Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Unbelievable Connections ❯ Dinner at Marissa's ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! However, I DO own Marissa, Keline, Symari, and Joseph (Marissa's other brother).
FYI: When referring to Marissa's brother “Joseph,” it's pronounced like “O-sef.”
Chapter 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yami, Tea, and Ishizu Ishtar were talking in the basement of Domino Museum when the door creaked open. Yami and Tea looked and saw Marissa coming down the stairs. She smiled and waved to them, but looked at Ishizu.
“Sorry to interrupt your meeting, Ishizu, but I -” Marissa started to say.
“It's in that room,” Ishizu interrupted, turning around and pointing to a room some distance away. Marissa didn't seem the least bit surprised at her prediction of what she was going to say.
“How do you two know each other?” asked Yami. He shared a look of surprise with Tea.
“We were neighbors back in Egypt.” Tea and Yami nodded in understanding.
“Hey, I've got an idea!” exclaimed Marissa suddenly. “Tea, why don't you and Yugi come have dinner at my house after this? Joey, Tristan, and Bakura can come, too.”
“Sure!” Tea answered simply. Marissa handed her a slip of paper with her address on it.
“Great! I'll see you then.” She walked off to the room that Ishizu has indicated earlier, so the three that were left continued their conversation.
After their meeting with Ishizu, Yami and Tea left the museum to find Marissa's house. On the way, they dropped by Joey's, Tristan's, and Ryou's homes to pick them up. Unfortunately, Ryou had other plans. Marissa's home was pretty easy to locate, for the street was well-known and the house had the word “Millennium” printed in gold lettering by the front door. Tristan rang the doorbell. From inside the group could hear footsteps running towards the door. It opened to reveal the boy named Symari, but of course, Yugi(/Yami) and the gang didn't know who he was.
“Marissa! You're friends are here!” he called into the house, while motioning them to come inside. Marissa came in a flash. She had changed into a yellow skirt and a black, sleeveless tee with yellow lighting bolts on it.
“Hi guys!” she greeted happily. “I'm glad you could make it.” After they came inside, she closed the door behind them.
“Well, thanks for inviting us,” Tristan replied, trying to hide his nervousness. He was nervous because Symari was staring in shock at the group. Symari pulled Marissa towards him.
“Inta fahamt hazah en Pr-aA, yamien?” he asked her, causing Yami and the others to look confused.
“Na am fahamt,” Marissa answered with a scolding look. “Delwakty, eh umm dd etwa sprechen arabi?” Symari snorted and walked upstairs. She shook her head at him, then turned around to face the group.
(A/N: Yes, that's real Arabic! Well, except for “etwa” and “sprechen” - that's German. I got some of it from Song-Obsessed1's site [the link's on her bio page], and the rest from dictionaries discovered by Google. ^_^ But it's definitely not grammatical...)
“Is there a reason why we couldn't understand a word you were saying?” Joey inquired. Marissa laughed lightly.
“We were speaking in Arabic,” she replied. “And that was my brother Symari.”
“You never told us you had a brother!” Tea said.
“Actually, I have two brothers. Joseph's in the dinning room with Keline.”
“Why is it that they have Egyptian-sounding names when you don't?” Yami asked Marissa, looking and sounding intrigued.
“When I was born, my parents had just gotten back from a trip to America, so they decided to give me an American name. Now, why don't you guys get settled in the dinning room while I get started on our authentic Egyptian dinner?” She gently pushed them into the room at their left. On the way in, Joey tripped over Tristan, causing both of them to crash onto the floor. They looked up to see Keline seated on a chair against the wall, laughing, with a smiling little kid on his lap.
“Who's zat, Kewine?” the little boy asked.
“That's Joey, Tristan, Téa, and Yugi,” Keline answered in the talking-to-a-young-kid speed.
“How adorable!” exclaimed Tea. She hopped (not literally) over to Keline and looked at the other boy. “You're Joseph, right?” She sat down in front of him.
“Yep!” he replied with a cheerful smile. “And I'm twee years old!”
“You can hold him if you want,” Keline offered, but he didn't wait for a reply. He plopped Joseph on Tea's lap, then casually walked out of the dinning room, stepping over Joey and Tristan. They were still desperately trying to upright themselves. Yami stared in surprise after Keline.
“That was certainly rude,” Joey said in disgust when he had got to his feet.
