Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Young God ❯ Chapter 4b ( Chapter 8 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
ÐÐÐÑÑÑGenevaÑ&N tilde;ÑÑ€ÑÑ<Px-ÈÑÒ ;ÒÒ443!#4ÒÒ$ *$ÒÒ$*$ÒÒ
ÒÒ ;GenevaÒÒ
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ÒCorel WordPerfect4R€3.5.2'3.5.2, © 1996 Corel Corporation Limited,R€3.5.2Created with WordPerfectª 3.5.2. ;+QžÿºyZ« xHHØ(ÿáÿâùFG(üHHØ(d'`^^&Os lash;
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ÒÛÛThe Young GodÜ0''0ÜÜÜChapter 4bÜ*ÜÜ*8Ü" We're stuck in a minor traffic." Seto looked at the speed. " Thirty miles per hour.ÜÜOn a highway. That's alright, I guess."Ü8TÜÜTbÜThe eight of them, Yugi ( with Yami inside the puzzle), Ryou ( with his Yami insideÜÜthe ring, having not come out for a long time ever since Seto revealed his identity),ÜÜHonda, Jounouchi, Anzu, Malik ( with his Yami inside his item as well), and MokubaÜÜwere in Seto's van, with Jou actually sitting in the front because he felt like it. TheyÜÜwere going camping since it was summer, and although Seto loved snow he wasn'tÜÜable to keep it from melting.Ü
b¶ÜܶÄÜSeto was hoping to speak with Yami Bakura but unfortunately the ancient spiritÜÜwouldn't come out. Seto briefly wondered whether he should go in there himselfÜÜbut decided against it. He wouldn't want to be stuck in there like Yami.Ü ÄîÜÜ
îüÜSeto wondered how this came to happen. He was actually friends now with YugiÜÜand Co. Normally he would have resented it, but that's mostly because ofÜÜJounouchi. Now that he dropped the dream of returning home, he found life onÜÜEarth much better than he had before. Which was a good thing.Üü4ÜÜ4BÜQuite frankly Mokuba had been almost annoying with his questions about AncientÜÜEgypt. Seto supposed that it would be very interesting but Ancient Egypt didn'tÜÜreally leave a good impression on the young immortal. All those experiences withÜÜBanat, dealings with Belumfel when he was in his least rational moods, thatÜÜnightmarish Anksuna, and trying to reach Malik, who was, of course, Yami Malik.ÜÜThen he'll include that time when the Blue Eyes White Dragon nearly destroyed theÜÜpalace, that incident with snow, the food fight with peasants, the explosion from theÜÜmillenium items, the many duels that he lost with the Pharaoh, and in addition, thatÜÜtime when everyone in the whole world knew that there was a god among them. OfÜÜcourse now, everyone forgot who it was. They either thought it was Jesus or Moses.ÜÜOr Buddha, for some.Ü
"BÜÜÜ#ÜêÜOf course, that was when he got really sick. And thank the gods to have a littleÜÜsympathy in them, sympathy enough to retrieve him from that cursed land. No,ÜÜSeto did not want to be reminded of Egypt. Egypt was nothing special. The onlyÜÜreason it's so popular is because it's dead. Just like Greece and Rome.Ü'ê"ÜÜ("0ÜÜ)0>ÜÜ*>L&Uum l;After driving at a strolling pace the traffic sped up again and pretty soon Seto wasÜÜdriving pretty fast. Ryou and Yugi looked out the window and there was laughter asÜ''ÜJou whined about the cards. Seto smiled. ÃÃAfter all these years,Àà He thought, ÃÃI stillÜhh''Üdon't practice, and while all these mortals favor the game I still can't imagineÜ6vv..LH6Üwhat could possibly be so interesting and hard about it. Of course, Yami always¿Ü''Üwins for some reason.