Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ University Daze ❯ There's No Place Like Home ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

*Warning* Angst and a fresh lemon/lime scent.

Yami: An angst warning? That's a complete change of pace from the last chapter.

Yugi: And I take it that the next lemon has been decided?

Caitlin: You bet! As for the angst, I thought it would be appropriate to throw something completely different in here just for the heck of it. Besides, Yugi needs an opportunity to show off that new armband of his.

Bakura: Why the Winged Dragon of Ra? Why not the Dark Magician?

Caitlin: Because it's harder to beat that's why. Besides, I liked that card.

Kali: She can pick whatever Monster she wants, it's her story. *glares at Bakura*

Ryou: Kali has a point, 'Kura.

Malik: I, personally, agree with Caitlin. It was my card after all.

Marik: No, it was my card.

*argument ensues*

Caitlin: *rolls eyes* Right. Well, while they're figuring it out, on with the story. Same disclaimers!

Pairs: Yugi/Yami, Ryou/Bakura, Marik/Malik, Joey/Mai, Tristan/Serenity, Kaiba/OC?, Ishizu/Isis

Chapter 9

There's no place like home

It was well into the evening when they landed-or at least, it would have been had they been back in Domino. Because of the time difference, it was mid-afternoon in Egypt.

The travel weary students and their families disembarked eagerly. Ishizu and Isis made sure everyone got through customs and got all their baggage while Kaiba and Mokuba when off to handle the transportation details that would get them to their hotel.

It ended up being a bus. Everyone loaded on, but Ishizu, Isis, Malik and Marik. They stood outside the bus, where Ishizu and Isis were overseeing the loading of the luggage.

"Malik, either help load or get on the bus." Isis gave him an annoyed look.

"We just wanted to walk around a bit more after such a long plane trip, Isis." Malik complained.

"Yes, but must you hover?"

After everything was loaded, the Ishtars turned to get on the bus, and were confronted by someone they hadn't expected to ever see again.

"Father!" Ishizu and Malik exclaimed.

"Ishizu! Malik! Come here at once!" He commanded, angrily. Unsure of what he was so mad about, they obeyed, waving their Yamis back. The two could only exchange looks, unable to do anything against the will of their hikaris.

Ryou and Bakura stepped off the bus, wondering why the Ishtars hadn't boarded yet.

"What's going on?" Ryou asked. He spotted the two siblings a little way away, walking up to a strange older man.

"It seems we have an unexpected and unwelcome welcoming committee." Isis gestured.

"Very unwelcome." Marik growled. "It's their father."

Bakura frowned. "Will he cause trouble?"

Isis shook her head. "We don't know. Probably."

"Should I get Yugi and Yami?" Ryou asked, worried now because the older man seemed to be yelling at his children.

"Yes. We can't do anything as long as our hikaris hold us back." Marik was trembling with rage, since he could hear Malik's thoughts through their link.

Isis, too, was watching helplessly, as the man suddenly backhanded Ishizu for something she said. Malik caught her as she fell, and curled himself around his sister, desperately wishing he could make it all go away as their father continued to rant.

"You dare show your faces here after disgracing the Ishtar name? You dare to tell me, your Father, that you will not live by your sacred duty, Malik, as the next keeper of the Pharaoh's tomb?"

Those were the words Yugi heard as he approached, followed closely by Marik and Isis, and Bakura and Ryou. Yami had gone off somewhere and hadn't been on the bus when Ryou had grabbed Yugi and pulled him off the bus.

"But what can I do?" He'd protested. "He's their father!"

"Yes, but you are the Puzzle keeper, Yugi, and Yami's hikari. And now you are his soul mate." Bakura had reminded him, completely serious now. You have authority over Malik and Ishizu-and their father."

"He's also disobeying the Pharaoh's commands, Yugi." Isis had added. "Yami gave Malik and Ishizu their freedom from their family obligations. That man has no right to force them back to it."

