Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Return of Noah II - The Great Revenge ❯ Awkward Rescue ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter Five - Awkward Rescue

Ren lay on her bed quietly staring up at the wall, contemplating her thoughts.

“There’s gotta be some way to get Mokuba out of here.” Ren thought. “With Noah acting so strange who knows what will happen next.” Ren turned to her side. “But what I don’t get is why Seto hasn’t come back to Kaiba Corp to rescue Mokuba. Maybe he’s afraid Noah will harm him.”

Suddenly a ring was heard and Ren ran for the telephone. Maybe it was Seto. Maybe he had thought of a plan to get back his company. Ren’s heart suddenly stopped as she heard a familiar voice on the phone.

“Ren,” The voice began. It was Noah. “Remember our little agreement.”

Ren walked down the hall from her room still wearing the tank top and skirt Noah had given her, along with the wrist bands she wore.

Ren was a little scared of meeting with Noah. She knew in some way that tonight would probably be a repeat of the that day. But why was he so obsessed with her all of a sudden? Ren decided it didn’t matter and told herself she was doing this for Mokuba. She got into the elevator and rode it straight up to Noah’s office, where he waited patiently for her arrival.

Ren entered his room and braced herself for what may be coming.

“Ren!” Noah called out excitedly.

“Oh boy.” Ren thought to herself. “Let’s get this over with.”

“You must be hungry.” Noah said happily. Ren looked at him oddly, wondering why he was asking her this. “I made arrangements for us to go to a fancy restaurant.”

“Which one?” Ren asked, playing along with Noah’s plan.

“A new one that just opened up. Inksos.” Ren almost fell over at the sound of the restaurants name. It was the same one her and Seto had almost kissed at.

“Well what are we waiting for.” Noah said aloud. “Let’s head over there, I’m starving!”

Ren didn’t know what exactly Noah was scheming but had to go along with it anyways.

Seto arrived at his mansion with the surprise of Noah’s goons guarding it at every inch.

“Great, looks like I’ll have to get to my underground lab the hard way.” Seto said as he ducked behind the mansions walls.

He quietly crawled over and jumped off the top of the wall. Suddenly a goon came at him, but between him and Seto it was an easy match to win. Seto knocked him down with two punches and preceded to his underground area. He pulled the chain and opened the door that led to the lab below. Inside Seto quickly found his laptop and ran out as soon as he could, going over the wall and back towards Domino City where night was already falling.

Noah and Ren both sat a table for two in the middle area of the restaurant. Of course, just incase anything may go wrong, Noah had his goons ready and waiting.

“I’ll take the Salmon.” Noah said to the waiter just before he went back to the kitchen. Noah’s eyes suddenly fixed on Ren’s. He looked almost like Seto, with his white jacket business suit and his purple sweater he wore underneath. Except compared to Seto he had much darker eyes, and much lighter hair. “How are you liking this restaurant Ren?”

“It’s great.” Ren said with a smile. But she knew this little date was nothing to be happy about. Noah may have said he cared about her, but what kind of guy keeps his fiancé looked up in a building for the rest of her life?

A few minutes later the food arrived. Spaghetti for Ren and Salmon for Noah. Noah talked to Ren a little about his plan of making Kaiba Corp stronger and making it an even better company. Ren really didn’t care. But even so, she still had to listen to every word he said and comment it as well or her fate might be sealed.

“I enjoyed tonight Ren. The food was great, the music, the atmosphere.” Noah gave out a sigh of joy, which seemed quite unusual for him to be in such a good mood. “Could I ask you for something?”

Ren tightened up a bit. “What is it Noah?”

“May I..That is, will you let me kiss you.” Noah looked confident compared to how he said it. Ren thought maybe to confident.

Ren blushed a little. Why had he asked her that of all things. And in a public a restaurant. Besides why should she give him a kiss after all he did to her. “I don’t know Noah.”

“Huh, why? You are my fiancé after all. Is there something you’d like to tell me.” Ren looked down at Noah’s comment. Noah reached out a hand to her face and pushed back her hair revealing a sad look on her face.

Suddenly a loud voice rang out over their conversation. “What are you doing!” It was Seto. He to had been dining at Inksos and had just realized the charade Noah was pulling.

“Hmp, you again. I thought you’d learn to stay away once I’ve beaten you down, but I guess you’re just to stubborn for that.” Noah said as he looked at Seto sharply.

“What do you think your doing with her. She’s to good for you Noah!” Seto said aloud.

“What do you mean. She’s my fiancé and I can do whatever I please.” Noah said as he took his hand off of Ren. “She’s with me for now and forever! Isn’t that right Ren?”

Ren kept her eyes on the table.

“Ren, you’re much better then this. Why are you letting Noah treat you this way?”

“Go ahead and tell him Ren.” Noah said with an evil grin.

“It’s..It’s true.” Ren said sadly.

