Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Twisted Love ❯ Forbidden ( Chapter 4 )
--Rizu here and I have another installment of Twisted Love ready for reading and reviewing. Now, before the chapter, I'd like to make it clear that Anzu/Tea is not a favorite on my list of Yu-Gi-Oh characters. I realize that some readers might like Anzu and I sincerely apologize if making her the "bad guy" in my story pisses pro-Anzu people off. But, to make those people not as pissed, once I've completed Twisted Love, I'll write a YxY fanfic that makes Anzu neither a bad guy or a good guy, just a character that doesn't appear too often in the story. In response to an earlier review: No, I will not change her name sorry.
Chapter 4 - Forbidden
Yugi awoke the next morning to find himself alone in the Pharaoh's bed. He sat up and dressed in his usual servant attire. He went looking for Yami and bumped into Anzu as he did. She smiled and Yugi waved slightly.
"Hi Yugi." Anzu smiled. She hugged him tightly. "Will you walk me to my chambers? I left something in there."
"Uh sorry, Anzu, I can't right now." Yugi said, pulling free of her grasp. "I'm looking for the Pharaoh. Have you seen him?"
Anzu twirled a finger in her hair. "Well," she had seen him talking to some guards, but she was debating on whether she ought to tell Yugi or not. "I don't know."
Yugi shrugged. He walked away from and waved. "Never mind, I'll find him myself." Yugi walked through a shadowed archway and jumped when a pair of strong arms clutched his waist. Yugi was about to ask who it was, but he got his answer when soft lips caressed his neck and firm hands began stroking his lower body.
"Yami…" Yugi's voice came out with a sigh of warmth and relief. "I couldn't find you."
"I'm sorry, Yugi. I was being summoned to my throne room. I wanted to wake you, but you looked far too peaceful. I didn't dare disturb such beauty." the Pharaoh purred in Yugi's ear.
Yugi smiled and shivered slightly from the warm breath on his ear. "What about my grandpa?"
Yami released Yugi and turned the boy to face him. "I've arranged for you to go and see him today, my dear one. Aibou, I only hope you will return to me afterward."
"Of course I will." Yugi said as he felt the Pharaoh's arms embrace him.
* * *
Yugi's grandpa's eyes widened when he saw his grandson come home with an escort of not one or two or three, but five royal guards of the Pharaoh. Yugi and his grandpa embraced and Yugi told him everything, leaving out the parts where he loved the Pharaoh.
But Yugi's grandpa sensed that some details had been skipped. He patted Yugi's shoulder and said, "What's wrong, Yugi? I know you aren't telling me something, so why not just come out and say it?"
Yugi bit his lower lip. "Grandpa, I…" He reached into his shirt and pulled out the golden bracelet. "I'm in love with…" he lowered his voice, "…with the Pharaoh."
Grandpa's eyes widened. He opened his mouth to protest, but Yugi said, quickly, "There's I can do about it, Grandpa! I love Yami with all my heart. I've never felt this way about in my whole life."
"Yugi, I can't tell you what to do and I don't even want to try." Grandpa hugged his grandson. "I'm happy for you, my boy. But I can't help but worry how the Pharaoh's court will react to such a thing."
I never realized that before, Yugi thought. What if they decide to part Yami and me? No, they can't! Yami's the Pharaoh! He can do anything. He'll make sure we stay together forever.
* * *
Priest Seto spotted Anzu coming towards and decided to take detour, but Anzu cut him off. The High Priest sighed wearily and said, "You don't give up do you?"
"Please hear me out, my lord. I'm begging you for the sake of the Pharaoh."
Seto shrugged. "All right fine. But if this turns out to be nothing, but rumors, then I'll send you to the Shadow Realm." Anzu nodded and told him her plan.
* * *
The Pharaoh looked out over the city with longing in his eyes. He trusted Yugi to return to the palace. He loved Yugi and the boy knew it. Pharaoh Yami realized he wasn't alone and looked over his shoulder. It was Anzu.
"Yes. Can I help you?" the Pharaoh asked.
"What are you looking for, my lord?" Anzu asked.
Pharaoh Yami turned back out to the city. He was please to see that his subjects were busy with selling and buying goods, trading valuables, and talking and laughing. His kingdom was everything he could have wished for.
"I know about your love for Yugi." Anzu's voice cut through his daydream like a sword through flesh. Yami looked at her with fright in his eyes.
"Y-you have no proof." the Pharaoh stuttered.
"I do. I saw you kiss him on this very balcony just yesterday. Admit it." Anzu snapped.
How dare she speak to me this way, the Pharaoh thought. He gripped the Millennium Puzzle, but there was nothing he could do. It's my word against hers. She won't win.
"Yes. I do love Yugi. He was the one thing I was missing in life and I love him to the ends of the world." Yami said.
"Tell me this some kind of sick joke!" Priest Seto came out from the shadows of the balcony exit. His face was so horror-struck that he almost looking like he was going to faint.
Pharaoh Yami had the exact same look, but it quickly turned into a look of regret. He glared at Anzu who stood there blankly. "So you told the High Priest."
"Pharaoh, this is by far the worst thing you have ever done! How could you? Your people, what will they think?" Priest Seto then turned on Anzu. He held his Millennium Rod up to her face and she flinched away. "If you drop a word of this to anyone, then I swear that no power in all the realms will save you from my wrath. Is that clear?"
Anzu gulped her breath and said, "Yes my lord, Priest." She bowed and left.
The High Priest turned back to his king and cousin. "My Pharaoh, my cousin, I will not let your reputation be ruined by some young gypsy boy. I'm sorry, but he cannot be allowed back into the palace."
Pharaoh Yami frowned hard at his priest. "Never. I am the law and I won't allow you to do this."
"Your people will shun you forever. `Our Pharaoh is in love with a boy!' they will say. Rumors will spread and some could question your reign. Is that what you want? To turn your peaceful, glorious kingdom into a hellhole that cannot trust their leader?"
"I will make them accept this!" the Pharaoh growled angrily.
"Then you'll be nothing more than a tyrant. Is that was Pharaoh Akunumkanon would have wanted? Would he want his son to become a lowlife tyrant?" Priest Seto demanded.
The Pharaoh hung his head as tears formed in his eyes. His dream had been to be a great ruler who believed in guiding his people with justice, caring and firmness. He had accomplished such goals and now they did not seem as important after he met Yugi. This was definitely not what his father would have wanted.
"V-very well, Seto. Send a message to Yugi and say that he is officially released from my service. He may keep the uniform he wears as my gift. That's all." Yami turned as Seto departed. Yami looked up at the sky as the blue slowly receded to golden orange. Forgive Aibou, my love. It is forbidden that I see you ever again.
--That's the end of Chapter 4, folks. You read it and now please review it. (Yes I know, no lemons, sorry.) This chapter was just to fill up spaces in-between the action of the story. Chapter 5 will, I think have the most lemon scenes. XD Anyways, I always want honest reviews as always and I thank everyone for reading my fanfic.