Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Perfect Couple ❯ Sugar & Show Time ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Perfect Couple

By Queen Of Curses

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except for my own ideas, which swirl about in my crazy mind.

A/N: Hey, sorry for the late update. I was grounded. Also, I was helping a friend get started with ff.net. Her soon-to-be pen name is Angel Everlasting. Also: CAUTION: Cross dressing depicted in this chapter. Not that any of you might care.

To voldemort4259@yahoo.com: U was the one who told me in a review how my work really sucked, right? Well, *beep* you. I'd like to see you write better. As you already may have noticed, I'm proud of my writing. At least I don't write *beep*, like you do. Now I can let all who read this have ur *beeping* e-mail address. And to those who greatly support this fic, if u have the time, please e-mail this fanfic reader about how rude he/she was. I already did so, myself. I may be a little exaggerating with this whole "U really suck" thing, but I have pride in my work.

"..." - Speech

'...' - Thought

Chapter 7 - Sugar And Show Time

Yugi and Seto have been practicing their routine for the whole week for the talent show. And both felt very confident that they'd outshine their darker others. But Yami and Seth have been slacking off and only made up a routine at the last moment. And to add to their procrastinating, they had no idea what the hell they were going to do.

"Seth!!!" Yami yelled in frustration. Both yamis were in the park. Ever since last week, that park has been their favorite place in the whole world.

"What?" Seth asked in a very annoyed voice.

"I can't think of anything."

"So? Neither can I!"

"I need to prove to my Aibou that I have as much talent as he does."

"Hey, you're a couple of thousand years older than he is. And on top of that, you have natural talent. This talent show will be a breeze."

"I guess you're right." Yami agreed, shivering from the cool winter breeze.

And so Yami and Seth had no worries to what they were doing. The talent show was tomorrow but they were confident their age and talent would pull them through this. And they went over to the Kaiba Mansion and started playing video games, since their lighter sides were at the Turtle Game Shop, practicing their routine for the talent show.

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Soon, both were getting hungry and pulled out the first thing out of the refrigerator and ate it. It just so happens that they pulled out a huge chocolate cake with cherries, banana slices on top, and sugary powder on top. And, well, you get an idea what happens when yamis go on a sugar rush. ^_^;

About five minutes after the two yamis devoured the chocolate cake, which's when the sugar started to kick in. Both went into the backyard of the mansion and started chasing each other, both with a knife or a couple more at hand, trampling the untouched snow. Seto and Seth didn't go into the backyard much.

Seth sure does have something for knives, noting the fact that he presently had 4 in each hand, chasing Yami around the backyard.

Oh, and Yami, good old responsible, sensible, serene, a-knife-won't-make-me-lose-my-cool kind of guy. Well, he was kinda running away from the 8 knives Seth was carrying, screaming like a girl at the same time. On a side note, is it really possible to hold 8 knives in your two hands?

Anyways, Yami was holding a single knife in his right hand, flailing both arms, running like hell was after him, and screaming like there was no tomorrow. I always heard that guys only scream like girls because they haven't gone through puberty yet...but I never guessed Yami, out of all people, haven't gone through it yet. For God's sake, he's about 5,000 years old!

And so the madness continued for about ten more minutes. If you were watching them act so immaturely, you would have thought it was funny...unless, you actually went up to both of them yourselves and ruined their fun, that is. That was the exact reason Joey lost his sister's favorite CD and had gone bald.

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Joey was just on his way home, coming back from where his mother and sister lived. He had just borrowed one of Serenity's CDs and was going to give it back to her tomorrow. He passed by the Kaiba Mansion and heard screams from the backyard.

From out of nowhere, he somehow managed to grab hold of a video camera and sneaked into the backyard. For some reason, he thought the screams were coming out of Seto Kaiba's mouth. So he figured he would tape him screaming so femininely, make hundreds of copies, and give them out at school.

He was also thinking about how he could also take a picture and post that on the Internet. So, again, out of nowhere, he pulled out a digital camera. Who knew Joey was intelligent enough to work one?

(A/N: No offense to all the Joey fans out there. But u gotta admit he ain't that bright, right?)

And Joey continued sneaking into the backyard of the Kaiba Mansion.

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When Joey arrived in the backyard. He still heard continuous screams that were high-pitched and shrill. He hid behind a bush and jumped aside, only to take a picture and videotape Seth and Yami. Not what he was expecting. He was expecting Seto.