“You see!” Noah said. Seto was outraged. “Hmm, this might actually work to my advantage. Mike, you and your guys take out Seto, I think I have something in store for him to settle my revenge.”

“No,” Ren said. “You can’t!”

“Why do you care.” Noah said. Ren knew if he found out she loved Seto and not him he would get rid of them both so she decided to do the one thing that would save both her and Seto.

Ren got up from the table and tried once again. “Please Noah, I don’t want to see anyone get hurt.”

“She’s risking her life just to save me.” Seto thought to himself. “But if she does she could put us both in danger.”

Ren didn’t destroy her and Seto, but saved them both. Ren leaned in towards Noah and without thinking gave him a kiss.
Everyone fell silent as Ren’s lips came off Noah’s and both looked at each other with amazed eyes. Seto could only gawk as his heart ripped to shreds with the cold reality of what Ren had just done.

"She hadn’t plan to save him at all. All she wanted was Noah." Seto thought.

Noah gave a faint and muffled laugh as he looked up at Seto. “You seemed surprised. But don’t worry Seto. Since I’m in such a good mood I’m gonna let you off the hook just this once. That way it wont spoil my night.”

“Ren, how could you.” Seto said as he turned away. Ren couldn’t see it, but small tears were forming in his eyes.

“Seto, I–

“Save it! I don’t wanna hear any more lies.” He turned towards the door and walked off.

“Well that was an entertaining evening.” Noah said as he got up to go to the restroom. “I’ll be back shortly.”

Ren got up from her chair and headed directly towards the doors where Seto had gone out.

“Seto!” She called out. “Seto!”

Suddenly she could see him, just a few feet in the parking lot. Ren ran to him.

“Oh great, what is it now. Are you here to tell me your having a kid with him too?” Seto said annoyingly.

“No! Seto you have to listen to me.”

“Why so you can tell me more lies about who you love? Forget it!”

“No, so I can tell you why I did what I did.”

Seto turned towards Ren and waited for an explanation.

“I had to save you some way Seto, but the only way I could of done that was by doing what I did. Even if it meant kissing Noah.”

“Hmp, I don’t see why you couldn’t of come up with something else though. You know Noah has no interest in you and only want’s you for Narrow Tech.”

“Seto, that’s not the point. Don’t you understand, I was willing to do anything in order to save you.”

“Yeah, well whatever. I saw what I saw and it’s enough to make me go back to the way things used to be.” Seto turned away from her. “Your on your own now. So whatever happens to you is your own fault for picking a third rate person like Noah to play house with. And as for my company matters, well you can just stay out of that!”


“I got to the top on my own and I don’t need you to help me get my company back, you got that!?”

“But Seto I–

“Just forget it! This is a waste of my time.” And with that Seto began walking off in the distance.

Ren just stood there. Tears fell down her face from the sad realization that Seto was now gone and she was stuck with Noah.

“Are you ready to go?” Called a voice from behind Ren.

“Yes Noah,” Ren said softly. She decided there was no changing her decisions and that hopefully, if she played her cards right she could get out of the clutches of Noah.

“Seto seemed to be in a bad mood today. Must be me taking his company, but who could blame him.” Noah said as they sat in the moving limo. “He brought it upon himself. After all he did steal it from me. I’m just evening the score..and then some.”

“Why do you have to be so mean to Seto, Noah?” Ren said aloud. Noah ignored her.

“It was cold tonight.” Noah said. He leaned towards Ren who was sitting next to him by his request. He felt the warmth of her body as it touched his shoulder. “I’m just glad I have you. You always seem to warm things up for me.”

Ren sighed with despair as she sat completely still. Why didn’t Noah just get a coat or something?
Ren looked at him with wary eyes. He was tall compared to her. Almost like Seto. Great! Now even Noah reminded her of Seto. Did she really miss Seto that much? Of course, Noah’s face seemed a lot gentler then Seto’s in some ways, especially when he was acting this way. His eyes always seemed to soften and his body not as stiff as Seto’s was. But still, it seemed weird to have a guy who was older and taller then her acting like he were a child who needed to be hugged often.

He placed his arm around her shoulders and brought her closer to him. Ren tried to look away, but Noah took his hand and softly brought her face to meet his. Ren looked at him with frightened, but determined eyes. Noah smiled a little and his face came closer to Ren’s. But instead of a kiss he embraced her.

“Noah, please stop.” Ren said softly. She didn’t want to anger him, but she certainly didn’t want the attention she was getting. Noah let go and looked into Ren’s eyes. “I want you to stop what your doing Noah. I don’t need this kind of attention.” Noah gently grabbed a hold of her arms and lay her back on the seat. Ren became a little panicked at his actions.

“Of course you do.” He said as he smiled into her eyes. Ren didn’t know what he would do next as he had her pinned down, but suddenly Noah let go and Ren’s worries whisked away as they returned to Kaiba Corp.

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