Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ University Daze ❯ No Matter What - Pt. 4 ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

*Warning* Yaoi lemon! Language! Don't read if you don't like or are too young. Wouldn't wanna corrupt any innocent young minds.

Kali: A lemon warning?

Caitlin: *checks* Yep. That's what I said.

Marik & Malik: *hopeful chibi eyes* Us?

Caitlin: You got it!

Marik & Malik: Yeah! *dance around in circles*

Kali: *rolls eyes* And the meaning of the title?

Caitlin: *nods* Also in this chapter. I promise.

Yami: I have a question. What about that whole little conversation you made me have with Kaiba? What are you up to there?

Yugi: What about your OC, Kala?

Caitlin: Well, I'm debating on that. I think there's going to be a side-story for those three. *muses*

Bakura: Ooooh. That should be interesting.

Ryou: When can we expect it?

Caitlin: Soon. But classes start next week so updates and new stories might be a little longer in coming.

Kali: She's going to be *busy*! Have you *seen* her schedule?!

Caitlin: I like being busy. Anyway, I don't own it. Don't sue.

Pairs: Yugi/Yami, Ryou/Bakura, Marik/Malik, Joey/Mai, Tristan/Serenity, Kaiba/OC?, Ishizu/Isis

Chapter 14

No Matter What - Pt. 4

"Now. I want all the Item holders to form a circle with me." Yami instructed. "That means all Yamis, Shadi, and Pegasus. Hikaris will get your instructions from Yugi." He silently let Yugi see what he needed them to do. Yugi gave a mental nod of understanding and proceeded to direct the other three hikaris to stand around the circle, one at each compass point, with Yugi in the East, directly behind Yami.

"Are we ready?" Yami asked looking around. Everyone nodded. "Alright. Shadi, place the Millennium Scales in the center, please." The Keeper did so, then returned to his spot. Yami checked with Yugi to see if the hikaris were ready, then glanced at Professor Hawkins and Rebecca.

"You, Rebecca, Joey and Serenity might all want to sit on the floor, Professor. You may find it difficult to remain standing."

"What about him?" Joey asked, jerking a thumb at Kaiba.

"I can take care of myself, Joey." Kaiba said, mildly. He moved down the steps, but did not sit on the floor as the others had. He crossed his arms over his chest and planted his feet shoulder width apart, bracing himself physically.

Yami, satisfied, turned back to the group and began. "We holders of the Millennium Items wish to raise this building from the sands of time which have buried it." His eyes went crimson and all seven Items began to glow faintly. He nodded at Shadi, on his left.

"Millennium Key, by your Power and my will, raise this building. In the name of our Pharaoh, I command you!" Shadi himself began to glow.

"Millennium Eye, by your Power and my will, raise this building. In the name of the Pharaoh, I command you!" Pegasus carefully repeated and he, too, began to glow.

Each holder repeated the phrase after that.

"Millennium Rod ..."

"Millennium Necklace ..."

"Millennium Ring ..."

And finally, Yami spoke. The Eye of Ra flared brightly as his words echoed the room. "Millennium Puzzle, by your Power and my will, add the collective Powers of the Items gathered and use also that Power of the Millennium Scales. I am Pharaoh and by *my* Power, I command this building to rise!" There was a bright flash of intense golden light and a loud rumbling noise. The building shivered.

"Now, Yugi!" Yami gritted his teeth. He could feel the Power coursing through him and it was taking a lot of energy o direct its flow.

Yugi called on his Power and raised his arms out to the sides, palms facing out. The other three did the same simultaneously, and Light - pure, white Light - speared outward in all directions.

Connected through the link, Yugi and Yami directed all that Power into the building beneath their feet and it shuddered in response, before suddenly lurching upwards.

Kaiba yelped, startled, and quickly used an aura of his own powers to maintain his balance and stay upright. The others hugged the ground and covered their heads.

Dust, dirt, and sand fell from the ceiling and blew around the room, until, suddenly, the room was filled with sunlight. Then the ground stopped quivering beneath them and everything went quiet.

The hikaris dropped their hands and collapsed to the ground, all breathing heavily with their efforts.

One by one, the Millennium Items fell silent and ceased glowing. And one by one, each holder dropped to the floor in exhaustion.

Joey coughed, the dusty air still swirling around the room. "Well that was fun." He looked at his sister and began brushing her off.

Professor Hawkins and Rebecca were totally speechless.

Yugi crawled wearily over to Yami and pulled him into his lap. "Are you alright, Yami?"

Yami's eyes were closed and he was panting. He had gotten the worst of it, having been the one in control *and* adding his own Powers to the mix. "I am fine, love. Just give me a few minutes to get my strength back."

Yugi nodded and stroked his hair, smiling.

The other hikaris had crawled to their Yamis as well, checking them over to make sure they were alright.

Pegasus lay flat on his back, totally insensate. He'd never used his Powers for anything like that before.

Shadi kept an eye on him, since no one else really wanted to.