It just so happens the camera Joey used had a really bright flash. I mean, REALLY. The flash almost blinded Seth and Yami. To them, it seemed that Joey was interrupting their fun with knives, so they did something Joey wouldn't soon forget.

"Hey, Yami, Seth? Whatcha doin'?" Joey asked in his usual accent.

Yami and Seth just stared at him, knives suspended in the air.

"You know what I mean. With the knives n all." Joey kept asking, patiently waiting for an answer.

Yami and Seth just kept staring at him, and making no movement at all. And both gave the other a sideways glance, mischief shining in their eyes.

'Uh-oh. I've seen that look in Yami's eyes before. And it means trouble.' Joey thought to himself.

'Wait! I remember! Yami had that look in his eyes the night of Seto's birthday party. Hehe. Ain't I a genius or what? I figured it out.'

Yami and Seth still stared at Joey, with wicked grins on their faces.

'Umm...I think that knife Yami is holding looks familiar. Oh, it's all coming back to me. Yeah, that night, Yami was chasing me all over the place, just because he was on a sugar rush. Yeah, that must be it...WHAT?!'

Seth and Yami lunged for Joey with amazing speed, considering the fact that they were 10 feet away. Joey dodged them just in time. But the yamis were too fast. In a matter of seconds, they had Joey tied up on a tree trunk, and added to that, he was unconscious.

When Joey came to, the first things he saw were the evil faces of Seth and Yami. What a scary sight! It's not everyday you see Yami smiling wide like he was doing now. You usually just see him either frowning or giving his trademark grin.

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"HEY! Why'dcha tie me up to this tree?" Joey yelled out, as he struggled to be free from his bindings.

"You ruined our fun with that really bright light. Also, we think you're annoying." Seth explained.

"Yeah." Yami said supportively. "So we decided to do something to you while you were unconscious."

Both, again, smiled sinfully.

Joey noticed his sister's CD on the snow-covered grass. That was Serenity's favorite CD. It was the soundtrack to one of her all-time favorite movies, too. She would be really pissed at him if he didn't return it in perfect condition tomorrow.

"NO!!!!" Joey shouted, knowing what his sister would do to him.

"Hehe. So you finally figured out what we did, eh?" Yami asked.

"Of course I do, you bastard! Now give it back!!!!! Or I'll..."

"Or you'll what, Joey?" Seth asked. "Even if we give it back, there really is no possible way to make it become part of your head again."

"What?" Joey asked, surprised and confused.

Then he suddenly felt another cool winter breeze brush across the top of his head. Yami put a mirror right in front of his face to show him that...HE WAS BALD!!!! Hehehe.

"NOOOO!!!!!!" Joey screamed. (Yet, another guy that hasn't gone through puberty)

"But...I thought all you did was take away the CD, not make me go bald."

Yami and Seth: ??? -_-;;;

"Do you really think that taking this CD was the worst we could do to you?" Yami asked.

"(Sniff) well, yeah."

Just then, the sugar began to wear off on both yamis.

"What have we done?" Seth asked, oblivious of the previous acts he and Yami did.

Joey came free of the ropes that held him to the tree and started to run home, crying.

"See, look what you did! You made him cry!" Yami exclaimed.

"Me? It takes two to make a child cry, and the same goes for making one go bald."

"Okay, chill. Look, he left his sister's CD."

"Yeah, we might as well use it for the talent show."

"Good idea."

And both were walking back in, unaware of the knives lying on the snow-covered grass...and the blonde locks of hair scattered everywhere around the tree.

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Meanwhile, Yugi and Seto were at the Turtle Game Shop, done with their final practice.

"Hey, Seto, I'll just call Yami to see if he's doing okay." Yugi told Seto.

"Sure. Oh, and Yugi, my home phone number was changed. So, here, this is my new one." Seto said, as he handed Yugi a piece of paper.

"Thanks. But I'll call Yami by his cell phone. He may not be inside, you know."

So Yugi went over to the phone and dialed Yami's cell phone number...and left Seto thinking.

'Yami has a cell phone? Hmm...I could use one at about my age now. Note to self: Get myself a cell phone and get Mokuba the computer game he wanted.' Seto told himself.

"Seto, Yami told me that Seth is staying the night at your place. How about you stay the night here?" Yugi asked, interrupting Seto's thoughts.

