Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Red Avenger ❯ Case One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author's note : Yes, this chapter is short, yes, I am aware of that. Anyway, enjoy.

The Red Avenger - Case One

Written by your herald and mine, Igatona. Idea gotten from : Kunio-Kun series, superhero comics and writing The Night The Earth Stood Still, a somewhat humorous Yu-Gi-Oh fanfic starring four of the boys in a game of Dungeons and Dragons, and beer.


When towers of steel soar into the sky, and when law will be ignored, a warrior of red will rise up to avenge those who could never fight back.

The boy fled in fear. Fear for his physical integrity, fear for the domination this man in front of him was about to inflict on him.

Fear for your life, little boy.

He fled until he could not flee anymore. Until the slow mountain of fat, hair and anger caught up with him. In a booming and thundering voice it spoke.

"You little shit!"

Looking around, a hairy calloused hand took the first thing it touched, a candlestick, and thus, the booming and thundering voice spoke again.

"I thought I told you to get me some damn beer! You good-for-nothing brat!"

The fair little angel, down in the dumps, cowering in front of the burly living hill of cracker crumbs and facial hair, did the only thing it knew how to do, even though it knew it was futile.

"But the clerk said I couldn't buy any."

The answer was quick and as booming as before.

"Then you should have robbed some from that motherfucking store!"

Slowly but surely, the empty-eyed monster tried to hit the angel, but the angel rolled out of the way, and ran back where it came from. The booming voice jumped up a notch in its menacing tone.

"Stop running and get back here! You need to get your correction!"

The angel feared for its short, young life, with good enough reason.

* * *

Outside, where the putrid forces of evil and the innocent child of purity squared off, stood a man of normal stature. There was but one thing that made this particular author take an interest in this man.

He stood in front of the forsaken household, dressed with a red jacket and red pants, with a red helmet. Alongside him? A motorbike. He heard the cries and the lies, he heard them all before. Never again, he swore, never again he would let anything like this continue. He left the motor running, and went to knock on the door.

No answer.

He expected as much.

He returned to his motorcycle, backtracking until he was in a straight line with the door.

"This one is for my friend."

He floored his speed, lifting the front wheel. He maintained his course for the house, barring no mercy for whomever was in his path. The door was crashed open by the sheer horsepower of the bike. The man stopped the bike, and walked forward, towards the offending creature to humanity, that could only mutter out a "What the...?"

But before the rest came out, the man headbutted him. Once. Then twice. Then a third time. Already, the unclean one didn't know where he was, and was effectively stunned.

That is when the red clothed man gave him a swift punch in the solar plexus, effectively knocking any sort of air out of that insult to life's system, almost killing him on the spot. The man put his right hand on his opponent's face, and pushed him. He fell flat on his back, as our hero tried to rile him up for the second round.

"Come on! Can't you pick on someone your own size!?"

The opponent was knocked unconscious by the lack of air, and the numerous concussions his head sufferred. The angel aside him looked at the stranger which saved its life. The stranger, seeing his job was done, was about to leave until the child manifested itself and thanked him.

He never turned around. He only removed his helmet, put it down, and escaped with his motorcycle. The child waited to see police officers swarming over the place...


Finished...for now. This'll develop into something not too shabby, but most definitely not something you're going to look forward to. Anyway, if you could be so kind, review.