“I agree,” said Yami. “Something important is troubling him.”
“Aren't we `Mr. Know-it-all'?” Tristan commented sarcastically, but in a playful way.
“Yugi's right,” agreed Tea. “Keline does seem to be worried.” She was teaching Joseph how to play “Patty-Cake.”
“But he doesn't have to take his anger out on us,” objected Joey.
“People do that all the time. Right, Yugi? Uh...Yugi??” She turned around to see why Yami wasn't replying. He was pressed against the door that Keline had previously closed, as if straining to hear what was going on in the kitchen.
“Shhhhhh!” Joseph warned for him. Instantly, the others crowded around the door to listen in as well.
“...wasn't a good idea,” Keline was complaining.
“And why not?” they heard Marissa ask him.
“What if-” The sound of the trash compactor blocked all hearing for a while.
“-be it. Move over! Your legs are blocking the cutting board!” They heard Keline slide across the counter.
“But he-”
“But what? - Could you get me the milk? - It's not like we're...” For a few minutes, the speech was cut off by running water. “...hand me the towel, will you? - Speaking of which, I called him today.”
“He said what happened occurred because you're around so many items at once.”
“He's probably making it up.”
“Why would he do something like that!?”
“Because he hates me!”
“He doesn't hate you, he just doesn't respect you. There's a difference. Besides, it's true. There are what - six of them inside the boundary of Domino alone?”
“I still don't get it.”
“Come on, Kay. Be logical! You're sensitive to these kinds of things. Now take this into the dinning room so we can eat.”
A thud sounded as Keline slid off the counter and onto the floor. Yami, Tea, Joey, and Tristan dashed into chairs around the table. Joseph climbed into his seat as well, with the help of Tea. Just as they became settled, Keline came through the door. He raised an eyebrow at their attempt to cover up their nervous expressions, but he said nothing. He placed a large bowl of noodles with some sort of dressing on them on the previously-set table, then sat down. Marissa came in with two platters and put them on the table as well. She called to Symari, and he came down in a flash.
“Before you begin, I should tell you what it is that you're going to be eating,” she told them after telling Symari their names. First, she pointed to the bowl. “This probably resembles your `pasta salad.' This” - she pointed to a platter - “is basically hamburger and ham wrapped around a stick - like a shish kebab. And that is just bread with butter, garlic, onion, and parsley. Go ahead and serve yourself.” (A/N: I just made up this meal randomly - I'm betting it's not really Egyptian... ^_^)
She sat down in between Joseph and Keline, and began to cut up some meat for the three-year-old. Everyone else welcomed themselves to the food. After a minute or so, Joey started a conversation about Duel Monsters cards. Everyone but Keline participated in it - he just sat there and ate. Every now and then, Marissa would look at him with a worried look on her face. Suddenly, she stood up.
“Come on, Kay,” she ordered quite seriously. He looked at her with a confused and intriguing expression, but said nothing. She grabbed him by the hand and pulled him out of the room at a fast pace. He murmured miscellaneous words of objection and surprise, yet he didn't try to pull away.
“May I ask what you two are doing?” Tristan inquired. He was utterly confused like the others in the dining room.
“Just keep on eating,” Marissa called back. “We'll be back in a little while. Be sure to answer the phone if it rings, Sammy!” They heard the door open and then close a few seconds later.
“Do you know where they went?” Tea asked Symari.
He nodded. “They're on the roof,” he answered with an air of normality. However, the others (except for Joseph) were completely astonished.
“The roof!?!?” they yelled loudly.
“That doesn't seem very safe!” commented Joey.
“Don't worry,” Symari said. “They did it a billion times back in Egypt.” The rest were only mildly satisfied with this answer. They were still concerned about the safety issues. Still, they continued their dinner and their conversation.
After a short time, Yami rose from his seat without warning and walked out of the room.
“Yugi, where are you going?” asked Tristan.
“Just to the bathroom,” Yami replied. Symari told him the directions, but as Yami was starting to ascend the stairs, something gold and lustrous in the living room caught his eye. Making sure no one was looking, he walked in and scanned the area. He spotted what he had seen in a short time. He walked over to the fireplace mantle where it lay. As he picked it up, his eyes widened greatly. In a flash, he was out the back door. He peered up the side of the house, then proceeded to climb up.