Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Power of Two: Yami Bakura and Yugioh ❯ Abandoned at Sea ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Recap: Yugi and friends went to the park. Yugioh and Yami Bakura went flying for a while. While they were gone, Yugi met three people who were secretly the evil sorcerer's minions. He went with the people three hours after they met, and the impersonator took his place three hours after he left. Yugioh and Yami Bakura returned and made the impersonator reveal its true form. Yami Bakura dealt with the imposter, and Yugioh flew off to find Yugi. He got to the location in time to break the sleeping death spell on Yugi.
/ is Yugi mental talk
// is Yugioh mental talk
\ is Bakura mental talk
\\ is Yami Bakura mental talk
[ is telepathic talk with the animals
' is thoughts

Chapter 4: Abandoned at Sea

Yugi was sleeping peacefully this night. He was terrified about the fact that he was under a spell that had him sleep until he died, but was relieved at the same time because Yugioh would always be there to save him.
\\Is Yugi all right?\\
//Yes Yami Bakura. He's fine. Thanks again//
\\It was no problem\\
Yugioh continued to watch over Yugi. He was on full alert. An intruder was in the shop. He went out of the room. Before leaving, he locked the window. He closed the door and locked it as well. It wasn't ordinarily locked because he used his powers on the locks to make sure that no one except him could get in. He did the same with Solomon's room. He then put a protection spell around and in their rooms. In case the thief knew magic, he/she wouldn't be able to get in by teleporting.
He opened his wings and flew down so he wouldn't make any noise. He landed without a sound. The darkness of the room gave him a perfect camouflage since he was wearing dark clothing anyway. He heard a noise coming from the back of the shop.
If he were normal, he wouldn't have heard it. His sense of hearing was far greater than all the earth's population combined. He quietly walked towards the back of the shop. He became invisible and walked in. He saw the thief trying to open the safe.
The thief just about got the combination, but the safe didn't open. He tried the combination again only to get the same result. "Someone must've changed the combination," he said quietly.
"And that someone was me," Yugioh said as he became visible.
The thief turned to see Yugioh, and fired his gun at him. Yugioh just caught the bullet and crushed it to dust in his hand. The thief was terrified and tried to escape. He managed to get as far as the front lawn before he was picked up and taken high into the air.
Yugioh pursued the escaping thief. When he chased the thief outside, he closed and locked the door. He flew off and grabbed the thief. He is currently taking the thief to the police station. He police sergeant was right outside the door when Yugioh landed. He saw a very familiar thief that they were trying to catch for six months.
"How did you catch him? We've been looking for this guy for six months," the sergeant said.
"He made the mistake of trying to rob the Turtle Games Shop. He didn't know that I lived there as well," Yugioh responded as he handed the guy over. He flew for home.
The sergeant stood outside a while longer. 'Yugioh never ceases to amaze me,' he thought. He brought the thief inside the station and locked him in a cell.
Yugioh landed at the front door. He took the protection spells off and unlocked the doors and windows. He went in the front door and locked it back using the lock on the door. Yugi and Solomon came down and sat on the couch.
"What happened?" Yugi asked.
"Yeah. When I heard the gunshot, I was worried," Solomon added.
"A thief got into the house. I went down to stop him at what he was trying to do. I put a protection spell around and in your rooms, and magically locked your doors and windows. I found the thief trying to rob the safe. I was in the room, but invisible.
He got the combination, but I changed it before he opened it. He wondered how the combination got changed. I became visible as I told him that I was the one who changed the combination. He turned and saw me. He fired his gun at me in vain because I merely caught and crushed the bullet.
He tried to escape. He only got to the front lawn before I lifted him off the ground. I took him to the police station. I found out that he's been evading the police for six months. I flew back here and removed my protection spells and safety locks," Yugioh responded.
"Thank you," Solomon said, "you protected the shop and our lives."
"You're my family. I would never forgive myself if something bad were to happen to you or our friends," Yugioh said.
Yugi went back upstairs with Yugioh and Solomon close behind. Yugi and Yugioh went to their room, and Solomon went to his. Yugi got back in bed, and sleep soon claimed him. Yugioh looked out the window to see rain clouds rolling in.
By the next morning, it had been raining since a few minutes after the clouds had moved in. Yugioh decided to let Yugi sleep in. Solomon came in the room to find Yugi still in bed. A look out the window told him why Yugi was still asleep. It was raining pretty good. Fortunately, there would be no thunder and lightning with the rainstorm. Solomon left the room and went downstairs.
Yugioh awakened Yugi at 10 am. Yugi looked out the window and knew why Yugioh let him sleep that late. It was still raining pretty good. Yugi got up and got dressed. He went downstairs for a late breakfast. Afterwards, he sat on the couch.
