Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Vampires & Demons ❯ Hikaris found ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A small boy with long white hair and violet eyes sat in the corner of his bedroom and rocked back in forth as the massacre ended in front of him. A tear fell down his cheek and he put his head down to his knees.
“Ryou it is time. Come with us now.” A tall dark man stood with his hand out to the boy, he looked up with his light eyes and took hold of the man's hand. A dark smile formed on the mans face and wings of skin burst from his back.
“So they have found the reincarnation of their demon god Bakura. It seems we should find ours as well. Don't you think Mira?” a silver haired man held the face of a woman (it had been skinned from her face but it was her face you know?). He gave a corrupt chuckle and vanished.
“Yugi! Hey Yugi wait up!” a girl with short brown hair and a boy with odd blonde hair caught up to their friend
“Oh hey Tea, hey Jou” Yugi had spiked blonde hair and bright blue eyes. The 3 walked together to school laughing.
They sat in homeroom unaware of what was watching them.
“So this is what Bakstu wants to make our kind an evil god `eh Chase” a woman sat on a branch in a tree above the class window. Her long red hair spread down the tree. Next to her was a man both their faces shadowed.
“Guess so… he's supposed to be our god Yami, but I don't I mean he's kind of too innocent don't you think?”
“Either way we need ta hurry and get him before Bakstu skins our faces as well. I swear ever since Mira died he's gone more phsyco than before”
“Ya, common let's go” the 2 vanished into the shadows
“So Yugi how's your grandpa?” Jou asked as they walked home
“He's still ill so I won't be able to go to the movies tomorrow, sorry guys”
“It's ok Yugi, you want us to come over and help?” Tea asked
“Ok sure it'd be nice to have more company and help” Yugi smiled at his friends as they parted to their houses.
“Grandpa I'm home!” Yugi put his backpack in his room and walked to his grandpa's room. He looked inside and saw his grandfather on the ground holding his chest!
“Grandpa! Grandpa!”…
Tea and Jou ran into the hospital past a nurse telling them to slow down.
“Hey Yugi how is he?” Jou asked out of breath
“I don't know they haven't come out yet” Yugi looked down sadly
“Hey it'll be ok” Tea put a hand on Yugi's shoulder and smiled at him.
“Thanks guys”
“Excuse me, your grandfather will be alright he just had a minor heart attack. Here are some pills for him he should take them 2 times a week. Only family members can see him right now, and he can go home tomorrow.” The doctor gave Yugi the report
“Thank you doctor, hey guys I'll be right back” Yugi walked into the room his grandpa sat in.
“Y… Yugi… monsters they… came for y…” grandpa passed out and Yugi held his hand as he slept. Yugi left the room and went to Tea and Jou who were asleep on chairs in the waiting room.
“Oh hey Yugi” Tea woke up and smiled
“How is he?”
“He said something about monsters that came, but he's alright now”
“That's good”
“You 2 can go now I'm gonna stay here tonight”
“Are you sure?”
“Ok, see you tomorrow”
“Bye guys” Tea woke Jou and they left. Yugi pulled a chair up to grandpa's bed and fell asleep. He woke up in the middle of the night and looked out the window. The hospital was dark except for a few rooms with lights on, and ambulances bringing people in. The hall they were in was dead silent and darker than the sky. Yugi looked at the stars and saw something flash by.
“Whoa what was that?” he shrugged it off and sat back down next to his grandpa.
“Bakstu? Is that him?” a young girl with long gray hair and bright green eyes hovered in front of the window wearing a long red dress with white ruffles on the edges. A man with long silver hair and black eyes flew up and stood on the rims of the roof his large black wings sucking back into his back.
“Yes that is him, isn't that right Mira?” the man looked at the skinned off face of a woman. The girl looked at him oddly and closed her eyes. Slowly a red smoke like spiral formed around her. As it uncovered her body she had short blonde hair just above her shoulders. She wore a white nurse's dress and hat. Black wings unfolded form her back and she flew to the ground. She opened the doors and went to the elevator.
Yugi had just fallen asleep when there was a knock on the door. A nurse with short blonde hair walked in and smiled at Yugi.
“Hello young man, can you come with me for a second please?”
“Oh, um ok” he got up and followed her into the dark hall.
