabbed me in the back with a knife. My friends came to help and I just felt bad because you were right all along and you were just trying to protect me and I was just being stupid about it." Teania rambled. "I'm really sorry for those mean and nasty things I said to you. I didn't mean any of it."
"Its okay Teania, I forgive you. All I wanted to do was help you. I should've known something was up when you didn't show up at the party. But, still in all I forgive you and I hope this never happens again." Teania had a stream of tears flowing her eyes as she hugged Kimora tightly. "Thank you so much Kimora, I promise I'll never do that again and you have my word on it." Kimora stood up and hugged her friend, with a smile on her face. It was not a fake smile, it was real. They were glad that this argument can now be put to rest and they can become best friends once again like they were before but Asenia is still not off the hook just yet. "I guess I'll see you later than Kimora." Teania waved bye and left the bar. Kimora sat back down, still drinking.
The man who sat at the table alone got up and ran out of the bar. The men started laughing. "Hey are you Kimora?" One of the men shouted curiously. "Yeah, but what's it to you?" Kimora said in a smart-ass tone. "We just wanted to know who was causing all that ruckus inside the palace." Kimora stood up and walked over to the men who seemed to back away with every step she took. "Yeah, that was me. Do you have a problem with that?" The men shook their heads. "No ma'am." the tall man replied. Kimora tipped the bartender and walked out. "That was scary." the short man said.
Inside the Village...
Kimora continued walking to her house, watching everyone constantly stare at her. It was bothersome but she just kept looking straight ahead.
Where these people really scared of her?
Did they think she was really a Demon? Or was she still the same common thief that everyone knows? She could still hear the whispers under the people's breath. Some just walked by without hesitation and others backed away. But weren't these people the same ones that forced her to take action against those jerks? I guess what they say is true. Actions speak louder than words. She finally got to her house and went inside.
Inside Kimora's house....
It was dark and cold like a midnight winters eve, as she began packing up all her things to bring them back to the palace. As she put each item in her bags, it reminded her of her journey to other cities. The sightseeing, the parties, and the gifts. Those were all good times she had and at present she wishes that she could have traveled longer. It seems that she has gotten into even more trouble since her return to the city. None the less, she can't give up and maybe there is still a chance to prove her innocence even though it seemed useless now.
Just then there was a knock on the door. Kimora got up and lit some candles around the house. When she answered the door, the elderly woman stood there. "Oh hi, sorry it's so sloppy in here, I haven't been here in a while." Kimora said bashfully. "It's quite alright. I already know what happened to you." The elderly woman sat down in a chair. "I know you're probably ashamed of me but I had to protect myself some way." Kimora said mortified. "I'm not ashamed of you. But I will be if you give up. Now that your home is in the palace, you still have an even greater chance of proving that you are not a thief. One day there will be a time when the people might need the assistance of Diabound's great presence and that's when your destruction will end. Don't let the frightened stares of the villagers hold you down. Just keep your head up and walk proudly through the village like you have done before." said the elderly woman.
Kimora crawled over to the elderly woman and lied her head on her lap. "I wouldn't wish this on anyone. I have to spend 10 years serving him and I know I should be happy but I am sad. I was hoping it would be just us together but so many people are getting in the way of that." The elderly woman stroked her long raven hair, staring at the steady flame of the lit candles.
"Remember my child, you are a peasant and he is the Pharaoh. If you act to quickly then both of you could get into serious trouble. A similar story has happened before. There was once a Pharaoh who had a mistress that was in love with his high Priest. The Pharaoh was in love with her very much and he would not allow any man to touch her. One day the mistress met up with the high Priest and that's when disaster struck. To make a long story short. The mistress was caught and her and the high Priest killed the Pharaoh. The guards were called in and the high Priest fled the scene promising to resurrect her. The mistress then killed herself. Needless to say, they were wrong and she shouldn't have done that to the Pharaoh. Now you have a choice and a chance for yourself and the Pharaoh. You can wait and savor your time together or you can ruin it for yourselves and let your time fall into the darkness. But, whatever you may choose, just remember that time goes and goes, and love stays forever."
The elderly woman got up and left Kimora's house. Kimora gathered her things and began heading back towards the palace. "I won't give up the fight and I will have my justice.....some day."