"Huh? Oh, sure. I'll just go over and get my stuff, and then I'll come straight back here. Is that okay? By the way, doesn't Yami have to get his stuff, too?"

"Sure. Also, Yami doesn't have to come back here to get his stuff because he always brings a leather bag filled with important stuff and keeps it safely chained on his motorcycle." Yugi explained.

And Seto left, heading for the Kaiba Mansion, to get his stuff.

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When Seto arrived at the Kaiba Mansion he saw the knives on the grass and the blonde locks of hair.

'Seth must be up to no good. I hope he didn't hurt anyone. These hair locks looks like Joey's. (Sigh) Seth must be on a sugar rush.' Seto thought to himself.

Seto entered, and thought it was too quiet. He passed by the kitchen, the living room, the dining room, but returned to the kitchen because he thought he saw something.

What he saw wasn't what he expected. He expected either Seth chasing Yami with a knife, or vice versa. It seems that the two Egyptian lovers were making out on the kitchen countertop.

Seto just stood there, staring at them in surprise. But then, he decided to leave them alone. So he went to his room, grabbed a bag, filled it with his stuff, and left quickly. The two yamis didn't even notice his presence. I guess they were kinda caught up in what they were doing.

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Back at the Turtle Game Shop, Yugi noticed a note left by Grandpa.

The next morning, Grandpa left a note on the refrigerator.

Dear Yugi,

Again, I'm on a business trip. After the talent show, be sure to take care of the shop. A new card game was delivered this morning. The packages are in my room. You should know what to do with them. I know it's illegal to leave you two alone, but this trip to Korea is very important. Well, lots of love.


P.S. I'll be back in a month.

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Seto was thinking as he walked back to Yugi's place.

(A/N: Seto really does think too much. Lol)

'Hmm...Seth really does have the courage to be aggressive like that with Yami. I wish I had a relationship with Yugi that's as deep as what they have. But hey, all couples are different. Yugi and I are just different by way of showing feelings. Yup, that just must be it.'

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"Seto! You're back!" Yugi shouted, giving Seto a big hug.

"Yeah. You didn't think I wouldn't come back, did you?"

"Of course not!"

"Well, it's already 9:00. How about we get some rest for the talent show tomorrow?"

"Sure. Oh, and Seto, have this." Yugi said, handing Seto a VERY small package.

"What's the occasion?"

"You. Just don't open it until you get home after the talent show tomorrow. Okay?"


"Promise?" Yugi said, as he was big on trust, and he put out his pinky.

"Yup. Pinky promise."

"Okay, let's get to sleep, then."

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Seto cooked Yugi and himself onion soup for breakfast. They dressed, and went off to the talent show, being held in the school auditorium. For a half hour, they did their final practices for the routine, and then went to the dressing rooms to change into their costumes.

Yugi went to change first. He went in looking all masculine, but came out looking womanly. A denim skirt, sneakers, a red tanktop, and a denim jacket. His hair was even pulled down, looking all long and stuff. And it looked like he was wearing a pushup bra. Size 28B to be exact. And across the front of her...er...I mean his tanktop were the words:

East to the sea,

West to the land,

Death to the bitch

That touches my man.

Seto was trying to hold back from hysterically laughing by biting down on his tongue.

"Well, what do you think?" Yugi asked, turning around to give a view of all the possible angles.

"Oh, you look great." Seto replied, giggling while saying that.

'Great, Seto thinks I look like a dork. I know he's lying about me looking great. Oh, well. He was the one who won the rock-paper-scissors thing.' Yugi thought to himself, giving out a sigh.

'Hmm...Yugi has that look that says: Seto is thinking I'm about to ask him if my butt looks big.' Seto thought to himself. 'If he does say that, well, I wouldn't know what to say.'

Next was Seto's turn to change. He came in looking lanky, and came out looking pudgy. Black jeans that were REALLY loose, big boots, a VERY loose shirt, about 3 pillows under that shirt, and tons of chains around his neck.

Now it was Yugi's turn to hold back from laughing. The sight of Seto, there, looking all fat was a rare sight. Seto was naturally slender, of course, and was purposely trying to look as fat as he could. That's what the pillows were for.

They waited 30 minutes until their routine was called out.

"And the routine #15 is Yugi Mutou and Seto Kaiba performing 'What's Luv?' originally sung by Fat Joe, featuring Ashanti." Mr. Fielding, the principal, called out.

