Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Tournament of Anubis ❯ A trip to the game shop ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2- A trip to the game shop.

At the end of the school day, Jounouchi and Yugi had pushed two desks together and started a friendly duel. Ryou stood silently and watched them play while Honda stood behind Jounouchi poking him and saying stuff like 'Don't do that you moron!' and 'where'd you get that card!? You stole it didn't you?' Anzu stood behind them, looking over at the new girl who had been reading a book at her desk. "Hey guys," she said,"That new girl is sitting over there all alone." They all looked up. "She looks so lonley...I'm gonna go introduce myself." Jounouchi elbowed Anzu and winked. "Make sure ta say hi for me, eh? Tell her I'm single." A little vein appeared above her temple. "We're trying to make a good impression, not scare her away!!"
Setsuki saw a pale hand set on her desk from under the book she had been staring at for a while now. She looked up to see the chipper brunette smiling down at her. "Hi! Um, Setsuki is it?" "Yep." She replied shyly. Anzu held out her hand. "I'm Anzu Mizaki." Setsuki shook her hand. "Nice to meet you." "Where are you from?" "Oh," Setsuki looked towards the ground. "All the way on the other side of the country..." Anzu noticed the change in the expression of her eyes. "It must be hard to move so far away...from all your friends." Anzu wondered if she should have brought that up. "But you'll have no problems making friends here! Do you want to meet my friends?" Setsuki's eyes lit up again. "Sure! I'd love to!" Anzu nodded and turned toward her friends. "Hey guys!" Jounouchi, Honda, and Yugi looked up, but Ryou flinched and stared at the cards laying on the desks. "What's wrong Ryou?" Jounouchi inquired mockingly. "Scared to introduce yourself?" "I, uh-" Ryou stammered "I saw you blushin' Ryou! Now c'mon!" As the other three got up and walked over, Ryou began to shuffle away nervously, but not fast enough for Jounouchi grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him along. "C'mon luvah boy!"
"Setsuki, these are my friends Yugi Motou, Jounouchi Katsuya, Honda Hiroto, and back there is Ryou Bakura. Jounouchi shoved Anzu off the chair and took Setsuki's hand. "Nice to meet ya Setsuki!...WAGH!" Anzu shoved him off the chair and onto the floor. "YOU ARE SUCH AN IDIOT!!...ehem...you'll have to excuse him." Jounouchi sat on the floor rubbing his back. "Jeez Anzu, I was just bein' nice." He looked over and saw Setsuki's black bag under her desk. In the side pocket was what looked like the corner of a Duel Monsters card. "Hey whats this?" He snatched the card out of the pocket and studied it. "Wingweaver?...Huh, never heard of it. You play Duel Monsters Setsuki?" She glanced down at Jounouchi. "Oh that? I've never played it. My friend gave me that card when i left." The card was of a beautiful goddess with six wings. "I've always wanted to play it though." She smiled. "We all play it." Yugi pointed out. "Yeah Yugis the top duelist in the world!" Honda said, placing his hand on Yugi's small shoulder. "My grandpa ownes a game shop down the street a ways. If you really want to start playing, he can get you started on a deck!" Setsuki beamed. "Really?! That would be so cool!""And we can teach you how to play!" Yugi smiled excidedly. "So can I meet you guys outside after school?""Sure Setsuki!, and we'll take you to my grandpa's" She nodded and smiled. "That will be great! And, oh, you can call me Suki."

After school, Ryou was waiting for his friends by the wall. His lonley brown eyes were fixed on the ground. Ever sience he had recieved the paper his mind was stuck on his ring. "Hey!" came a gentle, shy voice from his right. He turned to see Setsuki walking towards him. His cheeks turned a little pink. He hadn't expected her to come first. "Ryou is it?" She said coming to a stop beside him. "Yes," he said shyly. "Hi Suki!" To his relief, she smiled gently. "Are you a duelist too, Ryou?" He turned to face her, trying to look as calm as possible. "Oh, well i duel for fun, but im nowhere near as good as Yugi!" Setsuki looked at him inquisitively. "You seem...familiar to me...Have we met before?" Ryou blushed a little more. "Um, i don't think so." Just then Yugi, Jounouchi, Honda, and Anzu walked over to them. "Hey guys. Ready to go?"

The six walked into the small game shop and were greeted by Yugi's grandfather. "Hello kids. Who's your new friend?" "Hey Grandpa. This is Suki, and she wants to start a dueling deck." Setsuki waved shyly. "Oh!" Yugi's grandpa smiled. "Well then you've come to the right place!" He set out an assortment of cards and such on the counter. "You'll need one of these starter decks and a couple of these here booster packs."
While Yugi's grandpa was busy telling Suki what she needed for a deck, (she was looking quite confused) Yugi had taken out the registration fourms that came with the paper. Jounouchi had gotten one too when he went home the night before. "Hey guys, wanna help me fill out this fourm?" Yugi asked his friends. Jounouchi pulled his out of his pocket. "Y-yeah i think i'll need a little help too..." He looked at the blank lines and boxes and numbers and such. "It says here," Yugi said,"that each duelist can bring one other person free! So, if I say i want to bring Anzu, Jouey can bring Honda and we can all go!" The friends cheered their approval. "Have you decided wether your gonna go to the tournament yet Ryou?" Yugi asked. Ryou was looking at some stuff in a display case. "Oh, I've been thinking about it...I'm still not absolutely sure." "We'd love to have you come along Ryou!" Anzu said kindly. He smiled as Setsuki came along looking quite dumbfounded with a bunch of cards and such. "Well I guess i'll see you guys tomorrow. Thanks for bringing me here!" "Sure Suki!" Yugi said, "I'll start tecahing you to play tomorrow!" She turned around and smiled. "Sounds good! I can't wait!" "Bye Suki!" They called as she walked out. "She seems like a nice girl." Yugis grandpa said as he put his cards away. "Yeah, a little shy though." Jounouchi noted. "So Gramps how 'bout hookin' me up with some new cards?" "Aw, Jouey i just put them all away!"