Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Twelve Days of YU-GI-OH! Hhahahhahahahahahaha ❯ No Title. Just Read and Laugh your butt off ( One-Shot )
The Twelve Days of Yu-gi-oh. Hahahahaha
Third fan fic. First song. Don't OWN YU_GI_OH
On the first day of Christmas a midget gave to me... himself in a love tree!
On the second day of Christmas a midget gave to me... Laura Croft and Yami together
And himself in a love tree!
On the third day of Christmas a midget gave to me... three howls from Joey Wheeler
Laura Croft and Yami together
and himself in a love tree!
On the fourth day of Christmas a midget gavo to me... four lectures from Tea
three howls from Joey Wheeler
Laura Croft and Yami together
and himself in a love tree!
On the fifth day of Christmas a midget gave to me... five Exodia cards! Whoopee!
four lectures from Tea
three howls from Joey
Laura Croft and Yami together
and himself in a love tree
On the sixth day of Christmas a midget gave to me... six hot Mai's a dancing
five Exodia cards!!!
four lectures from Tea
three howls from Joey
Laura and Yami together
and himself in a love tree!
On the seventh day of Christmas a midget gave to me... seven wines for Pegasus
six hot Mai's a dancing
five Exodia cards!!!!!!
four letures from Tea
three howls from Joey
Laura and Yami together
and himself in a love tree!
On the eighth day of Christmas a midget gave to me... eight maids for Seto
seven wines for Pegasus
six hot Mai's a dancing
five Exodia Cards!!!!!!!!
four lectures from Tea
three howls from Joey
Laura and Yami together
and himself in a love tree!
On the ninth day of Christmas a midget gave to me... nine drunken Pegasuses
eight maids for Seto
seven wines for Pegasus
six hot Mai's a dancing
five Exodia cards!!!!!!
four lectures from Tea
three howls from Joey
Laura and Yami together
ans himself in a love tree!
On the tenth day of Christmas a midget gave to me... ten things of his hair gel
nine drunken Pegasuses
eight maids for Seto
seven wines for Pegasus
six hot Mai's a dancing
five Exodia cards!!!!!
four lectures from Tea
three howls from Joey
Laura and Yami together
and himself in a love tree
On the eleventh day of Christmas a midget gave to me... eleven dice thrown at Dukey
ten things of his hair gel
nine drunken Pegasuses
eight maids for Seto
seven wines for Pegasus
six hot Mai's a dancing
five Exodia cards!!!!!!!!
four lectures from Tea
three howls from Joey
Laura and Yami together
and himself in a love tree
On the last day of Christmas that midget gave to me... twleve characters beating up Barney
eleven dice thrown at Dukey
ten things of his hair gel
nine drunken Pegasuses
eight maids for Seto
seven wines for Pegasus
six hot Mai's a dancing
five Exodia cards!!!!!!!
four lectures from Tea three howls from Joey
Laura and Yami together
and himself in a love tree.
Hehehehehe that was a one shot only, but I will read reviews. And I hope no harm is done to the characters I humiliated okay?