Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Torture Rituals of Marik ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Torture Rituals of Marik
Being the Morningstar isn't all it's cracked up to be. Yes, he got a rather perverted pleasure from torturing the weak fools who happened to stumble from `cloud nine'. He got his kicks from doing things the old fashioned way, you know, whips, chains and all that malarkey. However, as time went by, he grew tired of the same old routine. Breaking people was becoming a bit of a bore. After a while, he realised, that to keep what little of his sanity remained, he'd need to invent new ways to overwhelm his victims.
It was one, very dark, hot summer's day, (hell, it's always a dark summer's day there), when his royal wickedness had been watching the film Matilda (highly over-rated in his opinion) and a thought occurred to him.
A rarity as it was, it was a miracle from…erm…himself?
Anyway, the point being, something clicked inside him. What if he wound the little sinners up until they completely lost it? What if he pin-pointed their weaknesses, pushing them over the brink of insanity? As long as he didn't piss them off so much, that the bastards gained supernatural powers and started throwing various teddy bears and projectile carrots at him using their minds, he'd be fine. In fact, he'd be more than fine. He'd have a new hobby for at least the next millennia.
After carefully shining his rod, (used for waving about dramatically…and also beating random demons…), putting on his favourite cape, (which seemed to defy gravity, once again for dramatic affect…also, the chicks seemed to dig it…and the dudes…) and of course, an extra hour bathing in his own glorious idea, he was ready to maim, torment and inflict endless amounts of pain on the fallen souls.
Yes, the heavenly drop-out, who once had an affair with the angel Michael (couldn't resist the guy. It was his big sword that did it), prepped himself, for abusing his minions with his new strategy.
“Heh, I will enjoy this.” the manic blonde stretched his satanic wings, took a brief moment to scratch his ass, before stepping back into the flaming abyss he liked to call home.
Lucifer, has been called by many a name, including `most unclean', which he had a huge debate about, stating that he took pride in his cleanliness. But there was one name in particular all the history and mythology books left out. The one name he actually bloody liked!
This name, being Marik.