Yugi's eyes had narrowed at that. "Alright. I'll try to stop him but I'm sending for Yami, just in case. Come on."

As he approached the raging man and the cowering Malik and Ishizu, he called out through the link. //Yami! We have a problem.//

//Aibou? What is it?//

//Ishizu and Malik's father has made an appearance. He's raging at them and I think he'll try to force them to return to the tomb.//

//Do what you can, love. I'm on my way.//

//One problem. I don't speak Egyptian.//

//You know the old language, aibou, from sharing my memories. Speak that and he will understand.//

//Oh. Right.//

They stopped near Malik and Ishizu, but the man didn't seem to notice.

"Give me your coat, Yugi." Bakura whispered. "Let's find out if this fool will recognize the significance of your armband or not."

Yugi shrugged out of his jacket and handed it over. The armband glinted in the sunlight. "It was hot anyway."

"You are returning with me, the both of you! Malik, you will be the next tomb keeper, do you understand me?"

Now Yugi stepped in. Looking every bit as majestic (and twice as scary because of his innocence) as his Darkness, he gave an icy glare to the older man.

"I don't think so."

The tomb keeper looked up, startled at being interrupted. "Who are you?" He sneered. "Don't interfere in matters that don't concern you, boy."

Yugi ignored him. "Marik, Isis, help your Lights."

The two Yamis went to their hikaris and pulled them over to stand near Bakura and Ryou. Ryou, having the presence of mind to grab the first-aid kit from the bus, knelt next to Ishizu and began tending her cheek. Malik clung to Marik, shivering despite the hot desert sun.

Yugi lay a hand on Malik's shoulder, concerned. "Are you alright Malik? Did he hurt you too?"

Malik's eyes were wide with fear and tears poured down his face. "Don't make me go back! Please, Yugi! I don't want to go back!"

"Shush." Marik soothed his hikari.

"You won't, Malik. I promise." Yugi lay a gentle hand on his friend's cheek, and Malik nodded slowly, relieved and grateful.

"How dare you! Who do you people think you are?" Ishtar (A/N: I'm calling him by his last name since I don't know his first) was demanding, absolutely furious.

Yugi swung around to face him, equally furious. He stalked toward the man, a bright golden light appearing all around him.

"No, Master Ishtar. How dare you? Did you receive the Pharaoh's orders? Because if you did then you are disobeying a direct command."

The man glared, unfazed by the fact that the boy was glowing. "I heard what Odeon, that worthless servant, said when he returned. I do not take the word of a servant." He stepped forward and would have knocked Yugi out of the way (which would have been very, very bad since the armband had begun to tingle on Yugi's arm), but he was stopped by two strong hands grasping his arms and pulling them sharply behind his back.

"Fool! Take a look at who you are speaking to." Bakura had snuck around behind the tomb keeper in case he did something foolish. "To show such great disrespect to the Keeper of the Puzzle and to His Majesty's Light is a death wish."

"He is nothing but a boy! So what if he is the Puzzle Keeper. He hasn't any right to interfere in my family's problems."

"WRONG." A dark, angry voice stated.

Yugi glanced behind himself to see a furious Yami and Seto Kaiba. He smiled a welcoming smile at them.

Yami came up and ran a hand over Yugi's shoulder and down his arm, over the armband. His eyes were crimson flame, and he glared at the man who had dared such disrespect.

Kaiba came up on Yugi's other side and crossed his arms over his chest, ice-cold eyes studying the man.

"Problem, Yugi?" He asked.

"Oh, look." Ishtar scoffed. "The boy has an older brother and a bodyguard. How touching."

Bakura couldn't help but laugh. Kaiba-a bodyguard! He chuckled as he suddenly knocked the older man's knees out from under him.

"Kneel, foolish tomb keeper. You might still save your skin if you show a little respect to our Pharaoh and his Light." Bakura gave a graceful bow and went to kneel next to Ryou, as his hikari and the others had sunk to the ground when Yami had appeared.

Kaiba, not about to do any such thing, merely gave Yami a slight bow and backed away, remaining on his feet.

