Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Three-In-One Combo ❯ Vagueness and Gods ( Chapter 29 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author's Notes: Sorry this took so long! I was looking for an episode summary. Finally found one, too! Guess what! The next chapter's going to be the last. I'll miss it. *sniffle* But I can get back to "The Cost of Weakness" then.
First of all, you must go read Unrealistic's "My Sweet" (posted under the name of Yami-chan) and Jaid Skywalker's "Aishiteru" because they're really great. The first one's the funniest thing you'll ever read, and the second one is a wonderful start of a Valentine's Day fic, with Shadi and Isis being one of the couples.
Of course, I try to stick some humor into every chapter! I'm glad I sometimes succeed! ^_^
Now this is vaguely what happens with Shadi in Battle City. I couldn't find the specifics, though. But next season, we'll see how accurate it is! I almost had Yami Yugi calling Isis "Ishizu," but I didn't. ^_^ And guess what, I'm using the God Cards' real names! Ha ha, dubbers! Oh, and I know Shadi doesn't seem to like Yami Yugi much, but I don't think he really does. That, and I'm not too fond of him at the moment.

Scale: Thank Ra, it's almost over! And this idiot still doesn't own Yu-Gi-Oh! Heh, the postal service ate her DVDs. ^_^

Three-In-One Combo!

After the first night Bobasa spent, Shadi went out bright and early to invest in some earplugs. Unfortunately, no one was selling sound-proof helmets. A few weeks later Shadi and Ankh were used to the thunderous snoring, though Scale still complained about it.

Bobasa however, was finding that things were not quite the way his mind had led him to believe. Shadi was not the hard taskmaster he remembered living with. He got used to Shadi's relatively easygoing nature quickly. He also noticed that two of the Items he was sworn to protect were being carefully guarded from him. Right under his nose. He spent a while pondering why this could be…

Shadi, still a bit displeased with suddenly having a new housemate, started spending a lot more time away from home. Sometimes he, Ankh, and Scale would just go out to the desert to avoid angry neighbors. Ankh was constantly kept busy using his powers to make people think that they really didn't mind the nightly racket coming from Shadi's house.

Things continued on like this for a while. Then one morning Shadi was quietly nibbling on some toast while Bobasa inhaled a three-course breakfast. Shadi suddenly stopped and blinked.

/Do you feel that?/

\\The earth shaking under that buffoon's feet? Yes. Constantly.\\

//No Scale, all that power… The Pharaoh's…//

/It's even stronger than when six of the Items were together…/

\\Hmm? Oh. I've felt more power than that. It's not so special.\\

/It's the other Items, but it's also… the God Cards! All three of them! By Thoth, what power…/

//The Items and the God Cards… All that is needed to restore the Pharaoh.//

"Is anything wrong, master Shadi?" Bobasa asked, snapping Shadi back to the room.

"Not yet. I believe I'll go to Japan to check on things, though." Shadi finished off his toast and stood.

Bobasa's eyes glittered. "Has something happened to the Items, Master Shadi? I should accompany you. I can keep them safest here." He patted his chest.

\\What a COMPLETE moron…\\

//But what does he mean…?//

"No, that will not be necessary," Shadi said with a slight frown, a bit confused himself. "It will not take long, I hope. It is only a shift in power, do not be concerned. If I do not return today, I should be back tomorrow."

Bobasa gave a short bow and watched as Shadi put one hand to each of his Items under his robe. The ground rippled and Shadi sank through it.

"Master Shadi either has more faith in the safety of the Items or does not trust me to keep them safe," Bobasa mused to himself. "Perhaps he is right and there is no reason to worry…" His eyes went vacant for a moment and then became more focused than before. "No, the Items must be protected. At any cost…"

***************************************************** *******************************************************

Shadi rose up on some sort of moving surface. As the ground solidified under him, he staggered to keep his balance.

