Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Through Pharaoh's Eyes ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Through Pharaoh's Eyes

Chapter 1: Prologue

See that kid? No, not that one, the one right there, now do you see? No. That's not me. He's taking his father's latest crops to the market. I'd give ANYTHING to be that kid. After all, my life is rotten. You may not think so, but it is.

I mean, someone with MY family? They've GOT to be happy. But oh no, not me. I'm NOT happy. If I was happy with my life, I wouldn't even BE in this mess. I'm running through the streets of Lower Egypt. You wanna know who I am? I'm...


Oh great, they ruined the surprise. Yeah, that's me. Yamasis Mutou, Crown Prince to the Throne of Egypt. Fancy title, huh? I actually prefer my mom's pet name, Yami.

The guys chasing me are the palace guards. They've been chasing me for at least an hour. Yeah, yeah. You probably wanna know why. I don't blame you. It must be weird to not know. I guess I could tell you... no. No, I don't think I will.

OKAY! OKAY! I'll tell you! You don't have to shout! I was planning on USING that ear later! I'll tell you how this whole thing started. I'll tell you why Yamasis Mutou, Prince of Egypt, is being chased through the streets. Let me see... It all began about a week ago in the palace...