The tomb keeper looked around, finally realizing that he'd made a huge mistake. Eyes widened in sudden fear, he did the only thing he could think of.

He groveled.

"That's better." Kaiba's voice was colder than a blizzard in Siberia. "How did such a fool ever become a tomb keeper worthy of guarding your tomb, Yami?"

"I was wondering that myself, Kaiba." Yami looked down at the groveling man in disgust. "I think we'll settle this right now."

"My Pharaoh." A new voice spoke. It was Odeon. He had followed his master from the tomb without his knowledge when Odeon had learned that Malik and Ishizu had returned to Egypt. "Please forgive me, my Pharaoh, for my failure." He knelt.

"Odeon." Yami looked at him, surprised. "What failure? You can't be held responsible for this one's foolishness." He pointed at Ishtar.

"Odeon!" Malik cried, extremely happy to see his oldest friend.

Odeon smiled at him.

"What do we do, Yami?" Yugi asked.

"Don't worry, aibou. I plan to fix this so it will never happen again." Yami nudged Ishtar with his foot. "Get up."

"M ... My Pharaoh." He rose to his feet, watching the angry King fearfully.

"You are very, very, very lucky that your children care for you enough to hold back their Yamis, Master Ishtar. Otherwise, you'd be suffering right now. I, however, am under no such restrictions. I have half a mind to turn you over to Bakura and Marik to do with you as they wish."

Odeon, Malik, and Ishizu began to look worried.

Marik and Bakura, however, were looking at Yami eagerly.

Yugi kept silent, a calm, peaceful smile on his face. He knew what Yami would do.

"Well, Kaiba? Any suggestions, High Priest?" Yami inquired.

"Personally, I'd give him to the Tombrobber and the psychopath. But I think if you stripped him of his duties and position he'd suffer more." Kaiba paused. "As punishment for the disrespect he's dared to show our young Prince, of course."

"Prince?" Yugi asked, startled.

"Oh, did we forget to mention that part?" Yami gave him a fond smile. "The Osiris Binding Ritual made you a Prince, aibou."

"Huh. That's interesting." Yugi pondered that.

"The Osiris Binding Ritual?" Ishtar looked positively ill. "Oh, Ra! My Pharaoh, I did not realize."

Yami glared hard at him. "Obviously. Did you not recognize the significance of the armband Yugi wears? I think you've spent to many years in the tomb, Ishtar. It has dulled your wits." He motioned Odeon over.

"Alright. I'm tired, hot, and annoyed. Odeon, I decree that from this day forth you shall be known as Odeon Ishtar, and I also decree that you are to be heir to the duties of the Ishtar family."

"Yeah!" Malik cheered. Marik clapped a hand over his mouth, shushing him.

Yami smiled a little. "Just so there's no more confusion, I also give Malik and Ishizu Ishtar their freedom from any obligations to the Ishtar family duties that they do not wish to perform."

Yami stopped in front of Ishtar and gave him a cold, hard stare. "As for you, I relieve you of your duties as tomb keeper and you shall never again be allowed entrance to my tomb. I'll leave it to you, Odeon, to see that he lives out the rest of his days else where and in as much peace as he will allow himself, out of affection for his children."

Odeon nodded.

"Alright. Everyone get to the bus. I don't know about the rest of you, but it's too bloody hot to be standing around in the sun in these clothes." Yami took Yugi's hand and pulled him to the bus.

Bakura tossed Yugi his jacket and they followed their Pharaoh.

Kaiba handed Odeon a business card with their hotel's name and number on it. "If you run into any problems, call."

"Thank you, Lord Kaiba. But I don't think that it will be necessary."


Yami stared out the bus window as it navigated the crowded streets.

//Yami? Are you alright?// Yugi's light voice was soft.