\\Oh Ra, I may be sick… What is this!?\\

/Some sort of air ship, it seems. I wish we had come up inside rather than on the roof…/ Shadi slipped the Ankh out of his robe.

//What's going on over there?// Ankh directed their attention to two boys near the edge of the ship. One had a single spike of brown hair pointing in front of his head, and the other had spiky black hair in a ponytail and surprisingly green eyes. The second one looked vaguely familiar… It looked like they were fighting. They were so wrapped up in their own argument that they hadn't even noticed Shadi yet. Shadi approached them silently.

The fight suddenly heated up, and fists started flying. Suddenly the brown-haired one slipped, causing them both to fall over the rail.

//Shadi, quick, pull them up!// Ankh screamed.

\\Why? They're not important\\

/Be that as it may Scale, it wouldn't do to let them fall./ Shadi moved to the rail and grabbed the brown-haired boy's wrist as he hung on to the other boy, pulling them both to safety. The two boys took a minute to catch their breath, but Shadi was gone by the time they looked up.

Shadi walked through the halls of the airship, having finally found the stairs.

//I sense the other Items here… and the God Cards too. Who are we going to talk to?//

/Hmm… Isis and Yugi, I think. Whoever is closest./

//I can feel the Puzzle just a few meters away. The second door on the left, I think.//

The door was not completely shut, so Shadi took a look before letting himself in and silently shutting the door behind him. The young host of the Pharaoh's spirit lay on a bad, worriedly looking up at the ceiling. It looked like he was talking to the dark spirit in his Puzzle.

"Young one…" Shadi remained by the door.

Yugi jumped slightly and looked up. His big eyes nearly took over his whole face. "You're… Shadi!" he exclaimed.

\\Obviously the Pharaoh surrounds himself with idiots to make himself feel smarter.\\

"You, I appear to be," Shadi agreed. "I would like to speak with the spirit of your Puzzle."

//Could I talk to Yugi? I'd like to know more about the Pharaoh…//

/If you like./ "And my Ankh's spirit would like to speak with you."

"Oh, all right. Can we do that at the same time?" Yugi wondered.

"If you both go into the same soul room. Or you both separate from your counterparts," Shadi said.

"Um, okay," Yugi said, a little confused. "Yami would probably rather talk to you alone, so I guess he can come into my mind if he wants. He looks like you, right?"

Shadi grimaced. "No. That would be Scale. And knowing him, he will probably accompany Ankh." /Go ahead./

\\You think I want to be around those two wimps!?\\

/I suspect you'd enjoy them more than the Pharaoh and myself./

Both of Shadi's Items glowed and Ankh and Scale appeared. Yugi gasped and stepped back.

"Dramatic little brat, isn't he?" Scale said dryly. "Hurry it up!"

"It's all right Yugi, we won't hurt you," Ankh assured Yugi. "May we come in?" He took the Ankh off and pointed it at Yugi's head.

"Uh, sure," Yugi said cautiously, but slightly reassured by Ankh's friendliness. Ankh quickly put a hand on Scale's shoulder and they disappeared before Scale could pull away. As that happened, the Puzzle glowed and suddenly the Pharaoh was there in the little host's place.

"Pharaoh," Shadi greeted him with a slight nod of respect, but not servitude.

"…Shadi." The spirit's eyes never left the guardian's. "To what do I owe this second intrusion upon my privacy as your two spirits speak to my host without my permission?"

Shadi frowned. "Your host gave his own permission. And I suspect you will be interested in what I have to say." The Pharaoh had a way of rubbing Shadi the wrong way as few others could.

"Very well then, you are free to speak," Yami Yugi said with narrowed eyes. He wasn't amazingly fond of Shadi either.

"Thank you," Shadi said acidly. "I understand that you have encountered the God Cards."

Yami Yugi frowned. "Yes. Their powers astound me. I have acquired Saint Dragon, God of Osiris already."

"And have you also heard of how they were made?"