By 12 noon, the rain stopped and the clouds rolled away. The sun was shining bright. There was a ring of the bell. Yugi, Yugioh and Solomon looked up to see the rest of the gang.
"It rained pretty hard last night," Mokuba said.
"Yeah. It was also that way this morning," Solomon said.
"The reason we came over is to ask Yugi if he would like to take a boat ride with us," Kaiba said.
"I would love to come," Yugi said. He turned to Yugioh and asked, "Will you come too?"
"Next time Yugi," Yugioh responded.
Yami Bakura told Bakura the same. Then Yugi, Bakura, Joey, Te`a, Tristan, Kaiba and Mokuba all left and boarded Kaiba's limo. The driver drove off to the dock. They arrived an hour later. They got out and got in line. Kaiba had paid for the tickets in advance.
They boarded the ship. Half an hour later, the ship cast off. It was a peaceful cast off as the ship moved along the calm sea. Yugi and Bakura were on deck while the others were below deck. Yugi and Bakura were enjoying the calm weather and the calm sea.
"This is a perfect day for a boat ride," Bakura said.
"Yes it is," Yugi said.
Meanwhile, the evil sorcerer wasn't too thrilled about the peaceful atmosphere around Yugi and Bakura. 'I need to change the peaceful atmosphere around them. I'll make the calm sea rough,' he thought. He shot an energy beam through his crystal ball at the sea.
Everyone was enjoying the calm sea when the waves suddenly got very rough. The people below deck didn't feel it because the ship was built that way. There was a special kind of bumper technology that would resist the sea no matter how rough it was. Even the captain and crew were below deck. The ship was on auto pilot.
However, Yugi and Bakura felt the waves. They were struggling to stay on. The waves got rougher and rougher. An hour later, a big wave crashed into the ship. Yugi, Bakura, and a rubber raft went sailing overboard due to the wave's force.
Yugi and Bakura were swimming to the raft. They had a hard time because of the waves, but they managed to get in. They were asleep from exhaustion. An hour later, the sea calmed down. Yugi and Bakura were far from the ship by then. The captain came above deck to take control of the ship again. He found one of the rafts missing. By the torn and still damp ropes, it looked like the waves tore it loose. He then panicked when he didn't see Yugi or Bakura. He radioed the Coast Guard immediately.
Back at the game shop, Yugioh, Yami Bakura and Solomon were out of their minds with worry. They were just watching television when the show was interrupted by a breaking news bulletin. The reporter said that during a boat ride in the Pacific, a ship hit some unexpected turbulence and Yugi and Bakura were thrown overboard.
"What should we do? They won't last long without food or water," Yami Bakura said.
"Let's give the Coast Guard some assistance," Yugioh suggested.
Yami Bakura nodded, and he and Yugioh went outside. They spread their wings and flew off. They flew swiftly and arrived at the Coast Guard in half an hour. The people there were very glad to see Yugioh to say the least. Yugioh then introduced Yami Bakura and told them that he would be helping as well.
The Coast Guard people nodded. A group of four boarded a helicopter, which took off after all four of them were in. Yugioh and Yami Bakura followed; Yugioh flew in front while Yami Bakura followed from behind.
Meanwhile, Yugi and Bakura were awake. They saw that they were far from any land. They just looked on as the raft drifted farther into sea.
/Yugioh? Yami Bakura?/
//Yugi! Are you and Bakura all right?//
\We're fine\
\\We'll get there as soon as we can. We're coming with the Coast Guard\\
The raft drifted further into sea. That night, Yugi and Bakura slept. A group of dolphins soon spotted the raft. They reported back to Yugioh and Yami Bakura.
[We've found them] one of them said.
[Stay with them. We can track you from here] Yugioh and Yami Bakura told it.
The dolphins stayed within sight of the raft. Unfortunately, things wouldn't be so calm. A hurricane was approaching them. It was a powerful Category 5, the highest rating. The waves started churning again. The ride in the raft became rough again. Somehow, Yugi and Bakura managed to get some sleep. The next morning, the waves were too rough for them to sleep any longer. They felt the strong wind.
"What is this?" Yugi asked.
"We're stuck in a very powerful hurricane," Bakura responded.
The waves were bigger than the one that threw them off the ship. They would go up one and come down roughly. They were getting pretty soaked as well with the rain pouring down. The dolphins, loyal to Yugioh and Yami Bakura, swam through the turbulent waters to keep track of the raft.
[You must hurry. They're stuck in a powerful storm] all of the dolphins said.
[We're coming as fast as we can] Yugioh said.