//I am fine, aibou. It's just a bit difficult to adjust to the changes I see. Everything is so different.//

//I know, Yami. But I'm here with you.// Yugi reached over and took his hand in both of his own. //I would very much enjoy having you teach me how things were, my Yami. It might help to share your memories.//

Yami turned to his hikari, a smile on his face. //You're right. And I'll be happy to teach you, love.//

Yugi gave him a silly grin and looked back at Malik and Marik. Malik had been almost ridiculously happy when he got on the bus. He'd hugged Yugi so hard, Yugi had to pry himself loose just to breath. Ishizu had kissed Yugi on the cheek and thanked him profusely. They both avoided Yami, who was, as he had said, tired, hot, and annoyed, and so extended their thanks to him through Yugi. Thankfully, the bus was air conditioned, and that helped make everyone feel better.

Once they reached their hotel-a large, modern, and obviously expensive one-Kaiba and Ishizu went in to see about the rooms while Isis and Mokuba oversaw the unloading of everyone's luggage.

Once Kaiba and Ishizu returned, he whispered something to her and she nodded. He straightened and called to his brother, "Mokuba! Let's go!"

Mokuba waved to the group and scampered after his sibling.

Ishizu handed out keys and assigned rooms, and her Yami gave out instructions for the rest of the day.

"Ok, everyone. The rest of today is yours to spend as you wish. I suggest you rest up since tomorrow will be a full day. Every room will receive a wake up call at 7 am tomorrow morning and breakfast will be at 8 am in the restaurant downstairs. Any questions? No? Ok. If you need anything, please contact Ishizu or myself. Do NOT call Mr. Kaiba."

Yugi and his friends chuckled at that. Typical Kaiba.

The young Light was pleased to see that they all had rooms on the same floor. And he was even more pleased at the sight of his and Yami's room. It was huge! And-thank the Gods-air-conditioned.

Yugi began digging through his suitcase, trying to decide what would be most comfortable and practical to wear.

"You know, Yami, I'm really glad you didn't let me pack more than two pairs of pants." He finally decided on a pair of cargo-style khaki shorts.

Yami lay sprawled on the bed, head propped on his folded hands behind his head, watching Yugi with glittering red eyes. "I did tell you it would be hot, aibou. Even in the winter months. Be glad it's not summer."

Yugi shuddered. "I'd die, I think." He stripped down to his boxers, sitting on the edge of the bed to pull off his jeans.

Yami took the opportunity to grab his hikari and pin him to the bed as soon as Yugi dropped the jeans on the floor near his suitcase.

Yugi squeaked in surprise, then grinned. "I take it you're feeling better?" He suddenly gasped and his eyes glazed over as the pent up lust and desire within his Darkness flooded through him as Yami threw open the link. Both their eyes bled to darker hues and they made a desperate grab for each other.

"Ra, Yugi!" Yami moaned as Yugi tugged impatiently at his belt and carefully unzipped him. It didn't take long until they were both naked and rolling on the bed.


(A/N: Ha! Tricked ya! I bet you all thought it was going to be another Y/Y lemon, right? Read on, cause it's not!!)

Bakura stepped out of the shower, dripping on the floor. He had to give the High Priest credit-he had taste. Their room was huge, and air-conditioned. One modern convenience Bakura actually appreciated, since he didn't get along so well with the other modern technologies very well. Especially if they involved a kitchen.

He shivered. 'Or airplanes.'

//'Kura? What do you want to wear? I can't decide for myself either.// Ryou asked, plaintively. He'd let Bakura do the packing, completely clueless as to what they would need in Egypt.

//Just a minute, my Light. I'll come and help you pick out something.// Bakura towel dried his hair until he didn't look like a soggy, wet puppy anymore, then wrapped a towel around his waist before heading out to where Ryou was.

His hikari, to his delight, was naked but for his brief underwear, and was scowling cutely at the open suitcase on the chair.

'Oh, well, since he's done the hard part already ..." Bakura grinned wickedly and scooped a startled Ryou up before tossing him on the bed.

"Yami?" Ryou watched, wide-eyed as Bakura yanked off his towel and threw it over his shoulder, not caring where it landed.