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All the lights in the auditorium were out. It was pitch black. The curtains on the stage were pulled open and some music started. And a voice could be heard.


Put the fuckin' mic on

Mic is on

Joe crack the don uh

Irv Gotti

A spotlight flashed on to reveal Seto in his baggy outfit.


What's luv?

Another spotlight flashed on to reveal Yugi, dressed femininely, on the opposite side of the stage.



Terror, Terror squad

Should be about us,

Should be about trust

Yugi: (Seto)

What's luv? (got to do, got to do with it, babe)

What's luv?

It's about us,

It's about trust.

What's luv? (got to do, got to do with it babe)

What's luv?

It should be about us,

It should be about trust.


Whoo, slow down baby,

Let you know from the gate,

I don't go down lady,

I want a chick with thick hips

That licks her lips,

She could be the office type,

Or like to strip.

Girl you get me aroused how you look in my eye

But you talk too much, man, you're ruining in my high

Don't wanna

Lose this feelin

Cuz my roof is chillin

Is on fire

You're gettin good for the gettin

I'm a rida

Other in the hoodie

I'm a provider

You should see the jewelry on my women

Cuz I'm livin it up

The squall heard in the truck

Lookin for some women to triz with us

You say you got a man

And you're in love,

But what's love gotta do

With a lil menage

After the party

Me and you

Could just slide for a few

And she could come too

Yugi: (Seto)

What's luv? (got to do, got to do with it, babe)

What's luv?

It's about us,

It's about trust.

What's luv? (got to do, got to do with it babe)

What's luv?

It should be about us,

It should be about trust.

And the whole routine went on and on. They were really good. As people say, "Practice makes perfect." A lot of people in the audience were singing along or getting up to dance to the beat. But Yugi and Seto paid no attention to that. And they also weren't aware of the figure standing in the corner of the auditorium.

'So, Yugi, this is the son of a bitch, who took over your love life.' She said to herself.

'Well, let's see how much good he is once you receive a certain letter from him next week.'

'I can't believe you think this worthless moron's looks is superior to mine.'

'Hey, I'm not a homophobic, but it's just not right.'

'His hair is messed up in some sort of horrendous style, he has bad posture, hell, he doesn't even have breasts.'

'Yugi, I really never knew you were gay. Well, it's about time I do something to you for breaking my heart.'

Angered, the mysterious young lady stormed out of the auditorium.

And the routine kept going on until the end. Many people stood up to greatly applaud them. It looked like Yugi and Seto already got this show won. And the judges were certainly pleased with the way their voices sang together in harmony.

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"Routine #16 is Ryou Bakura and Yami Bakura performing...er...'That's What Girls Do' originally sung by No Secrets." Mr. Fielding called out.

Bakura and his Yami stepped onto the stage wearing cheerleader-type outfits: Bakura looking shy and embarrassed, and his darker other looking all "What are you looking at?". Well, the music started and they started singing.

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Bakura: (Yami B.)

You ask me why

I change the color of my hair (yeah)

You ask me why

I need thirty two pairs of shoes (to wear)

Yami B.:

You seem to ask me why I got a lot of things

It's just a chick thing... you ought to let it go

You try to understand

but you don't have a clue........


That's what girls do

They keep you guessing the whole day through

Play your emotions push all your buttons it's true

That's what girls do

Bakura: (Yami B.)

You ask me why

I gotta play so hard to get (yeah)

You ask me

do I play it cool just to make you sweat (yeah)

Yami B.:

You want some kind of explanation I can give

It's just a chick thing... that your messin' with

to me it's black and white

but it's not gettin' through to you......


That's what girls do

They keep you guessing the whole day through

Play your emotions push all your buttons it's true

That's what girls do

Well, those two did great. They got a great deal of applause, too. But I don't think the audience liked it as much as the routine that Yugi and Seto did, though. The two Bakuras had some ups and downs in their routine.

Well, both sang great. But Yami Bakura's attitude and reluctance was very noticeable and the judges didn't like that attitude at all.

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"Routine #17 is Yami Mutou and Seth Kaiba performing 'Lady Marmalade' originally sung by Christina Aguilera, Mya, Lil Kim, Pink, and Missy." Mr. Fielding called out.

Yugi grinned. He couldn't wait until he saw what his darker side was wearing.

Seto saw Yugi's grin and remembered that 'Lady Marmalade' was a song on the Moulin Rouge soundtrack.