ÀÃÜ00L°¢''0ÜÜ1°&fra c34;ÜÜ2¾ÌÜÜ3ÌÚÜBy the time they set up camp it was nighttime, and the stars glimmered in the darkÜÜsky like zillions of diamonds. Seto and the rest sat around a large fire, upon hugeÜÜstones that the taller boys managed to roll over so they could sit on them. YamiÜÜBakura, Yugi, and Malik came out of their items and were also sitting around, withÜÜRyou and Malik very nervous.Ü8Ú ÜÜ9 .ÜYami Bakura and Yami Malik did not happen to be interested in either beating upÜÜtheir hikaris or the others. Instead, they were gazing into the fires while there wereÜÜrandom talks. Suddenly, Seto bursted out laughing.Ü<.XÜÜ=XfÜ" This is too much. This is so much like that time when I dressed as a peasant, andÜÜthey were circled around a fire."Ü ?f'Ü" You were dressed as a peasant?" Yami Yugi asked.Ü
@'Ü" Oh, that was the time when you were...ano...with your wife." Seto chuckled. YugiÜÜturned and looked at Yami, who was blushing.ÜB¬Ü" Yami had a wife?" Jou asked.ÜC¬ºÜ" Ahh...that was...he's the Pharaoh, and pharaohs need..."Ü
DºÈÜ" Oh." Jou nodded.ÜEÈÖÜ" So, what about the fire?" Mokuba asked, as if nothing had happened.ÜFÖäÜ" Well..." Seto shrugged. " Not much. I remember one of their songs. You knowÜÜthat one, don't you Banat?"ÜHäÜ" Me?" Yami Bakura blinked. " Which...?"Ü$I''$Ü" ÃÃAshat komte."Ü0Jz''0Ü" ÀÃAshat Komte! You know that song?" Yami Malik suddenly got excited. " It was܈''Üone of the most popular songs."ÜL8Ü" Ashat Komte?" Yami Yugi blinked. " I've never heard of it."ÜM8FÜ" That's because you were a Pharaoh." Yami Bakura answered flatly.ÜNFTÜ" I do love that song. You actually knew it! But I thought you were a High Priest!"Ü$OTb''$Ü" He was a rather ÃÃyoungÀà High Priest. Didn't you hear? That time he was nothingÜbÎ''Ümore than a baby that has some wits and intelligence about him."Ü$Qb~''$Ü" Some wits, from ÃÃyouÀà Banat." Yami Malik snorted. " He toasted you up good.Ü~ê''ÜEven placed a curse on ye, otherwise you'll never have ended up in the MilleniumÜÜRing."ÜT~¨Ü" Can you see it for us?" Mokuba suddenly asked.ÜU¨¶Ü" Me?" Seto laughed. " I can't sing."ÜV¶ÄÜ" Nonsense!" Yami Yugi laughed. " He's faking modesty. Seto Kaiba is the bestÜÜsinger-he sang me to sleep once...of course, that was for a spell, and I woke up withÜÜa migraine, but still, he has a wonderful voice."ÜYÄîÜ" That was five thousand years ago, Pharaoh." Seto answered.ÜZîüÜ" Five thousand years! Look at you! Other than the fact that you're taller, you'reÜÜpretty much the same."ÜJ\ü
v.\HJÜ" I am?" Seto felt his face.¿Ü](6Ü" Hai." Yami Bakura nodded.Ü^6DÜ" Then how come you didn't recognize me?" Seto challenged.Ü_DRÜ" Come on Seto, can you sing it? Onegai?" Mokuba pleaded.Ü`R`ÜÜa`nÜSeto laughed and began the song.Übn|ÜÜ$c|Š''$Ü" ÃÃHeeeylo aya sonku te shei neiyo,Ü0dŠ˜Šb''0ÜJi ne na! Su kan te, lao me fa, ri negeeii la!"Ü e˜¦ÜÜ$
f¦´''$ÜͺCc& agrave;ÍÀÃͺCcàÍ&Iacu te;ºCcàÍÃÃͺCcàÍ Yami Bakura and Malik couldn't contain themselves and began singing along withÜ´Œ''ÜSeto, clapping with it, because the song was both ancient, mysterious, and exciting,ÜÜand they were exhilirated at the fact that a High Priest and a god actually knew it.Üi´ÞÜÜ$jÞì''$Ü" ÃÃRen shang ka! Lei mei nat, Ü0
kìúìÄ''0ÜSu mei tei, a kaila!ÜlúÜNa fei lei, y me kan,ÜmÜSan da le, yitu Re!"Ün$ÜÜ$o$2''$ÜͺCcàÍ&Atild e;€ÃͺCcàÍͺCcà&I acute;ÃÃͺCcàÍAlthough none but Yami understood the song other than the singers themselves,Ü2
