Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ University Daze ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

*Warning* Rated R for adult language, violence, yaoi and lime in the first chapter, probably lemons in later chapters, we'll see.)

Caitlin: Hi, guys! Are you ready?

Yugi: Oh cool! A fanfic!

Kaiba: Like there aren't enough around already. I've got better things to do-like run a company.

Ryou: I like fanfics about us, Kaiba!

Bakura: As long as they don't make *ugh* nice.

Yami: I don't think you need to worry about it, tomb robber. *taunts*

Caitlin: *sighs* Come on you two. Don't start!

Kaiba: Let them bicker. I just might read this one if you make it interesting enough.

Yugi: Hey! Has anyone seen Joey? And Marik and Malik? *looks around*

Caitlin: I sent Marik and Malik out for snacks since we could be here a while. As for Joey, ask him. *points to Kaiba*

Kaiba: *snickers* The puppy was bad so I made him stay home.

*collective groans*

Caitlin: Ok, anyway, let's get on with it. Who wants to do the disclaimer?

Bakura: Well, I think the great and mighty Pharaoh should do it. *grins evilly at Yami*

Ryou: Or you, Yugi. It's your show, after all.

Yugi: *blushes* Well, I guess. We'll do it together!

Yami: Certainly, my hikari. 'Caitlin does not own Yu-Gi Oh! or anything related to it-except this fanfic, naturally.'

Yugi: What he said. *agrees*

Caitlin: Too bad though. *shrugs* Oh well! What can you do? Welcome to my view of the world of Yu-Gi Oh!

Kali: Hey! Wait for me!

*everyone stares*

Bakura: Who the heck are you?

Caitlin: *coughs* Ahem. Intros later. On with the story. R/R people! PLEASE!

Kali: *wicked grin* Any and all flames will be used to light my BBQ for supper tonight.

Caitlin: *sweatdrops* BBQ again? Please-NO FLAMES!

Pairs: Yugi/Yami, Ryou/Bakura, Marik/Malik, Joey/Mai, Tristan/Serenity, Kaiba/OC?, Ishizu/Isis

(A/N: Absolutely NO TEA because she annoys the snot out of me. Therefore, we'll just say she's moved away to pursue her dance career-far, far away, we hope.)

Chapter 1

"Grandpa! Grandpa!"

Yugi's happy voice echoed through the game shop as he burst through the doors, Yami following more sedately than his innocent Light.

"Yugi! Is that you? I see that you've returned already!" Solomon Moto came out from the back room where he'd been opening boxes of new stock.

"We did it, Grandpa! We won at Duelist Kingdom!" (A/N: Takes place after Battle City-Pegasus threw another tournament in my story) Yugi threw his arms around Solomon, excitedly. "And we won the price money too! Now Yami and I can both go to Domino University!"

"Now, Yugi…" Yami interrupted. "Not that I don't value a good education, but do you really think a 5,000 year old spirit from ancient Egypt really needs to go to University?"

Yugi's bright violet eyes met the intense ruby-red of his Darkness'. "I thought you wanted to go with me."

Yami sighed. He hated that disappointment and hurt in his Light's eyes. "My hikari, of course I do. I just don't want to take classes. I go wherever you do-remember that."

The hurt faded from Yugi's eyes and he smiled. "I know, Yami. Hey! It's going to so much fun! I can hardly wait!"

"Why don't you go shower and change, Yugi? I'll close up early and make a special supper to celebrate your victory!" Solomon ushered his grandson to the stairs that led up to the living quarters above the game shop.

"Okay!" Yugi agreed, quickly. He really wanted to change his clothes and get clean. He ran upstairs and headed for his room.

"Can I assist you, Grandfather?" Yami inquired. He had developed a great deal of respect and affection for his Light's only relative. (A/N: that I know of)

"Oh no, my boy. I can manage. You go ahead and I'll call when supper is ready." Solomon winked, then went back into the storeroom to tidy up.

Yami climbed the stairs and walked toward the room he shared with his Light, a few wonderful ideas coming to mind. It had been many days since he'd been able to spend any time alone with Yugi, and that was beginning to wear on Yami's nerves.

The ancient Pharaoh stood silently in the doorway, leaning casually against the frame, arms crossed, and watched with glittering eyes as Yugi got ready for his shower.

