Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Past Comes to Life ❯ Da Beginning ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Here is the Prologue to a story I'm starting on. I know, I know. I should finish my other ones, but when you have a really good idea, you can't just stop thinking about it. Now, can ya?

Everybody who agrees: Nope!

See! Since I'm using the English names in the story, in the pro for their past lives I'll be using the Japanese names. For the people whose names are the same in both, I'll come up with names.


Yugi- Yuugi

Joey- Jounouchi (Jou)

Ryou- Sky

Malik- Ren

Tristan- Honda

Serenity- Shizuka (Spelling?)

Mai- May


Ishtar- Carmon

Tea- Anzu

Devlin- Otogi (Spelling?)

Mokuba- T.J.

Yami- Juan

Seto- Talon

Bakura- Ramon


******* = Scene changes

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!

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The sun showed through the dark sky, enveloping all the stars, and moon; sending them to a far away place where they could come out later a night. Four figures were sitting upon a hill watching the sunrise come, talking about their lives, and anything else the bored minds could think of.

"Another day, another bore," said one with brown hair that covered his eyes from a persons view. "We need to find something better to do then watching sunrises and sunsets."

"Why would we want to that Talon?" asked a tri-colored teen who was lounging on a white-haired boy. "I don't know about you guys, but I feel pretty content just laying here."

"I agree, Juan," replied the white-haired teen, Ramon, moving Juan from his position so he could rise to his feet.

"How about you Carmon?" asked Talon stretching his feet in front of him.

The blond Egyptian shrugged. "I'm in the middle actually. To me everything is a bore. We really need to get a life."

"Such a smart discovery."

"Shut up, Ramon."

"Aww… Talon, do you have to be such a pest of a creature."

"Yes, I…." A horn erupted, disturbing their peaceful silence and awakening the day. The ones sitting rose and they made their way to the kingdom, Darkness (Very original, huh? ^_^;;). The gates opened when Talon entered the password, they ran to the throne room where Anzu was waiting. "Anzu, what's going on?"

Anzu turned around from looking at the large screen in front of her. "The troops have been attacked, Juan. I have sent our reporters to see who has attacked, but they haven't returned yet. Do you guys have any ideas?"

Ramon and Carmon smirked. "ATTACK!"

"No. The minute we fight back, they'll immediately call it a war. That's the last thing we need right now," Talon said calmly.

"He's right. We need to wait till they get back. Then we'll see if we need to do anything harsh." A swift wind flew through the room, and the doors opened. Five reporters walked in with grim expresses, and approached the five near the screens.

"It appears it was the Lightness who attacked us," said the one speaking knowing what they knew would result in death. Each of the Darkness leaders has been seeing one of the Lightness leaders. It was believed that they were in love.

"I don't believe it," said Talon while his voice quavered. "There is no way either of them would ever do that. Never!"

"We have to sort things out. Look over each and every thing very carefully," Juan commented calmly.

"Like hell!" screeched Ramon. Him and Carmon walked over to a phone, and Carmon dialed a code that connected them to the Lightness Realm.

"Hello?" answered a groggy voice that belonged to Jounouchi.

"Get your asses down here right now!" called Talon.

There were noises of things crashing, people screaming, and many others. They heard Ren's voice, "Guys we can't right now. Some of the Angels decided to go crazy and have been destroying everything in sight."

"Ren get over here!" Yuugi yelled. "Sky's hurt!"

That stopped Ramon from throwing the phone against the wall.


The noises grew louder with every passing minute. Ren ran to where Yuugi and their fallen friend were.

"Will he be okay?" asked Yuugi in a worrying voice that anyone rarely heard him speak.

Ren looked Sky's injuries over. "Of course. He'll be better than he was." Ren knew he shouldn't lie to Yuugi, but if Yuugi found out that Sky has maybe a day to live, they would never be able to stop the insane Angels that decided to go on a rampage. "Shizuka, Honda, take Sky to May quickly." The two picked the white-haired teen up slowly and went out of the room as fast as they could, being careful not to cause any more damage to the ones in their arms.


Jou looked over the kingdom with worry in his eyes. This attack would lead the elders to persuade them to declare war, even though they were the ones who caused this. He knew that Talon and them were pretty mad. Jou silently laughed at the fact that Ramon will hurt anyone who hurt Sky.

"Jou!" He turned around to see Yuugi and Ren running towards him.

"Has anything changed?" asked Ren when they reached him.

"No, unfortunately. What could have caused this?"

"The fact that the elders would always post those hideous signs telling people to fight for their rights is one reason. Though they already have rights; more than they should have apparently," Yuugi commented.

"We need to stop this. If we don't then either of us or all will be joining Sky in recovery ward," said Ren.

"That's not such a good thought," Joey said turning around to face the fighting. "Why don't we get out there and show those Angel who to follow orders from?"