''Üthey were still enchanted somehow by the melody. As Jou later put it, it sounded "ÜÜvery Egyptian."Ür2\ÜÜ$s\j''$Ü" ÃÃSei na meleth seneÜ0tjxjB''0ÜNut, reva kei saye!Üux†ÜHeeeylo, Aya sonku Ü$v†"''$ÜTe shei neeiiyo!"ÀÃÜ0w"¢"l''0ÜÜx¢° ;ÜÜy°¾ÜÜz¾ÌÜYami sat smiling, next to Yugi, who asked him what the song was about.Ü{ÌÚÜ" Peasants obviously sing this song." Yami told Yugi. " It's about life on the farm,ÜÜduring the day. Since at night, they're singing."Ü}ÚöÜÜ~öÜÜÜ&U uml;$€ ''$Ü" Ah..." Seto looked at Kuribo for a moment. " How did ÃÃheÀà get out?"Ü0 . ø''0Ü" Oh." Yami blinked. " I seriously don't know." He suppressed a chuckle as the littleÜÜcreature nudged against Seto's arm and snuggled in.Ü!ƒ.JÜ" He really is a cute one." Mokuba giggled and petted Kuribo. Seto shot Yami aÜÜdistressed look and sighed.Ü"…JfÜ" Goodness gracious." The immortal muttered. " Must I suffer this?"Ü#†ftÜ" Suffer what?" Ryou asked in his British accent, and crouched down to pet KuriboÜÜalong with Mokuba.Ü$ˆtÜ" Hey, hey hey! Stop that! He's tickling me!" Seto hopped up and dropped Kuribo,ÜÜwho was hurriedly caught by Mokuba for fear he might explode.ÜJ%Š¬žv.Š¬HJÜ" Ugh! Just like last time." Seto muttered.¿Ü‹¼ÊÜ" Last time?" Honda asked. " Whatdya mean?"ÜŒÊØÜ" Just last time in Egypt." Yami chuckled. " I remember that time clearly."ÜØæÜÜŽæôÜÜ& ocirc;ÜÜÜ" Seto was in his chambers designing a monster when I ventured in. He quickly hidÜÜit under his scrolls but it was too late, so I asked him what it was. He defended quiteÜÜwell and tried to encourage my curiosity elsewhere but it didn't work, so whatÜÜhappened was we knocked over a whole pile of papyrus, and out jumped twentyÜÜthree Kuribos."Ü•VÜÜ-VdÜ" Whether it's because Seto was a god, or because he was a child, the KuriboÜÜinstantly grew fond of him and attached themselves to him until he could no longerÜÜstand upright, and so he fell on the floor, covered with Kuribo. It was really aÜÜlaughing matter. Then Seto accidentally knocked over another papyrus during theÜÜstruggle, and the Kuribo began multiplying. At that point I decided to abandon theÜÜHigh Priest and get out of there, even mischievous enough to close the door."Ü œd¸ÜÜ
¸ÆÜ" You closed the door?" Jou cried.ÜžÆÔÜ" Hai." Seto nodded. " I'll get him for that one day. That's where Yami got the ideaÜÜof defense during the match with me and Pegasus. Of course, I got angry and theÜÜmore angry I got the more Kuribo there was, so the palace was filled with theirÜÜsqueaks and the room nearly collapsed because there were so many of them."Ü¢Ô ÜÜ
£ ÜYami Bakura suddenly started laughing along with Yami Malik, and the groupÜÜturned to them to see what was so funny.Ü¥ 6Ü" Seto!" Yami Bakura cried. " Poor poor Seto! Do you know that in real life, whenÜÜyou have too many Kuribo they give off a horrible smell?"ܧ 6 RÜ" Don't I know it!" Seto laughed. " I had to endure that for quite some time! It wasÜÜsuffocating!"Ü© R nÜܪ n |ÜYami sat back with his hikari and watched the group tease each other.Ü« | ŠÜÜ$¬ Š ˜''$ÜͺCcàÍÃÃÍ&ord m;CcàÍͺCcàÍÃÃÍ ;ºCcàÍSeto never was like this before.Àà He mused. ÃÃHe always dreamed of going home andÜ ˜Ü''Ünever like Egypt much. I wonder what changed.