Yugi took the Millennium Puzzle from around his neck and carefully placed it on his desk, along with his dueling deck and the belt with the cardholder he always wore.

As he walked to the closet to dig out clothes, he gave a small inward smile. He knew Yami was there, watching and appreciating his hikari's every movement. Yugi could sense it through their link-through the magic of the puzzle and Yami's own unique powers.

//Enjoying yourself?// Yugi asked, bending over to dig through the closet, leaving his lower-half still in Yami's view.

His Darkness chuckled. //Oh yes, aibou. Do you realize that it's been over a week since we've had a chance to be alone together?//

//Has it been that long?// Yugi teased, grinning as he felt Yami's hands on his hips, pulling him away from the closet. The grin faded when Yami pulled Yugi back against his chest and began nuzzling Yugi's neck, arms hugging Yugi's smaller form close.

Yugi closed his eyes and sighed with contentment. //I love you, Yami, my Darkness.// He felt Yami smile against his neck.

//As I love you, my Light. Always.//

Yugi turned in his arms and raised his mouth to Yami's. Yami bent and brushed his lips over Yugi's once, twice, then left them there when Yugi made an impatient sound. Yugi's hands slid up Yami's chest, over his shoulders and circled around Yami's neck, kissing Yami with all the love he had for the Pharaoh.

Yami's hands slipped under Yugi's shirt and brushed his sides lightly, causing Yugi to gasp. Yami took the opportunity to deepen the kiss. Sliding his tongue inside that hot, moist cavern of Yugi's mouth.

Yugi moaned and let his own tongue stroke Yami's. A playful battle for dominance ensued, but it was Yami who won when Yugi couldn't stand it anymore and his knees buckled. Yami could always do that to him somehow.

Yami grasped the back of Yugi's thighs and lifted, never taking his mouth from Yugi's. Yugi made a startled sound and wrapped his legs around Yami's waist. This caused a sweet friction as their groins rubbed against each other. A hungry growl escaped Yami's throat and he plundered Yugi's mouth once again.

//Yami…// Yugi's pleasure fogged mind reminded him about his shower and supper and Solomon in the kitchen. //Ra…that's so good.// He forgot it all when Yami tugged his shirt over Yugi's head and let it drop to the floor, quickly followed by Yami's own shirt.

//Aibou. I need you.// Yami practically purred when their bare chests slid against each other. //It's been driving me crazy all week that I could sleep with you but no more, not with the others there.// He kissed along Yugi's jaw back until he reached Yugi's ear, where he gently nipped at the lobe one of Yugi's most sensitive spots.

He was rewarded with a moan and Yugi squirmed in his arms.

//I…know. Ah….// Yugi pulled back so he could look into Yami's eyes. //I was glad that at least you could hold me every night. I'd have felt so alone without you.// Yugi rubbed his thumb over his Darkness' bottom lip. //You have no idea how much I want to finish this, Yami, but…//

Yami gave a rueful smile. //But your Grandfather will call us soon for supper and you have yet to shower.//

Yugi sighed and reluctantly unwound his legs from Yami's waist and slid back down to stand on his own.

"Go, aibou. Before I change my mind and…" Yami closed his eyes, a shudder running through him as he swallowed back his lust.

Yugi, too, shivered and quickly dashed for the bathroom.

While Yugi showered, Yami retreated to his soul room, deep within the puzzle, and tried to occupy his thoughts with deciding what to wear rather than images of a naked Yugi in the shower. Difficult as it was, the Pharaoh managed to gain control of his raging hormones and quickly changed, pulling on a pair of black leather pants and a black turtleneck shirt. He added a belt decorated with little golden studs and the gold wristbands that he'd begun wearing ever since he'd regained his memories at the Battle City tournament.

Once he'd reappeared in Yugi's room, the Millennium Puzzle was once again hanging around his neck by a golden chain. He heard the water shut off.

To occupy himself while he waited, Yami sat at Yugi's desk and began flipping through the Domino University calendar, curious about the sort of programs offered there. He had to chuckle when he noticed Yugi had drawn a huge red circle around the course description and heading for 'Egyptology'.

Yugi came into the room silently and began pulling on clean clothes when Yami suddenly chuckled.