"The one who was guarding them told me a bit," the Pharaoh said. "Pegasus painted them, but they were so powerful that he had them hidden away in Egypt."

"I see you've spoken to Isis, then," Shadi said.

"So what is there left to know?" Yami Yugi asked.

"Pegasus went to great lengths to find the pictures of the three gods. He then spent a long time modifying them and adding more detail. But after he had rough sketches and gave them to his team of artists to make into cards, terrible things started to happen. Dozens of them were killed and the God Cards were not completed."

"But they WERE completed. Look, here is Osiris." Yami Yugi took out his deck of cards and showed the red dragon god.

Shadi blinked hard at the sudden pressure behind his eyes. "Yes, I see. Please put it away, if you could."

Yami Yugi looked surprised. "Very well." He put Osiris back in his deck and put it down. Shadi rubbed the top of his nose in relief.

"Thank you… Since the other artists could not finish the God Cards, Pegasus took on the task himself. With the completion of the cards, the powers of the gods themselves were let loose. They could only be controlled by those who worshipped them in the past and those peoples' descendents. The greatest of the three will only obey one who can read and speak the ancient language fluently."

"What do you mean, control?" the Pharaoh demanded.

"Yes. Otherwise they may not do anything at all. Or they may turn on their owners. So see that you do not let any of your mortal friends use it if you value their lives."

"Dare you threaten my friends!?" the spirit asked angrily.

Shadi sighed. "I only intended to warn you. As you probably know, Pegasus gave the God Cards to Isis, who had them buried. But of course they were taken away, and the world may be in danger again."

Yami Yugi nodded solemnly. "Yes, I know. And again, I must save the world."

"Er… I suppose," said Shadi, though he really didn't approve of the attitude of the Pharaoh.

"And you will tell me how?" the dark spirit prompted.

"I will merely point the way. You must walk the path yourself. All the components you need to restore your memories and powers are here on this very ship."

"I have very little time for your riddles, Shadi. Can you not just tell me of my past?"

Shadi's frown bordered on a glare. "I am afraid it does not work that way. They are YOUR memories, not mine."

"I just want a straight answer! Even Isis speaks more clearly than you do!" the irritated Pharaoh said.

"I will NOT spoon-feed your memories to you. HOPEFULLY you can figure out how to find them for yourself," Shadi said icily.

*********************************************************** **************************************************

Ankh and Scale entered Yugi's mind and Scale jerked away from Ankh with a resentful glare. Ankh sighed tolerantly and went to knock on the door of Yugi's soul room. The door quickly opened and Yugi smiled up at them nervously.

"Hello! Please come in!" Yugi said politely.

"Thank you!" Ankh said with a smile. "I hope you don't mind, but I wanted to talk to you about the spirit of your Puzzle." He followed Yugi into the room. After kicking the Pharaoh's soul room door and stubbing his toe, Scale hobbled into Yugi's room too, cursing under his breath. He wasn't watching where he was going, so he tripped over a couple of giant dice on the floor and nearly fell.

"Clean your room once in a while, you little slug!" Scale hissed as Yugi tried to apologize. Ankh muffled a giggle but still managed to ask if he was all right. Scale didn't answer, of course.

"What do you want to know about Yami?" Yugi asked. "I don't know a lot myself, but I'll try to help you."

"For one thing, how do you get your hair to do that!?" Scale asked, poking Yugi's hair.

"Oh, well I use a little gel to shape it, but it sticks up on its own," said Yugi hesitantly.

"Er… actually, we were wondering… What does the Pharaoh -- Yami -- intend to do once he regains his memories and… power?" Ankh asked, slightly worried.

Yugi frowned. "I don't really know. I think then he'll leave. Go back to his own time, maybe." He looked a little sad.

"How does he expect to do that? Will we all be taken back there?" Scale demanded.

"I don't know," Yugi said. "I think his memories are a doorway or something. But I don't really understand."