ÐÐÐÑÑÑGenevaÑ&N tilde;ÑÑ€ÑÑ<Px-ÈÑÒ ;ÒÒ443!#4ÒÒ$ *$ÒÒ$*$ÒÒ
ÒÒ ;GenevaÒÒ
ÒÓ. ,ÓÓÓÓ6ÓÓÓßß&sz lig;ßßßßßßßßßß& szlig;ßßßßÑTimesÑÑÑ&Ogr ave;te:AliTimesÒÒ
ÒCorel WordPerfect4R€3.5.2'3.5.2, © 1996 Corel Corporation Limited,R€3.5.2Created with WordPerfectª 3.5.2. ;+QžÿºyZ« xHHØ(ÿáÿâùFG(üHHØ(d'`^^&Os lash;
ŒÞü*ÊPSetBPJobNTStlZStylfversrSTR ŠWDat-PtPt¢ÿÿ
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ÒÓ.ÿ.,ÿ,..,,ÓѺCc&a grave;TimesÑÑÑÒºCcàTimesÒ&Og rave;
ÒÛÛThe Young GodÜ0''0ÜÜÜChapter 4bÜ*ÜÜ*8Ü" We're stuck in a minor traffic." Seto looked at the speed. " Thirty miles per hour.ÜÜOn a highway. That's alright, I guess."Ü8TÜÜTbÜThe eight of them, Yugi ( with Yami inside the puzzle), Ryou ( with his Yami insideÜÜthe ring, having not come out for a long time ever since Seto revealed his identity),ÜÜHonda, Jounouchi, Anzu, Malik ( with his Yami inside his item as well), and MokubaÜÜwere in Seto's van, with Jou actually sitting in the front because he felt like it. TheyÜÜwere going camping since it was summer, and although Seto loved snow he wasn'tÜÜable to keep it from melting.Ü
b¶ÜܶÄÜSeto was hoping to speak with Yami Bakura but unfortunately the ancient spiritÜÜwouldn't come out. Seto briefly wondered whether he should go in there himselfÜÜbut decided against it. He wouldn't want to be stuck in there like Yami.Ü ÄîÜÜ
îüÜSeto wondered how this came to happen. He was actually friends now with YugiÜÜand Co. Normally he would have resented it, but that's mostly because ofÜÜJounouchi. Now that he dropped the dream of returning home, he found life onÜÜEarth much better than he had before. Which was a good thing.Üü4ÜÜ4BÜQuite frankly Mokuba had been almost annoying with his questions about AncientÜÜEgypt. Seto supposed that it would be very interesting but Ancient Egypt didn'tÜÜreally leave a good impression on the young immortal. All those experiences withÜÜBanat, dealings with Belumfel when he was in his least rational moods, thatÜÜnightmarish Anksuna, and trying to reach Malik, who was, of course, Yami Malik.ÜÜThen he'll include that time when the Blue Eyes White Dragon nearly destroyed theÜÜpalace, that incident with snow, the food fight with peasants, the explosion from theÜÜmillenium items, the many duels that he lost with the Pharaoh, and in addition, thatÜÜtime when everyone in the whole world knew that there was a god among them. OfÜÜcourse now, everyone forgot who it was. They either thought it was Jesus or Moses.ÜÜOr Buddha, for some.Ü
"BÜÜÜ#ÜêÜOf course, that was when he got really sick. And thank the gods to have a littleÜÜsympathy in them, sympathy enough to retrieve him from that cursed land. No,ÜÜSeto did not want to be reminded of Egypt. Egypt was nothing special. The onlyÜÜreason it's so popular is because it's dead. Just like Greece and Rome.Ü'ê"ÜÜ("0ÜÜ)0>ÜÜ*>L&Uum l;After driving at a strolling pace the traffic sped up again and pretty soon Seto wasÜÜdriving pretty fast. Ryou and Yugi looked out the window and there was laughter asÜ''ÜJou whined about the cards. Seto smiled. ÃÃAfter all these years,Àà He thought, ÃÃI stillÜhh''Üdon't practice, and while all these mortals favor the game I still can't imagineÜ6vv..LH6Üwhat could possibly be so interesting and hard about it. Of course, Yami always¿Ü''Üwins for some reason.