"I'm about to fall over and never care if my existence on this place ends," said Yuugi walking in the recovery ward with Jou and Ren.

A look of surprise came over Jou's face when he laid on one of the beds. "Now that's something I thought I never hear Yuugi say."

"Drastic times calls for drastic sayings," commented Ren flopping down on a bed.

Yuugi sat down on the closest bed next to where Sky's at sleeping. "Very funny. I hope he'll be okay."

"Of course he will, Yuugi. Sky has pulled through things tougher than this," Jou said.

"I'm going to my room to think." Yuugi walked out of the room, leaving the two awake ones, and sleeping one alone.

"What's really wrong with Sky, Ren?" asked Jou looking at the blonde.

"He won't live to meet the morning sun tomorrow. I told Yuugi he'll be better than ever, but that's not true."

"Ramon is going to be pissed."

"I know. That's why I'm scared to call them."



The leaders of the Angels and the leaders of the Demons cried their sorrows at Sky's funeral. The Demons had a hard time convincing Ramon to come and say goodbye. The demon refuses to believe that his love was dead.

"It will be okay Ramon," said Carmon trying to comfort his friend.

"I know, but still," Ramon said putting his hands over his eyes to keep his tears back. "I just wish that he wouldn't have got hurt."

"We all do," Ren, said wiping away a tear trying to escape from his right eye. They left the cemetery in lost hopes. The six teens, if you could call them that, walked to the tree that separates the Lightness Kingdom and Darkness Kingdom.

"This all happened because you guys couldn't keep your people under control," snarled Carmon walking away from Ren. The lights looked towards the other demons. Ramon had all ready moved to stand next to Carmon.

Ren looked surprised. "This isn't our fault. We couldn't help the fact that we didn't know that the Angels were mad. Besides if it's anybody's fault, then it's you guys."

"How prosperous!" Talon screeched standing next to Carmon. "It is most definitely not our fault."

"If you guys wouldn't have postponed all the meetings that we had set up to discuss this problem then maybe Sky would still be here," Jou said with anger showing on his face.

"Guys, calm down," Yuugi started. "We can't change what happened. The last thing we need is to start a war. I seriously believe that Sky would be pissed if he knew we were arguing and that's saying a lot."

"Oh shut up Yuugi," Juan said walking so that he stood beside Talon. "You need to stop with all these friendship speeches or whatever you want to call them."

Yuugi looked up at Juan with sad eyes. "I can't believe you just said that."

"Well believe it midget," sneered Ramon. "Sky's dead and you don't know what he would want."

Ren grabbed Jou and Yuugi's right hands. "I don't see what Sky ever saw in you. Maybe he jumped in front of that shot to get away from it all. If it would have been me, then I would." They turned and left, leaving the four to look on with anger.


"Maybe I shouldn't have said that," Carmon said two days later sitting with the others in the throne room located in the palace. "I really miss Ren."

"Yeah, but there's nothing we can do now," commented Juan.

"They won't even talk to us. Not even for peace meetings," Talon said. He looked over to Ramon. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm just still a little sad. I can't believe that he's actually gone and now you guys don't even have your loves with you."

"Don't worry about it Ramon."

"I can't help but to Juan." Before anyone could say something Otogi, Honda, Anzu, May, T.J., and Shizuka burst through the room. They stood. They all knew something was wrong with some of the Angels to come here.

"What is it?" Talon asked walking to T.J.

T.J. looked up at his older brother. "Jou, Yuugi, and Ren they… they…." He broke off crying.

"They were killed. The Angels that started the other fight went into a rage. They blamed you guys for Sky's death. The whole kingdom is destroyed. We're the only ones alive," Honda said finishing T.J.'s sentence.

"This can't be true!" argued Talon.

"It is," Mai replied softly turning her head towards Anzu who gave her a small smile. "This wasn't supposed to happen. We were suppose to have a peace treaty, but now since we're the only ones left except maybe one of them, we don't need any treaty."

"Where is the other one that is alive?" asked Ramon looking at the two who now were hugging.

"We don't know."

Anger spread across Honda's face. "I still think that he was a demon. No angel has red hair with dark black eyes. Yeah sure maybe brown, but never black eyes."

"There's no way he's a demon. Our people know not to start something like that," Juan said pacing back and forth on the floor.

"Guys," T.J. started stuttering. "Look outside."

"Not now, little brother," Talon said.

"NOW!!!" Each person in the room turned to look out the window, but before they could see what T.J. was talking about a big explosion erupted the ground. The building they were in crumbled to the earth below leaving no survivors.

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Whoo-Hoo!! I'm finished. This is a really long prologue. Yeah, I know… a weird and fast ending. I wanted to get finish with this so I can start on the story.

I heard once that for a boys hair color it's `blond' and for a girl it's `blonde'… or the other way around. It's something like that. I'm not sure. R & R!!!