Kaiba had released his magics and a thought crossed his mind. "Professor, might I suggest that you contact Pegasus' people on his behalf and arrange for some sort of security? Otherwise, this place is going to be invaded with people."

The Professor snapped himself out of his stupor at Kaiba's words. "Oh, my. Yes, you're right." He picked up his walkie-talkie and began issuing orders.

When he felt he could sit up again, Yami did so, and with Yugi's help, managed to stand. Leaning on his hikari, he looked around.

"Just needs a little spring cleaning now and it's good as new." He said, satisfied.

Kaiba stood by the stairs still, a considering look on his face. "I can handle that. Besides, you all did the hard part." He gave the room a softer, fond look. "It was once my home, after all."

Yami, who didn't think Kaiba was the sentimental sort, blinked as the High Priest closed his eyes, muttered an incantation under his breath, and raised one hand.

In a flash, the room gleamed, as if every surface had been scrubbed and polished.

"Wow." Bakura was looking around from Ryou's arms, impressed.

"Hey Marik! Think if we asked nice enough, Kaiba'd do that to our apartment?" Malik inquired.

Marik rolled his eyes.

Kaiba opened his eyes, glanced around, then dusted his hands off. "That's much better."

Yami and Yugi walked up to him. "Thank you, Seto. And the whole Palace is clean now?"

He nodded. "Yes."

Bakura got to his feet, pulling Ryou up with him. "I'd say our work is done here." He gazed wistfully at the throne. "Except for that."

Pegasus finally came to at that point. Shadi helped him to sit up and dusted him off a bit.

"Did it work?" He asked the Keeper.

"It did. Professor Hawkins is arranging for security, Pegasus. Perhaps you should lend him a hand?"

"Oh. Of course." He got to his feet and went over to the Professor to add his own commands to his people outside.

Ishizu smiled at Yugi and helped her Yami to stand. "I hope we have enough time to explore a bit. That is, if my Pharaoh doesn't mind?" She gave Yami a little bow.

He chuckled. "I don't mind. Do we have time, Kaiba?"

"We were supposed to go tour one of Cairo's museums this afternoon, but I think we'll just skip it. I'll call Mokuba and have him cancel for us. The rest of the group can have the afternoon to themselves to do what they like."

Yami nodded. He looked down at Yugi. "Shall I give you a personal tour, aibou?"

"Really?" Yugi grinned. //I'd particularly like to see the Royal bedroom, Yami.// He added, for Yami's 'ears' only. Yami's hand slid seductively up Yugi's arm, brushing the armband. //As you wish, my Light.// He linked their hands and led Yugi away.

Isis watched as Bakura tugged on Ryou, moving towards another exit. "Ryou, make sure he comes back with empty pockets. Got that Bakura? Remember Yami's warning!"

"Yeah, yeah. Come on hikari. Let's explore!" Ryou waved before being dragged off by his Yami.

Marik was eyeing Malik with a gleam his Light knew all too well. They waited until Isis and Ishizu wandered off before slipping away themselves.

//I say we find a guest room and make ourselves at home.// Marik said as they hurried through the halls.

//I'll go wherever you go, Marik.// Malik replied.

"Ah ha! Here we go." Marik pushed open a door and pulled a totally willing Malik inside.

The Dark blonde Egyptian made sure the door was locked, then pounced on his hikari. Their mouths attached to each other in a mad, passion-filled kiss. Tongues deftly maneuvered for position and hands wandered desperately, peeling off clothes and accessories and dropping them on the floor.

"Hmm. Marik." Malik sighed in rapture as Marik trailed rough kisses down his neck and over his shoulder. "You're so good at that."

"I just love to taste you, hikari. Right here, for example." Marik grinned and bit down on Malik's collarbone, a little roughly. Malik didn't notice though. He was too busy gasping in pleasure.

"Mine." Marik growled, and moved across Malik's chest to the other shoulder, where he once again bit Malik, this time drawing a little blood. "All mine."

"Oh yes." Malik moaned as his Yami licked at the bleeding bite mark. He trailed his hands over Marik's bare back, stroking down his spine and grinned at the shivers running through his Yami at his touch.

Marik quickly undid his pants and stepped out of them, Malik doing the same. Then they kissed again, rough, and both loving it. Malik's arms wrapped around Marik's shoulders and he pressed himself against his lover, begging silently for more. Marik obliged, picking him up and walking over to the bed before tossing him down.

Malik gazed up at him, heavy lidded, eyes filled with lust. "Come and play, Marik." He invited, crooking a finger at him.

"Oh I will." Marik promised, crawling with feline grace up the bed to straddle Malik and sit on his legs. He bent forward and brushed his mouth lightly over one of Malik's nipples, then flicked his tongue at it. Malik jerked and moaned, but when his hands came down to try and touch his Yami, he found them grasped firmly in one of Marik's hands and held tightly above his head.

"Uh, uh. I get to play first." Marik gave him a lustful smile, and kissed him gently. Malik wriggled impatiently.