ÀÃÜ00L°¢''0ÜÜ1°&fra c34;ÜÜ2¾ÌÜÜ3ÌÚÜBy the time they set up camp it was nighttime, and the stars glimmered in the darkÜÜsky like zillions of diamonds. Seto and the rest sat around a large fire, upon hugeÜÜstones that the taller boys managed to roll over so they could sit on them. YamiÜÜBakura, Yugi, and Malik came out of their items and were also sitting around, withÜÜRyou and Malik very nervous.Ü8Ú ÜÜ9 .ÜYami Bakura and Yami Malik did not happen to be interested in either beating upÜÜtheir hikaris or the others. Instead, they were gazing into the fires while there wereÜÜrandom talks. Suddenly, Seto bursted out laughing.Ü<.XÜÜ=XfÜ" This is too much. This is so much like that time when I dressed as a peasant, andÜÜthey were circled around a fire."Ü ?f'Ü" You were dressed as a peasant?" Yami Yugi asked.Ü
@'Ü" Oh, that was the time when you were...ano...with your wife." Seto chuckled. YugiÜÜturned and looked at Yami, who was blushing.ÜB¬Ü" Yami had a wife?" Jou asked.ÜC¬ºÜ" Ahh...that was...he's the Pharaoh, and pharaohs need..."Ü
DºÈÜ" Oh." Jou nodded.ÜEÈÖÜ" So, what about the fire?" Mokuba asked, as if nothing had happened.ÜFÖäÜ" Well..." Seto shrugged. " Not much. I remember one of their songs. You knowÜÜthat one, don't you Banat?"ÜHäÜ" Me?" Yami Bakura blinked. " Which...?"Ü$I''$Ü" ÃÃAshat komte."Ü0Jz''0Ü" ÀÃAshat Komte! You know that song?" Yami Malik suddenly got excited. " It was܈''Üone of the most popular songs."ÜL8Ü" Ashat Komte?" Yami Yugi blinked. " I've never heard of it."ÜM8FÜ" That's because you were a Pharaoh." Yami Bakura answered flatly.ÜNFTÜ" I do love that song. You actually knew it! But I thought you were a High Priest!"Ü$OTb''$Ü" He was a rather ÃÃyoungÀà High Priest. Didn't you hear? That time he was nothingÜbÎ''Ümore than a baby that has some wits and intelligence about him."Ü$Qb~''$Ü" Some wits, from ÃÃyouÀà Banat." Yami Malik snorted. " He toasted you up good.Ü~ê''ÜEven placed a curse on ye, otherwise you'll never have ended up in the MilleniumÜÜRing."ÜT~¨Ü" Can you see it for us?" Mokuba suddenly asked.ÜU¨¶Ü" Me?" Seto laughed. " I can't sing."ÜV¶ÄÜ" Nonsense!" Yami Yugi laughed. " He's faking modesty. Seto Kaiba is the bestÜÜsinger-he sang me to sleep once...of course, that was for a spell, and I woke up withÜÜa migraine, but still, he has a wonderful voice."ÜYÄîÜ" That was five thousand years ago, Pharaoh." Seto answered.ÜZîüÜ" Five thousand years! Look at you! Other than the fact that you're taller, you'reÜÜpretty much the same."ÜJ\ü
v.\HJÜ" I am?" Seto felt his face.¿Ü](6Ü" Hai." Yami Bakura nodded.Ü^6DÜ" Then how come you didn't recognize me?" Seto challenged.Ü_DRÜ" Come on Seto, can you sing it? Onegai?" Mokuba pleaded.Ü`R`ÜÜa`nÜSeto laughed and began the song.Übn|ÜÜ$c|Š''$Ü" ÃÃHeeeylo aya sonku te shei neiyo,Ü0dŠ˜Šb''0ÜJi ne na! Su kan te, lao me fa, ri negeeii la!"Ü e˜¦ÜÜ$
f¦´''$ÜͺCc& agrave;ÍÀÃͺCcàÍ&Iacu te;ºCcàÍÃÃͺCcàÍ Yami Bakura and Malik couldn't contain themselves and began singing along withÜ´Œ''ÜSeto, clapping with it, because the song was both ancient, mysterious, and exciting,ÜÜand they were exhilirated at the fact that a High Priest and a god actually knew it.Üi´ÞÜÜ$jÞì''$Ü" ÃÃRen shang ka! Lei mei nat, Ü0
kìúìÄ''0ÜSu mei tei, a kaila!ÜlúÜNa fei lei, y me kan,ÜmÜSan da le, yitu Re!"Ün$ÜÜ$o$2''$ÜͺCcàÍ&Atild e;€ÃͺCcàÍͺCcà&I acute;ÃÃͺCcàÍAlthough none but Yami understood the song other than the singers themselves,Ü2