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Yami and Seth stepped onto the stage wearing the most surprising thing. Both were wearing skimpy little outfits. Yami's colored red, and made of leather, of course. Seth's colored green, and made of suede, a lighter version of leather. Seth sure does like green. Well, I only think he likes green to match his hair.

Then, the music to 'Lady Marmalade' started. I guess they took the song from the CD Joey left the day before.


Where's all mah soul sistas

Lemme hear ya'll flow sistas


Hey sista, go sista, soul sista, flow sista

Hey sista, go sista, soul sista, go sista


He met Marmalade down in old Moulin Rouge

Struttin' her stuff on the street

She said, Hello, hey Jo, you wanna give it a go? Oh! uh huh


Gouchie, Gouchie, ya ya dada (Hey hey hey)

Gouchie, Gouchie, ya ya here (here)

Mocha Chocalata ya ya (oh yea)

Creole lady Marmalade

Well, both were performing great. It looked like Seto and Yugi had some worthy competition. Added to that, in what they were wearing, mostly all the girls in the audience were drooling. Literally. Guess they aren't aware of the fact that their two crushes weren't interested in females.


What What, What what


ooh oh


Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir

Voulez vous coucher avec moi


yea yea yea yea


He sat in her boudoir while she freshened up

Boy drank all that Magnolia wine

All her black satin sheets, suede's, dark greens



Gouchie, Gouchie, ya ya dada (da-da-da)

Gouchie, Gouchie, ya ya here (here ohooh yea yeah)

Mocha Choca lata ya ya (yea)

Creole lady Marmalade


Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir (ce soir, what what what)

Voulez vous coucher avec moi


yea yea uh

He come through with the money and the garter bags

I let him know we bout that cake straight up the gate uh

We independent women, some mistake us for whores

I'm sayin`, why spend mine when I can spend yours

Disagree? Well that's you and I'm sorry

Imma keep playing these cats out like Atari

Wear ideal shoes get love from the dudes

4 bad ass chicks from the Moulin Rouge

hey sistas, soul sistas, betta get that dough sistas

We drink wine with diamonds in the glass

bottle case the meaning of expensive taste

if you wanna Gouchie, Gouchie, ya ya

Mocha Chocalate-a what?

Real Lady Marmalade

One more time C'mon now


Marmalade... Lady Marmalade... Marmalade...

By now Seth and Yami were 'dirty dancing' as you call it. Anyways, the principal had to call in the janitor to clean up all the drool, which was already an inch high off the floor.


hey Hey Hey!

Touch of her skin feeling silky smooth

color of cafe au lait alright

Made the savage beast inside roar until he cried,



Now he's back home doin' 9 to 5


Sleepin' the grey flannel life


But when he turns off to sleep memories creep,



Gouchie, Gouchie, ya ya dada (da daeaea yea)

Gouchie, Gouchie, ya ya here (ooh)

Mocha Choca lata ya ya (yea)

Creole lady Marmalade


Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir (ce soir)

Voulez vous coucher avec moi (all my sistas yea)

Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir (ce soir)

Voulez vous coucher avec moi (C`Mon! uh)


Christina...(oh Leaeaa Oh)

Pink... (Lady Marmalade)

Lil' Kim...(hey Hey! uh uh uh uh...)

Mya...(Oh Oh oooo)

Rot wailer baby...(baby)

Moulin Rouge... (0h)

Misdemeanor here...


Creole Lady Marmalade Yes-ah......

Their was a ton of applaud from the audience. From the looks of it, the judges kind of liked this routine more than any other. Anyways, Seth and Yami's routine was the last one so the principal called out the winners after the applaud died out.

"Okay, the judges have decided. The winners of this year's annual talent show is...Seth Kaiba and Yami Mutou with their performance of 'Lady Marmalade'." Mr. Fielding called out.

Then there was more applauding and stuff. So now the talent show was over and everyone had to go home. Yugi and Yami rode the motorcycle back home. And Seth and Seto took the limo. When he got home, Seto remembered the package Yugi gave him. He rushed up to his room and opened the tiny package carefully.

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QOC: Hey, how'd u like this chapter? Again, I'm sorry about the late update. I think it'll be weeks until the next chapter. It's summer vacation, but I'm not finding enough time to keep writing. On top of that, I'm planning to go to Disneyworld for a while. A long while. Anyways, until the next chapter comes out, please review this one. Well, byezz...