"Ha, you wouldn't!" Scale snorted.

"Scale, that's enough! Er, Yugi, what does Yami think of… the other Millennium spirits?" Ankh asked, thinking of what Bobasa had said about the Pharaoh controlling the rest of them.

"Well, he doesn't like Yami Bakura. And I don't think he knows you two well enough to like or dislike you. I don't know about the other Items, if they even have spirits. I think Malik's Rod has a spirit too... And I'm sure Yami doesn't like him either," Yugi said thoughtfully.

"Then we can only pray he doesn't get the God Cards…" Scale muttered, kicking a block across the floor.

"Oh, we already have one! The God of Osiris!" Yugi said cheerfully.

Scale's eyes went wide for a second, then they narrowed dangerously. "If he gets any MORE, I'll make you sorry you ever touched that Puzzle."

"Scale, don't threaten him!" Ankh reprimanded him.

"You knew him!?" exclaimed Yugi. "Please tell me about him!"

"Not a chance, pest! It doesn't work that way even if I WANTED to tell you! He has to find it on his own," said Scale, kicking a ball at Yugi.

"Please, I really want to know!" Yugi persisted, turning to Ankh.

"I'm sorry, but I can't rell you either," Ankh said sadly. "I barely remember any of my past life."

/Ankh! Scale! I hope you're finished. Come on./ Ankh and Scale looked up at their host's voice, which Yugi couldn't hear.

"Oh, I guess we have to go now. It was very nice talking to you though, Yugi. Good luck to you," Ankh said. He smiled and Scale glared as they disappeared and returned to Shadi's mind.

\\Have fun with the Pharaoh of freaky hair?\\

/I will think twice before coming to speak to him again. I hope your visit was more productive./ Shadi left the room.

//Well… not really. You know he has the God of Osiris?//


\\Damn pharaoh and his little leech…\\

/Is Isis nearby, Ankh?/

//Yes, down the hall. To the right. This door.//

Shadi knocked and was greeted by Isis's voice.

"Come in, Shadi," she said.

Shadi entered. "I hear you have been speaking with the Pharaoh."

"Yes, but I let nothing significant be revealed. I trust you've seen him?"

Shadi frowned slightly. "Yes…"

"Where is your undying loyalty, oh Guardian of the Millennium Items?' Isis asked, barely suppressing a laugh.

\\Heh heh… It died long ago!\\

"I am entirely loyal to the Pharaoh, as you know. I merely would not care to spend much time with him," Shadi explained. "I told him of the God Cards, and he is eager to 'save the world again,' or so he says."

"He is quite devoted," Isis agreed. "So did you deal with your visitor?"

"Ah… yes… We think he was sent, or even made, by the previous guardians of the Items. I am not sure why, but he seems eager to please," Shadi said, shrugging.

"Hmm… be careful of him," Isis said slowly.

Shadi nodded. "That reminds me, I requested that you be appointed as the next guardian when I am no longer able to protect the Items. You may want to prepare."

This startled Isis. "You don't plan on dying soon, do you? Just how old are you, Shadi?"

"No more than a few years older than you, I'm sure. But one never knows… And you are the only other Item holder, past or present, whom I would trust to guard them successfully," Shadi said.

"Thank you for your confidence," Isis said in a quiet, calm voice. Shadi realized that she might not be quite as all-knowing as she seemed. He bowed to her and left. Finding the hallway empty, he put the Ankh back under his robe, concentrated on his Items, and sank into the floor.

Endnote: Wow, I'm really finding myself wanting to write a Shadi/Isis now. Not that I'll ever get around to it.
But anyway, I really hope you liked this! Sorry if it's choppy and inaccurate, but I haven't seen this episode and the mailmen are all against me…
But I cannot BELIEVE how many reviews this has. It could conceivably get 400 by the time I finish. That is... amazing. You people rule SO unbelievably much!!! ^_^