''Üthey were still enchanted somehow by the melody. As Jou later put it, it sounded "ÜÜvery Egyptian."Ür2\ÜÜ$s\j''$Ü" ÃÃSei na meleth seneÜ0tjxjB''0ÜNut, reva kei saye!Üux†ÜHeeeylo, Aya sonku Ü$v†"''$ÜTe shei neeiiyo!"ÀÃÜ0w"¢"l''0ÜÜx¢° ;ÜÜy°¾ÜÜz¾ÌÜYami sat smiling, next to Yugi, who asked him what the song was about.Ü{ÌÚÜ" Peasants obviously sing this song." Yami told Yugi. " It's about life on the farm,ÜÜduring the day. Since at night, they're singing."Ü}ÚöÜÜ~öÜÜÜ&U uml;$€ ''$Ü" Ah..." Seto looked at Kuribo for a moment. " How did ÃÃheÀà get out?"Ü0 . ø''0Ü" Oh." Yami blinked. " I seriously don't know." He suppressed a chuckle as the littleÜÜcreature nudged against Seto's arm and snuggled in.Ü!ƒ.JÜ" He really is a cute one." Mokuba giggled and petted Kuribo. Seto shot Yami aÜÜdistressed look and sighed.Ü"…JfÜ" Goodness gracious." The immortal muttered. " Must I suffer this?"Ü#†ftÜ" Suffer what?" Ryou asked in his British accent, and crouched down to pet KuriboÜÜalong with Mokuba.Ü$ˆtÜ" Hey, hey hey! Stop that! He's tickling me!" Seto hopped up and dropped Kuribo,ÜÜwho was hurriedly caught by Mokuba for fear he might explode.ÜJ%Š¬žv.Š¬HJÜ" Ugh! Just like last time." Seto muttered.¿Ü‹¼ÊÜ" Last time?" Honda asked. " Whatdya mean?"ÜŒÊØÜ" Just last time in Egypt." Yami chuckled. " I remember that time clearly."ÜØæÜÜŽæôÜÜ& ocirc;ÜÜÜ" Seto was in his chambers designing a monster when I ventured in. He quickly hidÜÜit under his scrolls but it was too late, so I asked him what it was. He defended quiteÜÜwell and tried to encourage my curiosity elsewhere but it didn't work, so whatÜÜhappened was we knocked over a whole pile of papyrus, and out jumped twentyÜÜthree Kuribos."Ü•VÜÜ-VdÜ" Whether it's because Seto was a god, or because he was a child, the KuriboÜÜinstantly grew fond of him and attached themselves to him until he could no longerÜÜstand upright, and so he fell on the floor, covered with Kuribo. It was really aÜÜlaughing matter. Then Seto accidentally knocked over another papyrus during theÜÜstruggle, and the Kuribo began multiplying. At that point I decided to abandon theÜÜHigh Priest and get out of there, even mischievous enough to close the door."Ü œd¸ÜÜ
¸ÆÜ" You closed the door?" Jou cried.ÜžÆÔÜ" Hai." Seto nodded. " I'll get him for that one day. That's where Yami got the ideaÜÜof defense during the match with me and Pegasus. Of course, I got angry and theÜÜmore angry I got the more Kuribo there was, so the palace was filled with theirÜÜsqueaks and the room nearly collapsed because there were so many of them."Ü¢Ô ÜÜ
£ ÜYami Bakura suddenly started laughing along with Yami Malik, and the groupÜÜturned to them to see what was so funny.Ü¥ 6Ü" Seto!" Yami Bakura cried. " Poor poor Seto! Do you know that in real life, whenÜÜyou have too many Kuribo they give off a horrible smell?"ܧ 6 RÜ" Don't I know it!" Seto laughed. " I had to endure that for quite some time! It wasÜÜsuffocating!"Ü© R nÜܪ n |ÜYami sat back with his hikari and watched the group tease each other.Ü« | ŠÜÜ$¬ Š ˜''$ÜͺCcàÍÃÃÍ&ord m;CcàÍͺCcàÍÃÃÍ ;ºCcàÍSeto never was like this before.Àà He mused. ÃÃHe always dreamed of going home andÜ ˜Ü''Ünever like Egypt much. I wonder what changed.