Yugioh, Yami Bakura and the Coast Guard had a way to communicate with each other. Yugioh and Yami Bakura talked to each other mentally, but they both had walky talkies to communicate with the Coast Guard. They were trying their best to make it in time. Yugioh had magically refilled the helicopter's tank and told the people that it would stay at full until they landed at their base. Yugioh and Yami Bakura were worried when they sensed turbulence where Yugi and Bakura were.
"Can your equipment tell you what's going on where Yugi and Bakura are?" Yami Bakura asked through his walky talky.
The co-pilot checked the equipment. She was very worried to say the least.
"They are in a potent Category 5 hurricane. Category 5 is the highest rating," she responded.
An hour later, they felt the wind. The helicopter was struggling against it. Yugioh and Yami Bakura put a barrier on the helicopter to protect it from the entire storm.
"Our powers will protect you until you are out of the storm," Yugioh said through the walky talky.
"What about you?" the pilot asked.
"Don't worry about us; we're fine. To us, the wind feels like a gentle breeze," Yami Bakura responded.
Two hours later, Yugioh looked down and saw the raft. "I see them," he said.
They descended. The helicopter was still one hundred feet in the air because the waves were too big for them to fly any lower. Just then, a wave large enough to capsize the raft started to crash down. Yugioh dove into the water and pushed it back. Since the wave formed underwater, under the water was how the wave held together. By pushing from underwater, the wave went back into the sea.
But it wasn't over as more waves threatened to capsize the raft. Yugioh fought the waves in order for the Coast Guard to be able to get Yugi and Bakura safely on board the helicopter. A basket was lowered. Bakura got on first. The basked swayed in the wind, but he made it okay. Then the basket was lowered a second time to get Yugi. He got in, and the basket started its way up. He was almost there when a strong wind gust tipped the basket over, dumping him out.
Yami Bakura flew down and caught him. Yugioh flew out of the water just as he sensed Yugi fall. He saw Yami Bakura flying after Yugi and flew back up to hover in front of the helicopter. Yami Bakura flew back up and put Yugi inside the helicopter. The medics inside treated Yugi and Bakura as the helicopter flew for the dock with Yami Bakura in front and Yugioh in back this time.
The ship had been in frequent contact with the Coast Guard. The captain was very relieved to say the least when he heard that Yugi and Bakura were safe.
"Good news everyone, Yugi and Bakura are safe. They're heading back here now," the captain said.
Everyone, especially Yugi and Bakura's friends and family, were extremely glad to hear that. The Coast Guard, Yami Bakura and Yugioh arrived two days later. The helicopter landed, and Yugi and Bakura came out. It was a bright and sunny day.
"Grandpa!" Yugi shouted as he ran to hug his grandfather.
"Daddy!" Bakura shouted as he did the same.
Yugi and Bakura shared a ten-minute hug with their parent/grandparent.
"I can't thank you enough for saving Yugi and Bakura," Bakura's father said as Solomon agreed.
"We're just doing our job," the pilot said. "Most of the credit goes to Yugioh and Yami Bakura."
"Hey, we're just like you. We help because we feel that it's our job to do so," Yugioh said smiling.
Mrs. Chang and the teachers of Yugi's school were also there (A/N: It's still summer break. They're there because of what they heard on the news.).
"We're glad that you two are all right. We were sick with worry when we heard what happened," Mrs. Chang said.
"I want to go home," Yugi said.
Bakura agreed. Yugioh picked up Yugi, and Yami Bakura picked up Bakura. They spread their wings and flew off.
"Thank you for saving Yugi," Yugioh said.
"It was nothing. Besides, you helped the most by keeping the waves at bay," Yami Bakura said.
Half an hour later, they split because they lived opposite to each other. Another half hour later, they were all at their homes. The limo drove up to the game shop a little while later. Solomon got out, and the limo drove away.
Yugi went over to Yugioh and hugged him. "Thank you. Bakura and I wouldn't have made it without you," he said.
Yugioh returned the hug and said, "I love you like you were also my son. I would do virtually anything to make sure you're safe."
Their hug lasted a half hour. They separated, and Yugi had a big lunch since he was still famished, even though he got some food on the helicopter. He then went to his room to relax. Yugioh soon joined him.

Wowee! The power of two is starting to really be a big help. Preview for Chapter 5: A Friendly Visit: Yugi and Yugioh are at home. Their friends come over to chat. As they're watching TV, the news suddenly comes on about a girl and a lion in the city. Yugi and Yugioh are excited when they see this and head off to find them.
If you've been reading We Have A Lot in Common, then you already know who the girl and lion are. If you haven't, you won't get this chapter unless you have read at least the first two chapters of We Have A Lot in Common.
Bye bye