“Please sit down” she pulled him a chair. “Yugi you must listen to me very carefully ok, now look at my eyes and do not look away”
“Um ok but why?”
“Just do it” he looked into her eyes and heard her begin to say something in a sweet voice but a different language than he knew. Suddenly he felt as if he wasn't in control of his body and was almost as he was disappearing? He heard his grandpa fall on the ground and jumped up breaking the concentration between the nurse and he. He looked at her and she sat still staring as if she had been frozen… just like heh ad been…
Yugi ran into his grandpa's room and saw him lying on the ground and his hand out as if he was reaching for something. Yugi pressed a button to call another nurse and quickly 3 came in. A doctor was called in and Yugi was put out of the room. He looked at the nurse who was still sitting there her eyes dull as if she was not in her body or something? He tapped her shoulder and looked at her but nothing. Yugi looked into her eyes and said something that somehow he knew was “Awake,” the woman looked at him her eyes green again but her hair was long and gray. She stood and glanced at him with a not glare but not smile almost as if approving him or something? She walked away and even before she was lost in the shadows she disappeared like one! Yugi shook his head and a doctor came out to him.
“I'm sorry to have to inform you but… your grandfather is now dead. His heart completely stopped and his x-rays from before won't even show us his heart.” The man showed Yugi the pictures and grandpa's heart was not in there but the bones on his back and everything were there! It was like his grandpa had no heart!
“We'll call a taxi for you”
“T… thank you”
Yugi walked to school more confused than sad, he walked past Jou and Tea they seemed to think they understood and walked behind him. At the school he turned around to see Tea and Jou holding hands.
“Wow I never saw that coming ha, ha, ha”
“Oh! Yugi I um we…” they both blushed
“It's ok”
“Are you ok though? How's your grandpa?”
“Died last night, but I'm ok really. I'm calling a distant aunt today to go live with. She lives an hour away but we never talked to her”
“Oh man we won't be going to the same school”
“Ya, but I'll come visit. Now let's hurry or we'll be late”
“Milord Ryou” a room of demons bowed to the white haired boy as he sat confused on a large black throne made of skeletons. There were some demons that looked human with only pointed ears then some with red or black narrow eyes. Then there were some that had black or green skin no mouths and so on. Ryou sat in white pajamas he was pale as a vampire and had bright purple eyes.
“Milord it is time”
“For what? Where am I? Who are all of these people Jinsoku?” he looked up at a tall man with short brown hair and tan skin.
“These are the people you once ruled, this is your kingdom, these are your demon minions Lord Bakura” the man Jinsoku bowed, as he looked back up at Bakura, Jinsoku's eyes were black with red outline. Bakura's own eyes widened, he looked at all of the demons then back at Jinsoku.
“If you become our lord Bakura again, you will have all of the power in the world, and when you destroy Yami you will rule all.”
“I could kill the ones who hurt my family?”
“You could rip them from their souls then devour their flesh”
“Good, here are your new clothes my lord” a red demon handed Ryou a set of black cape, pants, black robe, and black gloves. He put them on and noticed a black pearl necklace.
“Jinsoku what is this?”
“When you put it on Bakura shall be released, please my lord put it on and never take it off” Ryou put the necklace over his head and placed it around his neck. Jinsoku smiled and Ryou felt as if he was burning from the inside. He fell to the ground clutching his stomach. As he stood up his hair was spiked out more his eyes narrow he looked the same but… darker.
“Finally I am alive once more”
“Lord Bakura”
“Jinsoku, you're still alive I see”
“Yes I found you and put on the necklace”
“Well then it seems your job is done then”
“M… My lord!” Bakura took his fist and punched Jinsoku right through his gut. He pulled his hand out and let the blood flow. Jinsoku's body was thrown down to the other demons who fought over it. (You know they ate it).
“Bakstu that… that boy, even though he did not truly have Yami's powers he… he froze me to go to the old man”
“Oh yes I ate the mans heart when we first visited him”
“What” the young girl's eyes widened in shock “The… the old man was just a doll a lifeless doll you used to get the boy here? But why? When he finds out he will kill you and if he is Yami it will be even easier for him to put you through eternal hell”
“Yes I know and hten maybe I can be with my sweet Mira” (he's got one of those dramatic sad looks on his face as he looks at the skinned off face of the woman)
“You are a twisted man, but we have found him. we have found our vampire lord, Yami”