Marik bent and continued playing with Malik's nipples, tweaking them with his fingers, biting and licking them just to hear Malik's moans of pleasure. He moved his hips sharply, rubbing their erections together, and Malik bowed off the bed, crying out.

//Marik ... want you ...//His lust filled mind managed to say. //Please Yami ...//

Marik's answer was another grinding of hips. //But I'm not done playing yet, hikari.// Malik cried out again. //Turn over onto your stomach, Malik.// Marik moved off him so he could obey, then straddled him again. He leaned over Malik, his erection nestling in the crease of Malik's ass, and nipped at Malik's ear. He slid his hands from Malik's hips up over his sides and traced circular patterns there. The body under him shivered. The bed muffled Malik's moans and his hands grabbed futilely at the mattress.

Marik moved his hips in a thrusting motion and Malik gave a hoarse shout. //Ra! Marik quit teasing me. I can't take much more.// Malik pleaded. //Fuck me, please!//

//All in good time, love.// Marik smirked at Malik's frustrated growl and began kissing wet patches down Malik's back, his tongue and fingers tracing the tattoos of the Pharaoh's secret as he went. Malik's back was extremely sensitive to those touches and he bucked under Marik's ministrations.

Marik licked a wet spot right at the base of Malik's spine, where it met his tailbone, then bit down, drawing blood again. Malik whimpered at the pleasure-pain. His Yami the proceeded to drop kisses over the mounds of his ass, spreading them gently apart with his hands.

//What are you ... Ah! Gods!// Malik yelled mentally and very vocally as he felt Marik's hot, wet tongue penetrate him.

//Hmm. Like that do you? I suppose it's a good thing we didn't come prepared.// Marik continued to lick at Malik's puckered entrance, the slicked his fingers with saliva and pressed two carefully inside.

Malik tried to buck his hips but Marik's weight kept him pinned. He could only yell, vocalizing his need. "More!" He demanded, panting. "Please ..."

Marik shivered and gasped as Malik lost all control and his side of their link came bursting open. He couldn't take anymore either and slid and arm under Malik's pelvis drawing him up to his knees. He positioned himself, and with one hard thrust, embedded himself in his hikari.

Malik screamed and collapsed onto his forearms, unable to hold himself up. //Yessss ...// He hissed as Marik began to move, thrusting hard. //Marik! Fuck me! Harder.//

Pretty soon Marik was pounding Malik into the mattress, their moans and cries mingling and filling the room. Then Marik changed the angle of his thrusts and Malik saw white. He came with a muffled scream of ecstasy into Marik's hand, which had been pumping his erection in time with Marik's thrusts.

Marik couldn't take the pleasure of Malik's muscles clamping around him and he, too, came, collapsing on top of Malik in pure bliss, still impaled deep with in his Light's gorgeous tanned body.

//Marik ... get off me ... need air ...// Malik managed. Marik pulled out with a grunt and rolled off, but in the wrong direction. He rolled right off the bed.

//Ah! Shit! That's cold!// Marik yelped. Malik dragged himself over to peek over the side at him, giggling. //Is it comfortable down there, Yami?//

Marik reached up and yanked Malik down on top of him. //Now it is.// He nuzzled Malik's neck below his ear, wrapping his arms around his hikari. //I could stay like this forever.// His voice was sated and content in Malik's mind.

Malik propped himself up with his hands on Marik's chest, staring into those icy lavender eyes so like his own. //Will we be together, Marik? Forever?//

//Of course, Malik.// Marik frowned at him. //Why wouldn't we be?//

Malik sighed. //I don't know. I guess ... I'm afraid to loose you, my Yami. I'm afraid someone will take you away from me, or you'll find someone better than I am and you'll leave me.// He buried his face in Marik's chest. //I couldn't bear it, Marik! I just couldn't.//

//Silly hikari.// Marik scolded. //I'm not going anywhere. And no one could take me from you for any reason. You're my Light, Malik. Mine.// He slid a hand through Malik's hair and Malik snuggled closer. //I love you, little Light. I know I don't say it much. But I do.// He felt tears on his bare skin. //No matter what, Malik.//

//I love you back, Marik. Mind, body, soul.// He felt Malik's lips brush his neck and shoulder. //And if I am yours, then you are mine.// He bit down and licked away the blood. //No matter what.//

Marik groaned then grinned.

//That's my hikari.//


Caitlin: There you have it folks! Marik and Malik *finally* got their lemon!

Kali: I think the whole title thing makes a bit more sense now.

Caitlin: Well, if anyone still doesn't get it, they can send me an email and I'll be happy to explain it to them.

Marik: Excuse us. We have to go ... somewhere. *grabs Malik and heads for the door*

Bakura: Just keep it down!

Ryou: Where do they find the energy?

Yami: We Egyptians are very sensual sexual creatures. We *always* have the energy for that.

Yugi: I noticed. *dryly*

Kali: R/R! No flames, please!