Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown at the moment ❯ Finding the Power ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

P-Y-G: I'm not going to talk too much this time, just say sorry for not updating soon. I also want to say thank you so much to Maven AKA Kishanta, please pretty please try to get the picture up soon. Let's start.

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Malat woke up in a cold dark room. She heard a slight drip drop drip of water in the room. `Where am I? Who kidnapped me?' she thought. She heard footsteps coming so she went back to the place she had woken up from and started to pretend to be asleep.

"She's still asleep that's good. Now place the boy in the cell next to her now," a cold harsh female voice said. "Yes ma'm," another male like voice, replied. "I must become ruler of the world and not let the prophecy come true," the female voice said. As soon as the two were gone Malat looked at the cell next to her and gasped.

It was … it was Malik! Malat saw that he was unconscious and was bleeding from his forehead. "No … it can't be … no … Malik," she stuttered as she whispered to herself. He opened his eyes and lifted his head. He looked into her deep sea green eyes as she looked into his pale violet eyes. "D-D-Don't worry a-a-a-bout m-m-me Malat," he told her, "I-I'll be fine now that I know you're safe." He fainted after he finished talking to her. `Who ever did this to us is going to pay, I mean it!' Malat shouted in her mind.

Meanwhile with Emily …

"You guys where is Malik?" Amber asked the gang. "I don't know, I couldn't contact him with my cell phone. What if he also got captured by the same people as Malat?" Tea said. Emily looked worried as she sensed for a trace of her friend's signature power energy. `Man, I can't sense Malat's Millennium Pendant's magic anymore. I'm worried about her,' Emily thought.

Yugi appeared next to Emily. "We should head to Kaiba Mansion, now Emily you six shall be safe there most likely," Yugi said. Emily looked down for a while and thought. "Yeah, I guess you're right, Yugi. Ok, let's head in for now guys," she said sounding a little depressed. Yugi wrapped his arm around her to comfort her.

When they arrived at the mansion Kaiba looked surprised. "Hey, didn't Emily call you and let you know we were coming?" Joey asked. "Uh-oh, opps, I forgot to call Kaiba," Emily said. A little raven-haired boy appeared downstairs. "Big brother who are those new people with Yugi and the gang," the boy asked.

"Mokuba, these people are some new friends, their names are Emily, Kaitlyn, Amber, Minna, and Kishanta. There is Malat, too, but we think she was kidnapped along with Malik," Yugi said. The girls bowed their heads when their name was spoken. Kishanta walked up to the others and said, "Well the rest of us best be going now, come on Bakura let's go now." The others said good-bye and left Yugi, Ryou, Yami, Emily, Kaitlyn, Amber, and Minna with Kaiba. "Uh, Seto please let us stay here with you because Malat's been kidnapped and well we need protection," Kaitlyn said, "Besides I don't want any more of us to get kidnapped, like Malat and Malik."

Kaiba thought about this and finally agreed to this on only one condition the girls' boyfriends had to stay. Yugi and Yami would share one room while Ryou got his own room. Amber and Minna shared a room while Kaitlyn and Emily shared a room.

"Man, this reminds of the hotel I had to stay in," Emily said as she entered a plain white room with two beds in it. It was like a normal room, but it had a large screen TV and a refrigerator.

"Looks like Seto likes spending his money to make room's luxurious," Kaitlyn stated. Emily smiled as she walked into a bathroom and changed her clothes into her pajamas. While was Emily changing, Kaitlyn changed and went to sleep.

With Malat …

"Malik, oh please, Malik wake up I need you," Malat sobbed. Suddenly the Millennium Pendant started to glow a soft gold color. The soft gold color soon surrounded Malik and all his wounds were healed. His eyes slowly opened as Malat sat in her cell her back against the wall, crying head down on the floor.

"Malat, what happened?" he asked her. She lifted her head surprised by his voice. She jumped up to see him alive, awake, and somehow healed. Malat's green eyes were filled with love for him.

"We both are, somehow, kidnapped. I heard two people talking earlier, but they didn't mention any names, so I guess we're stuck. Unless, I can use the powers of the Millennium Pendant, which is impossible because its powers haven't been released since Princess in ancient Arabia," she told him. He looked at her thinking, `Malat released the powers to save me I know it. Besides, I was extremely injured when I fought those guys in the black cloaks.

"Well, just try it Malat what's the use of trying," Malik said to her. "I can't because I tried to escape earlier. Malik, they've charmed mine with ancient Egyptian charms," she told him, "I can't leave until the charms fade." Tears came striding down her cheeks and her eyes soon went cold. She started to glow a faint green (heh, you thought it would be gold) her eyes, now, instead of being sea green, were blood red. The room was filled with the green light and a path to escape was found for both Malat and Malik.

Malat looked as if she was possessed, but he followed her through the paths. She stopped glowing and then fainted in his arms. The two were outside, but all alone and nowhere to go to.

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P-Y-G: So short, but I really want to put another chapter up so here you go.

Saoko: You're still a BAKA!