"I feel a whole lot better, Ryou. And at the moment, I really don't think we need clothes." He gripped the waistband of Ryou's underwear and tugged it from him. Licking his lips at the beauty of his Light displayed before him, he chucked the briefs over his shoulder as well.

Their gazes met and Ryou sighed. Bakura's mahogany colored eyes bored straight into Ryou's own chocolate colored orbs, staring straight into his soul and allowing Ryou to see straight into his own. And all the other could see was love-and need.

Ryou crooked a finger at Bakura. "Come here, 'Kura."

Bakura grinned and crawled lazily up Ryou's body, straddling the boy's waist. He leaned down until they were nose to nose.

"I love you." Ryou whispered, then pressed his mouth to Bakura's before pulling back. "Always."

Bakura shivered. Those words always had that effect on him. 'My precious Light.' He thought. "I love you too, Ryou. Ra help me, I love you so much." He bent and captured Ryou's mouth for a slow, loving kiss.

Ryou moaned a little and wrapped his arms around Bakura's neck. Bakura angled his head and deepened the kiss, before dropping his body to press against Ryou's entire length, making them both gasp.

//So soft.// Bakura ran his hands through Ryou's hair, as white as his own mane.

Ryou chuckled. //Mine? I don't know what you use in your hair, 'Kura, but I like it.//

Bakura rolled until Ryou was suddenly sitting atop his gorgeous Yami. Ryou gave him a soft smile before crushing their mouths together again, hungrily. Tongues waged a small war of dominance, which Ryou won when he shifted slightly and ground his hips against Bakura, causing the Spirit to cry out in pleasure.

"Ryou!" He panted. "Quit teasing me, little Light."

"But I like teasing you." Ryou gave him a mock pout, before attaching himself to Bakura's neck, licking and nipping at the sensitive skin there. Then he moved down, sucking his way across that muscular chest until he found Bakura's nipples. Ryou proceeded to torment them, using tongue, and teeth, and fingers, driving Bakura mad.

When he thought they'd gotten enough attention, he began kissing his way lower until he reached that part of his Darkness that Bakura was, by now, begging him to touch.

"Ra, Ryou! Please, hikari! I can't take much more."

"Well, since you asked so nicely." Ryou teased, and without warning, engulfed Bakura's entire erection in his mouth, pinning his hips down with his hands.

Bakura tried to arch off the bed, giving a shout of pure ecstasy, hands digging into the bed.

Ryou gave him a mental grin. //Like that do you?// He asked, mouth continuing it's joyous torture. //How about this?// He stopped sucking long enough to stick his fingers in his mouth and coat them with saliva. Then he slid one finger into Bakura who shuddered and groaned.

//More.// Bakura pleaded. 'Who knew my innocent little hikari could be this dominant? And who knew I'd let him?' He gasped as another finger joined the first.

//How's that, 'Kura? Feel good?//

//Ryou, for Ra's sake fuck me already! Please!// Bakura growled. He couldn't take it anymore.

//As my Yami commands.// Ryou removed his fingers and in one swift move, thrust into his Darker half, hard.

"Gods!" Bakura shouted, clutching desperately at the bed. Ryou began to move, thrusting in and out of Bakura, and they moaned, long and loud, before their mouths met and they drank each other's cries of pleasure.

Then the world went white as Ryou found the nerve bundle deep inside Bakura that sent him flying over the edge. He came, muscles clenching and contracting around Ryou, who gave a hoarse shout before coming deep inside his Yami, then collapsing on Bakura's chest.

Dazed and spent, they lay together, dozing, neither one able to find the energy to move.


Kali: *wipes sweaty brow* Whew. That was something.

Caitlin: I'll say. I guess the readers know who won the lemon poll now.

Bakura: Thank you, thank you, thank you! *grabs Ryou and drags him to a closet*

Ryou: Ack! 'Kura! *muffled thud*

Kali: *sweatdrops* Ah, yeah. R/R!