"What?" Yugi stood behind Yami, looking over his shoulder to see what was so funny.

"No offence, aibou, but what could they possibly teach you about ancient Egypt?"

Yugi smiled. "I don't know everything yet. Besides, I would like to be an archeologist like Grandpa. And any discoveries I make you could help me translate and stuff." He paused. "Look at it this way, there's so much the world doesn't know about those times. I would like to help bring back the knowledge and culture that was lost."

"A very honorable undertaking, Yugi." Yami was very pleased with his Light's enthusiasm. "I would very much like to help you with that, if you like."

"Really? Thanks Yami!" Yugi hugged him. "what better source could I ask for, after all?"

"Yugi! Yami! Supper is ready!" Solomon called from the kitchen.

"Oh good! I'm starved." Yugi pulled on the first shirt he grabbed, which happened to be a turtleneck shirt identical to Yami's, only it was as deep a crimson as Yami's eyes (when he got mad). Then he put the Puzzle back on and headed for the kitchen, Yami right behind him.


Later that evening, Yugi and Yami were curled up together on the couch in the living room, watching a movie, when the phone rang.

Yugi pulled away from Yami's warmth long enough to grab the cordless phone from the coffee table and answer it.

Cuddling back into Yami's arms, he said, "Hello, Yugi speaking."

"Hey, Yugi! It's Ryou! How are you?"

"Hi, Ryou! We're good, how are you? Glad to be home again?"

"Oh, my, yes. I don't know about you, Yugi, but I was getting awfully tired of sleeping on the ground."

"Tell me about it. I think I'm going to have a kink in my back where I slept on that rock all night."

"Hurry up!" Yugi heard Bakura's impatient voice over the line. "I still have to call Malik and Marik!" (A/N: well, Malik anyway-Bakura and Marik don't get along so well.)

"Just a minute, Bakura. I just started talking!"

"Get on with it, brat." Yugi giggled at the grudging affection in the spirit of the Millennium Ring's voice. "It doesn't take this long to deliver an invitation."

Ryou sighed. "Yes, well. I suppose you caught that, Yugi?"

"What are you inviting us to?" Yugi asked.

"Actually, it's Kaiba who invited all of us. He's throwing Mokuba a birthday party and the lad insisted on having all of us there. I said I would pass along the invitation."

Yami snorted. "Oh, I'm sure that went over well, knowing how much Kaiba dislikes all of us."

Bakura, who was obviously close enough to his Light that he could hear Yami over the line, laughed wickedly at Yami's comment. "Gee, I wonder why?" He laughed some more.

"Maybe, Yami. But Kaiba will do almost anything for his little brother. Including put up with our entire group for a few hours on Mokuba's birthday." Yugi pointed out. "Besides, he's gotten a lot nicer since Battle City."

"Well, I hope he stays that way for the party." Ryou said. "It's at the Kaiba mansion two days from now."

"Okay. We'll see you then, Ryou."

"Bye, Yugi!"

Yugi yawned as he turned the phone off. "I guess we'll need to go shopping for a birthday present tomorrow."

Yami stroked Yugi's arm absently as he thought. "What should we get him? I mean, the boy probably has everything."

"I don't know. We'll find something, though." Yugi's eyes were heavy and Yami's stroking was making him sleepy.

They watched the rest of the movie-or Yami did. Yugi fell asleep. He didn't stir when Yami turned off the T.V. before scooping up his sleeping hikari and hauling him up to bed.

It was nearly midnight was Yami lay Yugi on the bed and began pulling off his Light's clothes. When he had gotten off Yugi's shirt and pants, and was tugging on a sock, Yugi finally woke up enough to blink sleepily at Yami.

"Sorry. I fell asleep didn't I?" Yugi reached down and pulled his socks off himself.

"It's alright, aibou. You deserve a good night's rest." Yami closed his eyes for a moment. The puzzle glowed softly for a time and when Yami opened his eyes he stood in nothing but his boxers.

Yugi crawled under the covers and gave a silent look of invitation to Yami.

//Come to bed, Yami. We could both use a good night's sleep in a comfortable bed.//

Yami smiled and got into bed, curling himself around Yugi. //Sleep well, aibou.// He said.

But Yugi had already drifted off again, his mind content and peaceful.
